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Background: Regulation of developmental signaling pathways is essential for embryogenesis. The small putative zinc finger protein, Churchill (ChCh) has been implicated in modulation of both TGF‐β and FGF signaling. Results: We used zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) mediated gene targeting to disrupt the zebrafish chch locus and generate the first chch mutations. Three induced lesions produce frameshift mutations that truncate the protein in the third of five β‐strands that comprise the protein. Surprisingly, zygotic and maternal zygotic chch mutants are viable. Mutants have elevated expression of mesodermal markers, but progress normally through early development. chch mutants are sensitive to exogenous Nodal. However, neither misregulation of FGF targets nor sensitivity to exogenous FGF was detected. Finally, chch mutant cells were found to undergo inappropriate migration in cell transplant assays. Conclusions: Together, these results suggest that chch is not essential for survival, but functions to modulate early mesendodermal gene expression and limit cell migration. Developmental Dynamics 242:614–621, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.?  相似文献   

Importance of globin gene order for correct developmental expression.   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
We have used transgenic mice to study the influence of position of the human globin genes relative to the locus control region (LCR) on their expression pattern during development. The LCR, which is located 5' of the globin gene cluster, is normally required for the activation of all the genes. When the human beta-globin gene is linked as a single gene to the LCR it is activated prematurely in the embryonic yolk sac. We show that the correct timing of beta gene activation is restored when it is placed farther from the LCR than a competing human gamma- or alpha-globin gene. Correct timing is not restored when beta is the globin gene closest to the LCR. Similarly, the human gamma-globin gene is silenced earlier when present farthest from the LCR. On the basis of this result, we propose a model of developmental gene control based on stage-specific elements immediately flanking the genes and on polarity in the locus. We suggest that the difference in relative distance to the LCR, which is a consequence of the ordered arrangement of the genes, results in nonreciprocal competition between the genes for activation by the LCR.  相似文献   

The cholinergic gene locus (CGL), consisting of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT)/choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) gene, encodes two specific cholinergic neuronal markers used extensively to study cholinergic transmission. In the present work, we isolated the amphioxus homologs of VAChT and ChAT and examined their expression during development. Analysis of the 5' untranslated region of VAChT and ChAT suggests that the splicing of the VAChT/ChAT mRNA has been evolutionarily conserved in amphioxus and mammals. By double whole-mount in situ hybridization, we demonstrate that VAChT and ChAT are coexpressed in the same cells. They are first expressed in four pairs of differentiating cells in the neural plate. Their later expression is primarily in the anterior nerve cord in several types of motoneurons, some of the interneurons and in the receptor cells of the larval ocellus.  相似文献   

In adult mice, the VpreB genes are expressed in bone marrow progenitor (pro-) and precursor (pre-) B cells. As part of the pre-B cell receptor, the proteins are crucial for the proliferation of these cells and consequently normal B lymphocyte development. Using cell lines, we identified a lineage- and developmental-stage-specific VpreB1 enhancer. Here, we analyze its specificity in vivo by generating transgenic mice in which expression of a reporter gene (human CD122) is regulated by the VpreB1 enhancer in the context of its own promoter. All transgenic lines expressed the reporter gene in the bone marrow in a copy number-independent manner, whereas expression levels were integration site-dependent. While the enhancer is not tissue specific, within the B cell lineage the expression pattern of human CD122 mimicked that of endogenous VpreB1. Thus, low levels were detected in pro-B cells, high levels in pre-BI and slightly lower levels in pre-BII cells; no expression was detected in immature/mature B cells. Furthermore, when in vitro cultured transgenic pre-B cells differentiated into immature B cells there was concomitant down-regulation of human CD122 and endogenous VpreB1. Thus the VpreB1 enhancer is sufficient to ensure developmental stage-specific expression of a reporter gene in B lymphocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

目的:探讨外源性A20基因在缺氧培养条件下对内皮细胞E-选择素表达的影响。方法:培养原代人脐静脉内皮细胞,将细胞分组建立缺氧模型。采用脂质体转染法将质粒pcDNA3.1EHA20转染培养的内皮细胞,筛选出抗G418的阳性克隆,经免疫荧光鉴定A20表达。采用免疫组化和原位杂交的方法检测内皮细胞E-选择素的表达。结果:缺氧能诱导人内皮细胞E-选择素的高表达。外源性A20基因抑制80%以上由缺氧诱导的内皮细胞E-选择素的表达。结论:外源性A20基因能够显著抑制缺氧诱导的人内皮细胞的活化,有效抑制E-选择素的表达。  相似文献   

Adlam M  Siu G 《Immunity》2003,18(2):173-184
CD4 gene regulation provides an ideal model for understanding the molecular events that drive T cell development. In this paper we use a transgenic approach to identify a CD4 LCR containing a stage-specific thymocyte enhancer (TE) and a region that protects against position effect variegation. Surprisingly, the TE acts indirectly through the previously defined proximal enhancer and is strongly induced upon commitment to the T cell lineage. We also describe a complex series of hierarchical control element interactions that orchestrate CD4 expression throughout thymopoiesis. These data provide a framework for understanding how CD4 gene expression is regulated in response to lineage commitment decisions.  相似文献   

Scores of 83 pairs of twins and their parents on the Cubes Comparison Test have been analyzed to test competing hypotheses about the origin of individual differences in spatial orientation. Models allowing for polygenic sex-linked or sex-limited gene expression show no improvement in fit over the simple autosomal additive polygenic model. However, individual environmental influences (E 1) account for twice as much variance in males as in females.  相似文献   

This study investigates hindbrain and associated neural crest (NCC), otocyst, and pharyngeal arch development in monkey embryos following teratogenic exposure to 13-cis-retinoic acid (cRA). cRA was orally administered (5 mg/kg) to pregnant long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) between gestational days (GD) 12 and 27. Embryos were surgically collected at desired stages during treatment, analyzed for external morphological changes, and processed for immunohistochemistry. Two transiently expressed nuclear proteins, Krox-20 and Pax-2, were used as markers for the target cellular and anatomical structures. Rhombomere (r) expression patterns of Pax-2 (r4/r6) and Krox-20 (r3/r5) were maintained after cRA treatment, but r4 and r5 were substantially reduced in size. In untreated embryos, Krox-20 immunoreactive NCC derived from r5 migrated caudally around the developing otocyst to contribute to the third pharyngeal arch mesenchyme. In cRA-treated embryos, a subpopulation of NCC rostral to the otocyst also showed Krox-20 immunoreactivity, but there was a substantial reduction in Krox-20 post-otic NCC. Pax-2 immunoreactive NCC migrating from r4 to the second pharyngeal arch were substantially reduced in numbers in treated embryos. Alteration in the otic anlage included delayed invagination, abnormal relationship with the adjacent hindbrain epithelium, and altered expression boundaries for Pax-2. cRA-associated changes in the pharyngeal arch region due to cRA included truncation of the distal portion of the first arch and reduction in the size of the second arch. These alterations in hindbrain, neural crest, otic anlage, and pharyngeal arch morphogenesis could contribute to some of the craniofacial malformations in the macaque fetus associated with exposure to cRA.  相似文献   

Thymic epithelial cells (TEC) form the structural and functional microenvironment necessary for the establishment and quality control of the T cell repertoire. In addition, they provide an ectopic source of numerous tissue-restricted antigens (TRA), a feature called promiscuous gene expression (pGE). How the regulation of pGE is related to the cell biology of TEC subset(s), e.g. their turnover and developmental interrelationship is still poorly understood. The observation that pGE is foremost a property of phenotypically and functionally mature medullary TEC (mTEC) implies that the full implementation of pGE is contingent on mTEC differentiation. Here, we show that the emergence of TEC subsets and pGE is tightly correlated during ontogeny and we provide evidence that mature CD80pos mTEC develop from an immature CD80neg subset. This differentiation step proceeds continuously in the postnatal thymus. While mature mTEC turnover in 2 to 3 weeks, immature mTEC encompass a smaller cycling and a larger non-cycling pool. The latter might serve as a reservoir of committed precursors, which sustain this renewal process. Our data document that mTEC represent a highly dynamic cell population, and they imply that the availability and display of TRA in the thymus undergoes a perpetual temporal and spatial reorganization.  相似文献   

As studies of measured gene-environment interactions (G x E) in developmental psychopathology gain momentum, methods for systematically and quantitatively summarizing effects across multiple studies are urgently needed. Meta-analyses of G x E findings are critical for evaluating the overall statistical and theoretical significance of any given G x E based on cumulative and systematically combined knowledge. Although meta-analytic methods for the combination of study findings based on single effect measures such as odds ratios and mean differences are well established, equivalent methods for the meta-analysis of studies investigating interactions are not well developed. This article describes one simple approach to the meta-analysis of G x E effects using, as a contemporaneous example, the interaction of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene and the impact of childhood maltreatment on risk for developing antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

An immunogenic challenge during early postnatal development leads to long-term changes in behavioural and physiological measures reflecting enhanced emotionality and anxiety. Altered CNS serotonin (5-HT) signalling during the third postnatal week is thought to modify the developing neurocircuitry governing anxiety-like behaviour. Changes in 5-HT signalling during this time window may underlie increased emotionality reported in early immune challenge rodents. Here we examine both the spatial and temporal profile of 5-HT related gene expression, including 5HT1A, 2A, 2C receptors, the 5-HT transporter (5HTT), and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) during early development (postnatal day [P]14, P17, P21, P28) in mice challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) during the first postnatal week. Expression levels were measured using in situ hybridization in regions associated with mediating emotive behaviours: the dorsal raphe (DR), hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex (PFC). Increased TPH2 and 5HTT expression in the ventrolateral region of the DR of LPS-mice accompanied decreased expression of ventral DR 5HT1A and dorsal DR 5HTT. In the forebrain, 5HT1A and 2A receptors were increased, whereas 5HT2C receptors were decreased in the hippocampus. Decreased mRNA expression of 5HT2C was detected in the amygdala and PFC of LPS-treated pups; 5HT1A was increased in the PFC. The majority of these changes were restricted to P14–21. These transient changes in 5-HT expression coincide with the critical time window in which 5-HT disturbance leads to permanent modification of anxiety-related behaviours. This suggests that alterations in CNS 5-HT during development may underlie the enhanced emotionality associated with an early immune challenge.  相似文献   

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