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This work describes a diffusion-weighted (DW) interleaved echo-planar imaging (IEPI) method for use on either conventional whole-body scanners or scanners equipped with highspeed gradient and receiver hardware. In combination with cardiac gating and motion correction with a pair of orthogonal navigator echoes, the presented method is time-efficient, compensates for patient motions, and is less sensitive to image distortions than single-shot methods. The motion-correction scheme consists of correction for constant and linear phase terms found from the orthogonal navigator echoes. The correction for the linear phase term in the phase-encode direction includes gridding the data to the Cartesian grid. The DW IEPI was used to image a phantom rotating about the slice-select direction, and motion correction was performed to eliminate ghost artifacts arising from motion in either the readout- or phase-encoding directions. DW IEPI with motion correction was performed on a normal volunteer and on a patient with a 26-day-old region of ischemia over much of the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The partial Fourier gradient-echo echo planar imaging (EPI) technique makes it possible to acquire high-resolution functional MRI (fMRI) data at an optimal echo time. This technique is especially important for fMRI studies at high magnetic fields, where the optimal echo time is short and may not be achieved with a full Fourier acquisition scheme. In addition, it has been shown that partial Fourier EPI provides better anatomic resolvability than full Fourier EPI. However, the partial Fourier gradient-echo EPI may be degraded by artifacts that are not usually seen in other types of imaging. Those unique artifacts in partial Fourier gradient-echo EPI, to our knowledge, have not yet been systematically evaluated. Here we use the k-space energy spectrum analysis method to understand and characterize two types of partial Fourier EPI artifacts. Our studies show that Type 1 artifact, originating from k-space energy loss, cannot be corrected with pure postprocessing, and Type 2 artifact can be eliminated with an improved reconstruction method. We propose a novel algorithm, that combines images obtained from two or more reconstruction schemes guided by k-space energy spectrum analysis, to generate partial Fourier EPI with greatly reduced Type 2 artifact. Quality control procedures for avoiding Type 1 artifact in partial Fourier EPI are also discussed.  相似文献   

Four volunteers were imaged with echo-planar imaging before and after ingesting a dilute barium preparation. The contrast material improved bowel visibility by increasing lumen signal intensity, without increasing noise. Long T2 gastrointestinal contrast material can be used in T2-weighted imaging when motion artifacts are suppressed by ultrashort acquisitions.  相似文献   

This work identifies an additional source of phase error across ky in multi-shot echo-planar imaging resulting from flow or motion along the phase-encoding direction. A velocity-independent flow compensation technique, gradient moment smoothing, is presented that corrects this error by forcing the phase to have smooth quadratic behavior. The correction is implemented, without compromising scan time, by changing the first moment of a bipolar prephaser pulse on a shot-by-shot basis. In phantom and in vivo experiments, gradient moment smoothing effectively eliminates ghosting and signal loss due to phase-encoding flow. When used in conjunction with a “flyback” echo-planar readout, which compensates for flow in the frequency-encoding direction, gradient moment smoothing renders multi-shot echo-planar imaging relatively insensitive to in-plane flow. This can make multi-shot echo-planar imaging a viable technique for accurately imaging in-plane flow and may desensitize it to the otherwise serious problem of in-plane motion.  相似文献   

MR spectroscopic (MRS) images from a large volume of brain can be obtained using a 3D echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (3D-EPSI) sequence. However, routine applications of 3D-EPSI are still limited by a long scan time. In this communication, a new approach termed "spectral phase-corrected generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions" (SPC-GRAPPA) is introduced for the reconstruction of 3D-EPSI data to accelerate data acquisition while preserving the accuracy of quantitation of brain metabolites. In SPC-GRAPPA, voxel-by-voxel spectral phase alignment between metabolite 3D-EPSI from individual coil elements is performed in the frequency domain, utilizing the whole spectrum from interleaved water reference 3D-EPSI for robust estimation of the zero-order phase correction. The performance of SPC-GRAPPA was compared with that of fully encoded 3D-EPSI and conventional GRAPPA. Analysis of whole-brain 3D-EPSI data reconstructed by SPC-GRAPPA demonstrates that SPC-GRAPPA with an acceleration factor of 1.5 yields results very similar to those obtained by fully encoded 3D-EPSI, and is more accurate than conventional GRAPPA.  相似文献   



To extend the parameter restrictions of a silent echo‐planar imaging (sEPI) sequence using sinusoidal readout (RO) gradients, in particular with increased spatial resolution. The sound pressure level (SPL) of the most feasible configurations is compared to conventional EPI having trapezoidal RO gradients.

Materials and Methods:

We enhanced the sEPI sequence by integrating a parallel acquisition technique (PAT) on a 3 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system. The SPL was measured for matrix sizes of 64 × 64 and 128 × 128 pixels, without and with PAT (R = 2). The signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) was examined for both sinusoidal and trapezoidal RO gradients.


Compared to EPI PAT, the SPL could be reduced by up to 11.1 dB and 5.1 dB for matrix sizes of 64 × 64 and 128 × 128 pixels, respectively. The SNR of sinusoidal RO gradients is lower by a factor of 0.96 on average compared to trapezoidal RO gradients.


The sEPI PAT sequence allows for 1) increased resolution, 2) expanded RO frequency range toward lower frequencies, which is in general beneficial for SPL, or 3) shortened TE, TR, and RO train length. At the same time, it generates lower SPL compared to conventional EPI for a wide range of RO frequencies while having the same imaging parameters. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012;36:581–588. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We evaluated the detection of the brain lesions with single-shot echo-planar FLAIR imaging (EP-FLAIR) relative to fast spin-echo FLAIR imaging (fast-FLAIR). In 30 patients with variety of intracranial lesions, a prospective comparison of EP-FLAIR and fast-FLAIR was performed. Data acquisition time per image was 0.1 s with EP-FLAIR. Quantitative and qualitative criteria as well as lesion detectability were evaluated. EP-FLAIR provided almost same tissue contrast and CSF suppression as fast-FLAIR did. In the quantitative analysis, contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio (C/N) of EP-FLAIR were comparable to those of fast-FLAIR, and there was no significant difference between them. The increased magnetic susceptibility effect was useful in screening for subtle hemorrhage. However, EP-FLAIR was degraded by susceptibility artifacts at the skull base and posterior to the frontal sinuses. Motion artifacts were not encountered owing to the very short imaging time, and EP-FLAIR was particularly useful in screening for the lesions in uncoorporative patients.  相似文献   

Adaptive motion compensation in MR imaging without use of navigator echoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retrospective correction of magnetic resonance (MR) image data to eliminate the effects of patient motion is possible with use of adaptive correction techniques. These methods require an accurate record of the motion that occurs during imaging. The authors evaluated whether motion information suitable for adaptive correction could be obtained from phase-encoded image data alone rather than from separate navigator echoes. Once such displacements were estimated from the image data, motion correction proceeded with use of the same algorithm used for the navigator echoes. The results show that image data alone can be used to effectively measure view-to-view displacements in phantoms, but external markers are required for accurate measurement during axial head imaging of patients.  相似文献   

Yeung  HN; Kormos  DW; Sebok  DA 《Radiology》1988,167(2):537-540
A method for separating binary chemical-shift components with a single image data acquisition by means of stimulated echoes is demonstrated. With a strategy analogous to the modified Dixon method, three stimulated echoes were acquired to form three complex images. In each of the images, the complex pixel intensities were imparted, by design of the pulse sequence, with a phase factor carrying chemical-shift or field inhomogeneity information. With these three images, true fat/water separation can be obtained in biologic tissues. Studies at high field strength (4.7 T) on a toluene phantom, a pseudo-binary chemical-shift system, were used to evaluate the applicability of the method. Its clinical feasibility was demonstrated on a healthy human subject in a 0.6-T whole-body imaging system.  相似文献   

The benefits of sensitivity-encoded (SENSE) echo-planar imaging (EPI) for functional MRI (fMRI) based on blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast were quantitatively investigated at 1.5 T. For experiments with 3.4 x 3.4 x 4.0 mm(3) resolution, SENSE allowed the single-shot EPI image acquisition duration to be shortened from 24.1 to 12.4 ms, resulting in a reduced sensitivity to geometric distortions and T(*)(2) blurring. Finger-tapping fMRI experiments, performed on eight normal volunteers, showed an overall 18% loss in t-score in the activated area, which was substantially smaller than expected based on the image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and g-factor, but similar to the loss predicted by a model that takes physiologic noise into account.  相似文献   

An artifact caused by the RF field inhomogeneity in echo-planar imaging (EPI) with the CPMG sequence is analyzed. A modified sequence is presented, using 90 degrees phase alternation of the pi pulses, which suppresses the spurious components of the signal. Thus the phase cycling procedure can be avoided and the pi-pulsed EPI experiment can be reduced to a single shot.  相似文献   

Techniques for high-resolution echo-planar MR imaging of the pancreas.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent technical advances in echo-planar magnetic resonance (MR) imaging prompted an investigation of these new techniques in pancreatic MR imaging and evaluation of bowel lumen enhancement with an aqueous bowel contrast agent. In 42 subjects (36 healthy, six with pancreatic disease), various T1-weighted inversion-recovery and T2-weighted spin-echo fat-suppressed pulse sequences were assessed with an echo-planar technique implemented with a modified clinical MR imager. Single-excitation imaging (echo time, 26 msec) provided a higher (P less than .05) signal-to-noise ratio than did conventional spin-echo and all other echo-planar techniques. In 13 (72%) of 18 healthy subjects who did not undergo administration of the contrast agent, the entire pancreas was distinguished from adjoining bowel. In all 18 subjects who underwent contrast-enhanced imaging, a significantly greater (P less than .05) intraluminal signal intensity was apparent with all echo-planar pulse sequences and the entire pancreas was identified. In six patients with pancreatic disease, lesions could be identified by their difference in signal intensity.  相似文献   

【摘要】目的:探讨低浓度对比剂、低管电压联合迭代重建技术在急性脑梗死患者全脑灌注成像(CTP)中的可行性应用。方法:选取2014年9月-2015年3月在徐州医学院徐州临床学院行全脑CTP检查、临床拟诊为急性脑梗死患者59例,随机分为A、B两组,A组28例[管电压100kV,对比剂为碘海醇(350mg I/mL),滤波反投影重建法(FBP)重建];B组31例[管电压80kV,对比剂为碘克沙醇(270mg I/mL),迭代重建算法(ART)重建]。测量并计算A、B两组的大脑中动脉CT值、信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)、剂量长度乘积(DLP)、有效辐射剂量(ED)及碘摄入量,并对两组间上述指标进行统计学分析;2名医师对两组图像质量评价的一致性采用kappa分析;两组间图像质量主观评价差异采用χ2检验。结果:A、B两组间的CT值、SNR、CNR、CTP及CTA的图像主观质量评价差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05);两组间梗死灶的检出率无统计学差异;而B组(双低剂量组)的ED、碘摄入量较A组低。结论:联合低管电压和迭代重建技术时,使用低浓度对比剂(270mg I/mL)进行全脑CTP检查,在不降低图像质量的同时,还能减少ED及碘摄入量,从而降低对比剂肾病(CIN)的风险。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare fast single-shot gradient-echo (FLASH) and hybrid echo-planar imaging (EPI) magnetic resonance (MR) technologies regarding the relative contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), spatiotemporal resolution, size of inducible perfusion defects, and presence of artifacts in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Fifteen patients with CAD underwent rest and adenosine stress gadolinium first-pass perfusion cardiovascular MR examinations with EPI and FLASH. The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and each subject gave written informed consent. The spatial resolution of the two sequences was made similar in nine patients, and the temporal resolution was made similar in six. The images were assessed for CNR, artifact, and size of inducible perfusion defects. The CNR was significantly higher with the EPI sequence, whether matched for spatial (32 vs 22 [46%], P < .001) or temporal (35 vs 23 [51%], P < .001) resolution. There was no significant difference in scoring for artifact or area and transmural extent of inducible perfusion defects with EPI and FLASH, whether matched for temporal or spatial resolution. Further work is warranted to determine the relative diagnostic accuracy of the two techniques.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare and evaluate two novel diffusion-weighted sequences, based either on fast spin-echo (FSE) or interleaved echo-planar imaging (EPI) methods, as potential tools for investing spinal cord abnormalities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Following recent improvements, both interleaved EPI (IEPI) and FSE techniques could be alternative approaches for rapid diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Therefore, a navigated diffusion-weighted multishot FSE sequence and a fat-suppressed navigated diffusion-weighted IEPI sequence with local shimming capabilities were tested. Both methods were compared in a consecutive series of five healthy volunteers and five patients with suspected intramedullary lesions. The sequences were graded qualitatively as either superior, inferior, or equal in quality, and also quantitatively by measuring the amount of ghosting artifacts in the background. Quantitative measurements of the diffusion coefficients within the spine were included. RESULTS: The overall image quality of IEPI was superior to FSE. Two out of five FSE scans were rated with poor image quality, whereas all IEPI scans were of sufficient quality. The ghosting levels ranged from approximately 3.3% to 6.2% for IEPI and from approximately 7.5% to 18.9% for FSE. Diffusion coefficients measured in healthy volunteers were similar for both IEPI and FSE, but showed higher fluctuations with the FSE technique. CONCLUSION: Despite potential advantages of FSE, the IEPI technique is preferable for DWI applications in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

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