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为探讨教学医院实验技术人员在研究生带教中的作用,本阐述了强化思想工作,激发拼搏精神;提高自身素质,培养创新意识;规范仪器设备使用,狠抓成果经费管理;为教学医院研究生的临床实验教学提供经验。 相似文献
张伟东 《今日健康(家庭版)》2016,(10)
在教学医院医教研等各项工作中,住院医师是其中的后备力量,是各项工作的生力军.其临床技能的高低是医院取得更好发展的重要保证.本文主要围绕教学医院住院医师临床技能进行分析,就其技能的培训实践与思考进行简要的分析. 相似文献
医疗、教学、科研是医院工作的核心组成部分,而教学、科研水平的高低又是衡量医院医疗水平的重要标志。我院是一所拥有1000张床位、1300余名职工的综合性三级甲等医院,并于1997年以较好成绩通过了教学医院的评审。我院承担临床教学工作多年,培养了数以千计的各类医学后备人才,每年发表在各种期刊的学术论文数百篇、获奖科研成果几十项。为了科教管理人员能科学、便捷、有效地管理好这些成果,使其为医院领导和有关部门选拔和培养人才提供依据,为科教部门准确、及时地提供材料,同时也为了提高科教管理人员的工作效率,我们针对教学医院… 相似文献
在教学医院,教学管理是医院工作的重点之一,也是难点之一.如何做好毕业实习管理工作是每一间教学医院都必须面对的问题.尤其是在高校扩招、就业形势严峻、考研热、80年后独生子女、医疗纠纷、看病难看病贵等社会问题日益突出的大环境下,以及教学医院绝大部分教学人员为临床医生,专职教学管理人员人手不足的情况下,安全、高效、务实地做好毕业实习管理工作就显得十分重要和迫切.我院从2000年开始,由医教科、护理部牵头,与院团委紧密协作,每年8月在实习生中通过公开、公平、竞争、择优的原则竞选成立实习生联合会,借助学生自我管理的自律方式,收到良好的效果. 相似文献
妇幼保健机构是为妇女儿童提供公共卫生和基本医疗服务的专业机构,它的群体保健工作之所以开展得很好,健康教育工作在其中起到了举足轻重的作用.本文就妇幼保健机构如何在临床工作中开展健康教育上作并充分发挥健康教育的作用探讨如下: 相似文献
教学医院与非教学医院的医院感染比较研究 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
目的探讨教学医院与非教学医院间医院感染控制工作的评价方法.方法采用横断面调查方法,对197所医院1 d的住院患者进行调查,按是否是教学医院将所有医院分为两组.结果共收到可用资料178份,教学医院、非教学医院的感染率分别为5.80%、5.15%,侵入性操作使用率分别为泌尿道插管17.93%、12.07%、动静脉插管9.58%、5.47%、使用呼吸机5.89%、3.24%、气管切开1.55%、1.12%;教学医院、非教学医院的泌尿道插管相关泌尿道感染率分别为2.89%、3.93%、动静脉插管相关血液感染率为0.83%、0.79%、使用呼吸机相关肺部感染率为7.98%、9.75%、气管切开相关肺部感染率为26.79%、28.66%、抗菌药物的使用率为55.72%、 57.50%、医院感染的病原学诊断率为37.75%、33.91%.结论综合使用侵入性操作相关感染率、抗菌药物使用率和病原学诊断率能够较准确地对医院感染控制工作进行评价. 相似文献
李德宁 《江苏卫生事业管理》2010,21(5):29-30
随着教学医院的体制改革,保卫工作也出现了一些新的问题。面对日趋复杂的治安形势,为维护医院稳定,保障医院安全,根据教学医院治安情况的特点,应采取有效的措施解决治安问题。 相似文献
武大林 《现代医学仪器与应用》2005,(12):40-43
医院科室小而全的建设发展思路已经不再适应新的形势,它的主要缺点表现为实验室重复设置、仪器设备重复设置、人才结构失衡和研究方向不明、对实验室是科学研究的内涵理解不够.因此,加强教学医院中心实验室的建设成为我院领导在医院建设管理中的共识.…… 相似文献
目的 了解新疆维吾尔自治区各族妇女妇幼卫生保健知识、态度和行为,为世行贷款卫Ⅸ项目开展有针对性的健康教育提供依据。方法 采用整群随机分层抽样方法对新疆24个县的新婚、怀孕、哺乳期妇女4450人进行问卷调查。结果 未经培训的人员接生可造成新生儿破伤风和产褥感染知晓率占10.2%;孕妇出现阴道出血必须立即去医院检查知晓率为46.8%,烟酒、农药、重金属、放射性物质对孕妇有害知晓率占30.3%;因食物不洁或喂养不当可造成孩子腹泻知晓率占22.7%;孕妇缺碘会引起早产流产、先天畸形、影响胎儿大脑正常发育知晓率占4.9%。在家分娩率占45.7%;27.6%的产妇由末学过新法接生的家人接生。汉族妇女在县以上医疗机构分娩为67.0%,维族妇女为20.6%。结论 新疆各族新婚、怀孕、哺乳期的妇女卫生知识水平偏低、住院分娩率低,健康教育势在必行。 相似文献
Maternal and child health (MCH) is a growing concern among the countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) where economic issues
and changing infrastructures are seriously deteriorating the public health system. Moreover, in the past decade, lack of primary
prevention programs coupled with a shortage of well-trained public health professionals are having an increasingly negative
impact on MCH outcomes. In this article, we provide a brief overview of the current state of MCH, health care and public health
education in the FSU. We suggest that indices could be improved by developing new inexpensive information exchange systems,
and that system is Supercourse (accessible at www.pitt.edu/∼super1). Supercourse is an Internet-based library of public health
lectures in PowerPoint format that are accessible, free of charge to anyone, anywhere, who has Internet access including scientists,
doctors, and, specifically, educators. As of April 2007, Supercourse has more than 3,200 public health lectures, a network
of more than 42,000 faculty members across 151 countries, with Nobel Prize winners and the former head of the CDC being among
the lectures’ authors. Supercourse lectures are aimed at the educator with the goal of improving public health training through
timely and customizable lectures. The distinguishing features of Supercourse are ease of access in low-bandwidth lecture,
minimal cost, a distribution system for lectures in CD format, high-quality content, and the capacity to create and sustain
a global network of public health professionals. Additionally, statistical process control procedures for industry developed
by W. Edwards Deming are utilized to ensure the quality of Supercourse lectures. Papers on Supercourse already have been published
in the British Medical Journal, Nature, and Lancet, and are having a wide impact in the field of public health. Currently, an increasing number of lectures in the Supercourse
library are dedicated to the theme of MCH. Low cost, high impact projects such as Supercourse are needed to improve and deploy
MCH education worldwide. 相似文献
Bernstein HH Rieber S Stoltz RA Shapiro DE Connors KM 《Maternal and child health journal》2004,8(2):87-93
OBJECTIVE: To assess skills and preferred learning formats in teaching health promotion (HP). METHODS: A self-administered needs assessment of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) educators from multiple disciplines was conducted on a convenience sample taken nationally via e-mail using Dillman's method. Respondents rated ability to use, and desire to improve skills in, different teaching strategies (brainstorming, case method, collaborative learning, mini-presentation, reflective exercise, role play) and health concepts (partnership, communication, HP/illness prevention, time management, education, advocacy). Preferred learning formats were assessed with 5-point Likert scale and were analyzed using ANOVA. RESULTS: Fifty-seven percent of respondents (n = 180) taught in an urban setting, 26% suburban, and 17% rural. Most taught at academic health centers (35%), public health clinics (25%), or hospitals (17%). Seventy-five percent were female; average age was 42 years (SD--9.1 years). Specific disciplines showed no major difference in mean responses compared with others. The greatest barriers to integrating HP into teaching were time (82%) and budget (58%). Although a majority of all respondents felt comfortable in their abilities to use the teaching strategies and concepts, an equal percentage still wanted to improve these skills. One-third of respondents had experience using web-based study: 64% of them indicated web-based study as their preferred method of continuing education. CONCLUSIONS: While a majority of MCH educators felt confident using various teaching strategies to teach the integration of HP into practice, most still wished to improve their personal skills. Use of an inexpensive, time-efficient modality to access and learn to teach HP was appealing to respondents across disciplines. 相似文献
目的 探讨广州市社区卫生服务机构妇幼保健工作开展现状、资源配置情况及其公平性.方法 2010年12月至2011年2月,广州市妇幼保健院采用自行设计的<社区卫生服务机构及镇医院妇幼保健工作基本情况调查表>对广州市提供社区卫生服务机构进行普查,并运用Lorenz 曲线和Gini系数分析法,进行社区妇幼保健服务人力资源配置及其公平性进行评价.结果 广州市10个区及2个县级市,共计195家社区卫生服务机构接受调查,从业妇幼保健的人员共计735位.按照服务人口测算,社区卫生妇幼机构及妇幼保健人力资源配置的Gini系数分别为0.107,0.114;按照辖域面积测算,社区卫生妇幼机构及妇幼保健人力资源配置的Gini系数分别为0.509,0.598.按照辖域面积测算的Gini系数处于公平性配置警戒区域.结论 广州市社区卫生服务机构总体布局基本合理,达到国家覆盖人口设置标准,但公平性尚待改善,社区卫生服务人员结构仍尚待改善. 相似文献
目的了解妇幼保健院优质护理服务质量现状及存在问题,持续改进护理质量。方法利用卫生部2011年“医疗质量万里行”活动收集的数据,采用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,对妇幼保健院的优质护理服务质量进行评价。结果妇幼保健院优质护理服务质量总体良好,但需继续加强。结论妇幼保健院需进一步加强护理相关法律法规学习;加强护理人员培训;改变制约护理质量提高的体制与机制等。 相似文献
媒体与健康教育材料是向公众传播健康知识、技能和服务的常用手段。杭州市余杭区在开展"全民健康促进行动"(以下简称"行动")中,坚持"政府主导、部门合作、社会支持、群众参与"的原则,充分发挥媒体与健康教育材料在"行动"的应用,传播健康信息,提高全民健康意识和自我保健,倡导健康行为和生活方式,营造有益的健康环境,促进全民健康素质和生活品质的提高。 相似文献
武警部队医院健康教育现状分析及对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 了解武警部队医院健康教育的现状 ,发现不足 ,并提出问题的解决方法。方法 对全国 51所武装警察医院负责健康教育的专职行政人员进行无记名问卷调查 ,部分项目进行现场观察。结果 2 9 4 %的医院健康教育工作开展较为规范 ;35 3%医院配备有专职健康教育人员 ;2 1 6 %的医院有健康教育网络或类似组织机构 ;2 1 6 %的医院门诊大厅中有大屏幕播放卫生科普知识 ,52 9%的医院设立了健康教育咨询台 ,74 5%的医院住院部科室内有宣传栏或黑板报 ;6 5 2 %的医院没有对医务人员进行健康教育专业培训 ;2 1 6 %的医院将健康教育列入各科室业务考评范围。结论 武警部队医院健康教育工作发展不平衡 ,大多数医院尚未开展此项工作或不规范 ,有待于在组织、制度、实施、管理、评价等方面进一步完善 相似文献
Objectives: At the close of the 20th century, the government's role in maternal and child health is in a state of transition. What is needed is a framework defining roles and responsibilities and guidance on how to operationalize these functions. This article presents the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Functions Framework and discusses its value as an advocacy, planning, evaluation, and educational tool. Methods: The Johns Hopkins Child and Adolescent Health Policy Center developed the Framework in collaboration with leading public health organizations. The process entailed formulating a conceptual approach and facilitating consensus among the relevant organizations. Results: The Framework consists of three main components: (a) a list of ten essential public health services to promote maternal and child health, (b) an outline detailing program functions specific to MCH that apply to all levels of government and to all MCH populations, and (c) selected examples of local, state, and federal activities for implementing MCH program functions. Conclusions: The MCH Functions Framework can be used in advocacy, policy development, program planning, organizational assessment, education, and training. To date, it has been used by several state and local MCH agencies and in MCH education and training programs. 相似文献
贫困地区基层妇幼保健资源的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的:分析卫生院在《母婴保健法》实施前后妇幼卫生资源的变化,提出完善贫困地区资源支持的政策建议。资料和方法:三峡库区2个贫困县中6个有代表性的乡镇。利用第二次国家卫生服务总调查和补充调查表格进行资料收集。结果:妇幼卫生服务专职或兼职工作的人数没有增加,且学历水平低。到2000年时业务培训达到平均每人3个月以上。妇幼资金主要来源于政府拨款、服务收费和外部援助,其中服务收费比较稳定且比例较大,政府拔款数量非常少。外部援助是临时性的,但推动作用明显。各种项目的设备支持改善了卫生院的服务能力和质量。结论:妇幼卫生人力的数量和质量有待提高。卫生院补偿机制不利于深入开展妇幼卫生服务。建议加强对贫困地区的妇幼卫生人力建设,改革服务补偿机制,通过财政机制向贫困地区倾斜,继续进行适宜技术设备的投入。 相似文献
Objective: Anecdotal evidence suggests that fewer students today than in decades past are applying to maternal and child health (MCH) graduate training programs with previous clinical degrees. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which applicants accepted to an MCH training program demonstrated a shift away from the tradition of having a prior health professional degree and discuss options needed to provide responsive training. Methods: Twenty years of demographic face sheet data (1983 through 2002) for admitted applicants to the MCH training program at the University of South Florida College of Public Health were examined. Results: Quantitative analysis of admission records confirmed the anecdotal data. Today's applicants are more likely to possess undergraduate nonclinical backgrounds rather than clinical health professional training. Statistically significant differences were found between the students with clinical and without clinical degrees for ethnicity, GRE score, GPA, and the length of time needed to complete the MPH degree. Conclusion: Adjustments in MCH curricula may be necessary to be responsive to the shifting sands of clinical and public health work experience among program applicants. However, curriculum modifications need to be ones that maintain the zeal of the new generation of MCH students without diluting the rigor of traditional professional preparation. Some possible responses of training programs are suggested. 相似文献