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食物频率询问法对农村高血压患者膳食的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解农村高血压病人膳食的特点,寻找防治措施。方法运用食物频率询问法在安徽六安农村地区调查了2317名高血压患者,对每个调查对象上一年的各类食物摄入频率和摄入量进行询问,分别计算每日食物摄入量、每日营养素摄入量、三大营养素产能比和蛋白质来源百分比,并描述这些指标在性别间的分布。结果该地区高血压患者膳食的主要特点是:主食以粮谷类为主,奶及奶制品摄入量低,油脂摄入以动物油脂为主;营养素和微量元素的摄入量普遍较低,其中蛋白质、钙、核黄素和硫胺素的摄入明显不足;三大营养素的产能比不协调,蛋白质的产能比重略低于10%、碳水化合物的产能比重超过70%、女性脂肪产能比重低于20%;优质蛋白质在所有蛋白质来源中所占比重偏低。结论该地区高血压患者的膳食特点为动物性食物、蔬菜水果、奶及奶制品和豆类及豆制品摄入不足,提示农村地区高血压健康教育亟待加强,应纠正不良的膳食习惯。  相似文献   

用简化的食物频率询问法进行膳食评价   总被引:38,自引:7,他引:31  
用简化的食物频率询问法,对河南省南阳市及安徽少年 安庆市的12234名农村40岁及以上中老年人的膳食进行调查,经过培训的熟练调查员约用8~10分钟即可地一名对象的询问。所得到的食物及营养素摄入量,能代表调查对象的日常膳食摄入情况。对评价营养与慢性病的关系更有意义。此方法适于大规模的个体膳食调查。但要注意地区聚类食物成分表的编制、数据库的建立、调查员的培训及调查对象的配合等问题。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解长宁区居民膳食情况,为慢病防治提供依据。方法 采用PPS抽样,抽取长宁区15岁及以上常住居民3036人进行问卷调查。结果 长宁区15岁以上居民奶类、水产类、新鲜蔬菜和水果摄入不足,平均摄入量分别为114 g/d、271 g/d和130 g/d。禽肉类的摄入量为83.79 g/d,高于推荐摄入量,而水产类则未达到推荐摄入量,为44.44 g/d,45岁以下人群豆类平均摄入量普遍未达到膳食推荐摄入量(30 g/d)。男性谷薯类(t=27.10,P<0.01)、禽肉类(t=8.35,P<0.01)以及果汁(t=10.69,P<0.01)和碳酸饮料(t=24.47,P<0.01)的摄入量明显高于女性,女性新鲜水果的摄入量明显高于男性(t=4.99,P<0.01)。各年龄段人群谷薯类(F=5.77,P<0.01)、蛋类(F=3.42,P<0.01)、奶制品(F=8.48,P<0.01)、豆类(F=4.47,P<0.01)、禽肉类(F=5.74,P<0.01)、水产类(F=3.76,P<0.01)、蔬菜类(F=3.57,P<0.01)、碳酸饮料(F=59.21,P<0.01)和果汁(F=28.73,P<0.01)摄入量均存在年龄差异。结论 长宁区居民膳食营养摄入情况不尽合理,各类食物摄入量性别和年龄差异明显,需有针对性的加强营养干预。  相似文献   

目的研究普米族膳食中多不饱和脂肪酸的摄入与高血压、血脂异常的关系。方法选择云南省怒江州兰坪白族普米族自治县18岁以上376例普米族居民为研究对象,采用问卷调查收集研究对象过去一年中各种食物的摄入频率及摄入量、现病史和家族史情况;测量研究对象血压;采集调查对象空腹血测定甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)。结果普米族居民的膳食脂肪摄入量较高,占RNI的198.5%;三大产能营养素的供能比失衡,但n-3PUFA、EPA、DHA的人均摄入量并不高。普米族居民高血压患病率为15.4%;血脂异常类型主要表现为低高密度脂蛋白血症,占54.8%,高胆固醇血症占8%,高甘油三酯血症占19.1%,TC或TG异常人群占25.0%。PUFAs与血脂异常、n-6PUFA与高血压呈负相关关系。结论普米族居民应减少油脂类及高脂肪食物的摄入,增加富含DHA、EPA类食物的摄入,以防止心血管疾病的发生与发展,降低血脂。  相似文献   

目的比较3天24小时膳食回顾法和食物频率法在评估人群脂肪摄入的差异及相关性,为膳食脂肪研究提供依据。方法对从浙江省抽取的511名调查对象同时采用3天24 h膳食回顾法和食物频率法进行膳食调查,分别计算脂肪、脂肪酸和能量等的每日摄入量及脂肪供能比,并对结果进行统计分析。结果两种方法计算得到的能量、脂肪及脂肪供能比结果差异无统计学意义;两种方法评估能量、脂肪、脂肪供能比的相关系数分别为0.51、0.58和0.57,同一调查对象在这两种方法中被分到相同或相邻组的比率:能量为80.73%,脂肪为84.80%,脂肪供能比为83.38%。结论在进行膳食脂肪与疾病关系研究时可采用本文中的食物频率法代替3天24小时回顾法来评估人群脂肪摄入情况。  相似文献   

目的了解医学生膳食镁的摄入情况,对中国的人群镁营养状况进行初步研究。方法编制半定量食物频率问卷,检验其效度和信度。采用整群抽样抽取成都某高校医学生330人,用该问卷进行三个月的食物摄入频率和摄入量调查。结果男生膳食镁平均摄入量为329mgd,为推荐摄入量(RNI)的94.0%;女生膳食镁平均摄入量为377mgd,为RNI的107.7%;男生的膳食镁摄入量低于女生,P<0.01。其中46%的男生和31.9%的女生膳食镁摄入处于不足或缺乏状态。结论人群膳食镁的摄入存在较大差异,有必要对中国各类人群膳食镁摄入情况和机体镁营养状况进行调查评价。  相似文献   

Yu D  Huo J  Sun J  Li W  Lin L  Wang A  Chen G 《卫生研究》2011,40(5):596-600
目的以称重记录法结合24小时回顾法为参考方法,评估食物频率法应用于调查贫血学生膳食铁摄入量及其相关营养素和食物摄入量的相对效度。方法分别应用称重记录法结合24小时回顾法和食物频率法对156名10~14岁在校贫血学生进行膳食调查,计算平均每日膳食铁、血红素铁、非血红素铁、抗坏血酸、畜肉/禽肉/鱼肉和蛋类摄入量,采用Wilcoxon配对秩和检验、Spearman秩相关分析、交叉归类分析、替代分类的真实值分析评估食物频率法的准确度。结果与参考方法相比,食物频率法高估了贫血学生膳食铁摄入量及其相关营养素和食物摄入量,与参考方法调查结果的相关性较低。交叉归类分析、替代分类的真实值分析结果显示,食物频率法不能很好的区分营养素摄入量的不同水平。结论食物频率法应用于调查贫困地区贫血学生的膳食铁及相关营养素摄入量水平的准确性较低。  相似文献   

目的 以称重记录法结合24 h回顾法为参考方法,评估食物频率问卷法(FFQ)应用于调查人群膳食营养素和食物摄入量的相对效度。方法 采用随机抽样的方法在上海市抽取闵行区和金山区居民作为调查对象。使用称重法结合24 h膳食回顾法与食物频率问卷法对调查对象进行膳食调查,并以称重法结合24 h膳食回顾法作为标准,采用t检验,Wilcoxon秩和检验及相关系数检验对食物频率问卷所得数据进行统计分析。结果 FFQ和24 h回顾调查2种方法食用的食物大类相同,获得的谷类、豆类及其制品、蔬菜、十字花科蔬菜、水果、肉禽水产类以及奶及奶制品的每日摄入量有相关性(相关系数0.248~1.000)。FFQ和24 h回顾调查2种方法获得的能量、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、胆固醇每日摄入量均呈显著正相关(相关系数0.209~0.340),其中能量与脂肪无统计学差异;镁、钾、磷、锰、碘、钙与硒每日摄入量呈显著正相关(相关系数0.204~0.419),其中镁、钾、磷、锰、碘元素无统计学差异;维生素B1、B2、C、烟酸每日摄入量均呈显著正相关(相关系数0.170~0.305),其中维生素B1、B2无统计学差异。结论 食物频率问卷可以评估碘元素、十字花科蔬菜、大豆异黄酮以及能量、脂肪、镁、钾、磷、锰、维生素B1和维生素B2摄入量。  相似文献   

目的 掌握温州市居民膳食结构与食物消费量数据,为开展营养教育及营养改善工作提供科学数据。方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对1 689户居民5 287人进行食物消费量调查。采用非连续3 d 24 h回顾法为基础,3 d称重法为补充收集居民食物消费量数据。结果 温州市居民平均每标准人日谷薯类摄入量394.8 g,蔬菜类273.4 g,水果类180.0 g,畜禽肉类71.7 g,水产品类78.4 g,蛋类35.5 g,大豆及坚果类29.8 g。城区除水果摄入量和城乡无统计学差异外,其余种类食物摄入量均大于城乡,且差异有统计学意义。水产品超过中国居民膳食指南推荐量要求,谷薯类、畜禽肉类、大豆及坚果类达到推荐量要求,蔬菜类、水果类、蛋类未达到推荐量要求。结论 温州市居民膳食结构及食物消费基本合理,但非主食类植物性食物摄入量未达到推荐量,应加强营养知识的健康教育,提倡合理膳食和健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

[目的]了解重庆市居民食物摄入频率现状和膳食结构模式,为今后开展营养教育和营养改善工作提供科学依据.[方法]选用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查重庆地区的资料,运用食物摄入频率法调查了1 520名15岁及以上居民,对每个调查对象过去1年的各类食物摄入频率和摄入量进行询问.采用评分方法评价重庆市居民的膳食质量.采用多因素Logistic回归分析方法筛选食物摄入频率的相关影响因素.[结果]重庆市居民的膳食结构不太合理,城乡间人群的膳食结构存在着一定的差异.城市居民畜禽肉类和油脂类摄入过量,鱼虾类摄入不足;农村居民油脂类摄入过量,水果、鱼虾类、蛋类、奶及奶制品和豆类及豆制品摄入不足.[结论]目前重庆市居民的膳食状况以水果、豆类及豆制品和奶及奶制品摄入不足为主要问题,应加强宣传教育提高营养知识水平,合理调整膳食结构,纠正不良的膳食习惯.  相似文献   


This study aimed to assess the relative validity of maternal dietary patterns derived from a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). A total of 162 pregnant women aged 19–40-years-old were enrolled from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Birth Cohort Study in year 2010 and 2011. The FFQ was compared with three 24-h dietary recalls (DRs). Two major dietary patterns were derived from the principle component analysis which are labeled as Healthy and Less-Healthy patterns. The Pearson correlation coefficients between FFQ and DRs for Healthy and Less-Healthy patterns were 0.59 and 0.63, respectively. At least 45% of the participants were correctly classified into the same third from the FFQ and DR for both dietary patterns. The weighted kappa showed moderate agreement for Healthy pattern while good agreement for Less-Healthy pattern between these two dietary assessment methods. Our results indicate reasonable validity of the dietary patterns identified from the FFQ in pregnant women.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to describe food consumption practices of Filipino-American adults, to describe how they respond to a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) as a function of acculturation and sex, and to suggest modifications to the FFQ to improve dietary assessment among Filipino-Americans.MethodsTwenty-one Filipino-American women and 14 Filipino-American men (aged 30-60 years) who varied on acculturation level were recruited from the general community of San Diego, California. Participants completed a focus group and rated the Fred Hutchinson Food Frequency Questionnaire.ResultsThe most commonly eaten food items among Filipino-Americans were white rice, fish or meat, vegetables, and fruit. Most (76%) participants reported that the Fred Hutchinson Food Frequency Questionnaire lacked commonly eaten Filipino-American food.Conclusions and ImplicationsCommonly consumed food, such as adobo, lumpia, and pansit, might be added to a revised FFQ; doing so may improve recall and face validity among Filipino-Americans.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Foods consumed near the time of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) administration may prime the memory, such that FFQ responses emphasize recently consumed foods. This study investigates the effect of season of FFQ administration, a proxy for the recent diet, on FFQ responses. METHODS: FFQ data from 74,958 Shanghai Women's Health Study (SWHS) subjects were compared with FFQ data from these subjects by season of FFQ administration (i.e., winter, spring, summer, and fall). All analyses were adjusted for age, BMI, and energy intake. Furthermore, quintile categories derived from all study subjects were compared with categories derived from the distribution of subjects recruited in the same season. RESULTS: Compared with the study group as a whole, subjects completing the FFQ in winter reported higher intakes of meat (2.1%), vegetable (3.9%), fish (3.1%), and soy foods (4.1%), but lower fruit (- 3.9%) intake. Subjects completing the FFQ in summer reported lower than average meat (- 2.0%), vegetable (- 3.2%), fish (- 2.3%), and soy food (- 4.6%) intakes, but greater fruit intake (0.9%). Completion of the FFQ in spring and fall usually led to intermediate differences from the group average, although fruit intake was 5.9% higher among subjects completing the FFQ in the fall. Variations across macronutrients and micronutrients by season of FFQ administration were smaller. If seasonal FFQ reporting is ignored, up to 13% of subjects would be classified to a different diet intake exposure category. However, reclassification was always to an adjacent category. CONCLUSIONS: FFQ responses varied with season of FFQ administration, consistent with theory that current diet intake influences reporting of habitual past diet intake. However, season of FFQ administration did not alter dietary exposure category assignments sufficiently to effect interpretation of most epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss which one is the best estimator of past diet: a retrospective report or a recent diet recall. The analysis included 13 articles published between 1984-1997 and selected from a MEDLINE search and from other reviews on this subject. The selection criterion was the use of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in a validation study of retrospective report of dietary intake in remote past. Literature review shows that even taking into account misclassification, retrospective report of diet usually yields to a more reliable estimate of past diet pattern than current report. Past diet recall was strongly influenced by current intake and by diet patterns change. Analyzed investigations indicate that agreement between original and retrospective report was higher either for foods eaten rarely or frequently and lower for foods moderately consumed. This review allows considering the FFQ as a valuable instrument when studying the role of diet on the etiology of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the potentially protective effects of high fish consumption on many chronic diseases. Many epidemiological studies use food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) to quantify usual dietary fish intake, so it is important to validate this assessment against objective markers. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between plasma percentage fatty acids and dietary fish intake as assessed by a FFQ. A semiquantitative FFQ was completed by 174 adults from the community (aged 26-49 years) who also had venous blood analysed for plasma percentage fatty acids. Following linear regression modelling, total non-fried fish intake was a significant predictor of n-3 (regression coefficient, B = 0.94; 95% CI = 0.60-1.28), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; B = 0.73; 95% CI = 0.47-0.99) and the ratio of n-6: n-3 fatty acids (B = -1.0; 95% CI = - 1.35- -0.65). Steamed, grilled or baked fish was a small but significant predictor of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) levels (B = 0.13; 95% CI = 0.05-0.21) while total fish intake was a predictor of n-6 fatty acids (B = -0.88; 95% CI = -1.41- -0.36). This semiquantitative FFQ could be useful for ranking subjects according to their likely plasma n-3, DHA, and n-6 fatty acid intake and the ratio of n-6: n-3 fatty acids, when the available resources may simply not permit biological markers to be used.  相似文献   

目的分析云南傣族居民膳食脂肪酸摄入水平与糖尿病发生之间的关系,为制定有效预防和控制糖尿病的膳食干预措施提供科学依据。方法2011年8月选择西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县404名≥18岁傣族居民为研究对象,采用问卷调查方式收集研究对象过去1年中各种食物的摄入频率、摄入量以及现病史、家族史情况,采集研究对象空腹血测定血糖。结果15.8%的傣族居民患糖尿病,14.9%的傣族居民糖耐量受损;傣族居民蛋白质、脂肪的摄入量均较高,膳食中三大产能营养素供能比失衡;膳食脂肪酸中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)、多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFAs)之比为1:1.72:0.76,比例失衡;经多因素逐步logistic回归分析显示,MUFA是糖尿病的保护因素(OR=0.906,40%CI=0.807~0.993)。结论云南傣族居民的膳食结构不合理;膳食MUFA可能对糖尿病的发生起保护作用。  相似文献   

A self-administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was developed to indicate weekly consumption of 64 foods. Reliability, validity, and usefulness of the tool to define a protein eating pattern were determined. Adolescents (N = 1,108) completed the FFQ during the Bogalusa Heart Study. Two-hour and 2-week reliability measures demonstrated consistency of intake of specific foods. Frequency of foods obtained from seven consecutive 24-hour recalls was compared with frequency obtained from the FFQ. A mean 50% agreement for both frequency and quantity of food intake was observed. Geometric means showed differences in mean number of protein foods by age of adolescent but the only significant difference was for beef intake of 15-year-olds. White children reported more servings of beef, cheese, and vegetables with meat than did black children. Black children reported more servings of eggs, luncheon meat, pork, poultry, and total protein than did white children. Boys reported a greater frequency of total protein foods, specifically, eggs, milk, and poultry, than did girls. Significant correlations were noted between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and intake of eggs and luncheon meat. We were able to quantitate the reliability and validity of the FFQ and to use it to explore the association of specific eating patterns with cardiovascular disease risk.  相似文献   

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