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Recovery of zinc and manganese from scrapped alkaline batteries were carried out in the following way: leaching in H2SO4 and selective precipitation of zinc and manganese by alkalization/neutralization. As a result of non-selective leaching, 95.6–99.7% Zn was leached and 83.7–99.3% Mn was leached. A critical technological parameter is the liquid/solid treatment (l/s) ratio, which should be at least 20 mL∙g−1. Selective leaching, which allows the leaching of zinc only, takes place with a leaching yield of 84.8–98.5% Zn, with minimal manganese co-leaching, 0.7–12.3%. The optimal H2SO4 concentration is 0.25 mol∙L−1. Precipitation of zinc and manganese from the solution after non-selective leaching, with the use of NaOH at pH = 13, and then with H2SO4 to pH = 9, turned out to be ineffective: the manganese concentrate contained 19.9 wt.% Zn and zinc concentrate, and 21.46 wt.% Mn. Better selectivity results were obtained if zinc was precipitated from the solution after selective leaching: at pH = 6.5, 90% of Zn precipitated, and only 2% manganese. Moreover, the obtained concentrate contained over 90% of ZnO. The precipitation of zinc with sodium phosphate and sodium carbonate is non-selective, despite its relatively high efficiency: up to 93.70% of Zn and 4.48–93.18% of Mn and up to 95.22% of Zn and 19.55–99.71% Mn, respectively for Na3PO4 and Na2CO3. Recovered zinc and manganese compounds could have commercial values with suitable refining processes.  相似文献   

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