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The purpose of this study was to examine changes in motor unit activity in the biceps brachii muscle after an initial (Bout 1) and repeated (Bout 2) session of eccentric exercise separated by 1 wk. Eight subjects (aged 22 ± 2 yr) participated in experimental assessments of neuromuscular function obtained before, immediately after, 24 h after, and 7 days after each exercise bout. Each experimental session involved assessments of elbow-flexor force and biceps and triceps brachii electromyography during maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVCs) and constant-force isometric contractions at five contraction intensities (5-50% MVC), along with indicators of muscle damage (muscle pain and passive tension). In addition, motor unit recordings were obtained before exercise, 7 days after Bout 1, and 24 h after Bout 2 to assess motor unit synchronization and recruitment thresholds. Following a single eccentric exercise session that elicited significant indicators of muscle damage, we found a 57% increase in motor unit synchronization 7 days later compared with before exercise, despite the recovery of maximal strength, soreness, and relaxed elbow-joint angle at this time. Furthermore, a second bout of the same eccentric exercise resulted in reduced indicators of muscle damage and a decline in the strength of motor unit synchronization (24 h after Bout 2) toward levels observed before both exercise sessions. In contrast, no changes in motor unit recruitment thresholds were observed 7 days after Bout 1 or 24 h after Bout 2 compared with before exercise. The increased motor unit synchronization 7 days after a single eccentric exercise session provides new evidence of changes in motor unit activity during the putative repair and regeneration phase following eccentric muscle damage.  相似文献   

We examined respiratory activity of motor units (MUs) in the internal intercostal nerves (IICNs)-transferred biceps brachii muscle (IC-biceps) in cats. MUs of IC-biceps showed respiratory discharges in inspiratory and expiratory phases, and these were enhanced by CO2 inhalation. Narrowing the airway also enhanced inspiratory and expiratory MUs activity. A mechanical load to the thorax immediately enhanced inspiratory MUs activity and weakened expiratory MUs activity. We analyzed the cross-correlation of MUs activity in interchondral muscle and IC-biceps to characterize the respiratory spinal descending inputs to motoneurons. We confirmed the short-term synchronization from interchondral muscles indicating divergence of a single respiratory presynaptic axon to thoracic motoneurons, but could not find synchronization from IC-biceps. The motor axonal conduction velocity (axonal CV) of IC-biceps MUs was lower than that of interchondral muscles. There was no correlation between the respiratory recruitment order of IC-biceps MUs and their axonal CV. These results indicate that IC-biceps shows the respiratory activities and afferent inputs from intercostal muscle spindles in the neighboring segments remain influential on activity of IC-biceps. In addition, the short-term synchronization from IC-biceps could not be found, suggesting that the intercostal nerve transfer alters the respiratory spinal descending inputs to thoracic motoneurons.  相似文献   

Injection of the neurolytic agents into motor points of the biceps brachii or brachialis muscles is an effective treatment of spasticity of the elbow flexors in many stroke survivors. Accurate localization of the motor points of each muscle is necessary for enhancing the efficacy of motor point blocks. To identify the precise locations of the motor points (terminal nerve endings) of the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles in relation to anatomic surface landmarks for motor point blocks, we dissected 23 limbs from 12 cadavers. A reference line was defined as a line connecting the coracoid process with the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. The location of the motor points of the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles was identified in reference to the reference line. The motor point of the biceps brachii muscle was found to be approximately half of the reference line. In the brachialis muscle, the location of the motor point was 70% of the reference line from the coracoid process and 2 cm medial to the line. The results are expected to facilitate effective localization of the motor point block of these muscles in selective motor nerve block.  相似文献   

Some features of different motor units in human biceps brachii   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Use has been made of the method of selective leading-off of impulses from individual motor units at high isometric muscle tension, the maximum one including. Two types of motor units have been distinguished in m. biceps brachii in man on the basis of the dependence between the firing frequency and the level of the muscle tension. Characteristic of the first (tonic) type is the rise in the frequency at lower tensions and constant frequency at higher tensions. The second (phasic) type shows an approximately linear rise of the frequency with increase of tension. The tonic motor units are smaller in size, with lower threshold, they are less fatiquable and their transient pattern of firing depends on the rate of increase of tension. They contribute less to the growth of the muscle tension. The phasic motor units are bigger in size with higher threshold, more fatiguable, their transient pattern of firing does not depend on the rate of increase of tension. They contribute essentially to the growth of the muscle tension.  相似文献   

Reciprocal control of antagonists is essential for coordinated limb movement. While Ia afferent dependent reciprocal inhibition has been extensively studied, reports of the control of antagonists during preparation for a motor action are limited. It has been demonstrated that corticomotor (CM) excitability of antagonists is suppressed prior to wrist extension/flexion suggesting the existence of a pre-contraction cortical control mechanism for distal upper limb antagonists. It is unknown whether pre-contraction suppression is evident in the control of proximal upper limb antagonists. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation and a rhythmic motor task to assess pre-contraction changes in excitability of corticospinal pathways projecting to biceps brachii (BB), when BB was an agonist (forearm supinator) or an antagonist. We found a suppression of motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude in BB prior to pronator contraction and facilitation prior to BB contracting as a supinator. The extent of modulation was more profound as the agonist contraction approached. In contrast, there was no suppression evident in brachioradialis and triceps brachii under similar conditions indicating that pre-contraction suppression was specific to the antagonist BB. Our data in combination with published data from wrist muscles suggest that pre-contraction suppression of CM excitability may be a centrally induced mechanism to prevent antagonistic activity before Ia afferent dependent reciprocal inhibition is imposed. The importance of assessment of this inhibitory mechanism in neurologically impaired populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Fiber-type distributions, cross-sectional areas, and oxidative enzyme activities of type-identified fibers in the biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles of 10-week-old male Wistar rats were determined and compared with those in the soleus and plantaris muscles. The soleus and plantaris muscles consisted of two (I and IIA) and three (I, IIA, and IIB) types of fibers, respectively. The deep regions of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles consisted of three types of fibers, while the surface regions of those muscles consisted only of type IIB fibers. The cross-sectional areas of fibers in the deep and surface regions of the plantaris muscle and in the deep regions of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles were in the rank order of type I = type IIA < type IIB, while the oxidative enzyme activities of fibers in the deep and surface regions of the plantaris muscle and in the deep region of the triceps brachii muscle were in the rank order of type IIB < type I = type IIA. These results indicate that fiber-type distributions, cross-sectional areas, and oxidative enzyme activities are muscle type- and region-specific. Therefore, the metabolic and functional significance of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles, especially in the surface regions, where only type IIB fibers are located, in those muscles, appears to be determined by their fibers having larger cells and lower oxidative enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of the difference between the recruitment threshold of a motor unit and the target force of the sustained contraction on the discharge of the motor unit at recruitment. The discharge characteristics of 53 motor units in biceps brachii were recorded after being recruited during a sustained contraction. Some motor units (n = 22) discharged action potentials tonically after being recruited, whereas others (n = 31) discharged intermittent trains of action potentials. The two groups of motor units were distinguished by the difference between the recruitment threshold of the motor unit and the target force for the sustained contraction: tonic, 5.9 +/- 2.5%; intermittent, 10.7 +/- 2.9%. Discharge rate for the tonic units decreased progressively (13.9 +/- 2.7 to 11.7 +/- 2.6 pulses s(-1); P = 0.04) during the 99 +/- 111 s contraction. Train rate, train duration and average discharge rate for the intermittent motor units did not change across 211 +/- 153 s of intermittent discharge. The initial discharge rate at recruitment during the sustained contraction was lower for the intermittent motor units (11.0 +/- 3.3 pulses s(-1)) than the tonic motor units (13.7 +/- 3.3 pulses s(-1); P = 0.005), and the coefficient of variation for interspike interval was higher for the intermittent motor units (34.6 +/- 12.3%) than the tonic motor units (21.2 +/- 9.4%) at recruitment (P = 0.001) and remained elevated for discharge duration (34.6 +/- 9.2% versus 19.1 +/- 11.7%, P < 0.001). In an additional experiment, 12 motor units were recorded at two different target forces below recruitment threshold (5.7 +/- 1.9% and 10.5 +/- 2.4%). Each motor unit exhibited the two discharge patterns (tonic and intermittent) as observed for the 53 motor units. The results suggest that newly recruited motor units with recruitment thresholds closer to the target force experienced less synaptic noise at the time of recruitment that resulted in them discharging action potentials at more regular and greater rates than motor units with recruitment thresholds further from the target force.  相似文献   

Three muscles from the proximal equine forelimb were dissected in order to investigate their potential to contribute to proximal limb mechanics. Muscle mass, fibre length, tendon mass and tendon length were measured from biceps brachii, triceps brachii, supraspinatus and lacertus fibrosus (biceps lateral head mass 171-343.4 g and fibre length 0.5-0.8 cm; biceps medial head mass 283-500 g and fibre length 2.2-4 cm; biceps tendon mass 121.8-260 g and tendon length 35-44 cm; triceps long head mass 3200-6663 g and fibre length 19-26.3 cm; triceps lateral head mass 513.8-1240 g and fibre length 17.5-24 cm; triceps medial head mass 85.2-270.6 g and fibre length 9-16.8 cm; supraspinatus mass 793-1546 g and fibre length 4.7-12.4 cm; lacertus fibrosus mass 4.6-12.4 g and length 10-16 cm). Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and maximum isometric force were estimated for each muscle, and moment arm measurements were taken at the shoulder and elbow joints. Biceps has a greater isometric force-generating capacity than supraspinatus. It also appears to have a larger shoulder moment arm, so could therefore have the potential to make a greater contribution to the shoulder moment than supraspinatus. Supraspinatus is likely to function primarily as a shoulder stabilizer rather than a shoulder extensor. Biceps also functions as an elbow flexor and data here indicate that it has a greater PCSA and isometric force-generating capacity than its antagonist triceps brachii. Calculation of tendon forces showed that the biceps tendon can withstand much greater forces than lacertus fibrosus. This study will enable further investigation into the interaction between energy recycling in elastic tissues and the generation and absorption of mechanical work by adjacent muscle groups in the equine forelimb.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate whether painful cutaneous stimuli can affect specifically the excitability of the arm proximal muscle motor area. The motor evoked potentials (MEPs), recorded from the right biceps brachii muscle after either transcranial magnetic or electrical anodal stimulation of the left primary motor (MI) cortex, were conditioned by painful CO2 laser stimuli delivered either on the right hand dorsum or on the lateral surface of the right arm. Painful CO2 laser stimuli delivered on the hand skin reduced significantly the amplitude of MEPs evoked by the transcranial magnetic stimulation of the contralateral MI area, while the MEP amplitude was not significantly modified by CO2 laser pulses delivered on the arm skin. The inhibitory effect followed the arrival of the nociceptive inputs to the cerebral cortex. The amplitude of MEPs evoked by anodal electrical stimulation of the motor cortex was not decreased by conditioning painful stimuli delivered on the hand dorsum. Since the magnetic stimulation led to transynaptic activation of pyramidal neurons, while the anodal stimulation activated directly corticospinal axons, our findings suggest that CO2 laser pulses delivered on the hand are able to inhibit the arm proximal muscle motor area. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the discharge characteristics of motor units in the biceps brachii during brief isometric contractions of the elbow flexors as subjects matched either a target force or a target joint angle with the forearm placed in one of two postures. One task required force control to exert a constant force against a rigid restraint (force task), whereas the other task involved position control to maintain a constant elbow angle while supporting an inertial load (position task). The left arm of right-handed subjects was rotated forward so that the upper arm was horizontal and the forearm was vertical. When the elbow flexor muscles were contracted, the wrist exerted a force in a horizontal direction. Subcutaneous electrodes were used to record the discharge of 20 motor units in neutral and supinated forearm postures during both force and position control. Motor unit recruitment thresholds ranged from 1.3 to 37.9% of maximal voluntary contraction force. Discharge rate was similar at the start of the force and position tasks in both the neutral posture (13.1 ± 0.6 and 12.6 ± 0.6 pps, P = 0.54) and the supinated posture (14.7 ± 1.6 and 14.0 ± 0.9 pps, P = 0.4) and declined during both tasks in the two forearm postures (P < 0.001). Nonetheless, the decrease in discharge rate (P < 0.001), increase in the coefficient of variation for interspike interval (P = 0.04), and increases in the standard deviation of acceleration (P = 0.02) were greatest for the position task in the supinated posture. These findings indicate that the influence of load compliance on the adjustments in motor unit activity during brief isometric contractions with the elbow flexors was modulated by changes in forearm posture.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of eccentric exercise on correlated motor unit discharge (motor unit synchronization and coherence) during low-force contractions of the human biceps brachii muscle. Eight subjects (age, 25 +/- 7 yr) performed three tasks involving isometric contraction of elbow flexors while EMG (surface and intramuscular) records were obtained from biceps brachii. Tasks were 1) maximum voluntary contraction (MVC); 2) constant-force contraction at various submaximal targets; and 3) sustained discharge of pairs of concurrently active motor units for 2-5 min. These tasks were performed before, immediately after, and 24 h after fatiguing eccentric exercise. MVC force declined 46% immediately after eccentric exercise and remained depressed (31%) 24 h later, which is indicative of muscle damage. For the constant-force task, biceps brachii EMG ( approximately 100% greater) and force fluctuations ( approximately 75% greater) increased immediately after exercise, and both recovered by approximately 50% 24 h later. Motor unit synchronization, quantified by cross-correlation of motor unit pairs during low-force (1-26% MVC) contractions, was 30% greater immediately after (n = 105 pairs) and 24 h after exercise (n = 92 pairs) compared with before exercise (n = 99 pairs). Similarly, motor unit coherence at low (0-10 Hz) frequencies was 20% greater immediately after exercise and 34% greater 24 h later. These results indicate that the series of events leading to muscle damage from eccentric exercise alters the correlated behavior of human motor units in biceps brachii muscle for > or =24 h after the exercise.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological evidence suggests that the human biceps brachii muscle is organized into functional neuromuscular compartments. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an anatomical basis for these compartments. Dissection of the biceps revealed both architectural and nerve branching pattern compartmentalization within the muscle. Although the biceps brachii is grossly subdivided into long and short heads, these heads are further subdivided into roughly parallel architectural compartments. Moreover, these architectural compartments usually receive a private nerve branch, thus supporting the notion that the human biceps brachii has neuromuscular compartments.  相似文献   

In healthy human subjects, descending motor pathways including the corticospinal tract were stimulated electrically at the level of the cervicomedullary junction to determine the effects on the discharge of motoneurones innervating the biceps brachii. Post-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) were constructed for 15 single motor units following electrical stimulation of the corticospinal tract and for 11 units following electrical stimulation of large diameter afferents at the brachial plexus. Responses were assessed during weak voluntary contraction. Both types of stimulation produced a single peak at short latency in the PSTH (mean 8.5 and 8.7 ms, respectively) and of short duration (< 1.4 ms). In separate studies, we compared the latency of the responses to electrical stimulation of the corticospinal tract in the relaxed muscle with that in the contracting muscle. The latency was the same in the two conditions when the intensity of the stimulation was adjusted so that responses of the same size could be compared. Estimates of the descending conduction velocity and measurements of presumed peripheral conduction time suggest that there is less than 0.5 ms for spinal events (including synaptic delays). We propose that in response to electrical stimulation of the descending tract fibres, biceps motoneurones receive a large excitatory input with minimal dispersion and it presumably contains a dominant monosynaptic component.  相似文献   

The surface mechanomyogram (MMG) (detectable at the muscle surface as MMG by accelerometers, piezoelectric contact sensors or other transducers) is the summation of the activity of single motor units (MUs). Each MU contribution is related to the pressure waves generated by the active muscle fibres. The first part of this article will review briefly the results obtained by our group studying the possible role of motor unit recruitment and firing rate in determining the characteristics of the MMG during stimulated and voluntary contractions. The second part of this article will study the MMG and EMG during a short isometric force ramp from 0 to 90% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) in fresh and fatigued biceps brachii. The aim is to verify whether changes in motor unit activation strategy in voluntarily fatigued muscle could be specifically reflected in the time and frequency domain parameters of the MMG. MMG-RMS vs. %MVC: at fatigue the MMG-RMS did not present the well known increment, when effort level increases, followed by a clear decrement at near-maximal contraction levels. MMG-MF vs. %MVC: compared to fresh muscle the fatigued biceps brachii showed an MF trend significantly shifted towards lower values and the steeper MF increment, from 65 to 85% MVC, was not present. The alteration in the MMG and EMG parameters vs. %MVC relationships at fatigue seems to be related to the impossibility of recruiting fast, but more fatigable MUs, and to the lowering of the global MUs firing during the short isometric force ramp investigated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the time course of changes in plasma creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity after intramuscular injection of 0.5% bupivacaine (BPVC). A total of 10 mL BPVC was injected into the biceps brachii (two sites, 5 mL per site) of five healthy, male subjects. Blood samples were obtained from the antecubital vein before and 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after the injection. Affected muscle size was visualized using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which was performed 4 days after the injection. Plasma CK activity started to increase 2 h and peaked 12 h after the injection. The peak CK activity (470 +/- 62 IU L-1) was approximately four times the pre-injection value (133 +/- 24 IU L-1), and no additional increase was observed after 24 h. Plasma LDH, AST and ALT activities did not change significantly over time. Muscle around the injection sites showed increased T2 signal intensity using MRI. When smaller (2 mL) or larger (20 mL) amounts of BPVC were injected into the biceps brachii in additional experiments, the amount of increase in plasma CK activity appeared to be related to the size of the affected muscle. It was concluded that CK started to leak from damaged muscle cells shortly after the BPVC injection, and the amount of increase in plasma CK activity appeared to reflect the amount of muscle damage.  相似文献   

Supernumerary humeral heads of the biceps brachii muscle were found in 27 (15.4%) of 175 cadavers. They were bilateral in five cadavers and unilateral in 22 (8 left, 14 right), giving a total of 32 examples in 350 arms (9.1%). Depending on their origin and location, the supernumerary heads were classified as superior, infero-medial, and infero-lateral humeral heads. Previous studies were reviewed using this classification. The infero-medial humeral head was observed in 31 of 350 (9%) arms and was therefore the most common variation. The superior humeral head was observed in five (1.5%). The infero-lateral humeral head was the least common variation, observed only in one (0.3%) of 350 arms. A biceps brachii with three heads was observed in 27 of 350 (7.7%) arms and with four heads in five (1.4%) arms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the discharge characteristics of motor units recruited during an isometric contraction that was sustained with the elbow flexor muscles by older adults at target forces that were less than the recruitment threshold force of each isolated motor unit. The discharge times of 27 single motor units were recorded from the biceps brachii in 11 old adults (78.8 ± 5.9 yr). The target force was set at either a relatively small (6.6 ± 3.7% maximum) or large (11.4 ± 4.5% maximum) difference below the recruitment threshold force and the contraction was sustained until the motor unit was recruited and discharged action potentials for about 60 s. The time to recruitment was longer for the large target-force difference (P = 0.001). At recruitment, the motor units discharged repetitively for both target-force differences, which contrasts with data from young adults when motor units discharged intermittently at recruitment for the large difference between recruitment threshold force and target force. The coefficient of variation (CV) for the first five interspike intervals (ISIs) increased from the small (18.7 ± 7.9) to large difference (35.0 ± 10.2%, P = 0.008) for the young adults, but did not differ for the two target force differences for the old adults (26.3 ± 14.7 to 24.0 ± 13.1%, P = 0.610). When analyzed across the discharge duration, the average CV for the ISI decreased similarly for the two target-force differences (P = 0.618) in old adults. These findings contrast with those of young adults and indicate that the integration of synaptic input during sustained contractions differs between young and old adults.  相似文献   

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