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目的:摸清近几年我国细辛的资源分布和市售品种情况,为细辛类药材的资源保护和品种整理等研究提供依据。方法:采用实地调查、委托调查和访问调查等相结合的方法。结果:由于生态环境破坏和过度采挖,《中国药典》规定的正品细辛和非正品细辛野生资源量均在减少,尤其是一些分布狭窄的非正品细辛如南川细辛和鼎湖细辛等有灭绝的危险。全国除个别地区外,北细辛均为市场主流品种。华细辛和非正品细辛如单叶细辛、短尾细辛、小叶马蹄香和金耳环等多在当地入药。结论:应大力发展华细辛栽培技术,并保护非正品细辛的种质资源。  相似文献   

甘肃省甘草麻黄资源状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目的调查酒泉地产麻黄资源现状,为麻黄资源的有效保护、合理利用提供科学依据。方法查阅文献资料、野外实地调查相结合,统计分析等。结果初步掌握了酒泉麻黄资源分布、蕴藏量,年允收量。结论由于过度采挖、自然环境恶化,酒泉地产麻黄资源有限。各相关部门应该采取积极措施,实现麻黄资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

香橼药材品种资源及市场现状调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱景宁  毛淑杰  李先端 《中药材》2006,29(7):653-655
目的:了解目前香橼(香圆、枸橼)两药材品种的资源、市场情况及药材现状。方法:采用查阅文献、实地调查、野外采集等方式。结果:发现香圆、枸橼资源与书中记载不同,已经发生一定变化。书中记载香橼主要指枸橼,资源及应用也以其为主。现在药材市场流通的香橼主要以香圆为主,无论是资源还是市场药材情况,枸橼仅见云南应用较多,其它省市不多见。  相似文献   

该研究通过本草考证及对我国植物志(含地方植物志)、历版《中国药典》及地方中药材标准、近现代文献记载情况进行整理,列出原植物和药材鉴定表,并对全国菟丝子商品药材进行收集和鉴定,结果发现本草中所描述的菟丝子植物应为菟丝子Cuscuta chinensis,以产于山东、河南为好。当今菟丝子商品药材经鉴定植物来源包括南方菟丝子C.australis、菟丝子C.chinensis和金灯藤C.japonica 3种,主要为南方菟丝子C.australis,古今菟丝子药材主流品种发生变化。许多近现代文献对菟丝子的原植物和药材性状、显微特征记载描述有出入,需进一步修改完善。南方菟丝子C.australis、菟丝子C.chinensis和金灯藤C.japonica三者种子有区别值得进一步研究。《中国药典》收载2物种,建议分开细化特征,以示区别。该研究为菟丝子药材的开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

我国麻黄资源现状及开发利用对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文是国家“九五”重点科技攻关专题研究项目,通过对麻黄资源分布的地区考察调研和人工种植麻黄研究的工作实践,就麻黄野生资源、人工种植及订黄加工业的现状、存在的问题进行总结分析,结合作者的工作实际提出保护麻黄资源及加强对麻黄规范化生产和研究等方面工作建议和对策。文章论述全面,具有较强的示范意义。  相似文献   

内蒙古麻黄资源的利用现状及其保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹瑞  马虹  朱宗元 《中草药》2004,35(4):461-463
对内蒙古麻黄的资源状况、资源价值、生长习性和分布进行了分析,同时探讨了内蒙古地区麻黄资源过度利用所造成的分布区缩小与生境受胁迫的因素等环境问题。在深入分析内蒙古草原和荒漠天然植被生态系统的生态环境现状后,提出了内蒙古麻黄资源的保护对策和建议:建立草原和荒漠区天然植被保护工程,保护生态环境;建立国家重点野生植物的原生境保护区;建立和完善麻黄的人工种植基地,走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

四川省金银花的原植物调查   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
潘超逸  谭家铭 《中药材》1991,14(9):17-19
本文报道了四川省金银花的原植物种类、分布及资源调查,并列出了原植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

民族药苦丁茶原植物种类和资源分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苦丁茶是冬青科冬青属或木犀科女贞属几种植物干燥枝叶的通称。它是长江流域及其以南地区著名的民族药,味苦、甘,性凉,有清暑,解毒,生津,降压的功效。民间  相似文献   

本文是国家“九五”重点科技攻关专题研究项目,通过对麻黄资源分布的地区考察调研和人工种植麻黄研究的工作实践,就麻黄野生资源、人工种植及麻黄加工业的现状、存在的问题进行总结分析,结合作者的工作实际提出保护麻黄资源及加强对麻黄规范化生产和研究等方面工作建议和对策。文章论述全面,具有较强的示范意义。  相似文献   



Zhi Zhu Wan (ZZW) is a classical Chinese medical formulation used for the treatment of functional dyspepsia that attributed to Spleen-deficiency Syndrome. ZZW contains Atractylodes Rhizome and Fructus Citrus Immaturus, the later originates from both Citrus aurantium L. (BZZW) and Citrus sinensis Osbeck (RZZW). The present study is designed to elucidate disparities in the clinical efficacy of two ZZW varieties based on the pharmacokinetics of naringenin and hesperetin.


After oral administration of ZZWs, blood sample was collected from healthy volunteers at designed time points. Naringenin and hesperetin were detected in plasma by RP-HPLC, pharmacokinetic parameters were processed using mode-independent methods with WINNONLIN.


After oral administration of BZZW, both naringenin and hesperetin were detected in plasma, and demonstrated similar pharmacokinetic parameters. Ka was 0.384 ± 0.165 and 0.401 ± 0.159, T1/2(ke)(h) was 5.491 ± 3.926 and 5.824 ± 3.067, the AUC (mg/L h) was 34.886 ± 22.199 and 39.407 ± 19.535 for naringenin and hesperetin, respectively. However, in the case of RZZW, only hesperetin was found in plasma, but the pharmacokinetic properties for hesperetin in RZZW was different from that in BZZW. Tmax for hesperetin in RZZW is about 8.515 h, and its Cmax is much larger than that of BZZW. Moreover, it was eliminated slowly as it possessed a much larger AUC value.


The distinct therapeutic orientations of the Chinese medical formula ZZWs with different Fructus Citrus Immaturus could be elucidated based on the pharmacokinetic parameters of constituents after oral administration.  相似文献   

目的:比较不同DNA提取方法,选择最适于中麻黄基因组的方法.方法:采用改良CTAB,SDS法、试剂盒法提取中麻黄基因组DNA;用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法和紫外分光光度法检测所得总DNA的得率和纯度,并进行ISSR-PCR扩增检测.结果:3种方法均可从新鲜中麻黄中提取出产量较高的基因组DNA,但其中改良CTAB法提取的总DNA纯度高,质量好,扩增产物的电泳条带也较明显;SDS法和试剂盒法提取的总DNA质量差,不适用于下游分子生物学实验.结论:改良十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)法为中麻黄基因组DNA提取的最佳方法,该方法提取的基因组DNA适用于中麻黄基因组PCR扩增和其他分子生物学研究.  相似文献   

榼藤子生品与炮制品HPLC指纹图谱研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:建立榼藤子生、炮制品HPLC指纹图谱的评价方法,分析各样品指纹图谱的变化。方法:采用HPLC-UV分别对榼藤子生品和炮制品的指纹图谱进行研究,用HPLC-ESI-MS对其生品共有峰进行鉴定。结果:标示出生品16个共有峰,炮制品21个共有峰,应用HPLC-MS和对照品保留时间的对应初步鉴定了其中9个共有峰,主要为榼藤子三萜皂苷类和其他糖苷类成分的吸收峰。结论:榼藤子生品炮制后,60%甲醇提取液中部分化学成分含量有不同程度的下降或上升,指纹图谱的主峰数目也有变化,说明该法可以较全面地反映榼藤子炮制前后化学成分的差异,用于控制生品和炮制品的内在质量。  相似文献   

通过ISSR分子标记技术分析18份来源于不同产地并经质量评价的草珊瑚种质的遗传多样性及亲缘关系,并进行亲本选配优化分析,为进一步利用这些种质进行育种奠定一定基础。应用ISSR-PCR分子标记技术研究18个份来自于不同居群的草珊瑚种质的DNA指纹图谱,应用Popgen32软件计算遗传多样性和遗传距离, 并以UPCMA法进行聚类分析。经筛选获得23条多态性引物,ISSR-PCR扩增共获得198条谱带,其中多态性谱带184条,Nei's基因多样性指数(h) 为0.32,Shannon多样性指数(I) 为0.485 4。供试的草珊瑚种质的遗传相似系数为0.383 8~0.878 8,平均为0.661 2。遗传距离分析揭示了各受试种质相互间的遗传一致性与遗传距离,其中种质S2与种质S18之间的遗传距离最远,为0.957 5,而种质S4与种质S5之间的遗传距离最近,仅为0.129 2。而聚类分析表明种质S1,S2,S3, S7,S10等5个种质在不同程度上有别于其余受试13个种质,并优化了S2与S3,S2与S6,S2与S18等3组较佳亲本选配组合。研究表明受试种质具有较好的遗传多样性,遗传距离分析与聚类分析所揭示的18个种质之间的亲缘关系,并为优化杂交育种的亲本选配提供遗传背景方面可靠的信息。  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Cyrtopodium macrobulbon (“cañaveral”) has been long used in Mexican traditional medicine for the treatment of painful urinary ailments (“mal de orin”) in men. This study was conducted (i) to establish the potential acute toxicity and the antinociceptive activity of some preparations of Cyrtopodium macrobulbon, in order to demonstrate its preclinical efficacy for treating symptoms of “mal de orin”; and (ii) to determine the chemical composition and quality control parameters of this medicinal orchid.

Materials and methods

The antinociceptive effect was assessed using the acetic acid-induced writhing and the hot-plate tests. Investigation of the acute toxicity was accomplished by the Lorke method. The organic extract (OE) was subjected to conventional phytochemical study using chromatographic conventional procedures. The volatile components profile of the species was accomplished via GC–MS analysis of HS-SPME-adsorbed compounds. Furthermore, an HPLC method to quantify ephemeranthol B (10) was developed and validated according to the International Conference on Harmonization Guidelines. Microscopic anatomy studies were performed using light and scanning electron microscopies. Finally, a potential distribution map was generated using the MaxEnt modeling method.


AE and OE were not toxic to mice since the LD50 was higher than 5000 mg/kg. OE was only active in the acetic acid-induced writhing assay at the doses of 100 and 316 mg/kg. Conventional phytochemical analysis of OE led to the isolation and characterization of n-hexacosyl-trans-p-coumarate (1), n-octacosyl-trans-p-coumarate (2), n-triacontyl-trans-p-coumarate (3), 4-methoxy-benzyl alcohol (4), 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (5), 1,5,7-trimethoxy-9,10-dihydrophenanthrene-2,6-diol (6), confusarin (7), gigantol (8), batatasin III (9), and ephemeranthol B (10). The major volatile components identified by HS-SPME analysis were 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone, eucalyptol (11), and isobornyl formate. An HPLC analytical method for the quantification of compound 10 in the plant was developed and fully validated for selectivity, accuracy, and precision. The microscopic studies revealed that the epidermal tissue displayed a layer of enlarged, crenate and cell thin-walled cells with a thickened cuticle; these cells are described for first time for this species. The potential distribution map generated revealed that this species is widespread in Mexico from Sinaloa to Merida states.


The results of the pharmacological studies tend to support the traditional use of Cyrtopodium macrobulbon for “mal de orin”; the presence of compounds 8, 9, and 11 with known antinociceptive activity might be related with the pharmacological effect demonstrated. The HPLC and microscopic analyses developed in this work will be valuable tools for quality control purposes for this plant.  相似文献   


Aim of the study

Based on the recipe of the traditional anti-diabetic formula TZQ, we developed TZQ-F, a new formula including 8 fractions isolated from Red Paeony root, Mulberry leaf, Lotus leaf, Danshen root and Hawthorn leaf with a good quality assurance. The study was aimed at fraction preparation and effects of the fractions on abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism.

Materials and methods

The active fractions were obtained by macroporous resin, ion-exchange resin and polyamide resin column chromatographies. HPLC analyses were used for quality control. In vitro mechanism study included DPPH radical scavenging, AGEs formation inhibition, α-glucosidase inhibition and lipase inhibition, and rats on high-fat diet were used for in vivo study.


In vitro mechanism study showed that among the 8 fractions, three of them had inhibition effects on intestinal disaccharase, three with inhibition effects on lipase, and five with effects of free radical scavenging. In vivo study showed that after 4 weeks of treatment, TZQ-F significantly decreased the levels of serum total cholesterol, TG, glucose, LDL-C and HDL-C in rats on high-fat diet. Consistent with the in vitro and in vivo results, histology study demonstrated that TZQ-F alleviated hepatic steatosis induced by high-fat diet.


TZQ-F possesses the potential regulation effects on abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   


Aim of the study

Antiplasmodial and analgesic activities of leaf extract and fractions of Acalypha wilkensiana were evaluated to ascertain the folkloric claim of its antimalarial and analgesic activities.

Materials and methods

The crude leaf extract (220–659 mg/kg) and fractions (chloroform and aqueous; 440 mg/kg) of Acalypha wilkensiana were investigated for antiplasmodial activity against chloroquine sensitive Plasmodium berghei infections in mice and for analgesic activity against chemical and heat-induced pains. The antiplasmodial activity during early and established infections as well as prophylactic activity were investigated. Chloroquine (5 mg/kg) and pyrimethamine (1.2 mg/kg) were used as positive controls. Thin films made from tail blood of each mouse were used to assess the level of parasitaemia of the mice. Analgesic activity of the crude extract was also evaluated against acetic acid, formalin and heat-induced pains.


The extract and its fractions dose-dependently reduced parasitaemia induced by chloroquine sensitive Plasmodium berghei infection in prophylactic, suppressive and curative models in mice. These reductions were statistically significant (p < 0.001). They also improved the mean survival time (MST) from 16 to 22 days relative to control (p < 0.01–0.001). The activities of extract/fractions were incomparable to that of the standard drugs used (chloroquine and pyrimethamine). On chemically and thermally induced pains, the extract inhibited acetic acid and formalin-induced inflammation as well as hot plate-induced pain in mice. These inhibitions were statistically significant (p < 0.001) and in a dose-dependent fashion.


The antiparasitaemic and analgesic effects may in part be mediated through the chemical constituents of the plant.  相似文献   

北柴胡二代新品种“中柴2号”和“中柴3号”的选育研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的:选育整齐度高、商品性好、皂苷含量高的北柴胡二代新品种。方法:从北柴胡一代品种"中柴1号"群体中筛选优良种质,单株选择法,选育优良品种。以形态性状、农艺性状和品质性状为指标,考察历代选育材料,开展品系比较试验和区域试验。结果:选育的北柴胡新品种"中柴2号"和"中柴3号"的整齐度显著提高,深色根比率分别达83.2%,89.9%,柴胡皂苷含量分别达到1.3%,1.0%。结论:选育的"中柴2号"和"中柴3号"具有整齐度高、根色深、有效成分含量高等优点,达到了选育目的。  相似文献   

目的:为中药材骨碎补正品及其混淆品提供科学可行的显微鉴定方法。方法:通过光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜及石蜡切片方法对骨碎补正品的来源植物槲蕨Drynaria roosii及其混淆品来源植物川滇槲蕨D.delavayi、栎叶槲蕨D.quer-cifolia和崖姜Pseudodrynaria coronans的根状茎鳞片的形态特征进行观察、测定并进行数据分析。结果:槲蕨、川滇槲蕨和崖姜之间在鳞片长度方面两两比较均出现显著性差异;川滇槲蕨鳞片锯齿呈不均匀分布且多发生弯曲,有重锯齿现象;槲蕨、栎叶槲蕨和崖姜的鳞片基均着生于表皮凹陷处,而川滇槲蕨鳞片基着生于表皮凸起处。结论:几种材料的根状茎鳞片有显著差异,可以作为鉴别骨碎补正品槲蕨及其混淆品的依据。  相似文献   

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