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The projection of the visual field onto the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the ferret was mapped electrophysiologically. The nucleus contains a single orderly map of the contralateral visual hemifield. The upper visual field is represented dorsally and rostrally in the nucleus; central fields are found in the medial and caudal sections of the LGN; and peripheral fields are represented most laterally. The ipsilateral eye is represented in laminae A1 and C1 up to eccentricities of 20-30 degrees. Lines of projection run perpendicular to the laminar borders. The ferret LGN resembles that of the cat rotated approximately 110 degrees clockwise in the sagittal plane, viewing the right nucleus from its lateral aspect; it differs from the cat in having a larger monocular segment.  相似文献   

In the study reported in the preceding paper, we used retrograde labeling methods to show that the enhanced projection from the thalamus to the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian (PMLS) visual area of cortex that is present in adult cats following neonatal visual cortex damage arises at least partly from surviving neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). In the C layers of the LGN, many more cells than normal are retrogradely labeled by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injected into PMLS cortex ipsilateral to a visual cortex lesion. In addition, retrogradely labeled cells are found in the A layers, which normally have no projection to PMLS cortex in adult cats. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mechanisms of this enhanced projection by examining the normal development of projections from the thalamus, especially the LGN, to PMLS cortex. Injections of HRP were made into PMLS cortex on the day of birth or at 1, 2, 4, or 8 weeks of age. Retrogradely labeled neurons were present in the lateral posterior nucleus, posterior nucleus of Rioch, pulvinar, and medial interlaminar nucleus, as well as in the LGN, at all ages studied. Within the LGN of the youngest kittens, a small number of retrogradely labeled cells was present in the interlaminar zones and among the cells in the A layers that border these zones. Such labeled cells were virtually absent by 8 weeks of age, and they are not found in normal adult cats. Sparse retrograde labeling of C-layer neurons also was present in newborn kittens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two frontal cortical areas hidden in sulci were found to be responsive to stimulation of the cerebellar fastigial nucleus under pentobarbital anesthesia: one is the ventral bank of the cruciate sulcus and the other is the area surrounding the fundus of the presylvian sulcus which corresponds to subregions of the frontal eye field. The fastigial projection onto these areas via the thalamic ventromedial (VM) nucleus was identified electrophysiologically and morphologically.  相似文献   

A quantitative study has been made of the proportions and distribution of cells with complex laminated bodies (CLBs) in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. They develop between 55 and about 70 days postnatal and are distributed irregularly across the medio-lateral extent of lamina A. There was no indication that the proportion of cells with CLBs is higher in the region of lamina A where the area centralis is represented, but the proportion in the binocular segment as a whole was higher than for the monocular segment. In kittens reared with unilateral or bilateral eyelid suture the proportions of cells with CLBs was above normal in the deprived laminae and below normal in the undeprived laminae.  相似文献   

The visual cortex of adult rats was unilaterally ablated. A histofluorescence study revealed an increase of noradrenergic terminals in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) ipsilateral to the decortication, confirming the previous report. Corresponding to this, the frequency for encountering neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC) activated antidromically from the LGN was increased. We suggest that LC neurons whose axon terminals were damaged by ablation of the visual cortex formed new axons or axon collaterals (pruning effect) in the LGN, thus contributing, at least partly, to the increase of noradrenergic terminals therein.  相似文献   

In the primary visual cortex (V1), the responses of neurons to stimuli presented in their classical receptive fields (CRFs) are modulated by another stimulus concurrently presented in their surround (receptive field surround, SRF). We studied the nature of the modulatory effects of SRF stimulation with respect to stimulus contrast in cat V1. In 51 V1 neurons studied, large SRF stimuli (40 degreesx30 degrees ) induced only the suppression of responses to CRF stimulation and the suppressive effects became stronger as the contrast for SRF stimulation increased. The contrast sensitivity of SRF suppression did not correlate with that of CRF responses. By independently controlling contrast of CRF and SRF stimuli, we studied whether SRF effects vary with CRF response magnitude. Increasing contrast for CRF stimulation caused an upward shift of the range of effective contrasts for SRF stimulation, indicating that a high contrast for SRF stimulation is required for suppressing strong responses to CRF stimulation at high contrasts. To assess the possible origin of the suppressive SRF effect on V1 neurons, we also investigated the contrast dependency of SRF effects in 28 neurons from the lateral geniculate nucleus. Our results suggest that SRF effects obtained at the subcortical level strongly contribute to those in V1. Taken together, we conclude that along the thalamocortical projections, SRF modulation exhibits a gain-control mechanism that scales the suppressive SRF effect depending on the contrast for CRF stimulation. In addition, SRF effects can be facilitatory at low stimulus contrasts potentially due to the enlargement of the summation field.  相似文献   

Nakamura H  Wu R  Onozuka M  Itoh K 《Neuroreport》2005,16(14):1575-1578
The lamina C3 of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat does not receive retinal projections but instead receives visual information from the small subpopulation of W-type ganglion cells via the upper substratum of the stratum griseum superficiale of the superior colliculus. We herein report a projection from the lateral division of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus into the lamina C3 of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. As the lateral division receives projections from the contralateral retina and the ipsilateral upper stratum griseum superficiale of the superior colliculus, we suggest that these regions make up a small cell type W-cell neuronal network that provides visual information to layer I of the striate cortex via the lamina C3.  相似文献   

Golgi preparations show a group of relatively fine axons ending in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. These, the type I axons, are characterized by many short collateral terminal branches and form a well oriented plexus within the lateral geniculate nucleus. Individual axons distribute terminals to more than one geniculate lamina and some can be seen to come from the region of the internal capsule. Four or more days after damage to the visual cortex, the Nauta method shows relatively fine degenerating fibers that approach the lateral geniculate nucleus from a rostral direction. Some pass straight into lamina a, While others enter the three major laminae via the central interlaminar nucleus. The appearance of this degeneration suggests that the type I axons are cortico-genciulate, as does the sequence of the diencephalic degenerative changes. Thus, relatively coarse corticofugal fibers to the lateral thalamus and tectum show heavy degeneration within three days. The fine axons in the lateral geniculate nucleus show slight, early degeneration after three days, extensive degeneration after four days. They are possibly collaterals of the coarser corticofugal fibers. A second group of coarse fibers which runs laterally from the lateral geniculate nucleus shows early degeneration after four days but does not show consistent and clear degeneration until five or more days. Since retrograde cell changes are already recognizable after four days the third group is regarded as geniculo-cortical.  相似文献   

Neuronal and synaptic reorganization in the lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of adult cats following chronic visual deafferentation has been investigated with the aid of GABA immunocytochemistry and quantitative electron microscopy. The main purpose of this study was to establish the morphological counterpart of the functional plasticity of dLGN relay cells after total visual deafferentation (Eysel: Brain Res. 166:259-271, '79). The results provide evidence that the regained excitability of relay cells is not the result of disinhibition (caused hypothetically by the selective loss of GABAergic cells) since the proportion of GABA-positive and GABA-negative cells as well as the inhibitory synaptic density did not change. The alternative suggestion that the enhanced excitability could be the result of compensatory axonal sprouting by corticothalamic fibers had also to be dropped: the absolute number of corticothalamic axons to the deafferented dLGN remains unchanged. Because of shrinkage of the dendritic trees of dLGN neurons, however, the density of cortical synaptic input at dLGN cells becomes elevated by almost 60%. It is suggested that the regained excitability of relay neurons is the consequence of the combined effects of adaptive (structural) reduction in size ("atrophy") of retinally denervated nerve cells, and, as a consequence, increase of input resistance, reduced shunting effects, and relative increase in density of the excitatory cortical input per neuron.  相似文献   

Four cell types are distinguishable in the lateral geniculate nucleus. The largest (class 1) have their dendrites oriented in relation to the plane of the laminae. The dendrites cross laminar borders freely and bear many fine spines. Class 2 cells show less orientation of their dendrites. These dendrites bear clusters of grape-like appendages close to the branching points and fine spines on their peripheral segments. Only the peripheral segments cross laminar borders. The smallest (class 3) cells have long stalked appendages and give rise to intrinsic axons which ramify close to the perikaryon. Cell classes 1 and 2 occur in laminae A and A1, with class 1 cells mainly concentrated between laminae. Class 3 cells occur in all major laminae. Class 4 cells, with long smooth dendrites oriented parallel to the lamina, lie in lamina B. Two types of extrinsic axon are seen. Type I axons give off many short simple terminal collaterals which often innervate more than one lamina. These are regarded as extra-retinal afferents. Type II axons (probably retinal afferents) have complex flower-like terminals and each axon innervates only one lamina. Contacts between several type II axons and two or more grape-like clusters occur in laminae A and A1. In lamina B finer type II axons form complex overlapping terminal nests around the dendrites of class 4 cells.  相似文献   

The first electrophysiological study of the human lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), optic radiation, striate, and extrastriate visual areas is presented in the context of presurgical evaluation of three epileptic patients (Patients 1, 2, and 3). Visual-evoked potentials to pattern reversal and face presentation were recorded with depth intracranial electrodes implanted stereotactically. For Patient 1, electrode anatomical registration, structural magnetic resonance imaging, and electrophysiological responses confirmed the location of two contacts in the geniculate body and one in the optic radiation. The first responses peaked approximately 40 milliseconds in the LGN in Patient 1 and 60 milliseconds in the V1/V2 complex in Patients 2 and 3. Moreover, steady state visual-evoked potentials evoked by the unperceived but commonly experienced video-screen flicker were recorded in the LGN, optic radiation, and V1/V2 visual areas. This study provides topographic and temporal propagation characteristics of steady state visual-evoked potentials along human visual pathways. We discuss the possible relationship between the oscillating signal recorded in subcortical and cortical areas and the electroencephalogram abnormalities observed in patients suffering from photosensitive epilepsy, particularly video-game epilepsy. The consequences of high temporal frequency visual stimuli delivered by ubiquitous video screens on epilepsy, headaches, and eyestrain must be considered.  相似文献   

The present study is concerned with the projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus onto cortical area 18. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into area 18 of 15 cats. Drawings were made to determine the location of the injection site and the distribution of labeled neurons in the lateral geniculate nuclei of each cat. The local retinotopic maps constructed prior to the injections and the reconstructions of the lateral geniculate nucleus were used to determine the location and the extent of each of the HRP injections. In 15 of the 25 hemispheres studied, the ratio of the number of HRP-labeled neurons in lamina A relative to the number of labeled neurons in lamina A1 was calculated. This ratio varied from 1.06 to 0.28, indicating that at least some regions of area 18 are dominated by inputs from lamina A1. However, if the HRP-labeled neurons in lamina C are included in the counts for lamina A, then the ratio A + C/A1 has a mean of 1.11, suggesting that area 18 receives a balanced input, with inputs from the contralateral eye being relayed through laminae A and C, and inputs from the ipsilateral eye being relayed through lamina A1. When the distribution of HRP-labeled neurons in lamina A was plotted onto a dorsal view of the lateral geniculate nucleus, the labeled neurons formed an ellipse with the long axis of the ellipse oriented parallel to the isoelevation lines. The representation of azimuth is compressed in area 18 relative to the lateral geniculate nucleus. In six hemispheres the injections were restricted to a few layers of the area 18. Following small injections into layer IV of area 18, the HRP-labeled neurons occupied an extensive region of the lateral geniculate nucleus, indicating a considerable amount of convergence of the inputs to area 18. In hemispheres where the injections were restricted to layers I and II, labeled neurons were only seen in the medial interlaminar nucleus and the C laminae.  相似文献   

Detailed and complete projection maps of the visual field to the whole of the dorsal lateral geniculate (LGNd) and medial interlaminar nucleus (MIN) of the cat have been prepared by plotting the receptive fields of single units in the two nuclei with tungsten-in-glass microelectrodes. The standard projection maps show the pattern of isoazimuths (“horizontals”) and isoelevations (“verticals”) in the two nuclei. Particular attention has been given to the projection of the upper visual field to the posterior part of the LGNd/MIN complex where the shape and relationship of the cellular laminae are changing rapidly. A separate projection of the visual field to the nucleus perigeniculatus (NPG) is also described, but the retinotopic organization of this projection is not as precise as for the LGNd and the MIN. Most of the cells in the NPG are binocularly-activated and the receptive fields have ON/OFF centers. Further observations have been made concerning the distribution of the crossed and uncrossed fibers in the LGNd. In lamina B there is a thick dorsal zone of contralaterally-activated cells and below this is a zone in which ipsilaterally-activated cells are occasionally found. A few binocularly-activated cells were found in the vicinity of the interlaminar regions.  相似文献   

The projection of cortical areas 17, 18, and 19 onto the laminar part of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus was investigated with degeneration methods and with the autoradiographic axon tracing method. In agreement with previous accounts, degenerating cortical axons stained by the Nauta method were restricted to laminae A, A1, C and to the interlaminar zones. In contrast, adjacent sections stained with the Fink-Heimer method showed fine dust like degeneration throughout all of the laminae of the nucleus. Comparisons of Fink-Heimer degeneration resulting from lesions of area 17 with that resulting from lesions of areas 18 and 19 further suggested that the area ) projection is heavier and more uniform than the projections from areas 18 and 19. Autoradiographic tracing of axons after intracortical injections of 3H-proline provided detailed demonstrations of the cortical projection patterns that confirmed the Fink-Heimer results. Following restricted injections of areas 17 or 18 the termination zones in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus consisted of columns of labeled tissue oriented perpendicular to the laminae of the nucleus. Area 17 was found to project heavily and uniformly throughout all of the laminae of the nucleus. The projection from area 18 also extended throughout all of the laminae of the nucleus, but was sparser and less uniformly distributed than that from area 17. Projections from area 18 distributed more heavily to the interlaminar zones and to lamina C than to laminae A, A1 C1, C2 or C3. A projection from area 19 to laminae C1, C2 and C3 was also demonstrated autoradiographically.  相似文献   

The abnormal organization of the central visual pathways in the albino ferret has been characterized anatomically and physiologically. Recordings in dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the albino ferret show that lamina A1, which receives an aberrant projection from the contralateral eye, contains an extensive representation of the ipsilateral visual hemifield with receptive fields located up to 35 degrees from the vertical meridian. This is not the case in pigmented ferrets, for which the vast majority of units, activated through either the contralateral or ipsilateral eye, have receptive fields confined to the contralateral hemifield. The few fields found in the ipsilateral hemifield are driven through the contralateral eye and none is more than 10 degrees from the midline. Cortical topography was studied by making closely spaced electrode penetrations across the area 17/18 border. In pigmented animals, the reversal of topography at the border is characterized by units with receptive fields centered a few degrees into the ipsilateral hemifield. In 22 of 25 albinos, the "Boston" aberrant topography was found: the representation of the vertical meridian is within area 17, rather than at the area 17/18 border. Instead, at the area 17/18 border, there is a reversal in the topographic progression at up to 30 degrees into the ipsilateral hemifield. This pattern was most pronounced in the upper visual field. In agreement with the "Boston" physiology, injections of retrograde tracer made in area 17 usually label neurons in either lamina A or the part of lamina A1 that is aberrantly innervated by the contralateral eye. A column of labeled cells extending through all geniculate layers is rarely seen in albinos, although this is commonly the pattern in pigmented ferrets.  相似文献   

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