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The first checkpoint in T cell development occurs between the CD4(-)CD8(-) and CD4(+)CD8(+) stages and is associated with formation of the pre-T cell receptor (TCR). The signaling mechanisms that drive this progression remain largely unknown. Here, we show that extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs)-1/2 are activated upon engagement of the pre-TCR. Using a novel experimental system, we demonstrate that expression of the pre-TCR by developing thymocytes induces ERK-1/2 activation within the thymus. In addition, the activation of this pre-TCR signaling cascade is mediated through Lck. These findings directly link pre-TCR complex formation with specific downstream signaling components in vivo.  相似文献   

T cell differentiation relies on pre-T cell receptor (TCR) and TCR signaling events that take place at successive steps of the pathway. Here, we show that two of these T cell differentiation checkpoints are regulated by Ikaros. In the absence of Ikaros, double negative thymocytes can differentiate to the double positive stage without expression of a pre-TCR complex. Subsequent events in T cell development mediated by TCR involving transition from the double positive to the single positive stage are also regulated by Ikaros. Nonetheless, in Ikaros-deficient thymocytes, the requirement of pre-TCR expression for expansion of immature thymocytes as they progress to the double positive stage is still maintained, and the T cell malignancies that invariably arise in the thymus of Ikaros-deficient mice are dependent on either pre-TCR or TCR signaling. We conclude that Ikaros regulates T cell differentiation, selection, and homeostasis by providing signaling thresholds for pre-TCR and TCR.  相似文献   

Induction of T cell antigen receptor (TCR) endocytosis has a significant impact on TCR signaling and T cell behavior, but the molecular interactions coordinating internalization of the activated TCR are poorly understood. Previously we have shown that TCR endocytosis is regulated by the Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp), a cytosolic effector which, upon interaction with the cdc42 Rho GTPase, couples TCR engagement to Arp 2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization. Here we report that WASp associates in T cells with intersectin 2, an endocytic adaptor containing multiple domains including a Dbl homology (DH) domain with the potential to activate Rho GTPases. Intersectin 2 association with WASp increases after TCR engagement, and its overexpression in Cos-7 cells induces WASp translocation to endocytic vesicles within which intersectin 2 colocalizes with both WASp and cdc42. Intersectin 2, but not a DH domain-deleted (DeltaDH) form of intersectin 2, and stimulation via the TCR also trigger the activation of cdc42. Induction of TCR internalization is also augmented by intersectin 2 and severely impaired by latrunculin B treatment. Thus, intersection 2 appears to function cooperatively with WASp and cdc42 to link the clathrin endocytic machinery to WASp-mediated actin polymerization and ultimately to occupancy-induced TCR endocytosis.  相似文献   

Linker for activation of T cells (LAT) is an adaptor protein whose tyrosine phosphorylation is critical for transduction of the T cell receptor (TCR) signal. LAT phosphorylation is accomplished by the protein tyrosine kinase ZAP-70, but it is not at all clear how LAT (which is not associated with the TCR) encounters ZAP-70 (which is bound to the TCR). Here we show that LAT associates with surface CD4 and CD8 coreceptors and that its association is promoted by the same coreceptor cysteine motif that mediates Lck binding. In fact, LAT competes with Lck for binding to individual coreceptor molecules but differs from Lck in its preferential association with CD8 rather than CD4 in CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes. Importantly, as a consequence of LAT association with surface coreceptors, coengagement of the TCR with surface coreceptors induces LAT phosphorylation and the specific recruitment of downstream signaling mediators to coreceptor-associated LAT molecules. These results point to a new function for CD4 and CD8 coreceptors in TCR signal transduction, namely to promote LAT phosphorylation by ZAP-70 by recruiting LAT to major histocompatibility complex-engaged TCR complexes.  相似文献   

Intracellular signaling from the T cell receptor (TCR)zeta/CD3 complex is likely to be mediated by associated protein tyrosine kinases such as p59fyn(T), ZAP-70, and the CD4:p56lck and CD8:p56lck coreceptors. The nature of the signaling cascade initiated by these kinases, their specificities, and downstream targets remain to be elucidated. The TCR- zeta/CD3:p59fyn(T) complex has previously been noted to coprecipitate a 120/130-kD doublet (p120/130). This intracellular protein of unknown identity associates directly with p59fyn(T) within the receptor complex. In this study, we have shown that this interaction with p120/130 is specifically mediated by the SH2 domain (not the fyn-SH3 domain) of p59fyn(T). Further, based on the results of in vitro kinase assays, p120/130 appears to be preferentially associated with p59fyn(T) in T cells, and not with p56lck. Antibody reprecipitation studies identified p120/130 as a previously described 130-kD substrate of pp60v- src whose function and structure is unknown. TCR-zeta/CD3 induced activation of T cells augmented the tyrosine phosphorylation of p120/130 in vivo as detected by antibody and GST:fyn-SH2 fusion proteins. p120/130 represents the first identified p59fyn(T):SH2 binding substrate in T cells, and as such is likely to play a key role in the early events of T cell activation.  相似文献   

Human PMNs have well-described responses to beta-adrenergic catecholamines; these include elevation of cellular levels of cyclic AMP and inhibition of the release of lysosomal contents. Using the radioactive beta-adrenergic antagonist (-)-[3H]DHA in direct ligand-binding studies, we have identified and characterized beta-adrenergic receptors on particulate preparations of PMNs. These particulates bind DHA rapidly (t1/2 less than 1 min) and reversibly (t1/2 = 8 to 9 min). DHA binding is saturable and of high affinity (dissociation constant = 1 to 5 nM) and low capacity (870 +/- 128 receptors/cell, mean +/- S.D.) to a single class of binding sites. Competition for DHA binding sites by both beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists is stereoselective [(-)-isomers more potent that (+)-isomers]. The rank order of potency of adrenergic agents in such competition studies indicates that these receptors are of the beta2 type. Since PMNs can be obtained in high purity with relative ease, the combined use of pharmacologic and ligand-binding studies in PMNs provide a useful system for studying beta-adrenergic receptors and their function in human subjects.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with the human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR2 haplotype, suggesting that major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted presentation of central nervous system-derived antigens is important in the disease process. Antibodies specific for defined HLA-DR2-peptide complexes may therefore be valuable tools for studying antigen presentation in MS. We have used phage display technology to select HLA-DR2-peptide-specific antibodies from HLA-DR2-transgenic mice immunized with HLA-DR2 molecules complexed with an immunodominant myelin basic protein (MBP) peptide (residues 85-99). Detailed characterization of one clone (MK16) demonstrated that both DR2 and the MBP peptide were required for recognition. Furthermore, MK16 labeled intra- and extracellular HLA-DR2-MBP peptide complexes when antigen-presenting cells (APCs) were pulsed with recombinant MBP. In addition, MK16 inhibited interleukin 2 secretion by two transfectants that expressed human MBP-specific T cell receptors. Analysis of the structural requirement for MK16 binding demonstrated that the two major HLA-DR2 anchor residues of MBP 85-99 and the COOH-terminal part of the peptide, in particular residues Val-96, Pro-98, and Arg-99, were important for binding. Based on these results, the antibody was used to determine if the HLA-DR2-MBP peptide complex is presented in MS lesions. The antibody stained APCs in MS lesions, in particular microglia/macrophages but also in some cases hypertrophic astrocytes. Staining of APCs was only observed in MS cases with the HLA-DR2 haplotype but not in cases that carried other haplotypes. These results demonstrate that HLA-DR2 molecules in MS lesions present a myelin-derived self-peptide and suggest that microglia/macrophages rather than astrocytes are the predominant APCs in these lesions.  相似文献   

HLA-A2+ melanomas express common melanoma-associated antigens (Ags) recognized in vitro by autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). However, it is not known whether tumor Ags can drive in vivo a selective accumulation/expansion of Ag-specific, tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TIL). Therefore, to evaluate this possibility, 39 CTL clones isolated from several independent mixed lymphocyte tumor cultures (MLTC) of TIL and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of an HLA- A2+ melanoma patient and selected for T cell receptor (TCR)-dependent, HLA-restricted tumor lysis, were used for analysis of TCR alpha and beta chain structure by the cDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique with variable gene-specific primers followed by sequencing. Despite absence of oligoclonality in fresh TIL and PBL, as well as in T cells of day 28 MLTC (day of cloning), sequence analysis of TCR alpha and beta chains of TIL clones revealed a dominance of a major category of melanoma-specific, HLA-A2-restricted T cells expressing a V alpha 8.2/J alpha AP511/C alpha and V beta 2.1/D beta 1/J beta 1.1/C beta 1 TCR. The same TCR was also found in 2 out of 14 PBL clones. The other PBL clones employed a V alpha 2.1 gene segment associated with either V beta 13.2, 14, or w22. Clones A81 (V alpha 2.1/J alpha IGRJ alpha 04/C alpha and V beta 14/D beta 1/J beta 1.2/C beta 1) and A21 (V alpha 8.2/J alpha AP511/C alpha and V beta 2.1/D beta 1/J beta 1.1/C beta 1), representative of the two most frequent TCR of PBL and TIL, respectively, expressed different lytic patterns, but both were HLA-A2 restricted and lysed only HLA-A2+ melanomas and normal melanocytes, thus indicating recognition of two distinct HLA-A2-associated and tissue-related Ags. Finally, by the inverse PCR technique, the specific TCR beta chain (V beta 2.1/D beta 1/J beta 1.1/C beta 1) expressed by the dominant TIL clone was found to represent 19 and 18.4% of all V beta 2 sequences expressed in the fresh tumor sample and in the purified TIL, respectively, but < 0.19% of V beta 2+ sequences expressed in PBL. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that a clonal expansion/accumulation of a melanocyte-lineage-specific and HLA-A2-restricted T cell clone occurred in vivo at the site of tumor growth.  相似文献   

In T cells, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) type I colocalizes with the T cell receptor-CD3 complex (TCR/CD3) and inhibits T cell function via a previously unknown proximal target. Here we examine the mechanism for this PKA-mediated immunomodulation. cAMP treatment of Jurkat and normal T cells reduces Lck-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of the TCR/CD3 zeta chain after T cell activation, and decreases Lck activity. Phosphorylation of residue Y505 in Lck by COOH-terminal Src kinase (Csk), which negatively regulates Lck, is essential for the inhibitory effect of cAMP on zeta chain phosphorylation. PKA phosphorylates Csk at S364 in vitro and in vivo leading to a two- to fourfold increase in Csk activity that is necessary for cAMP-mediated inhibition of TCR-induced interleukin 2 secretion. Both PKA type I and Csk are targeted to lipid rafts where proximal T cell activation occurs, and phosphorylation of raft-associated Lck by Csk is increased in cells treated with forskolin. We propose a mechanism whereby PKA through activation of Csk intersects signaling by Src kinases and inhibits T cell activation.  相似文献   

The role of interleukin (IL)2 in intrathymic T cell development is highly controversial, and nothing is known about IL-2R expression on thymocytes of the T cell receptor (TCR) alpha/beta lineage undergoing TCR-driven differentiation events. We analyze here IL-2R alpha and beta mRNA expression in an in vitro system where newly generated rat CD4,8 double positive (DP) thymocytes respond to TCR ligation plus IL-2 (but not to either stimulus alone) with rapid differentiation to functional CD8 single positive T cells (Hunig, T., and R. Mitnacht. 1991. J. Exp. Med. 173:561). TCR ligation induced expression of IL-2R beta (but not alpha) chain mRNA in DP thymocytes. Addition of IL-2 then lead to functional maturation and expression of the IL-2R alpha chain. To investigate if the CD8 T cells generated via this IL-2R beta-driven pathway in vitro correspond to the bulk of CD8 T cells seeding peripheral lymphoid organs in vivo, we compared their phenotype to that of lymph node CD8 T cells. Surprisingly, analysis of CD8 cell surface expression using a novel anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody specific for the alpha/beta heterodimeric isoform, and of CD8 alpha and beta chain mRNA revealed that T cells generated by TCR ligation plus IL-2 resemble thymus-independent rather than thymus-derived CD8 cells in that they express CD8 alpha without beta chains. These findings demonstrate that TCR crosslinking induces functional IL-2R on immature DP rat thymocytes. In addition, they show that at least in vitro, CD8 alpha/alpha T cells are generated from TCR-stimulated DP thymocytes (which express the CD8 alpha/beta in the heterodimeric isoform) along an IL-2-driven pathway of T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the human class I major histocompatibility complex molecule, human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-Cw4, the ligand for a natural killer (NK) cell inhibitory receptor, has been determined, complexed with a nonameric consensus peptide (QYDDAVYKL). Relative to HLA-A2, the peptide binding groove is widened around the COOH terminus of the alpha 1 helix, which contains residues that determine the specificity of HLA-Cw4 for the inhibitory NK receptor, KIR2D. The structure reveals an unusual pattern of internal hydrogen bonding among peptide residues. The peptide is anchored in four specificity pockets in the cleft and secured by extensive hydrogen bonds between the peptide main chain and the cleft. The surface of HLA-Cw4 has electrostatic complementarity to the surface of the NK cell inhibitory receptor KIR2D.  相似文献   

The Src family tyrosine kinases Lck and Fyn are critical for signaling via the T cell receptor. However, the exact mechanism of their activation is unknown. Recent crystal structures of Src kinases suggest that an important mechanism of kinase activation is via engagement of the Src homology (SH)3 domain by proline-containing sequences. To test this hypothesis, we identified several T cell membrane proteins that contain potential SH3 ligands. Here we demonstrate that Lck and Fyn can be activated by proline motifs in the CD28 and CD2 proteins, respectively. Supporting a role for Lck in CD28 signaling, we demonstrate that CD28 signaling in both transformed and primary T cells requires Lck as well as proline residues in CD28. These data suggest that Lck plays an essential role in CD28 costimulation.  相似文献   

The interleukin (IL)-12 receptor (R)beta2 subunit is the critical molecule involved in maintaining IL-12 responsiveness and controlling T helper cell type 1 lineage commitment. We demonstrate that IL-12 and interferon (IFN)-gamma play separate, but complementary, roles in regulating IL-12Rbeta2 expression on antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells. These results are consistent with our previous observation that IL-12 can promote autoimmune disease through IFN-gamma-independent as well as -dependent pathways. Therefore, we compared the induction of IL-12 by, and the expression of the IL-12Rbeta2 subunit on, myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific T cells from experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE)-susceptible SJL (H-2(s)) mice and from EAE- resistant B10.S mice (H-2(s)). B10.S mice had an antigen-specific defect in their capacity to upregulate the IL-12Rbeta2 subunit. Defective expression was not secondary to the production of suppressive cytokines, but to a failure of B10.S MBP-specific T cells to upregulate CD40 ligand expression and to induce the production of IL-12. IL-12Rbeta2 expression as well as encephalitogenicity of these cells could be restored by the addition of IL-12. These results suggest that the development of immunotherapies that target the IL-12Rbeta2 subunit may be useful for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) is currently ascribed in part to a T cell-mediated process targeting myelin components. The T cell response to one candidate autoantigen, myelin basic protein (MBP), in the context of HLA-DR15Dw2, has been previously studied in detail. However, the characteristics of cellular immunity in the context of other MS-associated HLA-DR haplotypes are scarcely known. MBP-specific T cell lines (TCL) were generated from HLA-DR4 (B1*0401)-positive MS subjects. Out of 275 MBP-specific TCL, 178 (64. 7%) specifically recognized region MBP(111-129), predominantly in the context of DRB1*0401. The major T cell epitope for MBP recognition corresponded to residues MBP(116-123). These TCL expressed disparate profiles of cytokine secretion and cytotoxicity. T cell receptor analysis, on the other hand, revealed a strikingly limited heterogeneity of rearrangements. In contrast to MBP(81-99), which binds with high affinity to HLA-DR15 and is recognized by a diverse T cell repertoire, MBP(111-129) binds weakly to DRB1*0401, suggesting that only high affinity T cell receptors might be able to efficiently engage such unstable MHC/peptide complexes, thus accounting for the T cell receptor restriction we observed. This study provides new insight about MBP recognition and proposes an alternative mechanism for immunodominance of self-antigen T cell epitopes in humans.  相似文献   

Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) in mice include two main subsets of TCR-alpha/beta(1) cells which differ functionally and ontogenically from each other. One expresses the CD8alpha/alpha homodimer, whereas the other expresses the CD8alpha/beta heterodimer. Although the presence of all CD8(+)TCR-alpha/beta(1) IELs is dependent on beta2-microglobulin molecules, the nature of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules recognized by the CD8alpha/alpha and the CD8alpha/beta(1) subsets has remained elusive. Using mutant mice lacking the expression of both H2-K(b) and H2-D(b), we show that the CD8alpha/beta(1)TCR-alpha/beta(1) subset is dependent on K or D molecules, whereas the CD8alpha/alpha(1)TCR-alpha/beta(1) subset is independent of classical MHC class I molecules. Furthermore, the CD8alpha/alpha(1) cells are conserved in mice lacking expression of CD1, a nonclassical MHC class I-like molecule previously proposed to be a potential ligand for IELs. Using transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)-deficient mice, this cell population can be further separated into a TAP-dependent and a TAP-independent subset, suggesting either the recognition of two nonclassical MHC-like molecules, only one of which is TAP dependent, or the involvement of a single nonclassical MHC-like molecule that is only partially TAP dependent. These findings demonstrate that CD8alpha/beta(1)TCR-alpha/beta(1) IELs are restricted by H-2K and H-2D molecules, whereas the unusual subset of CD8alpha/alpha(1)TCR-alpha/beta(1) resident IELs recognize nonclassical MHC class I-like molecules that are distinct from CD1.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: Apoptosis or programmed cell death involves a number of biochemical events, including the activation of caspases, which lead to specific cell morphology changes and ultimately cell death. Traditionally, two apoptotic pathways have been described: the cell‐surface death receptor‐dependent extrinsic pathway and the mitochondria‐dependent intrinsic pathway. Alternatively, apoptosis has been reported to be induced by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which is mainly induced by a reduction in intraluminal free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]ER). Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the development of apoptotic events after ER stress induced by N,N,N′,N′‐tetrakis(2‐pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN), an ER Ca2+ chelator, in human platelets. Methods: Changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, caspase activity and phosphatidylserine externalization were determined by fluorimetric techniques. Results: Our results indicate that TPEN reduces the amount of free Ca2+ releasable by the Ca2+‐mobilizing agonist thrombin. TPEN induced activation of caspase‐3, ‐8 and ‐9 and subsequent phosphatidylserine externalization. The ability of TPEN to induce phosphatidylserine externalization was smaller than that of thrombin. In addition, TPEN was able to induce phosphorylation of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α). TPEN‐mediated caspase‐3 activation requires functional caspase‐8, but is independent of H2O2 generation. Activation of caspase‐3 and ‐8 by TPEN was prevented by salubrinal, an agent that prevents ER stress‐induced apoptosis. Conclusion: These findings provide experimental evidence for the existence of ER stress‐mediated apoptosis in human platelets, a process that might limit platelet life span upon prolonged stimulation with agonists.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that chemokines and their receptors regulate the movement and interaction of antigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells. We tested the hypothesis that the CC chemokine receptor (CCR)2 and CCR5 and the chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1alpha, a ligand for CCR5, influence DC migration and localization. We found that deficiency of CCR2 but not CCR5 or MIP-1alpha led to distinct defects in DC biology. Langerhans cell (skin DC) density in CCR2-null mice was normal, and their ability to migrate into the dermis was intact; however, their migration to the draining lymph nodes was markedly impaired. CCR2-null mice had lower numbers of DCs in the spleen, and this was primarily due to a reduction in the CD8alpha(1) T helper cell type 1 (Th1)-inducing subset of DCs. Additionally, there was a block in the Leishmania major infection-induced relocalization of splenic DCs from the marginal zone to the T cell areas. We propose that these DC defects, in conjunction with increased expression of B lymphocyte chemoattractant, a B cell-specific chemokine, may collectively contribute to the striking B cell outgrowth and Th2 cytokine-biased nonhealing phenotype that we observed in CCR2-deficient mice infected with L. major. This disease phenotype in mice with an L. major-resistant genetic background but lacking CCR2 is strikingly reminiscent of that observed typically in mice with an L. major-susceptible genetic background. Thus, CCR2 is an important determinant of not only DC migration and localization but also the development of protective cell-mediated immune responses to L. major.  相似文献   

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