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We conducted 32 in-depth interviews with 20 rural, low-income, women residing in the United States who were pregnant (n = 12) or 3 months postpartum (n = 8) and had experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). Using purposive sampling and the grounded theory method, we generated a conceptual model of coping. The urge to protect the unborn baby was the primary influence for participants' decisions about separating from or permanently leaving an abusive relationship. Implications include universal screening for IPV in child-bearing women, inquiry into maternal identity development during pregnancy, and improved resource access for rural, low-income women.  相似文献   



Gender-based violence against women, including intimate partner violence (IPV), is a pervasive health and human rights concern. However, relatively little intervention research has been conducted on how to reduce IPV in settings impacted by conflict. The current study reports on the evaluation of the incremental impact of adding “gender dialogue groups” to an economic empowerment group savings program on levels of IPV. This study took place in north and northwestern rural Côte d’Ivoire.


Between 2010 and 2012, we conducted a two-armed, non-blinded randomized-controlled trial (RCT) comparing group savings only (control) to “gender dialogue groups” added to group savings (treatment). The gender dialogue group consisted of eight sessions that targeted women and their male partner. Eligible Ivorian women (18+ years, no prior experience with group savings) were invited to participate. 934 out of 981 (95.2%) partnered women completed baseline and endline data collection. The primary trial outcome measure was an overall measure of past-year physical and/or sexual IPV. Past year physical IPV, sexual IPV, and economic abuse were also separately assessed, as were attitudes towards justification of wife beating and a woman’s ability to refuse sex with her husband.


Intent to treat analyses revealed that compared to groups savings alone, the addition of gender dialogue groups resulted in a slightly lower odds of reporting past year physical and/or sexual IPV (OR: 0.92; 95% CI: 0.58, 1.47; not statistically significant). Reductions in reporting of physical IPV and sexual IPV were also observed (not statistically significant). Women in the treatment group were significantly less likely to report economic abuse than control group counterparts (OR?=?0.39; 95% CI: 0.25, 0.60, p?<?.0001). Acceptance of wife beating was significantly reduced among the treatment group (β?=?-0.97; 95% CI: -1.67, -0.28, p?=?0.006), while attitudes towards refusal of sex did not significantly change Per protocol analysis suggests that compared to control women, treatment women attending more than 75% of intervention sessions with their male partner were less likely to report physical IPV (a OR: 0.45; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.94; p?=?.04) and report fewer justifications for wife beating (adjusted β?=?-1.14; 95% CI: -2.01, -0.28, p?=?0.01) ; and both low and high adherent women reported significantly decreased economic abuse (a OR: 0.31; 95% CI: 0.18, 0.52, p?<?0.0001; a OR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.27, 0.81, p?=?01, respectively). No significant reductions were observed for physical and/or sexual IPV, or sexual IPV alone.


Results from this pilot RCT suggest the importance of addressing household gender inequities alongside economic programming, because this type of combined intervention has potential to reduce levels of IPV. Additional large-scale intervention research is needed to replicate these findings.

Trial registration

Registration Number: NCT01629472.

Aboriginal women globally are disproportionately affected by intimate partner violence (IPV) and face additional barriers to help-seeking. It is crucial that interventions for IPV are made safe for Indigenous women, given inflated rates of statutory intervention and widespread institutional racism. As part of a larger study of antenatal IPV screening, we interviewed 12 Aboriginal Australian women about the perceived impact of an antenatal IPV routine enquiry intervention. Seven women reported positive impact, and five women reported the absence of positive impact. Qualitative comparative analysis was used to map pathways to perceived impact. Cultural safety – the practice of countering tendencies in health care that undermine safety – was a key condition for positive impact. Others included: (i) continuity of care; (ii) asking about abuse without judgement and with care; and (iii) support and validation. Absence of these factors also typified pathways for nil positive impact. Naming the abuse, a sense of connection, unburdening, taking steps to safety and enabling informed care were all reported benefits. Two women reported explicitly negative impacts: one noted a sense of intrusion, and the other, disengagement from the health service. Interventions for IPV have the potential to benefit Indigenous women where cultural safety is prioritised.  相似文献   



The aim of this paper is to explore women’s perceptions of the causes of intimate partner violence (IPV) in West Africa, and the ways in which they understand these causes to interact with the experiences of war.


The study was conducted in two locations in Sierra Leone and two in Liberia, using focus group discussions (N groups =14) and individual interviews (N?=?20).


Women perceive the causes of IPV to be linked with other difficulties faced by women in these settings, including their financial dependence on men, traditional gender expectations and social changes that took place during and after the wars in those countries. According to respondents, the wars increased the use of violence by some men, as violence became for them a normal way of responding to frustrations and challenges. However, the war also resulted in women becoming economically active, which was said by some to have decreased IPV, as the pressure on men to provide for their families reduced. Economic independence, together with services provided by NGOs, also gave women the option of leaving a violent relationship.


IPV was found to be a significant problem for women in Sierra Leone and Liberia.The interactions between war experiences and financial and cultural issues are multi-faceted and not uniformly positive or negative.

Various interventions have resulted in increased rates of HIV testing. However, encouraging men to acknowledge their risk for HIV, to test and link to treatment remains a challenge. In this study, we examine men’s perspectives on navigating HIV risk in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Qualitative interviews were conducted at four intervals over a three-year time period with a baseline cohort of 126 men and women. We found that men navigated HIV risk in their sexual relationships mainly by monitoring their partner’s behaviour. Men expressed concerns about female respectability, invoking discourses on hlonipha rooted in Zulu cultural ideals and Christian ideals about women staying close to home. In the post-apartheid era, these concerns were inflected by anxieties over changing gender norms and the high rates and risks of infection in the region. HIV prevention discourses on behaviour intersected with men’s efforts to assert their masculinity through the monitoring and controlling of women’s behaviour. The potential negative impacts of this should be addressed. Prevention efforts need to focus on men’s vulnerability to infection in terms of their own behaviour as well as the contexts in which they live.  相似文献   

Establishing the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) has been recommended by International Conventions and Declarations for some time beginning with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW Articles 12 and 19) in 1979. One important recommendation of such international protocols is the implementation of national population prevalence surveys to establishing IPV as a serious social issue globally, which is intended to provide data for planning effective responses within signatory countries. However, not all countries have undertaken national prevalence surveys meaning that there are gaps in our understanding of who are the perpetrators and victims of IPV in different cultural contexts. This article presents the results of a scoping review of literature examining gender differences in prevalence rates of victimisation and perpetration of IPV in mainland China (hereon China). There has been little written about the prevalence of IPV in China generally, and this scoping process located only nine peer‐reviewed articles written in both English‐ and Chinese‐language journals focusing on both gender and IPV published between 1997 and 2016. Results of this scoping review demonstrate that while both women and men perpetrate IPV in China, the prevalence rates of different types of IPV reflect gender differences in both perpetration and victimisation, suggesting that IPV is not a unitary phenomenon. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of the findings including the importance of increasing awareness of IPV in China more generally and developing gender‐specific interventions to directly address different types of IPV. Directions for future research are also canvassed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of neighbourhood socioeconomic conditions on women's likelihood of experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data from 940 women who were interviewed as part of the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women, and census data for Sao Paulo City, were analyzed using multilevel regression techniques. A neighbourhood socioeconomic-level scale was created, and proxies for the socioeconomic positions of the couple were included. Other individual level variables included factors related to partner's behaviour and women's experiences and attitudes. Women's risk of IPV did not vary across neighbourhoods in Sao Paulo nor was it influenced by her individual socioeconomic characteristics. However, women in the middle range of the socioeconomic scale were significantly more likely to report having experienced violence by a partner. Partner behaviours such as excessive alcohol use, controlling behaviour and multiple sexual partnerships were important predictors of IPV. A women's likelihood of IPV also increased if either her mother had experienced IPV or if she used alcohol excessively. These findings suggest that although the characteristics of people living in deprived neighbourhoods may influence the probability that a woman will experience IPV, higher-order contextual dynamics do not seem to affect this risk. While poverty reduction will improve the lives of individuals in many ways, strategies to reduce IPV should prioritize shifting norms that reinforce certain negative male behaviours.  相似文献   

We wished to ascertain abused women's perspectives on mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence. A consecutive sample of 161 abused women accessing the criminal justice system were asked six questions. Most women (81%) thought there should be a law making the nurse or doctor report the abuse, with less than half of the women (45%) reporting they would have been at greater risk for abuse following a mandatory report. Although these 161 abused women support mandatory reporting of partner abuse, it remains unclear if such a law would deter further abuse. Outcome and evaluation studies of mandatory reporting laws are urgently needed.  相似文献   

We conducted interviews with 27 health care personnel in Bogotá, Colombia, to examine provider barriers and facilitators to screening for intimate partner violence (IPV). We used systematic qualitative analysis to identify the range and consistency of beliefs. We found that respondents did not routinely screen for IPV. Providers listed numerous barriers to screening. Ways to improve screening included increased clinician training, installing systematic IPV screening, providing patient education, and implementing health care setting interventions. Improving the care for IPV survivors will involve translating health care personnel preferred solutions into more systematic IPV screening interventions.  相似文献   

Sexual violence against women and girls is commonplace in Papua New Guinea (PNG). While the experiences of women are rightly given central place in institutional responses to sexual violence, the men who perpetrate violence are often overlooked, an oversight that undermines the effectiveness of prevention efforts. This paper draws on interviews conducted with young men as part of a qualitative longitudinal study of masculinity and male sexuality in a rural highland area of PNG. It explores one aspect of male sexuality: men’s narratives of sexual violence. Most striking from the data is that the collective enactment of sexual violence against women and girls is reported as an everyday and accepted practice amongst young men. However, not all women and girls were described as equally at risk, with those who transgress gender roles and roles inscribed and reinforced by patriarchal structures, at greater risk. To address this situation, efforts to reduce sexual violence against women and girls require an increased focus on male-centred intervention to critically engage with the forms of patriarchal authority that give license to sexual violence. Understanding the perceptions and experiences of men as perpetrators of sexual violence is a critical first step in the process of changing normative perceptions of gender, a task crucial to reducing sexual violence in countries such as PNG.  相似文献   


This paper draws on ethnographic data collected from two low-income communities in Mumbai India to explore types of risk and intimacy associated with marital practices. A rapidly globalising India offers access to media, social networks and changing gender norms that create opportunities for young women. Concurrently, enduring patriarchal norms impact marriage and the development of intimacy. Young women whose parents decide on early arranged marriages face inequity and difficulties in establishing emotional and physical intimacy with their husbands. Some young women and their families delay an arranged marriage to ensure educational and/or career advancement, seeking a husband and family that will appreciate her independence. Young women in delayed arranged marriages are more prepared for marital relationships but may experience difficulties meeting family and career expectations and establishing intimacy. Young women who develop their own relationships that evolve into ‘love’ marriages can initially achieve high levels of intimacy, but the strains stemming from the loss of family support can later undermine the spousal relationship. Within and across these different marital types, there is also a great deal of fluidity and variation in young women’s experiences as they adapt to globalised and patriarchal norms in urban India.  相似文献   

We sought to understand whether women’s empowerment and male partner engagement were associated with use of antenatal care (ANC). Women presenting for ANC in Nyanza province of Kenya between June 2015 and May 2016, were approached for participation. A total of 137 pregnant women and 96 male partners completed baseline assessments. Women’s empowerment was measured using the modified Sexual Relationship Power Scale. ANC use measures included timing of the first ANC visit and number of visits. Male engagement was based on whether a husband reported accompanying his wife to one or more antenatal visits during the pregnancy. Multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors independently related to use and timing of ANC. Women with higher mean empowerment scores were likely to have more than one ANC visit in the index pregnancy [Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) = 2.8, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.1–7.3], but empowerment was not associated with early ANC use. Women who were more empowered were less likely to have a husband who reported attending an ANC visit with his wife (AOR = 0.1, 95% CI: 0.03–0.8). Women’s empowerment is important and may be related to ANC use and engagement of male partners in complex ways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Male alcohol consumption is one of the accepted risk factors for intimate partner violence. The aim of this study is to assess the magnitude of the association between male alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence against women and the quality of the evidence of published papers exploring this relationship empirically. METHODS: Systematic review and meta-analysis of quantitative studies (1966-2004). Eight databases from Social and Behavioural Sciences, Clinical Medicine, and Life Sciences were reviewed. Studies with available 2 x 2 table or odds ratio were analysed using meta-analytic techniques. RESULTS: A total of 22 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria for the systematic review: 14 (63.6%) were cross-sectional studies, 6 (27.3%) case-series, 2 (9.1%) case-control studies. Ten studies analysed the relationship between alcohol and violence as their primary hypothesis and only two used a direct measure of alcohol consumption. Of them, 11 papers were included in the meta-analysis. The overall pooled odds ratio was 4.57 (95% confidence limits 3.30-6.35), but a high degree of heterogeneity was observed. The magnitude of the effect was inversely associated with the year of publication. The biggest odds ratios were obtained in the studies with the smallest sample sizes. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence about the relationship between alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence is of low quality in the study designs and maybe biased by publication of positive results. Currently there is not enough empirical evidence to support preventive policies based on male alcohol consumption as a risk factor in the particular case of intimate partner violence.  相似文献   


Despite the multidimensionality of intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, there is a lack of research on the perspectives of men toward the phenomenon. Our aim in this cross-sectional study was to examine the predictability of social cognitive theory in explaining men’s violent behaviors against women. We find among a sample of 576 Iranian married men showed a reciprocal determinism between outcome expectancy, attitude toward IPV, and observational learning in formation of men's IPV against women. Therefore, the interactive associations of cognitive and environmental factors, as a comprehensive approach, should be considered while studying the determinants of IPV against women among men.  相似文献   

Objective: Following migration, pregnant immigrant women may encounter social, cultural, and economic challenges that negatively affect their food choices and subsequent health outcomes. Culturally appropriate health care is crucial during the perinatal period to ensure the health of immigrant mothers and their children. This project aims to explore and understand how the health beliefs and practices of Chinese immigrant women affect their food choices during the perinatal period.

Design: This qualitative study used the methodology of focused ethnography. Women participated in one semi-structured interview, followed by a second photo-assisted, semi-structured interview which incorporated photographs taken by the women themselves.

Results: The food choices and health behaviors of immigrant women were influenced by their general health beliefs, cultural knowledge concerning particular types of foods, traditional Chinese medical beliefs, social advice and information, and socio-economic factors.

Conclusion: The provision of culturally appropriate health care is crucial during the perinatal period, as it is not only a vulnerable life stage for women and their children but also a sensitive period of interaction with the Canadian health-care system. Understanding these intersecting factors can help to ensure culturally appropriate care and optimized health outcomes for Chinese immigrant women during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Women in South Africa bear a disproportionate burden of the HIV epidemic. Female-controlled HIV prevention methods offer promising interventions to reduce this burden but cannot be effectively employed without a better understanding of young women’s perceptions of their sexual and reproductive health. This study examines social, environmental and cultural factors contributing to young women’s perceptions of, and experiences with, sexual and reproductive health to identify the challenges of engaging adolescent girls in HIV prevention. Twenty-five 15–19-year-old women were interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interview questions to discover their life context, future goals and relationships with men, and to understand how these factors influence their sexual and reproductive health decisions and outcomes. A thematic analysis of interview findings indicates that although participants are aware of the risks posed by engaging in risky sexual behaviour, life context shapes their perceptions and prioritisation of their health, which presents a barrier to achieving healthy behaviours and positive health outcomes. These findings may influence future research into how young women’s health perceptions influence their sexual health behaviours, and how they utilise sexual and reproductive health services in a clinical setting. This has implications for introducing forms of female-controlled HIV prevention for this population.  相似文献   

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