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Among 91 index cases whose diagnosis of a genetic type of hypertriglyceridemia was based on family studies, 27% had diabetes. To determine whether the familial forms of hypertriglyceridemia and genetic diabetes mellitus are inherited together or independently, the adult first degree relatives of these propositi were investigated for the presence of diabetes. Frequency of diabetes in first degree relatives of the 25 diabetic patients with a familial form of hypertriglyceridemia was identical whether such relatives were hyperlipidemic or not (13% versus 14.7%). The frequency of diabetes in both the hyperlipidemic and normolipidemic relatives of the 66 nondiabetic hypertriglyceridemic index cases also was not significantly different from each other (6.2% versus 4.0%). These results indicate that while diabetes is frequently associated with hypertriglyceridemia, genetic hypertriglyceridemia, per se, does not carry an increased risk of diabetes. Following treatment of diabetes, elevated triglyceride levels in index cases with both familial hypertriglyceridemia and untreated diabetes returned to lower but still elevated levels resembling those of affected (hypertriglyceridemic) relatives. Thus, the interaction of untreated diabetes and a familial form of hypertriglyceridemia determines the level of plasma triglyceride in a patient with both disorders.  相似文献   

To test whether abnormalities in multiphasic release of lipoprotein lipase are associated with hypertriglyceridemia in diabetes mellitus, postheparin lipolytic activity (PHLA) was measured during a high-dose, constant heparin infusion in 20 diabetic subjects with hypertriglyceridemia, 25 nondiabetic hypertriglyceridemic subjects and 7 normal subjects. The standard low heparin dose PHLA and the PHLa during the early phase of the heparin infusion were the same in all groups. In constrast, the PHLA during the late phase of the heparin infusion was lower in the 12 untreated diabetic subjects than in the 25 nondiabetic hypertriglyceridemic and the 7 normal subjects (p less than 0.001). An abnormality in late phase PHLA in the untreated diabetic subjects was more apparent when it was compared to the level of PHLA attained during the early phase of the heparin infusion (Equilibrium PHLA/60 min PHLA). The relative PHLA in the late phase of the infusion was lower in the untreated diabetic subjects (0.671 +/- 0.147) than in the nondiabetic hypertriglyceridemic subjects (0.847 +/- 0.019, p less than 0.001), or in the chronically treated diabetic subjects (0.823 +/- 0.108, p less than 0.05). Among the untreated diabetic subjects, increasing fasting glucose levels were associated with both decreasing absolute PHLA levels at the late phase of the infusion (r = 0.61, p less than 0.02) and greater decreases in relative PHLA during the infusion (r = -0.80, p less than 0.001). Treatment of the diabetes with long-term oral sulfonylurea or insulin therapy corrected the abnormality in the late phase PHLA with an associated decrease in plasma triglyceride levels (p less than 0.001). In five subjects with a deficient PHLA response to a standard, low dose of heparin, the PHLA response was low throughout the heparin infusion. With treatment, the PHLA response to the low heparin dose corrected rapidly toward normal in those two diabetic subjects with PHLa deficiency, and the early PHLA response during the heparin infusion increased. However, the late phase abnormality in all untreated diabetic subjects did not correct to normal until after several months of antihyperglycemic therapy. In the untreated diabetic subjects the degree of elevation of the plasma triglyceride level appeared to result from the interaction of the abnormality in PHLA with the presence or absence of an inherited familial lipid disorder.  相似文献   

The effects of acute stress upon circulating triglyceride, glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, and glycerol were investigated in obese desert sand rats. Three groups of animals, designated “nonstress,” “nonexertional stress,” and “exertional stress,” were studied. Acute stress, with or without accompanying exercise, was associated with significant decreases in circulating triglyceride; significant increases in circulating glucose, free fatty acids, and glycerol; and variable changes in circulating insulin. Since these data indicated that substrate availability and hepatic insulization were adequate and therefore could not explain the observed fall in circulating triglyceride, endogenous triglyceride secretion rates were examined by the Triton method. Compared to predicted rates based upon earlier studies, both nonexertional and exertional stress were associated with significantly decreased endogenous triglyceride secretion. Thus, acute stress in the sand rat, with or without accompanying exercise, appears to induce an immediate decrease in endogenous triglyceride secretion and circulating triglyceride.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium fluoride therapy was studied in 40 osteoporotic male subjects, aged 50–80 yr. Twenty patients were treated with sodium fluoride (20–40 mg/day) and 20 received placebo for 107 wk. A marked increase (53%; p < 0.001) in the nondialyzable fraction of urinary hydroxyproline was found in the fluoridetreated group. Total urinary hydroxyproline levels were unchanged. The increased fraction of urinary hydroxyproline is suggestive of increased bone collagen synthesis and is consistent with the finding of a diminished rate of bone loss in the fluoride-treated group (per cent change in bone density after 107 wk was ?0.14 ± 5.28 versus ?5.24 ± 7.62 for the placebo-treated group; p < 0.02). Serum alkaline phosphatase levels were elevated in the fluoride-treated group (38%; p < 0.001) after 107 wk of treatment. This change, as well as the increased fraction of urinary hydroxyproline persisted for at least 6 mo after cessation of fluoride treatment and was not temporally related to serum fluoride levels. No significant changes in serum parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, serum calcium, and phosphorus were found after 1 yr of fluoride treatment. These findings suggest that fluoride does not alter serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D and that the mechanism by which fluoride increases the rate of bone formation does not involve hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   

The relationship between total body calcium (TBC) and local bone calcium mass (BCM) was studied in a group of osteoporotic patients (12 females and two males) with a wide range of body size. Two methods were used to estimate BCM: photon absorptiometry and radiographic morphometry. TBC was estimated by total-body neutron-activation analysis. Since 99% of TBC is located in the skeleton, it was assumed that TBC was essentially a measure of total skeletal (calcium) mass. TBC ranged from 482 to 1076 g. High correlations with r values from 0.84 to 0.94, p < 0.001, were found between TBC and BCM measured by absorptiometry at six different sites of radius, ulna, and humerus. Additionally, high correlations with r values from 0.89 to 0.95, p < 0.001, were found between BCM at the distal tenth of the radius and BCM at the five other sites. A high correlation was also found between body height and TBC, but partial correlations indicated that this accounted for very little of the correlation between TBC and BCM. In contrast to the above, correlations between BCM determined by radiographic morphometry and TBC were weak or nonsignificant. When TBC and BCM were expressed as per cent of their mean value, the slopes of the estimating equations, describing the relationships between TBC and BCM, were essentially the same, but significantly less than one, which is the value of the slope expected if TBC and BCM had changed at the same relative rate. From these relationships, we conclude (1) that the rate of change in BCM was similar in the six sites examined, and (2) that the rate of change in these six sites was relatively more rapid than the change in total body calcium. Whether the change in rate of BCM was related to rate of increase during attainment of maximum BCM or subsequent rate of loss of BCM or both remains to be determined.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the role of alpha-adrenergic receptors in the somatostatin-mediated inhibition of pancreatic glucagon secretion. In dogs, somatostatin inhibited the pancreatico-duodenal vein output of glucagon. During an infusion of the alpha-adrenergic blocking agent phentolamine, somatostatin did not significantly inhibit the output of glucagon. Thus, alpha-adrenergic mechanisms appear to influence the ability of somatostatin to decrease pancreatic glucagon secretion.  相似文献   

The ability of tumor markers to improve cancer therapy is not established. We studied a man with a human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)-secreting large cell carcinoma of the lung and gynecomastia. Preoperatively, levels of HCG (109 ng/ml), its alpha and beta subunits (3.2 and 21 ng/ml, respectively) and plasma estradiol were elevated. Despite apparently complete tumor resection and total resolution of gynecomastia, HCG titers remained elevated (3.3 ng/ml), heralding tumor recurrence three weeks later. Because the pathophysiologic consequences of the ectopic secretion of HCG on pituitary function are not established, we administered 100 microgram of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (LHRH) and observed a markedly delayed increase in pituitary gonadotropins. Early chemotherapy, guided by persistence of HCG, reduced HCG to undetectable levels, restored to normal the response to LHRH and resulted in a distinctly unusual 30-month complete remission. Use of HCG as a tumor marker levels is more sensitive than the symptom of gynecomastia and may permit detection of small, potentially curable tumor foci.  相似文献   

Blood pressure readings were taken at home twice a day for one month by 60 subjects with essential hypertension. The average change-perday value based on quadratic curves fit to each subject's data (for the entire month or to the day of medication change) was negative and was statistically significant for both systolic and diastolic and for a.m. and p.m. readings. Clinically significant decreases in blood pressure, defined as systolic and/or diastolic decreases ≥ 10 mm. Hg from the first two to the last two days, occurred in 43 per cent of the subjects.The observed blood pressure decreases may have been due to (1) placebo effects and/or increased compliance associated with the change of treatment program, (2) increased attention of health care practitioners, (3) habituation of blood pressure to the conditions of measurement, or (4) biofeedback effects. The most likely explanation for the initial blood pressure decrease in habituation. The smaller but continuing decrease after the first two days was probably due, at least in part, to a biofeedback effect. If further studies support such an hypothesis, then home blood pressure readings should be used on a wider scale for treatment purposes. They are easier to administer than other behavioral treatments and the observed decreases appear to be of the same order of magnitude.Regardless of the treatment potential of this type of biofeedback, the decreases in home blood pressures while patients are taking their own pressures daily at home suggest the importance of a diagnostic waiting period until blood pressure stabilizes and before pharmacological treatment is prescribed. This period may last a month or longer for some patients.  相似文献   

Nineteen patients with mitral valve disease were studied before and a mean 11 months +/- 9 months following valve replacement or reconstruction, which resulted in good postoperative valve function. Biplane left ventricular angiography and pressures were utilized to determine end-diastolic volume/M. (EDV), end-systolic volume/M. (ESV), ejection fraction (EF), left ventricular mass/M. (LVM), and stroke work/M. (SW). There were 19 patients--six with mitral stenosis (MS), six with mitral stenosis and regurgitation (MS + MR), and seven with mitral regurgitation (MR). Those with MS and MS + MR preoperatively had no significant change in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), EDV, ESV, LVM, or EF following surgery. Patients with MR had a significant reduction in LVEDP, EDV, SV, and SW. More importantly, the EF fell in four of these seven patients and LVM did not decrease following surgery. It is concluded that surgical treatment for MS and MS + MR had little effect on left ventricular performance. Following surgical treatment for MR, reduction in EDV is not associated with reduction in LVM, and frequently left ventricular performance deteriorates as judged by the EF.  相似文献   

The effect of para-aminosalicylic acid-C (PAS-C, 8 g/day) on lipid metabolism was studied on a metabolic ward in nine subjects with primary endogenous hypertriglyceridemia. During 2 wk on a basal isocaloric liquid formula diet (40% fat, 45% carbohydrate), PAS-C reduced plasma triglyceride (?41.9 ± 18.9%, p < .01, x ± SD), cholesterol (?22.8 ± 12.9%, p < .005), and a very low density lipoprotein triglyceride (p < .001) and cholesterol (p < .01) levels without changing the cholesterol content of low density or high density lipoproteins. Similar effects occurred on a fat-free, 85% carbohydrate diet. Decreases in very low density lipoproteins correlated with changes in both total triglyceride (r = .99, p < .01) and cholesterol (r = .70, p < .05). Treatment with PAS-C reduced the plasma triglyceride removal rate related to lipoprotein lipase (?14.6 ± 14.1%, p < .02), but did not alter plasma postheparin lipolytic activity or the apparent Km for substrate-enzyme interaction. Kinetic data obtained during the prolonged heparin infusion fit the linearized Michaelis-Menten model for subjects with endogenous hypertriglyceridemia. The reduction in the plasma triglyceride concentration during PAS-C treatment was a function of the decrease in triglyceride removal rate (r = .74, p < .025) without alternation in the maximal removal capacity related to lipoprotein lipase. This suggests that under the steady state conditions of these studies, the decrease in plasma triglyceride concentration was due to a reduction in endogenous triglyceride production. Free fatty acid metabolism, glucose homeostasis, fat absorption, and thyroid function did not change. These results suggest that PAS-C lowers plasma triglyceride and cholesterol levels in hypertriglyceridemic subjects by reducing endogenous very low density lipoprotein production and/or secretion into the circulation.  相似文献   

Myocardial infarction in the familial forms of hypertriglyceridemia.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Among 74 hypertriglyceridemic patients who were referred for study because of hypertriglyceridemia, family investigations detected 19 with familial hypertriglyceridemia and 24 with familial combined hyperlipidemia. The frequency of myocardial infarction among adult living hyperlipidemic relatives of patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia was 17.5% (10/57). Five of these relatives had their infarct between the ages of 40 and 50 yr of age, and five before the age of 40 yr. The frequency of myocardial infarction in living hyperlipedemic relatives with familial hypertriglyceridemia was 4.7% (2/43) and was similar to the frequency of myocardial infarction among normolipidemic relatives (4.5%) or among spouse controls (5.2%). Mortality data due to myocardial infarction among relatives of index patients failed to contribute meaningful information.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between forearm venous levels of catecholamines and systemic levels, simultaneous arterial and forearm vein blood samples were obtained from 14 subjects undergoing elective dental procedures and assayed with a sensitive and specific radioenzymatic assay. Baseline venous levels of norepinephrine were greater than arterial levels (305 ± 30 pg/ml versus 221 ± 18; ± SEM, p < .005). Conversely, arterial epinephrine levels were higher than venous (132 ± 17 pg/ml versus 80 ± 10; p < .005). There was a significant relationship between arterial and venous levels of both norepinephrine (r = .77, p < .01) and epinephrine (r = .67, p < .01). The arterial-venous epinephrine difference increased from the baseline value of 44 ± 14 pg/ml to 108 ± 16 (p < .005) by 3 min after subcutaneous injection of epinephrine (18 μg), but the arterial-venous difference returned to 65 ± 24 by 5 min after injection (p = NS versus baseline). These findings indicate that under the conditions of this study, forearm tissues produced more norepinephrine than they removed, but removed more epinephrine than they produced. Baseline venous and arterial levels were related; when epinephrine production was augmented, there was a short time lag for the venous epinephrine increase.  相似文献   

Eighty-five patients with ventricular dysfunction due to coronary disease and to nonobstructive cardiomyopathy were studied by biplane angiocardiography (12/sec) to determine the extent of hypertrophy and the distinguishing features between primary myocardial and coronary disease. Patients with cardiomyopathy and equally severe dysfunction due to coronary disease had identical end-diastolic, end-systolic and stroke volume and work per square meter, stroke work per gram of ventricular mass, end-diastolic pressure, peak equatorial wall stress, ejection fraction, peak circumferential shortening velocity, peak ventricular ejection rate, peak external pump power, left ventricular mass and mass to diastolic volume ratio. Hypertrophy develops after myocardial infarction in proportion to ventricular dilatation and may result in a syndrome of massive hypertrophy, hypokinesis and congestive failure quantitatively identical to that found in primary cardiomyopathy except for etiology. Hypertrophy is associated with normalization of wall stress in both coronary and primary myocardial disease and is thus not dependent on the type of insult to the contractile mechanism.  相似文献   

Pericardial constriction.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Resting coronary flow and regional distribution are not affected by narrowing of up to 85 percent of arterial diameter and therefore provide little insight into the effects of stenoses on coronary hemodynamics. However, maximal coronary flow and coronary flow reserve are markedly reduced by constrictions that do not affect resting flow. Accordingly, coronary flow reserve and its relations to pressure-flow-resis-tance characteristics of 177 single (10 dogs) and 125 double coronary stenoses in series (7 dogs) were studied in open chest preparations. Coronary flow, aortic pressure and left circumflex coronary pressure distal to a single or to each of two separate adjustable coronary constrictors in series were simultaneously recorded while flow was varied from basal to maximum by intracoronary injections of contrast medium.The hyperemic response to contrast medium is a quantitative measure of coronary flow reserve which was closely related to, and predictive of, the following characteristics of single and double stenoses in series: (1) total pressure gradient and distal circumflex perfusion pressure at resting coronary flow; (2) total pressure gradient and distal circumflex pressure at hyperemic flow when effects of stenoses are greatest; and (3) coronary stenoses resistance. Thus, the hyperemic response after injection of contrast medium, or coronary flow reserve, is in itself a quantitative measure of the pressure-flow-resistance characteristics of coronary constrictions. In addition, resistances of coronary stenoses in series are shown to be additive; the flow effects of stenoses in series are not generally determined by the dominant or most severe lesion, contrary to common clinical precepts. These concepts are applicable to patients in assessing the effects of stenoses on coronary hemodynamics.  相似文献   

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