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目的 总结睾丸旁脂肪肉瘤(PLS)的临床特点,探讨其治疗方法 及预后.方法 12例PLS患者,均经病理检查确诊,对其临床、影像、病理资料、治疗方法 和随访结果 作回顾性分析.结果 患者年龄36~80岁,平均55岁,阴囊、精索或腹股沟可扪及大小不一、质地中等偏软不规则肿块,边界清楚,实验室检查(血常规、尿常规、肝肾功能、...  相似文献   

巨大腹膜后脂肪肉瘤1例朱坤祥杨裕树常万和解放军第466医院外二科北京市100081主题词腹膜后肿瘤脂肪肉瘤分类号R7355病例报告男,68岁。因腹部肿物切除术后1年半,腹胀6个月于1993_12_17入我院。患者于1992年4月因腹部肿块1年余...  相似文献   

血管肉瘤(angiosarcoma)也称恶性血管内皮瘤,是由血管内皮细胞或向血管内皮细胞方向分化的间叶细胞发生的恶性软组织肿瘤,占所有软组织肉瘤的1%~2%[1]。血管肉瘤可累及全身多个器官,通常发生在皮肤、深层软组织[2],也可累及头颈部、乳房、脾脏和肝脏、肺部和胸膜等部位[3-5]。原发性胸膜血管肉瘤非常罕见,目前相关文献病例数报道较少,且部分患者资料不全。原发性胸膜血管肉瘤的主要症状为呼吸困难、胸闷及胸痛[6],但其临床表现缺乏特异性,容易导致漏诊、误诊。本文就胸膜血管肉瘤的特点及目前对该疾病的认识进行分析和总结。  相似文献   

张毅  魏翔  潘铁成 《临床肺科杂志》2009,14(11):1445-1446
目的探讨原发性纵隔脂肪肉瘤的临床、病理特征、诊断、外科治疗及预后。方法分析1980至2008年我院手术切除并获病理诊断的13例纵隔脂肪肉瘤的相关临床病理资料,并复习文献。结果13例中男8例,女5例,年龄14~53岁,平均42岁。瘤体:直径最大4.5~22cm,前上纵隔7例,后纵隔6例。主要症状包括胸闷,呼吸困难,咳嗽,胸痛,吞咽困难,发热,咳痰,心悸和颈部肿块等。经包括影像学检查在内的综合检查确诊脂肪肉瘤2例,其余11例误诊。7例完整切除,5例姑息切除,1例放弃手术。结论综合运用影像学检查术前诊断纵隔脂肪肉瘤较困难;积极行手术切除肿瘤是纵隔脂肪肉瘤患者获得长期生存的惟一途径,而肿瘤的大小、对重要血管和邻近脏器的侵犯程度是影响肿瘤能否切除的重要因素。  相似文献   

韩克辉  石秀莲 《山东医药》2002,42(11):36-36
患者女 ,6 5岁 ,因右小腿肿块 8年入院。 8年前患者右小腿中段出现一栗子大小肿块 ,无疼痛及不适 ,生长缓慢 ,近 4年来肿块生长迅速 ,累及小腿前面大部。查体 :右腹股沟区无肿大淋巴结 ,右小腿肿胀明显 ,于前外侧触及 2 5 cm× 17cm×7cm肿块 ,边界不甚清楚 ,与皮肤、肌肉无粘连 ,活动度差 ,有压痛 ,肿块张力高 ,橡皮样硬度 ,表面皮肤颜色正常 ,浅静脉轻度扩张 ,皮肤浅感觉迟钝。右小腿正侧位 X线片示软组织明显肿胀 ,胫骨中段长约 8cm骨皮质受压 ,边缘粗糙。 CT示右胫腓骨前外侧软组织内见最大截面 7cm× 8cm混杂密度灶 ,上下范围约 2 3c…  相似文献   

<正>1病例资料患者女性,72岁,因上腹部疼痛1个月于2016年11月5日入本院。患者1个月前无明显诱因出现上腹部疼痛,未治疗。1个月以来疼痛逐渐加剧,为求进一步诊治入本院。病程中患者皮肤、巩膜无黄染,饮食、精神、睡眠尚可,大小便正常,体质量较前无明显减轻。既往高血压病史15年,血压最高200/100 mm Hg,口服药物治疗,血压控制尚可;糖尿病病史3  相似文献   

<正>1病例资料患者女性,72岁,因"胰腺占位1个月"于2018年1月10日就诊于本院。患者1个月前于当地医院体检行腹部CT检查提示:胰腺占位性病变。患者为求进一步诊治就诊于本院,既往史:高血压病史15年,血压最高200/100 mm Hg,未规律服用  相似文献   

心脏转移性脂肪肉瘤是一种少见的心脏恶性肿瘤,具有临床表现特异性差、治疗难度大、预后不良等特点。本文报告1例成功实施手术治疗的转移性心脏混合型脂肪肉瘤患者。  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumours of the pleura are rare pleural neoplasms that are distinct from mesothelioma. Most of them are benign, although some behave aggressively; morphological and pathological features are important in distinguishing them from mesothelioma and in predicting clinical behaviour. Solitary fibrous tumours often grow to a large size before causing symptoms, and are characteristically associated with hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in up to 20% of cases. In cases of benign lesions, complete resection is usually curative. A case involving a 62-year-old woman who underwent surgical resection of a solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura measuring 25 cm in size is described.  相似文献   

A pleural surface membrane, which could be ablated from frozen human lungs with forceps, has been analyzed chemically. The surface membrane was found to consist primarily of collagen (Type I) and to contain only 2.3–8% elastin. The mechanical properties of this membrane should differ markedly from those of alveolar parenchyma, since the connective tissue of the parenchyma contains 32% elastin. An abstract of part of this work appeared in: Bray, B. A., Mandl, I. and Turino, G. M.; Collagen in Human Pleural Membrane. Fed. Proc. 40:1812, 1981  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A large solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura (SFTP) is a very rare occurrence. The aim of this study was to retrospectively review the clinical characteristics, surgical treatment and outcome of patients with a large SFTP operated on in our General Thoracic Surgery Unit. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of the clinical records of six patients who underwent surgery for a huge SFTP between 1998 and 2004. RESULTS: Six patients (four men and two women, mean age 73.3 years) with a large SFTP (mean diameter 20.3 and mean weight 1265 g) underwent surgery during this period with full excision of the tumour. Five tumours were excised together with the implantation basis, and in one case extended resection with pneumonectomy was performed. The presentation symptoms resolved in all cases after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the huge size of these tumours (giant SFTP), surgical resection is an acceptable method of treatment in elderly patients with low morbidity and mortality rates.  相似文献   

Liposarcoma of the stomach is extremely rare, and only 37 cases have been reported worldwide. We herein report two cases of liposarcoma of the stomach. The first patient was referred to our hospital with upper abdominal discomfort. The endoscopic examination revealed a tumor mass about 3 cm in diameter. The patient underwent a partial gastrectomy and had an uneventful recovery. The histopathological examination revealed a welldifferentiated liposarcoma. The second patient had symptoms of upper abdominal discomfort combined with nausea and anorexia. Several palpable masses were found with endoscopy. Endoscopic submucosal dissection was the treatment used, and the postoperative course was uneventful. The histopathological diagnosis was a well-differentiated liposarcoma. The two patients did not undergo any adjuvant therapy. They are both currently in good condition without recurrence. Therefore, we believe that the outcome of liposarcoma of the stomach is positive, and surgical resection may be the first choice for treatment at present.  相似文献   

21例胸膜结核瘤的外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨胸膜结核瘤的诊断和外科治疗经验。方法:回顾 性分析21例胸膜结核瘤的X线表现和手术治疗方法,其中胸壁型27例,膈上型2例,叶间型2例。单发16例,多发5例。完整切除18例,病灶清除3列。结论:21例全部治愈,随访1-8年无复发。结论:外科手术是治疗胸膜结核瘤的有效方法,具有疗效确切、并发症少等优点。  相似文献   

目的 分析胸膜孤立性纤维瘤(solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura,SFTP)的误诊原因,提高其诊断率. 方法 收集并分析自2000年6月至2008年9月广州医学院第一附属医院胸外科收治的21例SFTP的临床资料及随访结果. 结果 21例中男9例,女12例,年龄33~76岁,平均(52.5±14.3)岁,病程7 d至8年,病程中位数为4个月.术前诊断胸膜间皮瘤7例,神经源性肿瘤6例,肺癌4例,SFTP 2例,肺门淋巴结结核1例,炎性肉芽肿1例.术前只有2例诊断正确.21例均行肿瘤根治性切除,术后标本病理学检查及免疫组织化学分析结果均为良性SFTP.随访3个月至8年,中位随访期为43个月,失访2例,余19例均未发现复发及转移. 结论 SFTP临床症状无特异,易误诊为肺癌及胸膜间皮瘤等常见肿瘤;支气管镜及经皮肺穿刺活检术诊断率不高.对于胸腔内肿块而无淋巴结肿大的患者,有条件时应进行cT扫描三维重建,注意肿块是否具有"蒂"征,同时可行胸部x线透视观察肿块在改变体位时的活动情况.  相似文献   

Xu S  Xu Z  Hou Y  Tan Y 《Dysphagia》2008,23(3):327-330
Liposarcoma is one of the most common soft tissue sarcomas in adults, but the incidence of esophageal liposarcoma is extremely low. To our knowledge there are only 18 cases of esophageal liposarcoma reported in the English-language literature. Here we report a new case of primary esophageal liposarcoma in a 50-year-old male patient who complained of aggravating dysphagia with intermittent vomiting for 6 months. The tumor was located in the upper esophagus. Polypectomy was performed and histologic examination showed a well-differentiated liposarcoma. Diagnostic and therapeutic tools are discussed and the results of a literature review are discussed.  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura are uncommon and mainly arise in the pleura itself. Such tumors are generally asymptomatic and slow-growing. We report a series of 10 cases (8 men and 2 women with a mean age of 58.6 years) treated over a period of 54 months. The tumors were classified histologically as benign or malignant according to the criteria used by England. The treatment of choice was complete resection of the tumor. Six posterolateral thoracotomies and 4 video-assisted resections were performed. Histology showed a mixture of fibroblast-like cells and collagenous stroma. Sarcomatous degeneration was observed in the excised tumor of 1 patient. The patients were followed for a mean of 23.9 months. We conclude that although fibrous tumors of the pleura are considered benign histologically, complete resection and follow up for all patients are recommended.  相似文献   

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