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要做好学校安全管理工作,必须做到领导重视、全员认识,提高全民参与安全管理的意识。具体做法是加强安全组织领导,明确安全工作职责;积极探索安全监督管理模式。全面提升安全生产管理水平;抓紧“六化”安全管理。提升全员安全意识;采取多种形式的安全教育。提高师生员工的安全素质。通过加强安全管理。确保全体师生员工有一个良好的工作、学习和生活环境。  相似文献   

To help reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by vehicle accidents on Canadian roads, the CMA has for several years made recommendations on a wide range of vehicle safety standards. Since the 1960s the association has urged the provinces to enact mandatory seatbelt legislation, although it was not until 1976 that the first two provinces (Ontario and Quebec) did so. The CMA believes that the nonuse of restraint systems should be considered contributory negligence in the event of an accident producing injury to vehicle occupants. It has urged governments to approve and promote appropriate child restraint systems and to require the legislated provision of suitable and standardized tether anchorage. To increase the conspicuousness of motor vehicles the association has advocated the introduction of daytime running lights in all new vehicles. In 1965 the CMA recommended that motorcyclists wear approved helmets; indeed, it believes that there is no medical reason that would justify exemption from wearing a helmet. The CMA has also made several recommendations on safety standards for mopeds, all-terrain vehicles, minivans and light trucks and has encouraged its provincial divisions to form highway safety committees. As well as recognizing the importance of appropriate and enforced vehicle safety standards in reducing the rates of death and injury, the CMA has recommended and supported legislation aimed at decreasing the incidence of drinking and driving (Can Med Assoc J 1985; 133:806A).  相似文献   

L A Sagan 《JAMA》1973,224(8):1187-1188

Ruck B  Marcus S  Kashani J  Vassilev Z 《JAMA》2006,296(13):1590

编辑:Eaton的研究(见BMJ2004;329:1124)认为我们需要更多的药物监督机制,以保护公众的健康。所有的药物都是有风险的,其中有些可能有用。如果药物的疗效很容易显现出来,那么其安全性(低风险)必然无法证实:缺乏风险论证不代表没有风险。评价药物风险和受益是卫生政策和观念要解决的问题:正如死于心肌梗死与结肠癌哪个更好一点?然而患者的观点很少被关注。绝大多数药物不良反应是关于那些药理学性质已经被大家所认识的老药及其相互作用的。  相似文献   

护理安全委员会在护理安全管理中的实践与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨如何通过具体实践实现护理安全的有效管理。方法:通过护理安全委员会的纽带和平台作用,健全和完善护理管理制度;加强安全预测管理;分析护理风险的高危因素;合理配置人力资源,缓解护士身心压力;重视护理人员的安全教育和业务培训。结果:护士的法律意识、责任意识、安全管理意识、风险防范意识不断增强;护士的业务能力和自身素质有了很大提高;护理缺陷得到有效控制;患者满意率达97%以上,减少了护理纠纷。结论:实施护理安全管理的措施,是保障患者医疗护理安全持续发展行之有效的方法,提高了护理质量。  相似文献   

JCI患者安全策略及其对医疗实践的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
朱君亚  王华  郑洁  沈霞  向清 《中国医院》2006,10(4):11-13
介绍了医疗机构评审联合委员会国际部(JCI)在保障患者安全方面的方法与策略。指出在医疗实践过程中,应健全意外事件报告体系,营造患者安全的组织文化;设立患者安全委员会及相关机制;加强员工培训,提高安全意识;制定和执行保证患者安全的制度和操作规范;持续地测量和改进流程的绩效。  相似文献   

目的进一步提高学校食堂安全管理水平,最大限度地减少学校食源性疾患发生。方法运用行为安全管理理论,根据学校食堂安全管理的特点确定10个关键环节的风险行为监控点,对风险行为进行ABC分析(A-行为前因,B-行为本身,C-行为后果),并有针对性地实施安全行为干预。结果学校食堂推行行为安全管理模式后,从业人员卫生知识考试合格率、原料采购索证索票率、各环节卫生监测合格率均较推行前显著提高(P0.01)。结论将行为安全管理模式引入学校食堂安全管理,可以提高食品安全管理水平,值得广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

护理安全是指患者在接受护理的全过程中,发生法律和法定的规章制度允许范围以外的心理、机体结构或功能上的损害、障碍、缺陷或死亡[1]。安全管理是指为保证患者的身心健康,对各种不安全因素进行的有效控制。安全管理是保障患者生命安全的必备条件、是减少护理质量缺陷、提高护理水平的关键环节,  相似文献   

目的:探讨患者接受MRI检查时的安全隐患,使患者得到安全有效的检查。方法:分析、总结了MRI设备的使用过程中的管理方法。结果:通过严格的管理和规范的制度,患者可得到安全有效的检查。结论:患者在影像检查时通过规范化管理,采取有效的安全防护措施,可以预防意外、差错发生。  相似文献   



In 2008, the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended practices to ensure the safety of patients worldwide. This led to the development of the Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC). Ireland has endorsed the SSC (www.hiqa.ie/press-release/2008-06-17-health-information-and-quality-authority-launches-world-health-organization, 10).


We aimed to determine (i) whether SSC is being implemented, (ii) whether it promotes a safer surgical environment and (iii) identify problems associated with its introduction and on-going implementation.


All hospitals in Ireland with operating departments (n = 61) were invited to participate in an online survey.


The response rate was 67 %. The WHO SSC or modified version is in place in 78 % (mean time: 20 months) of operating departments that responded. Partaking in Time Out as a team was reported as occurring in 57 % of cases. Greater than 60 % of respondents reported that the SSC was difficult to introduce and implement and that its introduction was time consuming. Further training in using the SSC was reported as desirable by 84 % of respondents. The introduction of the SSC was reported to be associated with an improvement in team communication (72 %), a positive change in team behaviour (63 %), an increase in the consistency of patient care (82 %) and a positive culture of safety in theatre (81 %).


The SSC has not been implemented throughout all operating departments in Ireland. Where it has been introduced there has been a perceived positive change in safety culture. However, overall greater education, endorsement, teamwork, and communication will be required to optimise the potential benefits associated with this safety instrument. In order to properly determine the benefit of the SSC following its implementation, a formal audit of morbidity and mortality is required.  相似文献   

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