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目的 提高缺血性结肠炎(IC)和与溃疡性结肠炎(UC)诊断的正确率.方法 选择2008年1月至2011年6月的住院患者,确诊IC 43例,UC 36例,对其临床特征、内镜特点进行回顾性比较分析.结果 组间性别、年龄、病程和基础疾病比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而主要临床表现比较,差异无统计学意义.IC组以老年女性多见,病程短,多伴发心脑血管等基础疾病(29/43,67.0%).IC组C反应蛋白高于UC组,血小板低于UC组(P<0.05).IC多累及乙状结肠,直肠少见;病变为区域局限性,溃疡为纵形或不规则形,病灶愈合迅速,病理以黏膜炎症为主.UC组病变多起源于直肠,一般累及肠壁全周,病变为倒灌连续性,以散在针尖样地图状溃疡为主,病理表现为隐窝炎和脓肿.结论 年龄、病程、基础疾病、C反应蛋白、内镜及病理特征是鉴别诊断的要点.  相似文献   

溃疡性结肠炎与感染性结肠炎临床和病理比较分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 比较溃疡性结肠炎 (UC)与感染性结肠炎 (IC)临床表现、内镜及组织学特点等方面的不同。方法 复习 1996~ 2 0 0 1年我院住院的 12 7例UC和 14 3例IC患者的临床资料 ,比较两组患者的临床表现及常规实验室检查指标 ;盲法比较其中 46例UC和 42例IC患者内镜及组织学表现。结果 两组患者的病程、起病方式、有无血便、诱因、腹痛、恶心呕吐、发热等比较差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 0 1)。血白细胞计数及血色素比较差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 0 1)。内镜表现中提示UC的指标为弥漫性分布、粗糙颗粒变、自发性出血、袋囊变浅、肠管短缩及息肉。提示IC的指标为病变呈灶性分布。组织学表现中弥漫性混合性或慢性固有层炎症、隐窝扭曲与分叉、隐窝萎缩、绒毛状表面、基底浆细胞增多有助于UC的诊断。结论 结肠镜及粘膜活检有助于UC和IC的诊断  相似文献   

缺血性结肠炎与溃疡性结肠炎的对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究缺血性结肠炎(ischemic colitis,IC)与溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)临床及组织病理学的差异,有助两者的鉴别诊断,利于临床治疗.方法:收集20例IC和30例UC患者,对其临床及组织病理学等资料进行对比分析.结果:IC组发病时间[(5±7)d]明显较UC组发病时间[(953±1354)d]短.IC组中65%的患者伴有高血压、冠状动脉性心脏病、心房颤动、房性早搏、腹部手术史等疾病史中的一项或几项,明显高于UC组的20%;IC组以急性发病、腹痛(85%)、血便(60%)及腹泻(50%)多见,而UC且以腹痛(83%)、腹泻(63%)、黏液脓血便(57%)及里急后重(20%)为主要临床表现;在内镜表现方面,IC多以沿肠系膜侧分布的纵形溃疡为主(60%),且病变多仅累及肠腔的1/4~1/2周(80%),呈节段性分布(60%),与邻近正常黏膜分界清楚(75%),而UC则以弥漫性地图状溃疡为主(43%),病变多累及肠腔全周(90%),炎性息肉明显多见(37%).在组织病理学方面,血管扩张充血(90%)、间质严重水肿(95%)在IC中多见,血管壁增厚(50%)是其特征性表现,隐窝脓肿(47%)则在UC中多见.两组以上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:组织病理学特点、肠镜下表现以及患者临床特征的差异,为IC和UC的鉴别提供了有力依据.  相似文献   

缺血性结肠炎与溃疡性结肠炎的临床鉴别诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景:缺血性结肠炎(IC)与溃疡性结肠炎(UC,左半结肠型)在临床和内镜表现上有一定相似之处,对于临床表现不典型者,初步诊断颇具难度。目的:分析IC与UC的临i床鉴别诊断要点。方法:收集武汉大学中南医院2008年1月~2009年12月确诊为IC或UC左半结肠炎的住院患者,对其病史资料进行回顾性分析。结果:21例IC和25例UC患者纳入研究。IC患者以老年女性居多,病程相对较短,常伴有高血压和糖尿病,最突出的临床表现为突发腹痛后24 h内出现便血,贫血少见;UC患者的主要临床表现为黏液血便伴腹痛,贫血常见。IC病变多仅累及单一肠段,直肠受累少见,溃疡小而表浅,病理学表现为慢性炎,隐窝炎罕见;UC病变多起源于直肠,呈连续性,溃疡弥漫,病理学表现为慢性炎伴多种炎性细胞浸润,隐窝炎、隐窝脓肿常见。结论:根据性别、年龄、病程以及临床、实验室、内镜和病理检查结果进行综合分析,有助于IC与U C的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

目的:比较溃疡性结肠炎(UC)与感染性结肠炎(IC)在临床、内镜及组织学等方面的不同,为鉴别UC和IC提供量化的综合鉴别指标,建立积分标准。方法:将1996-2001年在四川大学华西医院住院诊断明确的127例UC和143例IC患者作为研究对象,建立鉴别UC与IC的积分系统。结果:临床积分标准(包括实验室检查)ROC曲线下面积0.990,Youden指数0.903,敏感性为94.5%,特异性为95.8%。组织学表现积分各值分别为0.978、0.864、93.5%和92.9%。临床和内镜综合积分各值分别为0.997、0.954、97.8%、和97.6%。临床、内镜及组织学综合积分各值分别为0.999、0.976、100%和97.6%。结论:通过量化UC和IC临床表现、实验室检查、内镜、组织学等各项有鉴别意义的指标而建立的UC积分诊断标准具有良好的诊断价值。  相似文献   

2000年成都会议修订了溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)的诊断标准(下称"标准"),但临床诊断仍较困难.根据标准,诊断UC首先须排除感染性结肠炎(infectious colitis,IC),但由于粪便培养阳性率较低[1],且IC的临床及镜下表现与UC有类似之处,故临床上两者容易混淆.  相似文献   

未确定型结肠炎   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
克罗恩病(CD)和溃疡性结肠炎(UC)的诊断依据的是临床、影像学、内镜表现及组织学特点等综合指标。由于缺乏一个可资鉴别的金标准,对于一些早期不典型的及具有二者重叠特征的炎症性肠病(IBD),无论从临床上还是病理学方面都很难作出准确的判断。因此人们引用了未确定型结肠炎(indeterminate colitis,IC)来表述这一类病例。  相似文献   

527例溃疡性结肠炎临床与病理分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的 评价临床、内镜及活检三者在溃疡性结肠炎(UC)诊断中的作用。方法 总结我院10年间经肠镜诊断为UC的病例,分析其临床、内镜表现及部分活检资料。结果 527例确诊为UC,其中误诊34例,结肠镜诊断正确率为93.9%。UC临床主要表现为腹泻(88%)、粘液脓血便(52%)。结肠镜表现以粘膜充血水肿(94%)、糜烂溃疡(75%)最多见,病变部位以直、乙结肠为主(51%),呈弥漫性、连续性分布。活检特征性表现为炎症程度重(49%),固有层弥漫性混合性炎细胞浸润(76%)、杯状细胞减少(71%)、隐窝扭曲(63%)、萎缩(47%)、隐窝炎(45%)、隐窝脓肿(36%)及绒毛状表面(39%)。结论 UC的诊断应强调临床、内镜及活检相结合。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中性粒细胞与白蛋白比值(NAR)在溃疡性结肠炎(UC)活动判断中的临床价值。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月~2019年12月我科收治的UC患者(UC组)86例及同期健康体检者(对照组)100例。根据Mayo内镜评分,将UC组患者分为3分组(40例)和<3分组(46例);再根据改良Mayo评分系统,将UC组患者分为中重度组(54例)和非中重度组(13例)。收集所有受试者一般临床资料(性别、年龄、病变范围、Mayo内镜评分及改良Mayo评分结果)、入院后首次实验室检查结果[中性粒细胞计数、白蛋白(Alb)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、红细胞沉降率(ESR)]及NAR并分组进行比较。采用Spearman相关分析评估NAR与临床指标的相关性;采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评估NAR对UC及其疾病活动度的诊断效能。结果 UC组患者中性粒细胞计数及NAR均显著高于对照组,Alb水平显著低于对照组(P<0.01)。内镜表现3分组患者NAR高于<3分组(P<0.05);临床活动中重度组患者NAR高于非中重度组(P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析结果显示,NAR对UC及中...  相似文献   

溃疡性结肠炎与感染性结肠炎内镜及病理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
溃疡性结肠炎(UC)在临床上已成为消化科常见病和慢性腹泻的主要病因,感染性结肠炎(IC)能获得病原菌的阳性率约占0.8%。两者相互误诊较常见,前者多反复发作,后者可治愈,鉴别两者至关重要。本研究主要比较两者内镜及组织病理学的差异。  相似文献   

目的对比分析缺血性结肠炎及溃疡性结肠炎临床特点与组织病理学的差异,为临床鉴别诊断提供依据。方法收集广西医科大学第一附属医院2010~2013年20例缺血性结肠炎及30例溃疡性结肠炎患者性别、病程、年龄、基础疾病史、临床表现,肠镜结果及病理特点等资料,并进行对比分析。结果缺血性结肠炎发病以60岁以上老年人为主,起病急,病程短,多伴有高血压、糖尿病等基础疾病,溃疡性结肠炎以中青年患者为主,病程长,伴随基础疾病较少见,前者临床表现以腹胀、呕吐多见,后者以黏液血便及里急后重症状较多见。缺血性结肠炎肠镜下病变较少累及直肠,多出现黏膜水肿,溃疡多呈纵行,溃疡性结肠炎常累及直肠,常合并炎性假息肉,溃疡以地图状为主,病变部位呈连续性。病理上,缺血性结肠炎以血管扩张充血、间质水肿及血管壁增厚多见,而炎性细胞浸润及隐窝脓肿较少见。结论结合年龄、既往病史、临床症状及内镜、组织病理学检查结果,有助于缺血性结肠炎与溃疡性结肠炎的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

Background: The incidence of ulcerative colitis (UC) has been difficult to interpret because prospective studies have only been performed during the past 3 decades. Geographic variations may therefore be due to differences in study design. Method: From 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1993 all new cases of UC in four counties in southeastern Norway were prospectively registered. Cases diagnosed as indeterminate colitis (IND) when endoscopy and histopathology were inconclusive or diverged with regard to diagnosis of UC or Crohn's disease (CD) were also included in the study. Results: A total of 525 cases of UC and 93 cases of IND yielded an mean annual incidence of 13.6/105 and 2.4/105, respectively. There were differences in incidence between counties, and a peak of 21.5/105 in the annual incidence was found for the age group 25 to 34 years in UC. The distribution was about equal for each of the groups proctitis and left-sided and extensive colitis. The time interval from onset of symptoms to diagnosis was 4 months. Conclusion: In this study one of the highest incidences of UC in the world has been found. The classification ‘indeterminate colitis' seems reasonable to use in some of the cases to prevent misclassification at the initial stage of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Background.Although an accurate diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and differentiation between ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) can be made in most patients, it is sometimes impossible to distinguish UC from CD even after thorough pathological study. Recently, clinicians have used the term indeterminate colitis (IC) for patients with features of both diseases that overlap temporarily or persistently. The frequency, reasons, and outcome of patients with a clinical diagnosis of IC based on radiological, endoscopic, and histopathological findings were investigated retrospectively. Methods. Based on records of 735 patients with IBD, IC was defined as having features of both UC and CD, with differentiation from each other impossible at least once during the observation period (average 6.8 years) based on diagnostic criteria using endoscopic, radiological, and histological findings. Results. Twenty-three patients were identified as having IC. They were classified into three patterns according to the clinical cource and the final diagnosis: (1) UC changing to CD (n = 8); (2) CD changing to UC (n = 5); and (3) UC or CD (n = 10). The frequency of IC was 24.5%–43.4% of colitis-type CD (n = 53), 2.3%–6.5% of all CD (n = 352), and 3.1% of IBD (n = 735). The reasons for the indetermination were temporary (56.5%) or persistent (43.5%) overlapping of UC-like and CD-like presentations. Treatment of IC was inappropriate in only two patients, and the prognoses of all patients except one were fairly good. Conclusions. Overlapping of UC-like presentations (persistent bloody stool and diffuse colitis) was frequently observed with Crohn's colitis but less so in CD patients during their clinical course. The basis of differentiation and treatment of IC needs more attention.  相似文献   

Indeterminate colitis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A diagnosis of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) is based on a combination of clinical, histologic, endoscopic, and radiologic data. The distinction between UC and CD can be difficult because of the lack of a differentiating single gold standard. Indeterminate colitis (IC) was introduced by pathologists for the diagnosis of surgical colectomy specimens showing an overlap between the features of UC and CD. The diagnosis of IC was based on macroscopic and microscopic features. The term indeterminate colitis is in recent years more widely applied to include all cases with endoscopic, radiographic, and histologic evidence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease confined to the colon, but without fulfilment of diagnostic criteria for UC and CD. As for UC and CD, the diagnosis of IC has therefore become a clinicopathologic diagnosis. IC is generally considered to be a temporary diagnosis. The clinical characteristics of patients with IC are, however, somewhat different from the characteristics of those with UC. Furthermore, serologic markers such as perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which are strongly linked with UC and CD, are both negative in a subset of patients with IC. Therefore, the possibility that IC could be a separate entity must be investigated.  相似文献   

缺血性结肠炎的内镜及临床特点   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36  
目的 总结缺血性结肠炎的内镜及临床特点。探讨其早期诊断方法。方法 收集分析1975年6月至2000年12月经结肠镜发现,病理确诊的36例缺血性结肠炎的相关资料。所有病例均在腹痛等症状出现后5d内行全结肠内镜及病理检查,并于首次检测后2周至2个月内复查大肠镜,部分病例取病变黏膜活检,观察其内镜下表现及临床病理特点。结果 经结肠镜检查确诊的36例缺血性结肠炎患者,男12例,女24例,年龄为35-84岁,平均年龄为60.5岁,其中50岁以上31例,临床主要表现为腹痛,血便及腹泻等,病变多数位于左半结肠。一过性炎症型者30例,狭窄型5例,仅有1例坏疽型,病理学表现无特异性,结论 早期行结肠镜检查是诊断缺血性结肠炎的主要方法。  相似文献   

Background: Ischemic colitis (IC) is generally considered a disease of elderly patients who have associated diseases. The aim of the present study was to reevaluate the clinical features of IC. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical characteristics, background, and endoscopic and histologic changes in 68 consecutive patients (16 men and 52 women) with this disease diagnosed by early colonoscopy. Results: The patients' age ranged from 22 to 98 years (mean, 55 years). Twenty-three patients (34%, including 19 women) were less than 50 years of age. The classical predisposing factors were not discernible in patients younger than 50. Chronic constipation and prior history of abdominal surgery were common in both young and old patients. Early colonoscopy (especially by the 3rd day from onset) showed endoscopic and histologic findings consistent with the characteristics of IC. Conclusions: IC is not limited only to the elderly, and it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of colitis with melena in younger patients, especially females, who do not have any predisposing factors. Chronic constipation and prior history of abdominal surgery were commonly associated in both young and old patients. Early colonoscopy, especially by the 3rd day from the clinical onset, is essential for the accurate diagnosis of IC.  相似文献   

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