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Purpose  To investigate whether atrophy of the leg muscles present in congenital clubfoot (CCF) is primitive or secondary to treatment of the deformity. Methods  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both legs was taken in three cohorts of patients with unilateral congenital clubfoot (UCCF): eight untreated newborns (age range 10 days to 2 weeks); eight children who had been treated with the Ponseti method (age range 2–4 years); eight adults whose deformity had been corrected by manipulation and casting according to Ponseti, followed by a limited posterior release performed at age 2–3 months (age range 19–23 years). All of the treated patients wore a brace until 3 years of age. Muscles were measured on transverse MRI scans of both legs taken midway between the articular surface of the knee and the articular surface of the ankle, using a computer program (AutoCAD 2002 LT). The same program was used to measure leg muscles in the histologic cross sections of the legs of two fetuses with UCCF, spontaneously aborted at 13 and 19 weeks of gestation, respectively. Measurements of the whole cross section of the leg (total leg volume: TLV), of the muscular tissue (muscular tissue volume: MTV), and of the adipose tissue (adipose tissue volume: ATV) of the tibia, fibula, and of the other soft tissues (tendons, nerves, and vessels) were taken by using an interactive image analyzer (IAS 2000, Delta System, Milan, Italy). Results  Marked atrophy of the leg muscles on the clubfoot side was found in both fetuses and untreated newborns, with a percentage ratio of MTV between the normal and the affected leg of 1.3 and 1.5, respectively. Leg muscle atrophy increased with growth, and the percentage ratio of MTV between the normal and the affected leg was, respectively, 1.8 and 2 in treated children and adults. On the other hand, fatty tissue tended to increase relatively from birth to adulthood, but it could not compensate for the progressive muscular atrophy. As a result, the difference in TLV tended to increase from childhood to adulthood. Conclusions  Our study shows that leg muscular atrophy is a primitive pathological component of CCF which is already present in the early stages of fetal CCF development and in newborns before starting treatment. Muscular atrophy increases with the patient’s age, suggesting a mechanism of muscle growth impairment as a possible pathogenic factor of CCF. The authors certify that their institution has approved the reporting of this study, that all the investigations were conducted in conformity with ethical principles of research, and informed consent was obtained.  相似文献   

有限矫形手术与Ilizarov技术治疗青少年先天性马蹄内翻足   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察应用有限矫形手术与Ilizarov技术治疗青少年先天性马蹄内翻足(congenital clubfoot,CCF)的临床疗效,探讨CCF外科矫正与功能重建新技术、新理念。方法 2003年9月-2010年7月,收治25例40足青少年CCF。男14例20足,女11例20足;年龄12~25岁,平均15.7岁。左足4例,右足6例,双足15例。根据秦氏马蹄内翻足畸形分度:Ⅰ度9足,Ⅱ度17足,Ⅲ度14足。合并小腿内旋畸形9足,右侧髋关节半脱位1例。采用有限软组织松解与骨性截骨手术后,9足Ⅰ度畸形者安装组合式外固定器,31足残留畸形安装Ilizarov外固定牵伸器。术后5~7 d开始矫正,以0.5~1.0 mm/d为宜;待踝关节矫正至过伸5~10°,足呈轻度外翻后停止牵伸,矫正位携带外固定架并负重行走4~6周。双足畸形患者分两期进行手术,手术间隔3~6个月,平均4个月。结果 9足术后佩戴组合式外固定器6~12周,平均8周;31足佩戴Ilizarov外固定牵伸器6~17周,平均13周。患者均获随访,随访时间8个月~6年,平均37个月。牵拉矫形期间6例6足发生针道轻度感染,均经对症处理后感染消失。术后2年1例1足畸形部分复发,经再次安装Ilizarov外固定牵伸器负重行走4周,矫正满意;其余畸形足在随访期内均获得满意矫正和全足底持重。末次随访时根据国际马蹄足畸形研究会(ICFSG)的评分系统,获优28足,良10足,可2足,优良率95%。结论有限矫形手术结合Ilizarov技术矫治青少年CCF,符合生物学原理和微创外科原则,安全、微创、疗效确切。该马蹄内翻足手术矫形策略遵循骨科自然重建理念,尤其适用于传统矫形骨科手术难以治疗的Ⅲ度CCF。  相似文献   

To elucidate the growth of the tarsal bones in congenital clubfoot, relative to the growth of these bones in the unaffected feet and compared to growth in the feet of normal volunteers, we used a computed tomography (CT) scanner to measure the volume of all tarsal bones. The subjects of the study were 10 adults (7 men and 3 women) with unilateral congenital clubfoot (average age 20 years and 1 month). As controls, we examined 11 healthy volunteers. We calculated the ratio of the volume of each tarsal bone to the total bone volume and the ratio of the volume of each tarsal bone in clubfoot to the corresponding bone in the unaffected foot. The volume ratio of each tarsal bone was compared between clubfeet and unaffected feet because the differences of each tarsal bone ratio between the normal foot group and unaffected foot group were not significant. In the clubfeet (n=10), the talus and the medial cuneiform bones were smaller than those in the unaffected feet (n=10) but the cuboid bone was larger. The growth of the navicular did not differ from as that in unaffected feet. Our results suggested hypoplasia on the medial side of the foot in adult patients with congenital clubfoot. The 3 patients who had undergone medial release showed particularly marked hypoplasia of the medial side. In congenital clubfoot cases with severe deformities who had undergone wide soft-tissue release operations, there were clear growth suppressions in the talus and the medial cuneiform. We could not determine whether the cause of the growth suppression was the hypoplastic nature of tarsal bones themselves or the surgical obstacles to tarsal bone growth.  相似文献   

目的改良Ponseti方法治疗早期先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)的神经电生理研究。方法应用改良Ponseti方法治疗年龄7天~12个月先天性马蹄内翻足25例31足,应用Nicolet公司VikingIV肌电图诱发电位仪对每期石膏矫形后的CCF患儿进行检测。检测包括双下肢胫神经、腓总神经、腓肠神经及H反射。分析比较运动神经传导速度(MCV)、感觉波(SCV)、传导波幅的变化情况。依据Dimeglio法分型和Pirani评分判定疗效。随访时间为12—36个月,平均15个月。结果31足在石膏矫形前神经电生理异常的有23足f74.19%)。神经电图检测显示21个病足结果异常(67.74哟,H反射异常15足(48.39%。第1~Ⅲ期石膏矫形后的神经电生理变化不明显,第4期石膏矫形后改变明显。28足神经电生理检测达到或接近正常后停止石膏矫形,带足部支具巩固治疗,3足神经电生理检测未接近正常,停止石膏矫形后3个月复发。再行石膏矫形后治愈。结论神经电生理检测可以直接、客观地判断改良Ponseti方法治疗早期先天性马蹄内翻足的治愈标准及预后。  相似文献   

先天性马蹄内翻足经皮跟腱切断手术时机的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的应用Ponseti方法早期治疗先天性马蹄内翻足(先天性马蹄内翻足),探讨经皮跟腱切断手术时机的选择。方法60例(91足)先天性马蹄内翻足患儿,随机分为A、B两组,每组30例,治疗初评分≥4分(僵硬型)。A组患足矫形外展至70°、背屈〈15°、同时HS〉1、MS〈1和距骨被覆盖;B组患足矫形至前足内收纠正但无法背屈,同时HS〉1、MS≤1,行跟腱切断术;以Pirani评分标准比较两组治疗结果。结果患儿均得到随访,时间6~30(15±5)个月。A、B两组手术前石膏矫形次数分别为(5.1±0.91)次、(2.42±0.56)次(P〈0.05),治疗时间分别为(36.8±4.98)d、(19.3±5.09)d(P〈0.01),差异有统计学意义。两组跟腱均获得愈合,跖屈有力,术后患足背屈活动度差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论在Ponseti方法矫正僵硬型马蹄足过程中,畸形愈严重跟腱挛缩愈严重,早期行经皮跟腱切断手术可明显减少石膏矫形次数、缩短疗程,不影响疗效。  相似文献   

先天性马蹄内翻足Ponseti治疗初跟腱手术的预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)患儿治疗前预测患儿行跟腱手术的可行性。方法96例CCF(148足)患儿,均依据Ponseti方法治疗,平均(5.7±1.3)次石膏矫正后,背屈活动≤15°或Pirani评分HS(后足评分)≥1,MS(中足评分)〈1的患足需行跟腱切断手术。石膏去除后需佩戴外展支具。结果经过系列石膏矫正后,148足中125足(84.5%)行跟腱切断术,23足(15.5%)未行跟腱手术。在治疗初有102足(68.9%)Pirani评分≥5分,其中93足(91.2%)经系列石膏矫正后行跟腱手术。手术组跟腱愈合佳,跖屈有力。结论在治疗初Pirani评分≥5分时91.2%患儿需要跟腱手术,CCF患儿初次来诊时,对患足行Pirani评分,即可预测其是否需行跟腱手术。在治疗初预先判断患儿是否需行跟腱手术则既有利于医师了解治疗进展,又能更好地与家长沟通配合治疗进程。  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the functional outcomes of patients who underwent open surgery vs Ponseti method for the management of idiopathic clubfoot and to determine whether correlations exist between functional outcome and radiographic measurements.METHODS: A meta-analysis of the literature was conducted for studies concerning primary treatment of patients with idiopathic clubfoot. We searched PubMed Medline, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library databases from January 1950 to October 2011. Meta-analyses were performed on outcomes from 12 studies. Pooled means, SDs, and sample sizes were either identified in the results or calculated based on the results of each study.RESULTS: Overall, 835 treated idiopathic clubfeet in 516 patients were reviewed. The average follow-up was 15.7 years. Patients managed with Ponseti method did have a higher rate of excellent or good outcome than patients treated with open surgery (0.76 and 0.62, respectively), but not quite to the point of statistical significance (Q = 3.73, P = 0.053). Age at surgery was not correlated with the functional outcome for the surgically treated patients (r = -0.32, P = 0.68). A larger anteroposterior talocalcaneal angle was correlated with a higher rate of excellent or good outcomes (r = 0.80, P = 0.006). There were no other significant correlations between the functional and radiographic outcomes.CONCLUSION: The Ponseti method should be considered the initial treatment of idiopathic clubfeet, and open surgery should be reserved for clubfeet that cannot be completely corrected.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was an evaluation of the prevalence of myopathies in paediatric patients scheduled for orthopaedic surgery (clubfoot) performed under regional anaesthesia. Seventeen infants scheduled for lower limb orthopaedic surgery were studied to verify coexisting neuromuscular disorders with electromyography and muscle biopsy during surgery. All surgical procedures were performed under caudal block or spinal anaesthesia, associated with light general anaesthesia. No major cardiorespiratory, neurological or malignant hyperthermic complications (muscle rigidity, arrhythmias, hyperpyrexia) were observed. Combined neurological, electromyographic and biopsy studies showed a high rate of myopathic changes (70%). Performance of clubfoot surgery under light general anaesthesia with regional techniques was free from any problems. The high rate of myopathic changes (70%) observed in the muscle biopsies suggests that precautions should be taken with paediatric patients for clubfoot surgery and a regional anaesthesia technique with adequate monitoring may be helpful to prevent possible malignant hyperthermia related problems.  相似文献   

All muscles of the neck have a role in motion and postural control of the cervical region. The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in muscle/fat index between (1) cervical flexors and extensors and (2) deep and superficial neck muscles. Twenty-six healthy subjects participated in the study. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to quantify muscle fat indices in different cervical flexor and extensor muscles at the C4–C5 level. Overall, the ventral muscles had a significantly lower fat content compared with the dorsal muscles (P ≤ 0.001). For the cervical extensors, significant differences between the muscle/fat index of the deep and superficial muscles were found (P ≤ 0.001). For the cervical flexors, there were no significant differences between the different muscles. The higher fat content in the dorsal muscles can be explained by a discrepancy in function between the spine extensors and flexors, reflected in a different muscle fiber distribution. The rather small differences between superficial and deep neck muscles are in line with recent findings that have demonstrated that both muscles groups exhibit phasic activity during isometric muscles contractions and the presumption that there is no difference in fiber type distribution between superficial and deep neck muscles.  相似文献   

目的评价应用Ponseti石膏矫形疗法治疗汉族和维吾尔族儿童先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)的疗效,并在新疆推广该方法。方法2009年6月至2013年6月,上海交通大学附属儿童医院骨科收治汉族CCF婴幼儿68例(98足),其中男45例(62足),女23例(36足),年龄10天~13个月(第一组);2013年1月至10月,新疆喀什地区第二人民医院骨科收治维吾尔族CCF婴幼儿及儿童29例(44足),其中男18例(26足),女11例(18足),年龄7天~27个月,选取其中大于12个月患JL(13~27个月)24例(36足)为第二组。全部病例均接受Ponseti疗法治疗,其中汉族患儿每2周更换石膏固定,维吾尔族患儿每周更换石膏固定。根据Dimeglio分类和功能评价方法评估治疗效果。结果所有病例均获随访3~40个月(平均12±3个月)。根据Dimeglio分类和功能评价方法评估,92例中90例(132足)矫形效果满意,评分达到I级。两组间治疗优良率差异无显著意义(P〉0.05)。每组分别有1例1足残留有轻度前足内收畸形,需进一步治疗。结论Ponseti疗法治疗维吾尔族患儿与汉族患儿CCF可取得同样确切的疗效。只要治疗方法规范,石膏更换频率、30个月龄内起始治疗对疗效无明显影响,均可取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

PurposeWe aimed to compare our parent-based exercise programem’s efficacy with the foot abduction brace (FAB) Ponseti manipulation as a retention programme.MethodsWe conducted this prospective multicentre cohort study between August 2009 and November 2019. The included children were allocated into one of two groups according to the retention protocol. The Pirani and Laaveg-Ponseti scores were used to assess the feet clinically and functionally. Radiological assessment was performed using standing anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the feet. We assessed the parents’ satisfaction and adherence to the retention method. SPSS version 25 was used for the statistical analysis.ResultsA total of 1265 feet in 973 children were included. Group A included 637 feet managed with FAB, while group B included 628 feet managed with our retention programme. All patients were followed up to the age of four years. At the final follow-up, Pirani scores in group A participants were excellent, good and poor in 515, 90, and 32 feet, respectivel, while in group B the scores were excellent, good and poor in 471, 110 and 44 feet, respectively. The mean total score of Laaveg-Ponseti was 87.81 (sd 19.82) in group A and 90.55 (sd 20.71) in group B (p = 0.02). Group B participants showed higher satisfaction with the treatment method (p = 0.011) and more adherence to the treatment (p = 0.013).ConclusionThe deformity’s recurrence related to the brace’s non-compliance in the Ponseti method might be reduced by substituting the brace with our home-based daily stretching exercises.Level of EvidenceII  相似文献   

Rotator cuff pathology is the most common shoulder problem seen by orthopedic surgeons. Rotator cuff muscle fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy are common in larger tears and are considered predicting factors for the prognosis of cuff repair. Clinically, MRI is the gold standard in determining fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy; however, analysis for MRI imaging is primarily qualitative in nature with the results lacking further validation. We have recently developed a mouse model of rotator cuff tears. The goal of this study is to quantify and verify rotator cuff muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration using high‐resolution MRI in our mouse model. The rotator cuff muscles were analyzed for fat using a triglyceride quantification assay (TQA), muscle volume was measured through water displacement (WD), and histology. The study revealed that MRI had a high correlation with fat as measured with histology and TQA (R2 = 098). MRI also correlated well with atrophy measured with WD and wet weight. This suggests that MRI is a reliable modality in evaluating the progression of fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy following rotator cuff tears in a small animal model. © 2012 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 31: 421–426, 2013  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Radiographic measurement is the usual method used to objectively determine the extent of a congenital clubfoot deformity. Although radiographs have been used clinically to estimate the size and location of tarsal bones through measurements of the ossific nuclei, it is not clear to what extent these relationships are actually reflected in these measurements. So, we used a 3-D MRI system that could more objectively estimate sizes and positional relationships. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We evaluated 5 patients with unilateral congenital clubfoot deformity. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed of both feet using 1.5-T magnet. Based on the resulting magnetic resonance imaging volume data, a three-dimensional surface bone model was reconstructed by the Marching Cubes method. We used this model to perform a comparative analysis of the volume and volume ratio of each cartilaginous anlage and ossific nucleus, the length of the talus and the calcaneus, and the position of the center of gravity of ossific nuclei within the cartilaginous anlagen. We measured the relationship between the ossific nuclei and cartilaginous anlagen in the talus and calcaneus of patients with unilateral clubfoot deformity. RESULT: In clubfeet talus volume was reduced by 20.1% and calcaneal volume was reduced by 15.7%. Furthermore, the volume of the talar ossific nucleus was reduced by 42.6% and that of the calcaneal ossific nucleus was reduced by 12.1%. The length of the clubfoot talus was 8.2% shorter than normal, and that of the calcaneus was 4.8% shorter. CONCLUSION: The assessment technique presented herein was shown to be useful in ascertaining the various pathological characteristics associated with clubfoot.  相似文献   

Purpose:Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia is a rare disease that is particularly difficult to treat; the most difficult complications include nonunion of the tibia, refracture, and failed surgery. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of transposing gastrocnemius flaps for the treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia.Methods:Nine patients (aged 6.2 ± 3.6 years) diagnosed with congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia in our hospital between March 2013 and March 2018 were enrolled. The tibial pseudarthrosis and thickened periosteum were completely removed, and intramedullary nails were used to fix the tibia. Bone harvest from the iliac, mixed with allogenic bone, was filled in the gap created by excision of the pseudarthrosis site and the surrounding periosteum; the gastrocnemius flap was then used to wrap the pseudoarthrosis site. The plaster cast was fixed postoperatively. The tibial union was evaluated via radiograph, and the plaster cast was removed after 12–24 weeks. Patients began walking approximately 12–14 weeks postoperatively.Results:Anatomical reduction was achieved in all the patients; the mean bone healing time was 10.1 ± 2.1 months. Bone nonunion was observed in one patient, and no neurovascular injury or wound infection occurred. Limb length discrepancy was in the range 3.2 ± 1.8 cm at 1 year and 4.7 ± 2.7 cm at 2 years after surgery. Two patients underwent replacement of the intramedullary nail, and eight patients exhibited good functional and radiographic outcomes.Conclusion:This preliminary study proved that using the gastrocnemius muscle flap to cover the pseudarthrosis site was an effective method to promote the tibial union and treat congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia.  相似文献   

改良上睑提肌缩短术治疗中度和重度上睑下垂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨应用改良上睑提肌缩短术治疗中、重度先天性上睑下垂的疗效.方法 对30例中、重度先天性上睑下垂患者(包括2例上睑下垂术后欠矫和复发患者),采用联合睑板切除的上睑提肌缩短术.术中睑板切除量根据睑板的宽度设计,上睑提肌切除量=(上提量-睑板切除宽度)× (4~5) mm.并分离睑结膜和上睑提肌,切除一定量的睑结膜以防止结膜脱垂,对术后效果进行随访观察.结果 30例除3例矫正不足外,余均获得良好上提效果,上睑缘弧度自然,无严重并发症,仅少数患者早期有轻度睑裂闭合不全.结论 改良上睑提肌缩短术适用于中、重度先天性上睑下垂患者及上睑下垂术后欠矫的患者,在矫正畸形和改善外观方面均能达到良好的效果.掌握手术操作要点,有助于在功能和外形上取得满意效果.  相似文献   

Neglected bilateral congenital dislocation of knee is unusual. A 12 year old boy presented with inability to walk due to buckling of the knee. The symptoms were present since the child learnt walking. He preferred not to walk. Bilateral supracondylar femoral osteotomy was done at the age of 6 years. Patient had a fixed flexion deformity of both knees, 30° in the right (range of flexion from 30° to 45°) and 45° fixed flexion deformity in left knee respectively (range of flexion from 45° to 65°) when presented to us. The radiological examination revealed bilateral congenital dislocation of knee (CDK). No syndromic association was observed. He was planned for staged treatment. In stage I, the knee joints were distracted by Ilizarov ring fixators and this was followed by open reduction of both the knee joints in stage II. A bilateral supracondylar extension osteotomy was done 18 months after the previous surgery (stage III). The final followup visit at 4 years the patient presented with range of motion 5-100° and 5-80° on the right and left knee respectively with good functional outcome. The case is reported in view of lack of treatment guidelines for long standing neglected CDK in an adolescent child.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: General anaesthesia is frequently necessary in infants and small children undergoing cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), because of the imaging techniques, MRI environment and potential need for breath-holding to facilitate imaging. Anaesthetizing paediatric patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) for cardiac MRI poses many challenges for the anaesthetist and this report reviews our experience. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the anaesthesia and MRI records of all patients who had undergone cardiac MRI between January 2000 and October 2002. RESULTS: A total of 250 children with cardiac disease underwent general anaesthesia for cardiac MRI. ASA classification included class I, 2%; class II; 26%; class III, 60% and class IV, 12%. A total of 168 patients (67%) had undergone previous cardiac surgery, 182 patients (94%) were discharged the same day and 48 patients (19.2%) had cyanotic cardiac defects (SpO2 between 55 and 85%). No scans were interrupted because of low oxygen saturation during breath-hold or haemodynamic instability. No patient was admitted to the hospital from complications related to general anaesthesia, but one inhouse patient from the cardiology ward was admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) after the MRI because of cyanosis and low cardiac output. Seven patients from the CICU were on inotropic infusions when they underwent the MRI procedure and two others needed inotropic support after induction of anaesthesia. Five patients had a brief episode of hypotension during the MRI and responded quickly to interventions. CONCLUSION: Our experience demonstrates that general anaesthesia for cardiac MRI can be provided safely in infants and small children with CHD, despite the complexity and pathophysiology of many defects, the frequent breath-holding for image acquisitions and the MRI environment.  相似文献   



To evaluate changes in the transverse area of deep posterior muscles of the cervical spine 10 years after anterior cervical decompression and fusion (ACDF), in comparison with healthy volunteers.


Thirty-one patients (22 males, 9 females, mean age at follow-up 59.3 years, mean follow-up 12.1 years) who had undergone preoperative MRI and non-instrumented ACDF within levels C3-4 to C5-6 were enrolled. 32 asymptomatic volunteers (17 males, 15 females; mean age, 54.7 years; mean follow-up, 11.7 years) who underwent MRI between 1993 and 1996 served as controls. Follow-up MRI was performed on both patients and control subjects, and the cross-sectional areas of deep posterior muscles were measured digitally at levels C3-4, 4-5, and 5-6.


The mean total cross-sectional area in the ACDF and control groups was 4,693.6 ± 1,140.9 and 4,825.8 ± 1,048.2 mm2 in the first MR study (P = 0.63), and 4,616.7 ± 1,086.0 and 5,036.7 ± 1,105.6 mm2 at follow-up (P = 0.13). The total cross-sectional area in the ACDF group slightly decreased, while that in the control group increased (−77.1 ± 889.7 vs. 210.9 ± 622.0 mm2, P = 0.14). The mean change in the cross-sectional area had no significant correlation with clinical symptoms, including neck pain or JOA score.


ACDF patients did not show a marked decrease in the cross-sectional area of the deep posterior cervical muscles, but as compared with control subjects there was a slight decrease. A decrease in the cross-sectional area of these muscles after ACDF may not result in the axial symptoms as seen in patients treated by posterior surgery.  相似文献   

目的:观察应用生长棒技术治疗先天性脊柱侧凸的疗效,探讨生长棒撑开手术对撑开节段内外脊柱和椎体生长发育的影响。方法:2008年6月~2013年12月采用生长棒技术治疗先天性脊柱侧凸患儿221例,术后至少有两次脊柱CT检查且2次检查间至少有1次撑开的患儿31例,男17例,女14例,首次手术时年龄3.2~9.1岁;第一次CT检查时年龄为7.1±2.3岁;末次CT检查时年龄为10.0±2.1岁。1.0~5.9年内共进92次撑开手术,人均撑开次数为3次,年均撑开次数为1.1次。第一次CT检查平均为第2次撑开,末次CT检查平均为第5次撑开。测量并比较第一次和末次CT检查时患者生长棒撑开节段内外椎体高度、主弯Cobb角、矢状位胸后凸Cobb角、T1~T12和T1~S1高度、脊柱偏移距离。结果:第一次和末次CT检查时撑开节段内单个椎体高度为18.2±4.7mm和21.8±5.5mm,撑开节段外单个椎体高度为19.2±3.2mm和22.7±3.4mm,前后两次撑开节段内外椎体高度有统计学差异(P=0.035)。撑开节段内、外单个椎体高度增加为1.4±0.9mm/yr、1.2±0.9mm/yr,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),撑开节段内椎体比撑开节段外椎体生长快。两次测量时冠状位主弯Cobb角分别为56.8°±15.3°和52.9°±15.4°,矢状位胸后凸Cobb角为36.6°±18.9°和43.7°±18.2°,T1~12高度为16.7±3.3cm和19.1±3.3cm,T1~S1高度为27.9±4.7cm和32.5±4.7cm,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);脊柱平移为18.6±15.2mm和20.0±21.4mm,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:应用生长棒技术治疗小儿先天性脊柱侧凸时撑开节段内的正常椎体生长速率快于撑开节段外的椎体生长速率,撑开期间胸椎和脊柱高度均相应增加。  相似文献   

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