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本文对活动课在聋幼儿语训教学中的作用进行了分析探讨。指出在聋幼儿听力语言训练中,活动课是一种重要的教学形式。通过活动课的训练,最终可让聋幼儿能够用语言进行交流,这不仅有利于聋幼儿语言能力的发展,而且符合聋幼儿生理和心理发展的特点,从而为聋幼儿的全面发展创造了条件。  相似文献   

早期导入式训练法是依据聋幼儿的生理及心理特征,采用综合性的方法,针对早期语言训练中聋幼儿出现的恐惧、焦虑、拒绝、不配合等心理现象。进行有倾向性的引导。诱发聋幼儿尽快适应语言训练过程的一系列调练手段及方法。其生动,直观,形象,亲历等特点易于被聋幼儿接受。使聋幼儿在早期语言训练中进入陌生环境产生的焦虑心理和反抗情绪得到适当的缓解。为聋幼儿愉快进入语言训练进程提供心理保障。  相似文献   

聋教学语言的培养与运用,是关系到聋教育质量如何的一个瓶颈。围绕着聋教学语言的取向,“手.口之争”在聋教界达200多年。“聋人双语教学”的浪潮是这一争论的又一轮回。有人推崇,有人否定。讨论是有益的。本文主要研究了有关文章谈及的“聋人双语教学”的概念.它的兴起.理念,以及各家对它的不同评价,从与时俱进的高度,提出了聋教学语言取向的基本理论和基本原则。  相似文献   

针对早期康复训练后回归主流的儿童直接进入普幼或普小出现的一些“倒流”的现象,我们在特殊教育学校进行“聋健合一”的实践,让儿童感受到一种平等参与,共同学习的过程。从实践中发现:“聋健合一”有利于受训儿童自信心的加强;“聋健合一”提高了受训儿童的语言表达能力;“聋健合一”提高了受训儿童的交往能力。并引发出一些思考。  相似文献   

渗出性中耳炎(胶耳)是致聋的重要原因之一,近来有人提出这是特异性反应的一种表现。某些类型的免疫缺陷,尤其是IgA的缺陷,伴有IgE升高,而儿童IgA的含量有时要到青春期才能达到成人水平。因此研究患“胶耳”儿童的这两种免疫球蛋白是合理的,本文对比观察了患“胶耳”儿童和正常儿童IgA和IgE在血清中的含量。  相似文献   

突发性耳聋简称“突聋”,是指突然发生的瞬间或至长不超过48小时,耳聋即达高峰的原因不明的感觉——神经性聋.目前突聋的病因西医多认为是病毒感染、自身免疫疾患、血管受损及膜迷路破裂等.突聋的发病率近年来有增高的趋势,BYL报道突聋(SNHL)的发生率为每年10万人口中有5~20人患病,约有1/3 患者可造成不同程度的永久性聋.早期及时治疗是治愈突聋的关键.现将近年来中西医结合治疗突聋近况总结如下:一、中医辨证施治与西医对症治疗  相似文献   

对90名1-8名聋幼儿在“助听观察室”进行病史调查、智力测验、听力测试、助听器选配及试戴,多数经3-5周,少数为8周的观察,使77名聋幼儿获得了满意的助听效果,为家庭和社会康复创造了良好的开端。  相似文献   

老年性聋助听器选配的辅导训练   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国60岁以上老人约占总人口的10%,即l.3亿。老龄人口增多也增加了老年性聋的比例。如我国学者对65~89岁804名北京城市老龄人口居民测听检查,听力下降为616人占76.62%。听力损失对老人的认知功能、情绪行为、社交活动均有影响。为了提高老年人生活质量,关心老年人听力康复,近年来已引起人们重视。由于老年性聋属生理退化,助听器是听力康复主要方法。同时老年性聋也是使用助听器的一个主要群体。 由于老年性聋病理、生理的特点及助听器电声性能局限,这二方面严重影响助听效果。使老年人对助听器的经济投人与…  相似文献   

突发性聋是指72 h内突然发生的、原因不明的感音神经性听力损失,至少在相邻的两个频率听力下降≥20 dBHL.目前突发性聋国际公认的最有效治疗药物之一是糖皮质激素,本文从突发性聋的发病原因、糖皮质激素的治疗机制、给药方式及特点等方面来综述糖皮质激素在突发性聋治疗中的应用.  相似文献   

氨基糖甙类抗生素致聋是导致儿童重度感音神经性聋的主要原因,而且具有家族聚集性与易感性。目前认为线粒体DNA1555位点突变是导致氨基糖甙类所致非综合征聋的主要遗传基础。本文试图从线粒体基因1555位点突变结构特点、发病机理、突变的外显率、临床意义等方向作一综述。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To define the interest of the so called "mini-rhinoplasty" in aesthetic nose surgery and to report the surgical technique. METHOD: The experience of the authors, based on more than 500 mini-rhinoplasty surgical procedures is reported. The surgical procedure such as technical tips are reported. RESULTS: Mini-rhinoplasty procedure is indicated in patients with small deformities, particularly in patients with nasal hump or hyper-projected noses, with no deviation. The nasal tip should be normal or slightly drooping. The surgical technique is safe and reproducible. Surgical aesthetic outcomes are excellent. This technique is also indicated in elderly patients willing a facial rejuvenation. CONCLUSION: Mini-rhinoplasty surgical technique is a minimal invasive procedure with no complication in the postoperative period. The postoperative management of patients undergoing this procedure is of main importance.  相似文献   

Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) are common cancers with a relatively poor prognosis. Locoregionale recurrences are regularly encountered and associated with a detrimental outcome. Studies of the last few years report that not only tumor staging and grading influence locoregional control but also histologic and biological markers. One such histological marker is coined "worst pattern of invasion". It describes a histologic growth pattern consisting of invading tumor cell islands and strands that are dispatched from the invasion front (POI typ 4 and 5). Additional features of invasion are perineural invasion and extracapsular nodal extension. Besides histological markers there are molecular characteristics that include the expression of gene families involved in extracellular matrix degradation. The data suggest that head and neck cancers differ with respect to their invasive growth capacity and thus their ability to generate locoregionale recurrences. It appears that locoregionale control is a consequence of this growth pattern. This may explain, why in recent clincial studies the prognostic marker "pattern-of-invasion" outweights even such well established prognosticators such as "surgical margins".  相似文献   

Diagnosing "APD"     
Kiese-Himmel C 《HNO》2011,59(6):603; discussion 604

Dynamic visual acuity using "far" and "near" targets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CONCLUSIONS: DVA may be useful for assessing the functional consequences of an impaired gaze stabilization mechanism or for testing the effectiveness of a rehabilitation paradigm. Because target distance influences the relative contributions of canal and otolith inputs, the ability to measure DVA at near and far viewing distances may also lead to tests that will independently assess canal and otolith function. OBJECTIVE: To present and test a methodology that uses dynamic visual acuity (DVA) to assess the efficacy of compensatory gaze mechanisms during a functionally relevant activity that differentially measures canal and otolith function. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The effect of treadmill walking at a velocity of 1.79 m/s on subjects' visual acuity was assessed at each of two viewing distances. A custom-written threshold determination program was used to display Landolt C optotypes on a laptop computer screen during a "far" (4 m) target condition and on a micro-display for a "near" (50 cm) target condition. The walking acuity scores for each target distance were normalized by subtracting a corresponding acuity measure obtained while standing still on the treadmill belt. RESULTS: As predicted by subjective reports of relative target motion, the decrease in visual acuity was significantly greater (p < 0.00001) for the near compared to the far condition.  相似文献   

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