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Since 1986 orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction using the Kock ileal neobladder has been our diversion of choice in patients undergoing cystectomy. We report on the first 295 male patients undergoing this procedure from May 1986 through December 1993.

Materials and Methods

Complications were assessed, tabulated, subdivided into early (3 months or less postoperatively) and late types, and further categorized with respect to relationship to neobladder construction. Continence was individually evaluated via a detailed patient questionnaire.


The pouch related early and late complication rates were 7.2 and 11.6 percent, respectively, and pouch related abdominal reoperation rates were 0.0 and 1.4 percent, respectively. Analysis of late pouch related complications revealed 4.1 percent stone formation and 2.4 percent afferent nipple stenosis rates, and only 1 case (0.3 percent) of ileal urethral anastomotic stricture. Of the patients 87 and 86 percent reported good or satisfactory daytime and nighttime continence, respectively. With regard to age, while overall continence was similar, a significantly greater percentage of patients younger than 70 years experience good daytime and nighttime continence relative to the older counterparts. Of the patients 5 percent perform regular intermittent catheterization and 2.7 percent required an artificial urinary sphincter due to unacceptable continence.


The Kock orthotopic ileal neobladder can be constructed with minimal morbidity and extraordinary functional results. We strongly advocate its use when possible.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to determine health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among long-term disease-free survivors in women who underwent radical cystectomy (RC) for urothelial carcinoma and orthotopic ileal neobladder (ONB) reconstruction, using validated patient-reported outcome instruments.


From 2000 to 2011, a total of 46 women with urothelial bladder carcinoma had RC and ONB at our institution; 31 (67 %) eligible women completed 3 validated questionnaires: the medical outcome study short form 12 (SF-12), the urinary symptom profile, and the Contilife, respectively evaluating general HRQoL, voiding function, and urinary incontinence specific HRQoL. Unadjusted analyses were performed to analyze standardized measures of HRQoL and voiding symptoms; p < 0.05 was considered significant.


The mean follow-up was 5.7 years; 24 women (77 %) considered their health as good, very good, or excellent. The SF-12 physical and mental scores were not significantly different between the population study and the general population (p > 0.05). A total of 20 women (65 %) declared to be fully continent. Daytime incontinence, nighttime incontinence, and hypercontinence were reported by 26, 29, and 31 % of women, respectively. On unadjusted analysis, incontinence was associated with age > 65 years at the time of surgery (p < 0.001). Hypercontinence was not associated with any variable.


This study suggests that in the setting of radical cystectomy in women, ileal neobladder reconstruction provides long-term satisfaction with maintained HRQoL. For properly selected women, orthotopic neobladder can be considered an appropriate diversion choice.  相似文献   



Orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction has revolutionized urinary diversion following cystectomy. Initially performed solely in male patients, orthotopic diversion has now become a viable option in women. Currently, the orthotopic neobladder is the diversion of choice for women requiring lower urinary tract reconstruction at our institution. We evaluate and update our clinical and functional experience with orthotopic reconstruction in female patients.

Materials and Methods

Since June 1990, 34 women 31 to 86 years old (median age 67) have undergone orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction following cystectomy. Indications for cystectomy included transitional cell carcinoma in 29 patients, urachal adenocarcinoma in 1, mesenchymal tumor of endometrial origin in 1, cervical carcinoma in 1 and a fibrotic radiated bladder in 1. In addition, 1 woman underwent undiversion to the native urethra following a previous simple cystectomy and cutaneous diversion for eosinophilic cystitis. Data were analyzed according to postoperative early and late complications, survival, tumor recurrence, pathological evaluation of the cystectomy specimen, continence status, voiding pattern and patient satisfaction. The median followup in this group of patients was 30 months (range 17 to 70).


There were no perioperative deaths, and 4 early (11%) and 3 (9%) late complications. Four patients died, none with a urethral recurrence, including 3 of metastatic bladder cancer and 1 of unrelated causes. In another patient with an extensive mesenchymal tumor of the uterus a sigmoid tumor recurred requiring conversion of the orthotopic reservoir to a cutaneous diversion. All of the remaining 29 patients are alive without evidence of disease. Intraoperative frozen section of the distal surgical margin (proximal urethra) accurately evaluated (confirmed by permanent section) the proximal urethra prospectively for tumor in all 29 specimens removed for transitional cell carcinoma, including 28 specimens (97%) without evidence of tumor and 1 specimen with carcinoma in situ.Complete daytime and nighttime continence was reported by 29 (88%) and 27 (82%) of 33 evaluable patients, respectively. A total of 28 patients (85%) void to completion, while 5 (15%) require some form of intermittent catheterization to empty the neobladder. Patient satisfaction is overwhelming.


The excellent clinical and functional results demonstrated with further followup confirm our initial experience with orthotopic diversion in women. Careful selection of appropriate female candidates for orthotopic diversion is critical, and includes preoperative evaluation of the bladder neck and intraoperative frozen section analysis of the distal cystectomy margin. Furthermore, close monitoring of the retained urethra is mandatory in all women undergoing orthotopic diversion. We believe that the orthotopic neobladder is the urinary diversion of choice in women following cystectomy.  相似文献   

John S. Rhee  MD  MPH    B. Alex Matthews  Ph  D  Marcy Neuburg  MD    Timothy L. Smith  MD  MPH    Mary Burzynski  RN    Ann B. Nattinger  MD  MPH 《Dermatologic surgery》2004,30(4):525-529
Background. Quality of life (QOL) has been identified as an important outcome in cancer research, yet the most common malignancy among humans, nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC), has been poorly studied in this regard.
Objective. To determine whether change occurred in the QOL of NMSC patients after surgery using a general, validated dermatology QOL instrument: the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI).
Methods. A prospective study was conducted on 121 consecutive patients referred to a dermatologic Mohs surgery clinic with NMSC of the head and neck. QOL assessment was performed using the DLQI before (n=121) and after surgical treatment at 4 months (n=101).
Results. QOL scores demonstrated little handicap at initial diagnosis. The total DLQI scores showed little change over time, but an item analysis revealed that 2 of the 10 items demonstrated statistically significant change over time, with QOL improving after treatment—decreased painfulness/itchiness/soreness and less necessity to use concealing clothing.
Conclusions. General dermatology QOL instruments demonstrated minimal handicap at initial diagnosis and little change after treatment of NMSC. Although the associations were modest, improvement in some aspects of well-being after treatment of NMSC was demonstrated. A more disease-specific instrument may be necessary to study this disease process further.  相似文献   

目的探讨改良根治性膀胱全切原位回肠新膀胱术治疗膀胱癌的临床应用价值。方法 45例膀胱癌患者随机分为对照组(20例)与改良组(25例),其中对照组行经典根治性膀胱全切原位回肠新膀胱术,改良组行改良根治性膀胱全切原位回肠新膀胱术,术中注意对膜部尿道括约肌、神经血管束加以保留。结果①改良组手术时间短于对照组,为(265.1±27.8)min vs.(302.4±46.5)min,出血量少于对照组,为(403.9±156.2)ml vs.(485.3±121.6)ml,P〈0.05。②改良组术后发生并发症12例(48%),明显低于对照组的18例(90%),P〈0.01。③两组间最大膀胱容量和充盈期膀胱内压无明显差异(P〉0.05),但改良组残余尿量少于对照组,为(22.9±7.6)ml vs.(45.3±12.4)ml,最大尿流率高于对照组,分别为(18.3±3.5)ml/s vs.(14.9±3.2)ml/s(P〈0.01或P〈0.05)。④改良组患者勃起功能保留率明显高于对照组(82.4%vs.46.7%),P〈0.05。⑤改良组与对照组间2年生存率(87.5%vs.78.6%)、5年生存率(66.7%vs.71.4%)和平均生存时间(52.6±8.2)个月vs.(56.9±7.8)个月比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论改良根治性膀胱全切原位回肠新膀胱术不仅可达到肿瘤根治目的,而且可明显改善患者储尿、排尿、控尿功能,有效保护患者阴茎勃起功能。  相似文献   

目的探讨改良回肠替代原位膀胱尿路重建术治疗膀胱癌T2a~T3aN0M0期的临床效果. 方法将25例T2a~T3aN0M0期膀胱癌行膀胱全切后,以回肠代膀胱原位尿道吻合. 结果手术时间平均(180±40)min.无严重并发症,无围手术期和术后早期死亡.术后平均随访16(6~48)个月,无复发.术后早期漏尿1例,经引流后治愈;15例发生轻度尿失禁,均恢复尿道排尿.膀胱容量平均(450±100)ml,剩余尿量平均(15±10)ml.2例出现高氯血症. 结论改良回肠原位膀胱术治疗T2a~T3aN0M0期膀胱癌效果好,提高了患者术后的生活质量.  相似文献   

Background: Adjustable gastric banding is currently the most common bariatric operation. This study is a retrospective analysis of the Finnish experience with this procedure over the last 10 years. Methods: Between March 1993 and June 1999, 123 patients underwent either open (36) or laparoscopic (87) surgery for morbid obesity by the application of an adjustable gastric band. Data on preoperative clinical characteristics and postoperative outcome and weight-loss patterns up to 9 years (mean 55 months) are presented and also evaluated by the Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System (BAROS). Sex ratio was 31% males / 69% females, mean age 44 years and mean ± SD preoperative BMI 49 ± 8 kg/m2 (range 33.6-85.1). Results: During the evaluation period (March 1993 December 2002), 54% of patients experienced postoperative complications requiring hospital treatment ≥ 7 days, and 52% underwent a reoperation. 33% of bands were removed. The most important late complications were esophagitis (30%), obstruction due to slippage / pouch dilatation (21%), incisional hernia (9%) and band erosion (9%).Mean excess weight loss at 1 and 2 year follow-up was 36% and 38%, which later stabilized to 30%. During the evalution period, there were 10 deaths, 2 of which were 30-day deaths, and the remainder were not associated with the band. According to BAROS, the outcome was regarded as "very good" in 3%, "good" in 7%, "fair" in 40% and "failure" in 50%. Conclusion: Our long-term data found that weight reduction is acceptable,but the incidence of late complications and reoperations was high.  相似文献   

Background:Liver metastasis from colorectal cancer remains an oncological challenge. Hepatic chemotherapy has been used; however, rigorous quality of life (QOL) measurements are lacking. The aim of this study was to describe unique QOL issues to formulate a specific tool for this population.Methods:A purposive sample was identified of patients treated with intrahepatic chemotherapy. Consenting patients completed a demographic tool and the City of Hope QOL Scale/Cancer Patient survey. An in-depth interview on QOL concerns was conducted, taped, and transcribed verbatim. The data from the interviews were coded to identify recurrent themes.Results:Sixteen patients participated. Physical well-being was maintained. Significantly lower subscale scores were noted for psychological, social, and spiritual domains compared with nonpatient norms (City of Hope volunteers; n = 169). Patients found intrahepatic chemotherapy convenient but were unable to pursue vigorous activity, and their sleep habits changed. Psychologically, patients felt reassured to receive specific therapy to their liver.Conclusions:Pilot evaluation of QOL in this population revealed changes in physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. Both disease- and treatment-specific concerns were identified, and the results provide evidence for items to include in a QOL questionnaire specific to this population.  相似文献   

We present our functional experience with orthotopic bladder replacement in female patients dependent on the urethral resection line. Between November 1986 and July 1998 42 women underwent orthotopic urinary tract reconstruction with an ileal neobladder at our institution: 26 patients underwent radical cystectomy (RCx) with subsequent ileal anastomosis to the urethra, and 16 underwent simple cystectomy (SCx) with preservation of the bladder neck. Fourteen of 22 patients following RCx and 3 of 14 patients following bladder neck-sparing cystectomy void naturally. Clean intermittent catheterization is necessary in 8 of 22 and 11 of 14 patients, respectively. Perfect continence with no pads at 1 year postoperatively was achieved in 15 of 18 evaluable patients following RCx and 10 of 11 patients following bladder neck sparing. Incontinence requiring one or more pads is present in 3 of 18 patients and 1 of 11 patients, respectively. Subjectively satisfactory continence was achieved in 16 of 18 patients following RCx and in all patients following bladder neck-sparing surgery. Our conclusions are that radical cystectomy as well as a bladder neck-sparing cystectomy does provide satisfactory functional results in the majority of patients. However, the urethral resection line does slightly influence the rate of incontinence as well as the requirement for intermittent catheterization. RCx does translate into a lesser requirement for CIC, whereas bladder neck sparing results in slightly better continence rates.  相似文献   

Background Continent urinary reservoirs (CUR) have become one of the major options for patients requiring urinary diversion to improve their quality of life (QOL). To assess whether CUR enhanced postoperative QOL, we surveyed patients with CUR and ileal conduit (IC) using a questionnaire sent by mail.
Patients and Methods The questionnaire consisted of 133 questions that covered physical and mental status, social life, sexual habits and symptoms related to urinary diversions. A total of 1 72 questionnaires were sent out, and 137 (80%) patients (74 CUR and 63 IC patients) responded.
Results Basic physical conditions were similar in the 2 groups, except for sleeping habits. Regarding social life, however, the CUR group showed better scores in bathing habits and frequency of overnight travel. Parasternal dermatitis was more frequent in the IC group and the patients were more hesitant to show their stoma to others. On the other hand, about half of the patients in the CUR group complained of troublesomeness in self-catheterization, especially at night. Overall, 74% and 41% of the patients in the CUR and IC group were satisfied with their urinary diversion. When the Kock pouch and Indiana pouch were compared, no statistically significant differences were found in average capacity, maximum capacity, or frequency of self-catheterization.
Conclusions CUR recipients have enhanced QOL regarding the stoma, travel and sleeping habits as compared to ileal conduit. However, troublesomeness of night time self-catheterization was noted in the CUR group. Individualized selection of the type of urinary diversion with informed consent is essential.  相似文献   

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