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Ultrasound-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Background. Peripheral nerve blocks are almost always performedas blind procedures. The purpose of this study was to test thefeasibility of seeing individual nerves of the brachial plexusand directing the block needle to these nerves with real timeimaging. Methods. Using ultrasound guidance, infraclavicular brachialplexus block was performed in 126 patients. Important aspectsof this standardized technique included (i) imaging the axillaryartery and the three cords of the brachial plexus posteriorto the pectoralis minor muscle, (ii) marking the position ofthe ultrasound probe before introducing a Tuohy needle, (iii)maintaining the image of the entire length of the needle atall times during its advancement, (iv) depositing local anaestheticaround each of the three cords and (v) placing a catheter anteriorto the posterior cord when indicated. Results. In 114 (90.4%) patients, an excellent block permittedsurgery without a need for any supplemental anaesthetic or conversionto general anaesthesia. In nine (7.2%) patients local or perineuraladministration of local anaesthetic, and in three (2.4%) conversionto general anaesthesia, was required. Mean times to administerthe block, onset of block and complete block were 10.0 (SD 4.4),3.0 (1.3) and 6.7 (3.2) min, respectively. Mean lidocaine dosewas 695 (107) mg. In one patient, vascular puncture occurred.In 53 (42.6%) patients, an indwelling catheter was placed, butonly three required repeat injections, which successfully prolongedthe block. Conclusion. The use of ultrasound appears to permit accuratedeposition of the local anaesthetic perineurally, and has thepotential to improve the success and decrease the complicationsof infraclavicular brachial plexus block. Br J Anaesth 2002; 89: 254–9  相似文献   

Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In this study, we evaluated state-of-the-art ultrasound technology for supraclavicular brachial plexus blocks in 40 outpatients. Ultrasound imaging was used to identify the brachial plexus before the block, guide the block needle to reach target nerves, and visualize the pattern of local anesthetic spread. Needle position was further confirmed by nerve stimulation before injection. The block technique we describe aligned the needle path with the ultrasound beam. The block was successful after one attempt in 95% of the cases, with one failure attributable to subcutaneous injection and one to partial intravascular injection. Pneumothorax did not occur. Our preliminary data suggest that a high-resolution ultrasound probe can reliably identify the brachial plexus and its neighboring structures in the supraclavicular region. The technique of real-time guidance during needle advancement can quickly localize nerves. Distinct patterns of local anesthetic spread observed on ultrasound can further confirm accurate needle location. IMPLICATIONS: Real-time ultrasound imaging during supraclavicular brachial plexus blocks can facilitate nerve localization and needle placement and examine the pattern of local anesthetic spread.  相似文献   

超声引导下小儿肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨超声引导下小儿肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞的可行性和安全性.方法 36例拟行肱骨髁部骨折切开复位内固定术患儿,应用高频超声探头扫描肌间沟内臂丛神经的分布,测量神经干的直径和距离皮肤的深度,在超声引导下以0.25%布比卡因行肌间沟臂丛阻滞.结果 超声扫描36例小儿肌间沟内臂丛神经均清晰显示,超声引导下以0.25%布比卡因行肌间沟臂丛阻滞麻醉有效率达100%.结论 超声引导下小儿肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞安全可行.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声引导下肌间沟联合腋路臂丛神经阻滞麻醉的效果与安全性。方法随机将48例拟在超声引导下行臂丛麻醉的上肢手术患者分为2组,各24例。M组使用0.5%的罗哌卡因30 m L行单纯肌间沟臂丛阻滞;U组各使用0.5%的罗哌卡因15 mL行肌间沟联合腋路臂丛阻滞。行腋路臂丛阻滞时,各用5 mL局麻药依次注射在尺神经、正中神经和桡神经周围。记录2组神经阻滞操作时间,评估2组主要神经的痛觉阻滞情况、运动阻滞程度。评价麻醉效果,记录操作相关并发症。结果注药30 min后,U组正中神经、尺神经完全阻滞例数显著多于M组,2、3、4、5级运动阻滞程度均显著高于M组,麻醉效果优良率(100%)显著高于M组(75.0%),差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。M组发生Horner综合征2例、声音嘶哑1例,U组未发生相关并发症。结论超声引导下肌间沟联合腋路臂丛神经阻滞麻醉用于上肢手术,安全可行,麻醉效果良好。  相似文献   

上肢手术病人超声引导锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞的效果   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的探讨上肢手术病人超声引导锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞的效果。方法拟在锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞下行上肢手术病人120例,ASA Ⅰ-Ⅲ级,随机分为3组(n=40):超声引导组(U组)、神经刺激器组(N组)、传统方法组(T组)。局麻药为0.75%罗哌卡因与2%利多卡因等容量混合液,剂量为0.4ml·kg-1。记录肌皮神经、桡神经、正中神经、尺神经阻滞的起效时间,并评价其阻滞完善率; 评定手术全程的麻醉效果(优、良、差),记录并发症。结果 U组4根神经阻滞完善率均接近100% (P>0.05),N组和T组尺神经的阻滞完善率均低于肌皮神经和桡神经(P<0.05)。与T组比较,U 组和N组正中神经阻滞完善率均较高,麻醉优良率较高,起效时间均较短(P<0.05或0.01)。与N组比较,U组尺神经阻滞完善率和麻醉优等率较高,起效时间较短(P<0.01)。T组穿刺过程中有3例误入血管,3组均无严重并发症。结论上肢手术病人超声引导锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞较神经刺激器辅助和传统方法下的阻滞效果更好,起效时间更短,在临床上具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

实时B超定位垂直锁骨下喙突入路臂丛阻滞麻醉   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的介绍在超声定位下行锁骨下喙突入路臂丛麻醉的安全性和阻滞范围。方法对40例手术的患者,应用B超在患侧喙突内下处探到腋动脉第2段,将超声探头置于腋动脉的正上方(前胸壁的点),测量该点与喙突的距离、腋动脉的深度及其同胸膜的位置关系。其中20例上肢手术患者在B超引导下进行锁骨下臂丛神经阻滞。结果B超不能清楚地显示锁骨下臂丛的结构,但选择喙突内下2cm作为锁骨下臂丛阻滞的穿刺点是合理的。在该点腋动脉第2段的深度,左侧是2.84cm,右侧是2.78cm。穿刺点到胸膜的水平距离,左侧为8.1mm,右侧为7.7mm。腋动脉的深度和穿刺点到胸膜的距离均同病人的体重呈正相关。20例B超实时定位下行锁骨下臂丛神经阻滞的麻醉效果达95%,臂丛发出7根神经的阻滞率为40%,但其中5根神经(肌皮、正中、尺、桡、前臂内侧皮神经)的阻滞率为85%。结论在B超定位的帮助下,锁骨下入路臂丛阻滞麻醉可以达到上肢广泛区域的阻滞并可避免气胸的并发症。  相似文献   



Conduction block of the brachial plexus block at the humeral canal, as described by Dupre, has certain clinical indications. The aim of this preliminary study was to assess the feasibility of this technique under ultrasound guidance.


After ultrasound evaluation of the brachial plexus at the humeral canal in 61 adult volunteers, we performed ultrasound-guided blocks in another 20 adult patients. A linear 38 mm probe, 13–6 MHz, and a 50-mm insulated block needle were used to guide injection of lidocaine 1.5% with epinephrine.


Ulnar and median nerves are superficial and located at similar depths. Ultrasound imaging showed the musculocutaneous nerve to be located dorsally. The radial nerve is dorsal to the plane of the musculocutaneous nerve. Relative to the brachial artery, the median nerve is situated between 12 and 1 o’clock in 66% of the cases. Relative to the basilic vein, the ulnar nerve is situated at 3 o’clock in 46% of the cases. The evaluated block sequence was radial, ulnar, musculocutaneous and median nerve; two points of puncture were mandatory, and 6.85 ± 0.37 min were required to perform the blocks. Sensory onset times were similar for the four nerves. Injectate volume was lower for the musculocutaneous nerve compared to other nerves (P < 0.05). All 20 patients experienced complete sensory and motor blocks.


We describe an approach to, and the feasibility of ultrasound-guided block of the brachial plexus at the humeral canal. Further study will be required to establish the effectiveness and the safety of this technique.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Glomangiomas are rare, vascular tumors consisting of an afferent artery, arteriovenous canal, neuro-reticular elements, collagen, and efferent veins, and are most often located in the soft tissue of the upper extremities. We describe how the use of ultrasound-guided nerve blockade altered the anesthetic management of a patient with multiple glomangiomatosis undergoing elective forearm surgery. ULTRASOUND FINDINGS: A 32-year-old man was scheduled for excision of painful glomangiomas from the ulnar aspect of his right wrist, with exploration of his ulnar nerve. The anesthetic concerns included (1) morbid obesity, (2) chronic pain syndrome and opioid intolerance, (3) a potentially difficult airway, and (4) obstructive sleep apnea. Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular blockade was the proposed anesthetic of choice. Ultrasound scan of the supraclavicular fossa revealed numerous vascular lesions surrounding the divisions of the brachial plexus. Color Doppler imaging confirmed these pulsatile lesions to be vascular in origin. Even under two-dimensional ultrasound guidance, we believed that the risk of vascular puncture and unintentional intravascular injection of local anesthetic was high, and therefore we abandoned the supraclavicular approach. A successful ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus blockade was performed uneventfully. CONCLUSIONS: Although multiple glomangiomatosis is a rare disease, this case illustrates the invaluable contribution that ultrasound has made to modern, regional anesthetic practice, especially for patients with aberrant anatomy in whom traditional nerve-localization techniques could result in serious complications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Infraclavicular brachial plexus block has been used less than other approaches because of its less uniform landmarks and the necessity of a longer needle, which increases the patient's discomfort. To overcome these drawbacks, we applied ultrasound guidance to infraclavicular approach and prospectively evaluated its feasibility and usefulness in 60 patients undergoing upper extremity surgery. METHODS: A 7.0-MHz ultrasound probe was placed near the lower edge of the clavicle, and a transverse view of the subclavian artery and vein was visualized. Using a needle guide, a 23-gauge needle was advanced under real-time ultrasound guidance, and 1.5% lidocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine was injected near the subclavian artery, 15 mm medially and 15 mm laterally to the artery. The extent of sensory and motor block was evaluated at 30 minutes after the injection. RESULTS: An adequate ultrasound image was obtained for all the patients. In 57 patients (95%), surgery was performed without supplementation of any other anesthetics or analgesics. The complete sensory block was obtained in 100% of patients for the musculocutaneous and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerves, 96.7% for the median nerve, and 95% for the ulnar and radial nerves. The complete motor block was achieved in 100% of patients for the musculocutaneous nerve, 96.7% for the median nerve, 90% for the ulnar nerve, and 93.3% for the radial nerve. No evidence of any complications was identified. CONCLUSIONS: Real-time ultrasound guidance facilitates accurate infraclavicular approach to the brachial plexus. It could be used as an alternative to the landmark-guided techniques.  相似文献   

BackgroundMost patients with chronic renal failure suffer from complications that make brachial plexus block a good choice for providing anesthesia. The use of ultrasonography increases the success rate and decreases complications. We compared the efficacy of ultrasound-guided supraclavicular and infraclavicular brachial plexus block in providing anesthesia for creation of arteriovenous fistula.Patients and methodsSixty adult patients with chronic renal failure, scheduled for creation of arteriovenous fistula of the distal upper extremity were randomly divided into two equal groups: Supra G (n = 30): ultrasonic guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block was given and Infra G (n = 30): ultrasonic guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block was given. For both groups we used 20–25 cm 1:1 volumes of 0.5% bupivacaine and 2% lidocaine. The measured parameters were block performance time and related pain, the degree and duration of sensory and motor block, patient discomfort, first call for analgesics, complications and the patient’s satisfaction.ResultsThere was no statistically significant difference between both groups as regard the block performance time, the block related pain, the degree of sensory and motor block in the areas supplied by the median, radial and musculocutaneous nerves at 10, 20 and 30 min. There was no statistically significant difference as regard the sensory block grade in the area supplied by the ulnar nerve at 10 min, but it was significantly higher in the Supra G than Infra G at 20 and 30 min. No statistically significant difference as regard the motor block grade in the area supplied by the ulnar nerve, the block duration, first call for analgesia, complications and patients’ satisfaction.ConclusionBoth approaches can provide satisfactory sensory and motor block, very good analgesia that extends for a long time postoperatively in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing creation of arteriovenous fistula.  相似文献   

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