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余健民  李永贞 《药品评价》2006,3(3):177-181
乡村医生在日常医疗中少不了应用抗菌药物来治疗感染性疾病.通常只注意用法和用量.但对抗菌药物的禁忌症、不良反应、相互作用、给药说明等注意不够.应在医疗实践中引起重视.否则会影响病情.给病人带来一定的损失.甚至危及生命。现就农村中常用的几种抗菌药物作一说明。  相似文献   

余健民 《药品评价》2006,3(6):405-411
消化系统疾病是常见病.亦是农村发病率很高的一组疾病。乡村医生几乎每天都会遇到消化系统疾病,由于消化系统疾病病人多,有的急腹症发病比较急,危险性较大.在紧急处理时,对有关药物禁忌症、不良反应、相互作用、给药说明等要有所了解,否则会给病人带来一定的影响,甚至危及生命。现就常用的一些消化系统药物作一说明。  相似文献   

余健民 《药品评价》2006,3(4):271-275
乡村医生经常会遇到心血管疾病.由于心血管疾病发病较急,危险性大,在紧急处理时。往往不是单一用药,因此对有关药物禁忌症、不良反应、相互作用、给药说明等要有所了解。在医疗实践中应引起重视,否则会给病人带来一定的损失。甚至危及生命。现就常用的一些心血管药物作一说明。  相似文献   

余健民 《药品评价》2007,4(3):165-168,172
泌尿系统疾病是比较常见的疾病.亦是农村发病率较高的一组疾病。乡村医生几乎经常都会遇到泌尿系统疾病,由于泌尿系统疾病病人较多,有的甚至危及病人的生命,危险性比较大。在紧急处理时.对有关药物禁忌症、不良反应、相互作用、给药说明等要有所了解,否则亦会给病人带来一定的影响。现就常用的一些泌尿系统药物作一说明.  相似文献   

陕西省乡村医生抗菌药物应用情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解乡村医生抗菌药物的应用情况。方法:采用自拟问卷对陕西省100名乡村医生进行问卷调查和访谈。结果:94.3%的被调查者对《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》有一些了解;34.5%的被调查者不知道耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌;对于感冒发热患者,4.6%的被调查者通常不用抗菌药物。被调查者最需要了解合理用药和不良反应救治等知识。结论:有必要对乡村医生进行合理用药和不良反应救治等知识培训,以提高乡村医生抗菌药物应用水平。  相似文献   

抗肿瘤药物的呼吸系统不良反应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
桂凌  汪信志 《安徽医药》2003,7(5):385-386
目前临床所应用的抗肿瘤药物特异性差,即在杀伤癌细胞的同时对机体正常组织、器官也产生不同程度的损害,故其不良反应(ADRs)较多。除了常见的骨髓抑制、消化道反应等不良反应外,还有重要器官、系统如生殖系统、神经系统损伤和肝、肾毒性等。其中肺损害发生率虽低,而一旦发生却往往很严重,甚至致死。本对常用抗肿瘤药物的呼吸系统不良反应予以简述。  相似文献   

药物间的相互作用(DDI)所致的药物不良反应(ADR)日趋严重,致死性的ADR也时有报道。为了减少或避免严重的ADR,临床用药必须综合考虑,权衡利弊,能少用的尽量少用,能不用的尽量不用。此外临床医生必须了解药物是如何吸收、代谢的,必须了解药物的代谢酶,必须了解现在使用的药物是否经过这个酶的代谢,是这个酶的底物还是这个酶的抑制剂或是诱导剂。  相似文献   

金昌华 《医药导报》1995,14(5):208-209
介绍肺癌、咯血、感染、哮喘的药物治疗。  相似文献   

心血管药物的呼吸系统不良反应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
治疗心血管病药物所致的呼吸系统不良反应正日益被人们认识。药物可以通过不同机制造成呼吸系统损害。例如阿司匹林通过介质生成的调整作用。β 受体阻断药是通过阻断内源性支气管扩张物质所产生的生理作用 ,引起气道改变。苯妥英通过免疫复合物介导的血管炎 ,导致渗出性肺泡出血 ,肺泡毛细血管损伤后 ,还会使蛋白质及液体外渗 ,进入肺泡壁和肺泡内 ,这可使肺泡迅速解体 ,就象氢氯噻嗪引起间质性肺炎表现的那样 ,也能发展为成人呼吸窘迫综合征 (ARDS)。这两种情况都有类似肺水肿的X线表现。苯妥英可致过敏性肺炎 ,胺碘酮可致急性肺纤维…  相似文献   

We assessed the attitudes, knowledge, and perceptions of Chinese doctors who worked with drug abusers to provide direction for planned drug and alcohol education and training. A 34-item questionnaire was developed; 523 copies were distributed and 446 (84.5%) validated copies were collected. Half of the respondents (50.0%) had no formal training before they started treating drug abusers. Among them, only 16.6% were psychiatrists. Less than half of the respondents agreed that drug abuse (addiction) is a brain disorder. Male and female doctors and doctors from different facilities tended to have different opinions on reasons for relapse, efficacy of treatments, and awareness of treatment modalities, among others. Doctors from involuntary facilities were more likely to disagree with the idea that drug addiction is a brain disorder and favored compulsory treatment. Doctors involved in drug abuse treatment in China are not well prepared or experienced in drug abuse treatment and have negative attitudes toward drug abuse and abusers.  相似文献   

Some of the significant biological issues relating to the oral, controlled delivery of drugs have been discussed. Examination of the problem has largely concentrated on macromolecular drugs such as polypeptides and proteins. The prime considerations highlighted concern the presence of both normal and pathological physiological responses and various anatomical (epithelial) barriers which combine to present modern effective drug delivery with formidable problems. Various strategies for overcoming these barriers have been suggested, including (a) localization of dosage form in regions of the GI tract where protease activity is minimal; (b) inhibition of protease activity; (c) reduction in macromolecule potential complexation with immunoglobulins; (d) masking of the antigenicity of protein drugs; and (e) promotion of lymphatic uptake by selected mechanisms.  相似文献   

Some of the significant biological issues relating to the oral, controlled delivery of drugs have been discussed. Examination of the problem has largely concentrated on macromolecular drugs such as polypeptides and proteins. The prime considerations highlighted concern the presence of both normal and pathological physiological responses and various anatomical (epithelial) barriers which combine to present modern effective drug delivery with formidable problems. Various strategies for overcoming these barriers have been suggested, including (a) localization of dosage form in regions of the GI tract where protease activity is minimal; (b) inhibition of protease activity; (c) reduction in macromolecule potential complexation with immunoglobulins; (d) masking of the antigenicity of protein drugs; and (e) promotion of lymphatic uptake by selected mechanisms.  相似文献   

董丽  何娟 《儿科药学杂志》2004,10(3):35-35,44
小儿呼吸道感染的抗生素治疗.已由单种到多种联用,由普通抗生素到高、新、特,由几十种发展到数百种.在肯定其疗效的同时,也意识到滥用带来的苦果。现收集我院儿科门诊近年来呼吸道感染病儿用药情况.并对用药情况进行分析、归纳、总结。对目前抗生素治疗小儿呼吸道感染中值得注意的几个问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外呼吸系统复方制剂的组成及其审评要求,以便 申报单位具体了解相关政策及注意事项。  相似文献   

关于实施药品召回制度所面临若干问题的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈和平  吴晔 《中国药物警戒》2006,3(3):157-159,163
针对国内对药品召回制度认识上的误区,分析了当前实施药品召回制度的条件存在的不足,并对药品缺陷的概念进行了探讨。  相似文献   

《Drug discovery today》2019,24(9):1749-1768
The pharmaceutical development of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) by hot-melt extrusion (HME) is briefly reviewed. A systematic step-by-step approach is presented, where thermodynamics, polymer screening, multivariate statistics and process optimization are combined, to increase the success of HME-based drug product development. The quality by design (QbD) concept is introduced and applied to HME. Steps and tools for its effective implementation are provided, including risk assessment highlighting crucial points. The technical and scientific specificities of HME-based ASDs are discussed in light of the current paradigm of drug development and in-line with regulatory guidelines from the ICH regions. Case studies of recently approved HME products are presented.  相似文献   

Allometric issues in drug development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of correlating pharmacokinetic parameters with body weight from different animal species has become a useful tool in drug development. The allometric approach is based on the power function, where the body weight of the species is plotted against the pharmacokinetic parameter(s) of interest. Clearance, volume of distribution, and elimination half-life are the three most frequently extrapolated pharmacokinetic parameters. Over the years, many approaches have been suggested to improve the prediction of these pharmacokinetic parameters in humans from animal data. A literature review indicates that there are different degrees of success with different methods for different drugs. Overall, though interspecies scaling requires refinement and better understanding, the approach has lot of potential during the drug development process.  相似文献   

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