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目的:探讨伴人格障碍自杀未遂者的临床特点。方法:对108名自杀未遂急诊入院的患者按CCMD-2-R进行人格障碍的诊断,分为伴人格障碍组和不伴人格障碍组,对两组的社会人口学资料和临床资料进行统计,并进行自杀意图量表及自杀企图冲动性和致死性的测定,将有关项目作对比分析。结果:有40(37.04%)名自杀未遂者伴发人格障碍,伴人格障碍自杀未遂者与不伴人格障碍自杀未遂者,有较多的既往自杀未遂史和精神科治疗史,自杀意图和自杀企图致死性较低,冲动性较高。结论:对伴人格障碍自杀未遂者应给予特别对待和积极治疗。  相似文献   

为探讨伴人格障碍自杀未遂的临床特点,对108名自杀未遂急诊入院的患按CCMD—2—R进行人格障碍的诊断,分为伴人格障碍组和不伴人格障碍组,得到社会人口学资料和临床资料并进行自杀意图量表及自杀企图冲动性和致死性的测定,将有关项目作对比分析。结果,有40(37.04%)名自杀未遂伴发人格障碍。与不伴人格障碍自杀未遂比较,伴人格障碍自杀未遂有较多的既往自杀未遂史和精神科治疗史,自杀意图和自杀企图致死性较低,冲动性较高。提示,对伴人格障碍自杀未遂应给予特别对待和积极治疗。  相似文献   

自杀未遂者的社会心理因素及临床特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了自杀未遂的定义、流行学、社会心理因素及精神障碍发生情况。  相似文献   

自杀未遂者的社会心理因素及临床特点   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本综述了自杀未遂的定义、流行学、社会心理因素及精神障碍发生情况。  相似文献   

目的 探讨脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)在抑郁发作自杀未遂者中的可能作用.方法 对抑郁发作自杀未遂患者(自杀未遂组,23例)和抑郁发作无自杀行为患者(无自杀组,24例)采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(24项,HAMD24)、Beck绝望量表(BHS)和自杀意念自评量表(SIOSS)评定抑郁严重程度、绝望程度及自杀意图的强烈程度;采用酶联免疫吸附法测定其血清BDNF浓度,并与正常对照者(对照组,30名)比较;对自杀未遂组的血清BDNF浓度与各相关因素进行Pearson相关分析.结果 (1)自杀未遂组的HAMD24[(37.8±8.7)分]、BHS[(13.0±3.8)分]及SIOSS评分[(18.1±3.9)分]均高于无自杀组[分别为(26.0±6.0)分、(7.5±4.3)分、(12.0±4.0)分;P<0.01].(2)自杀未遂组的BDNF平均浓度[(57 ±16)ng/L]低于无自杀组[(75 ±28)ng/L;P<0.05],无自杀组的BDNF平均浓度亦低于正常对照组[(111±39)ng/L;P<0.01].(3)自杀未遂组的血清BDNF浓度与抑郁发作的病程(r=-0.541)、BHS总分(r=-0.494)、SIOSS总分(r=-0.754)呈负相关(P<0.01-0.05).结论 低水平的BDNF可能是抑郁发作自杀未遂的一个危险因素.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possible role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF)in the pathophysiology of attempted suicide in depressive episode patients.Methods The subjects were 23 depressive episode patients who had recently attempted suicide.24 depressive episode patients without suicide attempt.and 30 sex-age-and education matched healthy controls.The Hamihon Depression Rating Scale-24 items(HAMD24),Beck Helpless Rating Scale(BHS)and Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale (SIOSS)was used to evaluate the severitv of symptoms.The seruln level of BDNF was detected with sandwich ELISA.Pearson correlation coefficients wag used to measure the correlations between serum BDNF and the related illness variables.Results There were significant difierences in the serum level of BDNF between patients with attempted suicide,pailents without suicide attempt and normal controls(F=21.927,P<0.05).Post hoc analysis showed the serum BDNF levels in patients with attempted suicide [(57 ±16)ng/L]were lower than that in patients without[(75±28)ns/L;P<0.05],and were lower in patients without suicide attempt[(75 ±28)ng/L]than that in normal controls[(111 ±39)ng/L;P<0.01].In patients with attempted suicide,the serum BDNF was negatively correlated to the duration of depressive episode(r=-0.541,P=0.008),the mean BHS score(r=-0.494,P=0.017)and the mean SIOSSscore(r=-0.754.P=0.000).Conclusion The results suggest that the decreased serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor is related to the pathophysiology of attempted suicide in depressive episode patients.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possible role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF)in the pathophysiology of attempted suicide in depressive episode patients.Methods The subjects were 23 depressive episode patients who had recently attempted suicide.24 depressive episode patients without suicide attempt.and 30 sex-age-and education matched healthy controls.The Hamihon Depression Rating Scale-24 items(HAMD24),Beck Helpless Rating Scale(BHS)and Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale (SIOSS)was used to evaluate the severitv of symptoms.The seruln level of BDNF was detected with sandwich ELISA.Pearson correlation coefficients wag used to measure the correlations between serum BDNF and the related illness variables.Results There were significant difierences in the serum level of BDNF between patients with attempted suicide,pailents without suicide attempt and normal controls(F=21.927,P<0.05).Post hoc analysis showed the serum BDNF levels in patients with attempted suicide [(57 ±16)ng/L]were lower than that in patients without[(75±28)ns/L;P<0.05],and were lower in patients without suicide attempt[(75 ±28)ng/L]than that in normal controls[(111 ±39)ng/L;P<0.01].In patients with attempted suicide,the serum BDNF was negatively correlated to the duration of depressive episode(r=-0.541,P=0.008),the mean BHS score(r=-0.494,P=0.017)and the mean SIOSSscore(r=-0.754.P=0.000).Conclusion The results suggest that the decreased serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor is related to the pathophysiology of attempted suicide in depressive episode patients.  相似文献   

<正>现对广西罗城仫佬族自治县(罗城县)自杀未遂者的资料回顾性分析如下。1对象和方法为2010年7月至2012年12月罗城县各乡镇卫生院或县医院抢救成功的自杀者86例,均为仫佬族或壮族,男23例,女63例;年龄22~62岁,平均(32.2±11.3)岁;文化程度:文盲29例,小学36例,初中14例,高中或中专6例,大专及大专以上学历1例;婚姻状况:未婚22例,已婚57例,离婚7例;职业:农民77例,工人2例,干部1例,无业6例。经罗城县疾病控制中心和各乡镇卫生院协调,征得自杀未遂者或其监护人的同意,出院3~4周时与自杀未遂者面  相似文献   

47例精神分裂症自杀未遂者临床分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对47例精神分裂症自杀未遂者的诸因素进行比较分析。发现自杀与偏执型、文化程度、发作次数、近期疗效及幻觉、妄想、抑郁症状有关。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the possible role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF)in the pathophysiology of attempted suicide in depressive episode patients.Methods The subjects were 23 depressive episode patients who had recently attempted suicide.24 depressive episode patients without suicide attempt.and 30 sex-age-and education matched healthy controls.The Hamihon Depression Rating Scale-24 items(HAMD24),Beck Helpless Rating Scale(BHS)and Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale (SIOSS)was used to evaluate the severitv of symptoms.The seruln level of BDNF was detected with sandwich ELISA.Pearson correlation coefficients wag used to measure the correlations between serum BDNF and the related illness variables.Results There were significant difierences in the serum level of BDNF between patients with attempted suicide,pailents without suicide attempt and normal controls(F=21.927,P<0.05).Post hoc analysis showed the serum BDNF levels in patients with attempted suicide [(57 ±16)ng/L]were lower than that in patients without[(75±28)ns/L;P<0.05],and were lower in patients without suicide attempt[(75 ±28)ng/L]than that in normal controls[(111 ±39)ng/L;P<0.01].In patients with attempted suicide,the serum BDNF was negatively correlated to the duration of depressive episode(r=-0.541,P=0.008),the mean BHS score(r=-0.494,P=0.017)and the mean SIOSSscore(r=-0.754.P=0.000).Conclusion The results suggest that the decreased serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor is related to the pathophysiology of attempted suicide in depressive episode patients.  相似文献   

抑郁症未遂自杀及相关因素研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对140例抑郁症患者的未遂自杀及相关因素进行研究,发现未遂自杀发生率为34.29%。与对照组相比,发生未遂自杀的48例有以下特点:年龄较大、多有阳性家族史、个人经济收入较低,发病多有诱因、多为急性起病、HAMD睡眠障碍和绝望感因子分较高、迟缓因子分较低、多为单相抑郁症。逐步回归分析发现,影响未遂自杀的因素主要为HAMD睡眠障碍、绝望感、迟缓因子分。  相似文献   

冲动性与非冲动性自杀未遂的比较   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
目的 自杀未遂是我国重要的公共卫生问题,但缺乏针对性的、有效的干预措施。本研究通过比较冲动性与非冲动性自杀未遂的特征,为制定相应的预防措施奠定基础。方法 对4所市县级综合医院的306例病情较重的自杀未遂病人用自制调查表进行调查。按其自杀前考虑自杀时间的长短人为地分为冲动性(≤2小时,164例)和非冲动性(>2小时,142例)两组,并对两组进行比较。结果 两组在许多方面有显著差异。用非条件Logistic回归分析控制不同因素之间的相互影响后,发现在自杀未遂者中,自杀前2周抑郁程度越轻、自杀意图强度越低,有急性(≤1月)负性生活事件、自杀前1个月生命质量越高、居住在乡村、越年轻越易发生冲动性自杀行为;而性别和其他因素与冲动性自杀行为的发生无关。结论 冲动性与非冲动性自杀未遂的特征明显不同,对这两种不同的自杀未遂人群是否应采取不同的预防及干预措施是目前迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

目的探讨农村未遂自杀者再自杀意念的发生率及其相关因素。方法以乡镇卫生院近2年的抢救记录为调查线索,共完成74例自杀未遂者的调查,对其再自杀意念进行评定,并用SDS和FES对其抑郁症状和家庭环境进行评估,收集其一般资料。结果74例自杀未遂者中有48例(64.86%)有不同程度的再自杀意念,48例有再自杀意念者的SDS得分(42.42±7.64)明显高于26例无再自杀意念者(33.58±9.52)(t=4.35,P<0.001),有再自杀意念组的家庭亲密度、成功性、文化性、娱乐性和组织性均较无再自杀意念组差,家庭矛盾性较对照组突出。多元逐步回归分析显示,影响自杀未遂者再自杀意念的主要危险因素为:家庭成功性、SDS总分和家庭矛盾性。结论64.86%的自杀未遂者在其后的一段时期内仍存在不同程度的再自杀意念,而且再自杀意念主要与患者的家庭环境和患者的抑郁症状有关。  相似文献   

Most prospective studies of HPA axis have found that non-suppressors in the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) are more likely to commit suicide during the follow-up. Attempted suicide is a strong clinical predictor of suicide. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive value of DST for suicide in a group of depressed inpatients with and without an index suicide attempt. Historical cohort of 382 psychiatric inpatients with mood disorder admitted to the department of Psychiatry at the Karolinska University Hospital between 1980 and 2000 were submitted to the DST and followed up for causes of death. During the follow-up (mean 18 years), 36 suicides (9.4%) occurred, 20 of these were non-suppressors and 16 were suppressors. There was no statistically significant difference in suicide risk between the suppressors and non-suppressors for the sample as a whole. An index suicide attempt predicted suicide. In suicide attempters with mood disorder, the non-suppressor status was significantly associated with suicide indicating that HPA axis hyperactivity is a risk factor for suicide in this group. The dexamethasone suppression test may be a useful predictor within this population.  相似文献   

AimBased on our clinical observations, low emotional intelligence level and problem-solving skills may have play a role in suicide attempts. The present study is aimed to investigate the emotional intelligence levels and the correlation between problem solving skills and suicide attempts in individuals who already attempted suicide.Material and methodThe study was conducted on twenty-five individuals who attempted suicide and 25 healthy controls with similar sociodemographic characteristics. All participants were asked to fill in the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI) and Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS).FindingsIt was determined that the patient group BAI scores and BDI scores were significantly higher when compared to the control group (p < 0.01, p < 0.01). The total EIS and emotional awareness, emotion management, self-motivation, empathy and relationship control subscale scores of the patient group were significantly lower when compared to the control group (p < 0.01, p < 0.01, p < 0.01, p < 0.01, p = 0.047).PSI scores were significantly higher in the patient group when compared to the control group (p < 0.01). There was a negative correlation between PSI total score and EIS subscale scores.ConclusionIt was observed that these individuals experienced more difficulty in solving problems when compared to healthy individuals, however as their emotional intelligence levels increased, their problem-solving skills increased as well.  相似文献   

抑郁症的自杀未遂及其危险因素分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
为了获得抑郁症病人的自杀未遂发生率及其危险因素,采用自制的抑郁症与自杀的关系登记表和Hamilton抑郁量表,分别对符合中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第2版修订本的212例住院的抑郁症病人进行调查评分,然后用SPSS和PEMS软件包进行统计分析。结果:在212例抑郁症病人中发生自杀观念158例(74.5%),自杀未遂67例(31.6%)。在自杀未遂组中的自杀方式以过量服药为主(47.8%),自杀地点多在室内(77.6%)。自杀未遂组的抑郁症状评分高于无自杀行为组(t=7.27,P<0.01)。自杀与绝望感、抑郁情绪、自卑感、自知力等呈正相关。逐步回归分析发现,绝望感对自杀的影响最大,其次是抑郁情绪,再次是自卑感和自知力。提示抑郁症与自杀的关系密切,频繁出现≥3次自杀观念的抑郁症病人发生自杀行为的可能性较大。  相似文献   

An association between low levels of serum cholesterol and violent or suicidal behaviour has frequently been reported. However the role of serum cholesterol in the cycle of violence (Widom, 1989) has not been studied. The aim of this study was to investigate association between exposure to violence during childhood and used adult violence in suicide attempters with low and high serum cholesterol levels. 81 suicide attempters were assessed with the Karolinska Interpersonal Violence Scale (KIVS) measuring exposure to violence and expressed violent behaviour in childhood (between 6 and 14 years of age) and during adult life (15 years or older). We used median split to dichotomise groups below and above median serum cholesterol. In patients with serum cholesterol below median, the correlation between exposure to violence as a child and used adult violence was significant (rho=0.52, p=0.002), while in patients with serum cholesterol above median, the correlation between exposure to violence as a child and expressed violent behaviour as an adult was not significant (rho=0.25, p=0.2). Comorbid substance abuse predicted violent behaviour as an adult only in patients with serum cholesterol above median. Serum cholesterol may modify the effect of the “Cycle of Violence”.  相似文献   

This study examined clinical characteristics and laboratory-measured impulsive behavior of adolescents engaging in either non-suicidal self-injury with (NSSI + SA; n = 25) or without (NSSI-Only; n = 31) suicide attempts. We hypothesized that adolescent with NSSI + SI would exhibit more severe clinical symptoms and higher levels of behavioral impulsivity compared to adolescents with NSSI-Only. Adolescents were recruited from an inpatient psychiatric hospital unit and the two groups were compared on demographic characteristics, psychopathology, self-reported clinical ratings, methods of non-suicidal self-injury, and two laboratory impulsivity measures. Primary evaluations were conducted during psychiatric hospitalization, and a subset of those tested during hospitalization was retested 4–6 weeks after discharge. During hospitalization, NSSI + SA patients reported worse depression, hopelessness, and impulsivity on standard clinical measures, and demonstrated elevated impulsivity on a reward-directed laboratory measure compared to NSSI-Only patients. In the follow-up analyses, depression, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, and laboratory impulsivity were improved for both groups, but the NSSI + SA group still exhibited significantly more depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and impulsivity than the NSSI-Only group. Risk assessments for adolescents with NSSI + SA should include consideration not only of the severity of clinical symptoms but of the current level impulsivity as well.  相似文献   

Abstract.Aim: This study aims to investigate suicide risk factors after attempted suicide and whether and how these risk factors differ between the sexes.Method: A total of 1052 suicide attempters admitted to the Medical Emergency Inpatient Unit, Lund University Hospital, Sweden were followed up concerning suicide and death from other causes after a median period of 6 years and 5 months. In all, 50 persons committed suicide during follow-up. At the index suicide attempt, socio-demographic data and information about clinical characteristics were gathered in a standardised manner. Risk factors were identified among these data using survival analyses for the whole sample and for each sex separately.Result: Men had a higher frequency of suicide and a greater overall mortality than women. Cox regressions showed that suicide attempt(s) prior to the index attempt and the use of a violent method for the index attempt were risk factors for men only, whereas older age and a high suicidal intent (Beck SIS score) were female ones. Major depression was a risk factor for both sexes.Conclusion: More attention probably needs to be paid to the importance of gender in assessment of suicide risk and treatment of suicide attempters.  相似文献   

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