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Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is mainly characterized by the occurrence of benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors or neurofibromas. Thorough investigation of the somatic mutation spectrum has thus far been hampered by the large size of the NF1 gene and the considerable proportion of NF1 heterozygous cells within the tumors. We developed an improved somatic mutation detection strategy on cultured Schwann cells derived from neurofibromas and investigated 38 tumors from nine NF1 patients. Twenty-nine somatic NF1 lesions were detected which represents the highest NF1 somatic mutation detection rate described so far (76%). Furthermore, our data strongly suggest that the acquired second hit underlies reduced NF1 expression in Schwann cell cultures. Together, these data clearly illustrate that two inactivating NF1 mutations, in a subpopulation of the Schwann cells, are required for neurofibroma formation in NF1 tumorigenesis. The observed somatic mutation spectrum shows that intragenic NF1 mutations (26/29) are most prevalent, particularly frameshift mutations (12/29, 41%). We hypothesize that this mutation signature might reflect slightly reduced DNA repair efficiency as a trigger for NF1 somatic inactivation preceding tumorigenesis. Joint analysis of the current and previously published NF1 mutation data revealed a significant difference in the somatic mutation spectrum in patients with a NF1 microdeletion vs. non-microdeletion patients with respect to the prevalence of loss of heterozygosity events (0/15 vs. 41/81). Differences in somatic inactivation mechanism might therefore exist between NF1 microdeletion patients and the general NF1 population.  相似文献   

Plexiform neurofibromas are a major cause of morbidity in individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Sporadically, these tumors appear as an isolated feature without other signs of NF1. A role for the NF1 gene in solitary plexiform neurofibromas has never been described. In this study, we report a 13-year-old boy who was diagnosed with a plexiform neurofibroma, without other NF1 diagnostic criteria. The tumor was partially resected and analyzed using different techniques: karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and microarray comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). Tumor Schwann cell culture and subsequent karyotyping showed a rearrangement involving chromosomes 1 and 17, namely an insertion of chromosomal bands 1p36-35 at 17q11.2. FISH demonstrated that the insertion interrupted the NF1 gene. In addition, a deletion was detected affecting the other NF1 allele. Whole-genome aCGH analysis of the resected tumor confirmed the presence of an 8.28 Mb deletion including the NF1 gene locus in ~15-20% of tumor cells. We conclude that biallelic NF1 inactivation was at the origin of the isolated plexiform neurofibroma in this patient. The insertion is most likely the "first hit" and the large deletion the "second hit."  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Origin of myofibroblasts in infarcted myocardium was examined by using rats in which bone marrow of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic mice had been transplanted. GFP was not detected in myofibroblasts at either 3 or 7 days after infarction, suggesting that proliferating myofibroblasts in infarcted myocardium are derived from resident fibroblasts rather than circulating precursor cells of bone marrow origin. BACKGROUND: Myofibroblasts play important roles in the repair process of myocardial infarct, and their origin has been assumed to be interstitial fibroblasts in the heart. However, bone marrow-derived myofibroblasts have recently been identified in pathological fibrosis in extracardiac tissues. In this study, we aimed to determine whether some of the myofibroblasts in infarcted myocardium are derived from circulating precursor cells of bone marrow origin. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bone marrow (BM) of GFP-transgenic mice was transplanted into nude rats, and their coronary arteries were occluded for 60 min and reperfused for 3 or 7 days. Non-BM-transplanted rats served as controls. At 3 days after infarction, some endothelial cells were GFP-positive, indicating that they were of bone marrow origin. Predominant cells in infarcted regions were macrophages and neutrophils, and there were only a small number of vimentin-positive cells and fewer myofibroblasts, both of which were GFP-negative. At 7 days after infarction, there were numerous myofibroblasts in granulation tissue replacing necrotic myocytes, and none of them showed GFP signals, whereas some cells were positive for both GFP and vimentin. Appearance of myofibroblasts and extent of the infarct repair in BM-transplanted and those in non-transplanted rats were similar. CONCLUSIONS: The findings in this study suggest that proliferating myofibroblasts in infarcted myocardium are derived from resident fibroblasts rather than circulating precursor cells of bone marrow origin.  相似文献   

Neurofibromas are one of the most characteristic features of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), an inherited autosomal-dominant neurogenetic disorder affecting 1 in 3500 individuals worldwide. These benign tumors mainly consist of Schwann cells (SCs) and fibroblasts. Recent evidence demonstrates that somatic mutations at the NF1 gene are found in neurofibromas, but it has not been demonstrated whether SCs, fibroblasts and/or both cell types bear a somatic loss of NF1. We recently established a cell culture system that allows selective expansion of human SCs from neurofibromas. We cultured pure populations of SCs and fibroblasts derived from 10 neurofibromas with characterized NF1 mutations and found that SCs but not fibroblasts harbored a somatic mutation at the NF1 locus in all studied tumors. Furthermore, by culturing neurofibroma-derived SCs under different in vitro conditions we were able to obtain two genetically distinct SC subpopulations: NF1(-/-) and NF1(+/-). These data strongly support the idea that NF1 mutations in SCs, but not in fibroblasts, correlate to neurofibroma formation and demonstrate that only a portion of SCs in neurofibromas have mutations in both NF1 alleles.  相似文献   

In soft tissues outside the central nervous system, S-100 protein is found normally only in Schwann cells. Using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemical method S-100 was also found in tumors derived from Schwann cells and melanocytes, including neurofibromas, neurilemomas, granular cell myoblastomas, cutaneous nevi, and malignant melanomas. S-100 was not detected in malignant Schwannomas, neuroblastomas, oat cell carcinomas, medullary carcinomas of the thyroid, paragangliomas, or meningiomas. S-100 was also absent from neoplasms of soft tissues not usually considered to arise from cells of neural crest origin. S-100 appears to be a useful marker for identifying neoplasms derived from Schwann cells and melanocytes.  相似文献   

Type I neurofibromatosis (NF1) is a common autosomal dominant disorder that affects tissues derived from the neural crest. The manifestations are varied, comprising generalised disorders of growth and development as well as an increased risk of benign and malignant tumours including phaeochromocytomas and neurofibrosarcomas. The NF1 locus has been mapped to chromosome bands 17q11-12, and recently the NF1 gene has been cloned. Deletions identified in the constitutional genotype of some patients have suggested that the NF1 phenotype may arise from loss of function mutations of the NF1 gene, consistent with the hypothesis that it is a tumour suppressor gene. To date, however, analysis of NF1 tumours has not revealed the frequent allele losses encompassing the NF1 locus, implying loss of the wild-type NF1 allele, which would support this hypothesis. We report allele losses with markers flanking the NF1 region in each of 7 NF1 phaeochromocytomas. In each of the 3 tumours for which this could be determined, the loss involved the wild-type chromosome. These results provide strong evidence that, in cells of the adrenal medulla at least, the NFI gene may act as a tumour suppressor.  相似文献   

成年大鼠雪旺细胞增殖和纯化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探索成年大鼠雪旺细胞的体外培养和纯化方法。方法:取成年大鼠背根神经节采用植块法培养,坐骨神经采用酶消化法分散培养。各分三组,第一组为阿糖胞苷处理组;第二组为免疫溶解处理后加垂体浸出液组;第三组为对照组。以活细胞计数和S-100标记相结合判断雪旺细胞增殖和纯化程度。结果:采用植块培养法至第2周末,雪旺细胞纯度在第一、二和三组分别为90%、97%和50%。分散培养至第18天,雪旺细胞纯度第一组94%,第二组大于97%,第三组80%。细胞数量第一组增加1.4倍,第二组增加5.1倍,第三组增加2.4倍。结论:采用免疫溶解处理后加垂体浸出液方法培养成年大鼠来源的雪旺细胞,可得到数量多纯度高的雪旺细胞。  相似文献   

Summary There is evidence from chicks and mice that N-CAM expression in Schwann cells is subject to significant regulation during development and following injury. In the present work, rat sciatic nerve and immunohistochemical methods have been used to study developmental and injury-related modulation of N-CAM in Schwann cells, using cell type specific markers to identify different Schwann cell populations, and cell counting to quantify their size. The study has sought to determine unambiguously whether immature Schwann cells in developing nerves and denervated Schwann cells in injured adult nerves express surface N-CAM, and has investigated the temporal relationship between the gradual loss of surface N-CAM and the differentiation of myelin-forming Schwann cells, monitored by the sequential appearance of the glycolipid galactocerebroside and the myelin-specific protein P0. Further points examined are whether this down-regulation of N-CAM is rapidly reversible following loss of axonal contact, and whether N-CAM reappearance in Schwann cells depends on protein synthesis.In nerves from 17- to 18-day embryos, 90% of the Schwann cells, identified with Ran-1 antibodies, expressed surface N-CAM. In nerves from newborn rats many cells are in the early stage of myelin synthesis and therefore express galactocerebroside, although they have not yet acquired P0. Suspension staining of dissociated cells from this nerve showed that 92% of the galactocerebroside-positive cells were also N-CAM positive. In suspension staining of nerves from 5-day, 10-day and adult rats, P0-positive cells were essentially N-CAM negative. If, however, cells from 10-day nerves were placed in culture and immunostained after, 3, 6, 9 and 24 h, N-CAM appeared in the P0-positive cells that had formed myelinin vivo. The percentage of P0-positive cells that also expressed N-CAM at these time points was 10, 28, 56 and 92%, respectively. Cell division was not a prerequisite for N-CAM reappearance which was, however, blocked by cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Schwann cells in transected adult sciatic nerves in which regeneration was prevented, expressed surface N-CAM 2 months after injury, indicating that in the absence of axonal contact Schwann cells express N-CAM indefinitely.The results indicate that in myelin-forming Schwann cells N-CAM synthesis is continuously suppressed by ongoing axonal signals. Thus axon-Schwann cell signals are involved not only in up-regulation but also in reversible down-regulation of Schwann cell molecules.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) is an autosomal dominant familial tumor syndrome characterized by the presence of multiple benign neurofibromas. In 95% of NF1 individuals, a mutation is found in the NF1 gene, and in 5% of the patients, the germline mutation consists of a microdeletion that includes the NF1 gene and several flanking genes. We studied the frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the NF1 region as a mechanism of somatic NF1 inactivation in neurofibromas from NF1 patients with and without a microdeletion. There was a statistically significant difference between these two patient groups in the proportion of neurofibromas with LOH. None of the 40 neurofibromas from six different NF1 microdeletion patients showed LOH, whereas LOH was observed in 6/28 neurofibromas from five patients with an intragenic NF1 mutation (P = 0.0034, Fisher's exact). LOH of the NF1 microdeletion region in NF1 microdeletion patients would de facto lead to a nullizygous state of the genes located in the deletion region and might be lethal. The mechanisms leading to LOH were further analyzed in six neurofibromas. In two out of six neurofibromas, a chromosomal microdeletion was found; in three, a mitotic recombination was responsible for the observed LOH; and in one, a chromosome loss with reduplication was present. These data show an important difference in the mechanisms of second hit formation in the 2 NF1 patient groups. We conclude that NF1 is a familial tumor syndrome in which the type of germline mutation influences the type of second hit in the tumors.  相似文献   

Multinucleated floret-like giant cells (MNFGCs), similar to those commonly observed in pleomorphic lipoma and giant cell fibroblastoma, have been occasionally reported in gynecomastia and neurofibromas from patients affected by neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Accordingly, it has been suggested that their detection, especially in an otherwise typical neurofibroma, could be a morphological clue to diagnosis of NF1. The aim of the present study was the identification of MNFGCs in a large series (94 cases) of sporadic and NF1-associated neurofibromas, to assess if their presence may indeed be a morphological marker of NF1. Numerous MNFGCs, namely, those that were easily apparent at low magnification (×50 and ×100), were identified only in 5.3% of cases. In 18.1% of cases, a low number of these cells could be observed but only after a careful search, especially at higher magnification (×200 and ×400). Immunohistochemically, all MNFGCs were stained with vimentin and CD34, but not with S-100 protein. Interestingly, there was no statistically significant correlation between MNFGCs (presence or absence) and NF1 (p?=?0.73), gender (p?=?0.59), age (p?=?0.43), and site of tumor (cutaneous vs deep-seated soft tissue; p?=?0.27). Our clinicopathologic findings suggest that MNFGCs in an otherwise typical neurofibroma are not a reliable marker of NF1, likely representing a morphological reactive change of the indigenous dermal or endoneurial fibroblasts or dendritic cells in response to unknown microenvironmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Endopeptidase-24.11, which is identical with the common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA), is a cell surface zinc metalloprotease that has the ability to hydrolyse a variety of physiologically active peptides. Interest in this enzyme is based on the view that it may play a role in the regulation of peptide signals in different tissues, including the nervous and immune systems. We have previously shown that endopeptidase-24.11 is present in Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system of newborn pigs [Kioussi C. and Matsas R. (1991) J. Neurochem. 57, 431-440]. In the present study we have investigated the developmental expression of the endopeptidase by Schwann cells in the rat sciatic nerve, from embryonic day 16 to maturity. Endopeptidase-24.11 was monitored enzymatically as well as by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry using the monoclonal anti-endopeptidase antibody 23B11. We found an age-dependent decline in both the enzyme activity and the levels of immunoreactive protein. Endopeptidase-24.11 was first detected at embryonic day 18 and was present in all neonatal and early postnatal Schwann cells. However, as myelination proceeded the endopeptidase was gradually suppressed in the majority of cells that form myelin but retained in non-myelin-forming cells in the adult animal. At this stage, only very few large diameter myelinated fibers expressed weakly endopeptidase-24.11. Schwann cells dissociated from postnatal day 5 nerves and cultured up to one week in the absence of axons expressed endopeptidase-24.11. These results show that the endopeptidase has a distinct developmental profile in the rat sciatic nerve, similar to that of a group of other Schwann cell surface antigens, including the cell adhesion molecules N-CAM and L1 and the nerve growth factor receptor. We suggest that, as is the case with these antigens, endopeptidase-24.11 may play a role in nerve development and/or regeneration. In addition, persistence of endopeptidase-24.11 in a minority of adult myelin-forming Schwann cells suggests a possible role for the enzyme in axon-myelin apposition and maintenance, especially of larger diameter axons.  相似文献   

The gene responsible for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) has sequence homology to the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and demonstrates GAP activity against ras p21. To study tissue-specific and/or tumor-specific expression of the NF1 gene product, now called neurofibromin, immunostaining and immunoblotting were applied to the N-nitroso-N-ethylurea (ENU)-induced Syrian hamster neurofibromatosis model using polyclonal antibodies against the NF1 fusion protein and a synthetic peptide. Strong expression was observed specific to the Schwann cells of the normal peripheral nerves by immunostaining. Neoplastic Schwann cells showed specific binding of anti-NF1; however, the frequency of positive cells was diminished. Immunoblotting also revealed positive expression of the 250-kd NF1 gene product in the brain, the normal peripheral nerves, and 7 of 14 ENU-induced neurofibromas. Although ENU-induced melanoma and Wilms' tumor were negative for neurofibromin, foci of Schwannian differentiation in both primary and transplanted melanomas were positive. These results suggest that neurofibromin plays some role in differentiation and growth regulation of the Schwann cell.  相似文献   

AIMS: Comparison between BRCA1-associated and sporadic ovarian carcinomas is a potential method to identify candidate modifier gene/s involved in the carcinogenic pathway of either or both groups. A previous study identified a significant difference in the frequency of copy number gain at 2q24-q32 by comparing BRCA1-associated and sporadic ovarian tumour specimens using comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH). The present study aimed to investigate the reported allelic imbalance at 2q24-32 by amplification of several microsatellite markers at the region by quantitative microsatellite analysis (QuMA) using Taqman at the same region identified as a site of allelic imbalance. METHODS: The copy number of the genomic region in 2q24-32 was established in 21 BRCA1-associated ovarian carcinomas and 14 sporadic cases using quantitative microsatellite polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Statistical analysis was performed using permutation test analysis. RESULTS: A significant loss at D2S156 marker (2q24.2) (p = 0.026) compared with the other three markers at 2q24-32 was found in the sporadic cohort but not in the BRCA1-associated group (p = 0.385). CONCLUSIONS: Our data do not support the association between copy number gain at 2q24-32 and BRCA1 mutation status in ovarian cancers reported previously. The novel finding of the present study was significant loss at 2q24.2 in sporadic ovarian cancers.  相似文献   

We report that protease nexin-1 (PN-1), a serine protease inhibitor known to have neurite-promoting effects, is made by Schwann cells in tissue culture. Three modalities have been used to demonstrate the presence of PN-1 in Schwann cell cultures. Immunostaining of the cultures with anti-PN-1 antibody gives positive staining over cells and matrix. Western blots of Schwann cell conditioned medium (CM) using anti-PN-1 antibody show a band that co-migrates with the PN-1 standard at 45 kDa. Biochemical assay for protease inhibitory activity shows that CM inhibits thrombin activity in a calorimetric assay. The CM-mediated inhibition of thrombin is reversed if the CM is pre-incubated with anti-PN-1 antibody.  相似文献   

We evaluated the ability of endotoxin to protect against hyperoxic depression of plasma membrane fluidity in endothelial cells and fibroblasts in culture. Second- to-fifth passage porcine aortic endothelial cells and human newborn foreskin fibroblasts with 20 ng/ml of endotoxin or diluent in the culture medium were exposed to 20% O2 (control) or 95% O2 (hyperoxic) in 5% CO2 for 4 hours. After exposure, cells were labeled with 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), an aromatic hydrocarbon that partitions into the hydrophobic core of lipid bilayer membranes, or transparinaric acid (TPA), a natural, conjugated fatty acid that orients parallel to fatty acyl chains of membrane phospholipids. Membrane fluidity was monitored by measuring changes in the steady state fluorescence anisotropies (rs) for DPH and for TPA by using fluorescence spectroscopy. Reductions in membrane fluidity increase the value of rs. Addition of endotoxin to the culture medium of control endothelial cells and fibroblasts had no effect on rs for DPH or TPA. In hyperoxic endothelial cells, rs for DPH and rs for TPA were increased (p less than 0.001). Addition of endotoxin to the medium of hyperoxic endothelial cells prevented the increases in rs for DPH and TPA. Hyperoxia increased rs for DPH (p less than 0.003) but not rs to TPA in fibroblasts, and endotoxin failed to prevent this increase. These results indicate that hyperoxia decreases plasma membrane fluidity in endothelial cells and fibroblasts and demonstrate that endotoxin prevents the decrease in plasma membrane fluidity in endothelial cells, but not in fibroblasts. These membrane-protective effects may represent an alternative mechanism by which endotoxin protects against hyperoxic cellular injury, and this mechanism may be specific for hyperoxic injury to endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy was performed on seven neurofibromata to study the relationship between the frequently occurring mast cells and the other cell types present in the tumour. Intimate association was observed between mast cells and perineurial fibroblasts, but not between mast cells and Schwann cells. At the contact interface between mast cells and perineurial fibroblasts, numerous vesicle-like structures were observed with corresponding endocytotic vesicles in the fibroblast plasma membrane. The authors regard this close morphological relationship as in vivo evidence for a possible role of mast cells in fibroblast metabolism, a conclusion which has already been drawn from in vitro studies, but until now inadequately supported by observations in vivo.  相似文献   

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