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椎间盘退变疾病发病率越来越高,但退变的机制尚不明确.椎间盘退变模型是现今研究椎间盘退变疾病的主要方式,退变模型主要分为体内退变模型和体外退变模型两大类.两种退变模型从不同角度研究椎间盘退变的病理生理过程,为揭示退变机制及预防、治疗椎间盘退变疾病起着重要作用.本文就目前国内外关于两种不同椎间盘退变模型研究的进展作一综述.  相似文献   

椎间盘退变过程中MMP/Timp基因表达变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:采用新西兰大白兔的纤维环损伤制作腰椎间盘退变模型,以证实和比较在人椎间盘退变中的基因变化情况.方法:损伤L4.5、L5.6纤维环,行核磁共振及计算机扫描摄影拍片证实椎间盘退变情况,同时取椎间盘行精确定量逆转录聚合酶链式反应观测MMP/Timp系列基因的变化.结果:证实了兔腰椎纤维环损伤后腰椎逐渐退变,且与人类退变结果相似,基因表达情况MMP-1、MMP-2、MMP-3、Timp-1、Timp-2早期均上调,MMP-3、Timp-1在退变的晚期出现下调.结论:人类腰椎间盘退变中明显上调的基因在此退变模型椎间盘中被发现同样上调,从而在分子水平证实了此动物退变模型与人类的相似性.  相似文献   

椎间盘退变模型是研究椎间盘退变疾病的基础和关键之一。兔退变椎间盘模型具有操作简单、可重复性好等特点被国内外学者广泛应用。兔椎间盘退变模型包括体内模型、体外模型等。体内模型根据损伤类别包括:机械损伤模型、化学损伤模型、异常应力模型、脊柱不稳模型、脊柱融合模型等;体外模型包括椎间盘细胞模型、椎间盘组织模型等。本文根据近年兔腰椎间盘各种退变模型与修复的研究现状与进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨椎间盘退变的发生机制,总结生长因子治疗椎间盘退变的相关研究成果,并提出尚待解决的问题和未来研究的热点。方法:从刺激椎间盘细胞增殖,促进椎间盘基质的合成,抑制椎间盘细胞的凋亡,应用方式,现阶段研究中存在的问题等方面对国内外相关研究进行总结。结果:使用生长因子治疗椎间盘退变可以从生理结构上阻止、逆转椎间盘退变,恢复椎间盘丢失的高度和生物学功能。结论:椎间盘的生长因子治疗尚存在一定的问题和不足,随着研究的深入和应用方法的改进,生长因子治疗有望为椎间盘退变提供一条新的治疗途径。  相似文献   

建立剪切应力导致椎间盘退变模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 建立剪切应力导致椎间盘退变的在体动物模型,探索剪切应力与椎间盘退变之间的关系。方法 20只成年日本大耳白兔随机平均分成2组。加载组通过手术在动物L4/5节段植入自行研制的剪切应力加载装置,并加载50 N的剪切力4周;对照组只植入加载装置但不加载剪切力。4周后处死所有动物并对所有相关节段的椎间盘做病理检查。结果 术后的影像学检查显示加载装置位于动物腰椎,手术过程和植入的加载装置对实验动物的日常活动与饮食均无影响。病理学检查发现加载组椎间盘的纤维环组织排列紊乱,正常髓核细胞明显减少。结论 新型装置的设计减少了对动物椎体的创伤,并且可以提供可靠的剪切应力;在体动物模型的建立揭示一定的剪切应力可导致动物椎间盘退变,对进一步研究载荷与椎间盘退变间的关系具有较大的意义。  相似文献   

颈椎间盘退变的形态学观察和生物力学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:观察长时间异常应力环境下兔颈椎间盘的组织形态和生物力学性能变化,为防治颈椎病的研究提供实验依据.方法:选取30只家兔,随机分为对照组、模型组,造模家兔颈椎处于低头屈曲45°位异常应力环境下5小时/次·天.动物处死后,光镜和电镜下观察颈椎间盘组织形态学变化;功能节段生物力学性能测试.比较各组间存在的差异.结果:对照组颈椎间盘组织形态及生物力学性能无明显变化;模型组颈椎间盘发生软骨细胞变性、坏死,髓核皱缩,软骨终板钙化、断裂等组织形态学改变;椎间盘压缩、扭转生物力学性能下降,并随着异常应力作用时间的延长而表现更为显著.结论:长时间处于异常应力环境下能使兔颈椎间盘组织形态和生物力学性能均发生明显退行性改变.  相似文献   

软骨终板的形态与椎间盘退变的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软骨终板位于椎体上、下表面与椎间盘的纤维环和髓核之间 ,刘润田〔1〕等认为是椎间盘的一个组成部分 ,另一些学者〔2〕认为椎体上、下表面的皮质外层。软骨终板和纤维环一起将胶状的髓核密封 ,使椎间盘形成一个自行限制的密闭容器 ,起缓冲外力的作用。若软骨终板破裂 ,髓核会通过其破裂处突入椎体骨质内形成许莫结节 ( Schmorl) ;或向后突入椎管内形成椎间盘突出。本文就软骨终板的形态和功能作一综述 ,旨在为椎间盘退变的进一步研究和人工椎间盘置换术等临床应用提供解剖学依据。椎间盘是人体最大的无血运组织 ,其营养途径主要有 :( 1 )…  相似文献   

目的:探讨椎间盘退变模型的研究现状及进展。方法:在Pubmed、中国知网查阅有关椎间盘退变模型研究的文献,进行汇总分析。结果:椎间盘退变模型可以通过体外和体内两种方法构建,前者包括椎间盘细胞模型和椎间盘组织模型,后者包括诱发性椎间盘退变模型和自发性椎间盘退变模型。体外模型适用面较广,但培养要求较高,不能全面模拟体内环境;体内培养干预技术较容易实现,但适用面较窄。结论:人椎间盘退变的影响因素繁多,目前的椎间盘退变模型往往具有一定的局限性,无法全面地模拟出人的椎间盘退变情况。无创、微创构建椎间盘退变模型将是未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

<正>椎间盘退变(intervertebral disc degenerative,IDD)是指构成椎间盘的髓核、纤维环及软骨终板等组织发生衰老退变进而引起腰腿痛及活动受限为特征的脊柱疾患,其可发展为腰椎间盘突出、椎管狭窄等导致患者出现长期下腰痛甚至瘫痪[1]。据报道,全球84%的人有因腰椎间盘退变引起的急慢性腰痛及活动障碍史,其中10%的人因此终生残疾。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同浓度及时间的尼古丁在人椎间盘髓核细胞退变中的作用。方法随机选择5例腰椎骨折患者的椎间盘髓核组织进行体外细胞培养,种于12孔板中,按照0、1、33.3、100、200、500ng/m L的尼古丁浓度以及1、2、3、7、10天加入来培养,每组细胞用Trizol法提取总RNA,用荧光定量PCR测定AQP1,AQP3和II型胶原(Collagen)以及蛋白多糖(Aggrecan)的m RNA表达。用SPSS19.0进行统计分析。结果随着尼古丁浓度升高及培养时间的延长,髓核细胞形态变化明显,贴壁能力减弱,胞质减少,胞核萎缩,空泡形成,凋亡增加。且细胞AQP1及AQP3的m RNA水平随着尼古丁浓度及时间的增加而降低,II型胶原及蛋白聚糖m RNA水平也降低,细胞发生退变。结论尼古丁会降低人椎间盘髓核细胞AQP1和AQP3的表达,进而降低髓核细胞II型胶原和蛋白聚糖的表达,促进椎间盘退变,且作用时间越长,浓度越高,细胞退变越严重。  相似文献   

降钙素治疗延缓卵巢切除大鼠腰椎间盘退变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:观察降钙素对卵巢切除大鼠腰椎骨量及椎间盘退变的影响。方法:SD大鼠分为基线对照组、假手术组、卵巢切除组及降钙素治疗组,进行腰椎节段骨密度和骨形态计量学分析,观察椎间盘的组织形态学改变。结果:卵巢切除组骨量较对照组和降钙素治疗组显著下降,骨转化指标明显提高。降钙素治疗组的腰椎间盘组织学评分较卵巢切除组显著下降。结论:卵巢切除大鼠椎间盘退变可能是骨量减少引起的脊柱力学改变所致,降钙素治疗可以预防骨量丢失并延缓其腰椎间盘退变。  相似文献   

Gross features of disc degeneration (DD) that are associated with back pain include tears in the anulus fibrosus, structural changes of the endplates, and a collapse of the anulus. The aim of this study is the detailed visualization and microstructural characterization of DD using microcomputed tomography (μCT) and a dedicated image post-processing pipeline. In detail, we investigate a cadaveric spine that shows both types of DD between L1 and L2 and between L2 and L3, respectively. The lumbar spine was obtained from a male donor aged 74 years. The complete specimen was scanned using μCT with an isometric voxel size of 93 μm. Subsequently, regions of interest (ROI) were prepared featuring each complete intervertebral disc including the adjacent endplates. ROIs were then additionally scanned with a voxel size of 35 μm and by means of magnetic resonance imaging. The collapsed endplate of the superior L2 showed explicit signs of an endplate-driven degeneration, including bony endplate failures. In contrast, the intervertebral disc between L2 and L3 showed indications of an annulus-driven DD including severe disc height loss and concentric tears. Using μCT we were able to visualize and quantify bone and cartilage features in DD. We showed that in both cases a suite of structural changes accompanies cartilage degeneration, including microstructural bony adaptions to counteract changes in the biomechanical loading regimen.  相似文献   

背景:高尿酸血症是常见的代谢性疾病,高尿酸血症患者以尿酸结晶形成导致痛风为主要临床表现。既往研究仅报道了尿酸结晶会导致脊柱椎间盘的退变,但关于高尿酸血症与脊柱椎间盘退变的相关性研究较少。目的:回顾性分析高尿酸血症患者脊柱椎间盘的退变特点以及血尿酸浓度与脊柱椎间盘退变的相关性。方法:回顾性分析2021年1月至2022年12月在西南医科大学附属医院骨科就诊并被诊断为脊柱椎间盘退变的所有患者,纳入97例高尿酸血症患者作为高尿酸血症组,然后根据性别、年龄按照1∶2进行匹配,将194例非高尿酸血症患者作为对照组。收集两组患者的血尿酸检验结果,并在全脊柱MRI图像上对两组患者的椎间盘退变程度进行Pfirrmann评分。比较两组患者椎间盘退变程度的差异,分析血尿酸浓度与椎间盘退变程度的相关性。结果与结论:①高尿酸血症组的椎间盘退变程度Pfirrmann评分大于对照组,且高尿酸血症组的椎间盘退变总数大于对照组,差异均有显著性意义(P<0.05);②Spearman相关分析显示,在高尿酸血症组内的多个节段,男性患者的椎间盘退变程度与血尿酸浓度呈正相关(C_(3/4):r=0.317,C_(4/5):r=0.333,C_(5/6):r=0.309,L_(2/3):r=0.443;P<0.05);女性患者的椎间盘退变程度也与血尿酸浓度呈正相关(C_(3/4):r=0.354,C_(4/5):r=0.388,C_(6/7):r=0.312,T_(7/8):r=0.282,T_(9/10):r=0.305,T_(11/12):r=0.277,L_(4/5):r=0.319,L_(5)-S_(1):r=0.367,P<0.05);③在对照组中,男性和女性患者的椎间盘退变程度与血尿酸浓度无明显相关性(P>0.05);④结果提示:在高尿酸血症患者中,血尿酸浓度越高,椎间盘退变程度越严重。因此,高尿酸血症是导致椎间盘退变的危险因素之一。  相似文献   

背景:据报道,转化生长因子β1能促进椎间盘细胞的增殖与分化,并参与其损伤修复过程。但转化生长因子β1是否参与椎间盘退变的过程? 目的:分析在人体退行性变椎间盘组织中转化生长因子β1的表达情况,并探讨其与人体椎间盘退行性变的关系。 方法:收集正常椎间盘组织30例,退行性变人体椎间盘组织530例,采用苏木精-伊红染色、免疫印迹和RT-PCR方法进行研究,对退行性变的椎间盘组织进行病理学分型,分别检测转化生长因子β1在不同类型退变的椎间盘中表达的情况并与正常椎间盘组织进行对比分析。 结果与结论:苏木精-伊红染色病理学诊断:将退行性变的椎间盘组织根据病理学改变程度分为4型。免疫印迹法和RT-PCR法均显示:在正常和退变椎间盘组织中,转化生长因子β1均有表达,但在病变组织中随病变加重转化生长因子β1表达量随之增加,退变组织与正常组织比较差异有非常显著性意义 (P < 0.01)。说明转化生长因子β1高表达与人体椎间盘退行性变呈正相关。  相似文献   

新型兔腰椎间盘退变模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:采用兔腰椎间盘内显微注射120KDa Fn片段构建腰椎间盘退变动物模型,并探讨该模型的有效性和优势。方法:新西兰大白兔30只,侧前方入路前方暴露L4-6椎间盘,微量注射器于L4-6注射120kDa Fn片段作为试验组,L,注射PBS作为对照组。分别于第2、4、8、12、16周对椎间盘进行X线、MRI、大体解剖和HE、Massion、高碘酸-Schiff染色组织病理学检测。结果:大体组织观察见术后第8周开始纤维环各层间分界模糊,外侧可见瘢痕样增生,16周出现骨样组织形成。病理染色见术后4周开始纤维环胶原出现断裂等退行性变,蛋白多糖含量降低。MRI观察发现第12周髓核高信号区强度下降,16周信号基本消失。对照组无明显变化。结论:120kDa Fn片段是诱导兔腰椎间盘退变简单、确切的方法,该方法为建立腰椎间盘退变模型提供了新思路,建立了新的腰椎间盘退变动物模型。  相似文献   

As a significant determinant of low back pain, intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) has attracted more and more attention of both investigators and physicians. Disc herniation, termed as intervertebral disc displacement, is amongst the most prevalent spinal diseases closely linked with IDD. Due to the same origins and similar pathophysiology, the ambiguity regarding the similarity and difference of IDD and intervertebral disc displacement thus remains. The aim of this study was to clarify the nomenclature of IDD and disc herniation in terms of molecular etiology, pathophysiology, nature history and clinical outcomes. Collectively, IDD is a type of multifaceted, progressive spinal disease with or without clinical symptoms as back pain, characterized by extracellular matrix and the integrity of NP and AF lost, fissures formation. Disc herniation (termed as intervertebral disc displacement) is a type of spinal disease based on IDD or not, with local pain and/or sciatica due to mechanical compression and autoimmune cascades upon the corresponding nerve roots. Clarifying the nomenclature of intervertebral disc degeneration and displacement has important implications both for investigators and for physicians.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the role of growth differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) and bone morphogenetic protein type II receptor (BMPR-II) in the development of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD). A total of 24 patients with lumbar IDD (experiment group) and 6 patients with lumbar vertebral fracture (control group) were enrolled in the study. Tissue samples of IVD from the experiment group and control group were obtained during lumbar fusion operation, respectively. Fixation and decalcification of IVD tissue were performed, and then HE staining was carried out to observe the morphological changes of the lumbar IVD tissues. The expression of GDF-5 and BMPRII in human lumbar IVD was detected by immunohistochemical staining. HE staining results showed that non- and minimal degeneration was found in 11 cases (score range, 0-3), moderate degeneration in 12 cases (score range, 4-8), and severe degeneration in 7 cases (score range, 9-12). According to the immunohistochemical results, the positive expression rates of GDF-5 and BMPRII in NP were higher than those in AF of the non- and minimal degeneration group, moderate degeneration group and severe degeneration group (all P < 0.05). However, no significant difference in GDF-5 or BMPRII positive expression was observed among the normal, non- and minimal, moderate and severe degeneration groups in neither NP area nor AF area (all P > 0.05). In conclusion, our results showed that GDF-5 and BMPRII expressed both in normal and degenerated IVD tissues, and GDF-5 might have an inhibition effect on degenerated lumbar IVD, suggesting that gene therapy may be a useful approach in producing physiological effects during early- and late-phase of lumbar IDD.  相似文献   

Low back pain (LBP) is a common, debilitating and economically important disorder. Current evidence implicates loss of intervertebral disc (IVD) matrix consequent upon 'degeneration' as a major cause of LBP. Degeneration of the IVD involves increases in degradative enzymes and decreases in the extracellular matrix (ECM) component in a process that is controlled by a range of cytokines and growth factors. Studies have suggested using anabolic growth factors to regenerate the normal matrix of the IVD, hence restoring disc height and reversing degenerative disc disease. However, for such therapies to be successful it is vital that the target cells (i.e. the disc cells) express the appropriate receptors. This immunohistochemical study has for the first time investigated the expression and localization of four potentially beneficial growth factor receptors (i.e. TGFbetaRII, BMPRII, FGFR3 and IGFRI) in non-degenerate and degenerate human IVDs. Receptor expression was quantified across regions of the normal and degenerate disc and showed that cells of the nucleus pulposus (NP) and inner annulus fibrosus (IAF) expressed significantly higher levels of the four growth factor receptors investigated. There were no significant differences between the four growth factor expression in non-degenerate and degenerate biopsies. However, expression of TGFbetaRII, FGFR3 and IGFRI, but not BMP RII, were observed in the ingrowing blood vessels that characterize part of the disease aetiology. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the expression of the four growth factor receptors at similar levels in the chondrocyte-like cells of the NP and IAF in both non-degenerate and degenerate discs, implicating a role in normal disc homeostasis and suggesting that the application of these growth factors to the degenerate human IVD would stimulate matrix production. However, the expression of some of the growth factor receptors on ingrowing blood vessels might be problematic in a therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

刘焕超 《医学信息》2005,18(2):144-146
本文对67例腰椎间盘突出症住院患者采用牵引为主,辅以按摩、针灸、超短波治疗,并配合中药口服,进行综合疗法的治疗。三疗程后,取得满意疗效,总有效率87.5%,且12个月及24个月的复发率低,均优于单一疗法,为临床治疗腰椎间盘突出症的物理治疗提供了值得探讨的新思路。  相似文献   

Conventional therapies for low back pain (LBP) are purely symptomatic and do not target the cause of LBP, which in approximately 40% of cases is caused by degeneration of the intervertebral disc (DIVD). Targeting therapies to inhibit the process of degeneration would be a potentially valuable treatment for LBP. There is increasing evidence for a role for IL-1 in DIVD. A natural inhibitor of IL-1 exists, IL-1Ra, which would be an ideal molecular target for inhibiting IL-1-mediated effects involved in DIVD and LBP. In this study, the feasibility of ex vivo gene transfer of IL-1Ra to the IVD was investigated. Monolayer and alginate cultures of normal and degenerate human intervertebral disc (IVD) cells were infected with an adenoviral vector carrying the IL-1Ra gene (Ad-IL-1Ra) and protein production measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The ability of these infected cells to inhibit the effects of IL-1 was also investigated. In addition, normal and degenerate IVD cells infected with Ad-IL-1Ra were injected into degenerate disc tissue explants and IL-1Ra production in these discs was assessed. This demonstrated that both nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus cells infected with Ad-IL-1Ra produced elevated levels of IL-1Ra for prolonged time periods, and these infected cells were resistant to IL-1. When the infected cells were injected into disc explants, IL-1Ra protein expression was increased which was maintained for 2 weeks of investigation. This in vitro study has shown that the use of ex vivo gene transfer to degenerate disc tissue is a feasible therapy for the inhibition of IL-1-mediated events during disc degeneration.  相似文献   

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