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R. Rončević V. Aleksić M. Stojčić M. Jovanović D. Rončević 《European journal of plastic surgery》2006,28(6):379-384
The clinical picture, treatment and course of invasive, aggressive basal cell terebrans carcinoma of the face, scalp and neck in eight patients is presented in detail. Based on the analysis of these patients, as well as our experience of a total of 93 patients with aggressive, invasive basal cell carcinoma, treated so far, the conclusion is reached that basal cell terebrans carcinoma develops mainly on recurrences, that is on residual tumors, after inadequate surgical and radiation therapy. It was observed that the most aggressive tumors are those, which develop in residual tumors after radiation therapy. Due to extraordinary infiltrational growth, especially into deep structures (muscles, bones, cartilages, dura, and brain), even with extensive, mutilating operations one can never be sure that the tumor is radically removed. That is why in such cases, after extensive, mutilating operations, radiation therapy is recommended, if possible. 相似文献
Gross examination by the surgeon as an alternative to frozen section for assessment of adequacy of surgical margin in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma 下载免费PDF全文
Pankaj Chaturvedi MS FAIS FICS MNAMS FACS Sourav Datta MS Sudhir Nair MCh Deepa Nair MS Prashant Pawar MS Sagar Vaishampayan MDS Asawari Patil MD Shubhada Kane MD 《Head & neck》2014,36(4):557-563
The probability of local control of basal cell carcinomas (BCC) treated by photodynamic therapy (PDT) depends strongly on
lesion thickness, thicker lesions often requiring two treatments. We examine the utility of 20 MHz pulsed ultrasound (US)
for the non-invasive measurement of thickness and rate of regression after PDT treatment. PDT was by topically applied 20%
aminolaevulinic acid, followed at 6 h by a standard 100 J/cm2 of 630 nm light. Patients (n=60) were selected as being difficult to treat with existing modalities for reasons of likely poor quality of healing or of
cosmesis in this very largely elderly population. Ultrasound ‘A’ scans were made immediately before treatment, and at first
and subsequent follow-ups. Parameters measured non-invasively for BCC, adjacent normal skin, and for fibroses after previous
conventional therapies, were (a) thickness of skin or lesion, (b) linear density of ultrasound echoes and (c) linear density
of high-amplitude echoes. Prior to treatment, median skin thickness (to the dermal/subcutaneous boundary) was 2.6 mm (range
1.2–5.7), fibroses 2.5 mm (1.4–5.6) and BCC 1.5 mm (0.5–4.4). Median linear density of echoes for normal skin, fibroses and
BCC plus underlying tissue were 5.6, 5.5 and 4.5, respectively, the BCC values being significantly lower (p=0.002). The corresponding medians for high-amplitude echoes were 1.9, 1.9 and 1.1 (skin or fibrosis versus BCC, p=0.001). Patients whose BCCs appeared clinically to be controlled at up to 220 days after a single treatment, all had values
of ultrasound parameters corresponding to skin/fibrosis and were significantly different from measurements on the same site
prior to treatment. Patients whose tumours appeared to be reverting to the original BCC ultrasound pattern were subsequently
found to be recurring as judged clinically. Non-invasive pulsed ultrasound indicates that rates of resolution vary widely
between BCC of similar initial thickness and that the probability of clearance of BCC by PDT is determined largely by the
deepest, sometimes small, regions within a lesion, with the overall area being relatively unimportant.
Paper received 14 November 2001; accepted after revision 30 April 2002.
Correspondence to: Dr J.V. Moore, Laser Oncology Group, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Manchester M20 4BX, UK. Tel: 0161 446 3199;
Fax: 0161 446 3109; e-mail: jmoore@picr.man.ac.uk 相似文献
Background : The reported rates of incomplete excision of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) vary widely (5–25%) among centres around the world. Incomplete excision of skin malignancy is one of the 57 clinical indicators developed by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards to act as a measure of the standard of surgical care. The study aims to determine the rate of incomplete excision of BCC at a major cancer centre. Methods : Computerized data and patients’ records were reviewed. From January 1997 to June 2000, a total of 3558 BCC were surgically excised with curative intent, of which 223 were reported to have been removed incompletely. Results : The overall rate of incomplete excision was 6.3%. Conclusions : Given the limitations of a retrospective audit and reliability of the data, this result nevertheless compares favourably with reported figures in the literature. 相似文献
目的 评价Mohs显微描记手术治疗鼻部皮肤基底细胞癌的效果。方法 2014年,对40例鼻部皮肤基底细胞癌患者进行Mohs显微描记手术,观察手术效果,并与传统扩大切除手术进行比较。结果 40例基底细胞癌均通过Mohs显微描记法切除,肿瘤扩大切除范围平均1.8 mm。39例均Ⅰ期愈合,术后外形、效果满意。术后随访6~24个月,无1例复发。结论 对于鼻部基底细胞癌,Mohs显微描记手术比传统扩大切除更彻底,可提供更多的创面修复方案。 相似文献
Reto Wettstein Jian Farhadi Daniel F. Kalbermatten Andreas Arnold Martin Haug 《Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery》2013,47(2):92-95
Reconstructive procedures after resection of nasal basal cell carcinoma (BCC) vary depending on the subunit involved. The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of the location of the BCC on the rate of incomplete excisions, so we made a retrospective analysis of all nasal BCC excised at our hospital between 2002 and 2005. The incomplete excision rate was 24/148 (16%). More incomplete excision occurred on the alae (n=13) when compared to the dorsum (n=2) of the nose (p<0.05). Eight two-staged procedures resulted in incomplete resection, whereas 9 (6%) frozen section analyses were false-negative. BCC were most likely to be incompletely excised on the nasal tip and alae, and both subunits required more elaborate reconstructions. This, however, was not the result of poor estimation of the extent of the tumour and reluctance to excise more challenging areas widely for reconstruction, but to the method chosen to eradicate the tumour. 相似文献
目的:探讨彩超、睾丸肿瘤分子标志物(LDH、β-HCG、AFP)结合术中快速病理检查在睾丸肿瘤患者手术方式选择中的指导价值。方法回顾性分析我院2008年8月至2014年12月收治的51例睾丸肿瘤患者的临床资料。结果51例患者中,彩超和肿瘤分子标志物均提示肿瘤为恶性者21例,直接行根治性睾丸切除术,术后常规病理检查均为睾丸恶性肿瘤;彩超和肿瘤分子标志物均未提示肿瘤为恶性者5例,选择阴囊切口,术中快速病理检查均提示良性病变,行睾丸部分切除术;彩超或肿瘤分子标志物提示肿瘤为恶性者25例,选择腹股沟切口,术中行快速病理检查,结果睾丸恶性肿瘤22例-行根治性睾丸切除术,睾丸结核1例-予切除睾丸,良性病变2例(错构瘤、血管纤维瘤各1例)-行睾丸部分切除术。结论彩超、肿瘤标志物结合术中快速病理可较精准诊断睾丸肿瘤,为选择合理的手术方式提供依据,有利于降低转移风险,减少不必要的损伤,最大限度保留睾丸组织及其功能。 相似文献
C. Çelebi O. Latifoλu F. Demirkan S. Çenetoλu K. Atabay Ö. Uluoλu 《European journal of plastic surgery》1995,18(4):175-178
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer, and it very rarely metastasizes. An aggressive case of basal cell carcinoma metastasizing to skin, lungs, posterior chest wall, liver and lymph nodes is presented here. 相似文献
超声引导下乳腺穿刺组织冰冻切片检查的临床应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的 探讨对超声引导下穿刺的乳腺组织进行快速冰冻切片检查、以得到病理学诊断的可行性和临床应用价值。方法 使用BIOPINCE穿刺活检枪,超声引导下对31例乳腺疾病患者行病灶的组织穿刺,并即刻将获取标本行冰冻切片检查。结果 30例患者给出明确诊断,1例诊断不确定,诊断准确率为96.8%;自穿刺开始到得出病理学诊断,所需平均时间为56.3min。结论 超声引导下乳腺穿刺组织冰冻切片检查具有诊断准确率高,快捷,微创,无明显疤痕,患者乐意接受,且勿须增加新设备等优势,有临床应用价值。但应注意使用的适应证。 相似文献
《Urologic oncology》2015,33(2):67.e25-67.e29
IntroductionPartial nephrectomy (PN) is the standard therapy for small renal masses. Resection margin assessment continues to be a key issue during PN. Biopsy of the residual kidney and intraoperative gross pathological consultations are the most common methods today. Intraoperative imprint cytology (IC) examinations have been successfully used in other tumor entities to assess surgical margins. We aim to evaluate the diagnostic value of intraoperative IC for surgical margin assessment during PN.Materials and methodsIn addition to routinely performed frozen-section (FS) analysis, intraoperative IC examinations were performed on 114 tumors, which were resected with PN in our department between 2005 and 2010. These 2 were then matched with final histopathological examination findings. Before FS, roll-off IC slides were obtained, air dried, and stained by Hemacolor quick staining. Both the pathologist and the cytologist were blinded to the findings.ResultsOur study included 29 women and 76 men. Of 331 IC slides, 317 (96%) contained sufficient diagnostic cells. IC revealed 21 tumors with positive resection margins. Of the 21 positive resection margins, 2 were false positives. IC showed a specificity of 98%, sensitivity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 90%, and negative predictive value of 100%.FS examinations revealed positive resection margins in 20 tumors. One of these 20 margins was false positive. Furthermore FS examination failed to diagnose a positive resection margin in 1 tumor. FS examination showed a specificity of 99% and sensitivity of 98% in assessing surgical margins with a positive predictive value of 95% and negative predictive value 98%.ConclusionIC examinations exhibit equivalent diagnostic value compared with FS analysis. IC is an inexpensive method with an ability to give rapid and highly accurate information. Like any cytological examination, there is interobserver variability. IC could be considered as an alternative to FS especially when the nature of resection margins is suspected but further investigations are necessary. 相似文献
Pellitteri PK Takes RP Lewis JS Devaney KO Harlor EJ Strojan P Rodrigo JP Suárez C Rinaldo A Medina JE Woolgar JA Ferlito A 《Head & neck》2012,34(9):1346-1354
Merkel cell carcinomas are uncommon, but aggressive, cutaneous malignancies of neuroendocrine differentiation. To the pathologist, these lesions appear as sheets of undifferentiated tumor cells with little cytoplasm and dense nuclear chromatin. They are members of the group of "small round blue cell tumors," which includes small cell carcinomas of the lung, lymphomas, and neuroblastomas. Analogous to other skin malignancies, Merkel cell carcinomas frequently arise in the head and neck region and are commonly found in the elderly population. Merkel cell carcinomas have a high propensity for regional and distant metastases, and recurrences are frequently seen. Surgical excision is the recommended first-line treatment followed by adjuvant radiation therapy. Because of the high incidence of occult regional metastasis, patients with clinical and radioghaphically negative necks should undergo elective dissection, irradiation, or preferably sentinel lymph node biopsy. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Head and neck surgeons commonly request frozen sections. Practice patterns vary from laboratory to laboratory on how the tissue is used in performing the frozen section. Some pathologists wish to see all the material submitted by consuming it completely during frozen section, whereas others reserve some for permanent section. We wished to determine whether knowledge of margin status was initially inaccurate because of reserving tissue for permanent section. METHODS: Sixty-five laryngectomies (total and partial) with margin assessment enhanced by frozen section evaluation were studied. Forty-five laryngectomy specimens, generating 249 frozen sections in which a permanent section was prepared from tissue remaining from frozen section examination, were studied. RESULTS: Five of the 249 frozen sections contained a discrepancy between the frozen section and permanent section because of insufficient leveling of the frozen section block. These five discrepancies were called negative on frozen section, but permanent section revealed dysplasia (two cases of mild dysplasia, one case with moderate dysplasia, and one case with severe dysplasia) or carcinoma in situ (one case). Twenty laryngectomies in which the frozen section tissue was consumed at the time of frozen section generated 103 frozen sections. In eight of the frozen sections involving six cases, the diagnostic tissue was not present on one or two of the frozen section levels examined. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that in examining margins for laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma the frozen section tissue should be completely sampled by examining several levels at the time of frozen section. This requires consuming or exhausting the frozen section tissue rather than reserving any remaining frozen tissue for a paraffin-embedded permanent section. 相似文献
Prostate cancer is one of the commonest, malignancies affecting elderly males. Prostatic basal cell carcinoma, (PBCC) accounts for less than 0.01% of all prostate cancers.Observation
A 32-year-old man presented with hematuria and lower urinary tract symptoms. Clinical examination showed hard, nodular enlarged prostate with multiple penile hard nodules. His prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level was 0.91 ng/mL. Histopathological examination of the fingerguided prostate biopsy revealed a malignancy with features of basal cell carcinoma. Further imaging studies were performed and metastases were found in both lungs, penis, pelvic lymph nodes and right ischium.Conclusion
The current case highlights PBCC as a diagnostic pitfall which presented in a young adult with a normal PSA level. 相似文献18.
Betz CS Rauschning W Stranadko EP Riabov MV Albrecht V Nifantiev NE Hopper C 《Lasers in surgery and medicine》2008,40(5):300-311
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are the most common form of skin cancers with high and increasing incidence rates. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with mTHPC (Foscan) has shown to be a promising treatment alternative with good cosmetic results. The current study was aimed to determine optimal treatment parameters for this indication. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: mTHPC-PDT was performed in 117 patients with a total of 460 BCCs with diagnosis confirmed by scratch cytology. Treatment parameters were altered as follows: Foscan dose 0.03-0.15 mg/kg, drug-light interval (DLI) 1-96 hours, total energy density 20-120 J/cm(2). Outcomes were assessed 8 weeks post-PDT following WHO guidelines. RESULTS: The overall rate of complete remissions (CR) was 96.7% and the cosmetic outcome was very good. In the largest subgroup (n=80) where low-dose Foscan was applied (0.05 mg/kg mTHPC; 48 hours DLI; 50 J/cm(2) total energy density), a CR rate of 100% with a high and narrow 95% Confidence Interval of 0.955-1.000 was achieved. Smaller variations of the treatment parameters (i.e., reducing the photosensitizer dose to 0.04 mg/kg or shortening the DLI to 24 hours) yielded similarly good results. Side effects were encountered in 52 out of 133 PDT sessions. They were more common in patients who had received high drug doses (0.06-0.15 mg/kg) and comprised mostly pain and phototoxic reactions. Three patients developed severe sunburns with subsequent scarring at the injection site following bright sunlight exposure 15-19 days after photosensitizer administration. CONCLUSIONS: The presented data suggest that mTHPC-PDT with the treatment parameters mentioned above seems to be an effective treatment option for BCCs. If sensibly applied, it is well tolerated and provides mostly excellent cosmetic results. Long-term results are yet to be evaluated. 相似文献
Kaviani A Ataie-Fashtami L Fateh M Sheikhbahaee N Ghodsi M Zand N Djavid GE 《Lasers in surgery and medicine》2005,36(5):377-382
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: We aimed to treat different pathologic types of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) using photodynamic therapy (PDT). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty lesions in six patients underwent PDT. The photosensitizer used was Photoheme, a hematoporphyrin derivative IX. It was injected intravenously at the dose of 2-3.25 mg/kg. After 24 hours, the lesions were illuminated by laser light (lambda = 632 nm, light exposure dose = 100-200 J/cm2). Lesions were evaluated pre and post-operatively and at follow-up sessions (of up to 6 months). RESULTS: After a single session of PDT, the average response rate in different histopathologic kinds of basal cell carcinoma (e.g., ulcerative, superficial, nodular, and pigmented forms) were 100%, 62%, 90%, and 14%, respectively. In patients who responded completely, the cosmetic results were excellent and there were no recurrence at 6th month of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Although PDT seems to be an effective treatment modality for superficial, ulcerative, and nodular BCCs, it is not recommended for pigmented lesions. 相似文献