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A lung gas exchange simulator was tested which produces simultaneous uptake and/or elimination of multiple gases by an artificial test lung with physiologically realistic gas expired and exhaust gas flows, using a combination of infusion of diluting/enriching gases into the lung with lung gas extraction. A deterministic algorithm is incorporated which calculates required gas infusion and extraction flow rates for any set of possible target gas exchange values with any given set of fresh gas flows and concentrations. Six different scenarios were simulated, comprising a range of gas exchange values for each gas species which lie within a physiologically realistic range for anaesthetized patients. For each of these experiments the system was tested for 15 consecutive measurements over 25 min by measurement of gas exchange in the system using the Haldane transformation. RESULTS: the mean bias and standard error of the mean bias (SE, in parentheses) relative to the target value was: +0.001 (0.002) l min(-1) for O(2) uptake, -0.002 (0.005) l min(-1) for CO(2) production, -0.001 (0.002) l min(-1) for uptake of nitrous oxide and +0.3 (0.1) ml min(-1) for uptake of a volatile anaesthetic agent (isoflurane). The confidence limits of the mean bias were within 5% of the target value for all gases and scenarios with the exception of those where a low uptake of anaesthetic gas was specified. The confidence limits of the mean bias for the lower uptakes of isoflurane were within 10% of the target value for these scenarios and within 15% for the low uptake of N(2)O. Good accuracy and precision of this approach to lung gas exchange simulation were demonstrated, resulting in a versatile simulator.  相似文献   

To calibrate an anesthetic mass spectrometer without the use of premixed gases and vapors in cylinders, we devised a gas mixer using fixed resistances of capillary needle tubings and adjustable needle valves to dilute test gases and vapors with oxygen. The dilution ratio was determined during each calibration by diluting air with oxygen and noting the reduction in the ratio of nitrogen to oxygen. Empiric correction was made by the computer for the effects of density and viscosity, relative to air, on the flow of nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and the saturated vapors of the three anesthetics through the capillary resistor. The computer was programmed to control solenoid valves both for calibration and for the multiplexed sampling of operating rooms. Oxygen, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide were used as pure gases, and halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane were vaporized at room temperature in 50-ml vaporizers. The resulting calibrations were found to be accurate to within ±2%.  相似文献   

The routine use of nitrous oxide as a component of the carrier gas has been unanimously called into question in recent surveys, in fact, its use is now recommended in indicated cases only. Whereas a lot of contraindications are listed in the surveys, precise definitions of justified indications are not given. In clinical routine practice, there are absolutely no problems in carrying out inhalational anaesthesia without nitrous oxide. The missing analgetic effect can be compensated for by moderately increasing the additively used amount of opioids, while the missing hypnotic effect can be achieved by raising the expired concentration of the inhalational anaesthetic by not more than 0.2-0.25 x MAC. Thus, when isoflurane is used, an expired concentration of 1.2 vol% is desired, in the case of sevoflurane of 2.2 vol% and with desflurane of 5.0 vol%. In addition, doing without nitrous oxide facilitates the performance of low flow anaesthetic techniques considerably. Since the patient only inhales oxygen and the volatile anaesthetic, the total gas uptake is reduced significantly. Washing out nitrogen is no longer necessary. This means that the initial phase of low flow anaesthesia, during which high fresh gas flows have to be used, can be kept short. Its duration is now determined by the wash-in of the volatile anaesthetic. Since there is no uptake of nitrous oxide, a considerably greater volume of gas is circulating within the breathing system, minimizing the possibility of accidental gas volume deficiency. Thus, if anaesthesia machines with highly gas-tight breathing systems are used, even the performance of non-quantitative closed system anaesthesia becomes possible in routine clinical practice. The carrier gas flow can be reduced to just that amount of oxygen which is really taken up by the patient. This oxygen volume can be roughly calculated by applying the Brody's formula. Using fresh gas flows as low as 0.25 l/min, however, will result in a significant decrease of the output of conventional vaporizers outside the circuit. Thus, it becomes nearly impossible to maintain an expired isoflurane concentration of 1.2 vol%. With respect to their pharmcokinetic properties, the newer low soluble volatile agents sevoflurane and desflurane are better suited for use with flows corresponding to the basal oxygen uptake. Our own clinical experience, gained in the last six months from a trial involving over 1,800 patients, shows that the increase in opioid consumption resulted in additional costs of about 0.25-0.50 DM per patient. The increased concentration of inhalational agents brought additional costs of 3.00 to 5.00 DM for a two-hour anaesthesia. On the other hand, doing without nitrous oxide saved 2.61 DM per one-hour anaesthesia, whereby our consumption of nitrous oxide is extremely low as minimal flow anaesthesia is performed consistently. Furthermore, these calculations disregard the cost of the technical maintenance fo the central gas piping system and of the regular measurement of workplace contamination with nitrous oxide by a certified institute, which in Germany, ad least, is obligatory. The additional costs of nitrous oxide-free inhalational anaesthesia seem to be balanced by the savings. Given the numerous justified arguments against the routine use of nitrous oxide, the lack of precisely-defined indications and the clinical experience showing that doing without nitrous oxide is uncomplicated, self-financing and ecologically beneficial, the use of nitrous oxide should be given up completely.  相似文献   

The effect of fresh gas flow (FGF) on isoflurane concentrations at given vaporizer settings during low-flow anaesthesia was investigated. Ninety patients (American Society of Anaesthesiologists physical status I or II) were randomly allocated to three groups (FGF 1 l/min, FGF 2 l/min and FGF 4 l/min). Anaesthesia was maintained for 10 min with vaporizer setting isoflurane 2 vol% and FGF 4 l/min for full-tissue anaesthetic uptake in a semi-closed circle system. Low-flow anaesthesia was maintained for 20 min with end-tidal isoflurane 1.5 vol% and FGF 2 l/min. FGF was then changed to FGF 1 l/min, FGF 2 l/min or FGF 4 l/min. Measurements during the 20-min period showed that inspired and end-tidal isoflurane concentrations decreased in the FGF 1-l/min group but increased in the FGF 4-l/min group compared with baseline values. No haemodynamic changes were observed. Monitoring of anaesthetic concentrations and appropriate control of vaporizer settings are necessary during low-flow anaesthesia.  相似文献   

A method was tested which permits continuous monitoring from a breathing system of the rate of uptake of multiple gas species, such as occurs in patients during inhalational anaesthesia. The method is an indirect calorimetry technique which uses fresh gas rotameters for control, regulation and measurement of the gas flows into the system, with continuous sampling of mixed exhaust gas, and frequent automated recalibration to maintain accuracy. Its accuracy was tested in 16 patients undergoing pre-cardiopulmonary bypass coronary artery surgery, breathing mixtures of oxygen/air and sevoflurane with/without nitrous oxide, by comparison with the reverse Fick method. Overall mean bias [95% confidence interval (CI)] of rate of uptake was 17.9 [7.3 to 28.5] ml min−1 for oxygen, 0.04 [−0.42 to 0.50] ml min−1 for sevoflurane, 10.9 [−16.1 to 37.8] for CO2, and 8.8 [−14.8 to 32.4] ml min−1 for nitrous oxide where present. The method proved to be accurate and precise, and allows continuous monitoring of exchange of multiple gases using standard gas analysis devices. Stuart-Andrews C, Peyton P, Humphries C, Robinson G, Lithgow B. Continuous measurement of multiple inert and respiratory gas exchange in an anaesthetic breathing system by continuous indirect calorimetry.  相似文献   

A commercially available multi-patient mass spectrometer based system [MPMS] has been evaluated for the measurement of metabolic gas exchange in artificially ventilated patients. The system automatically measures and displays oxygen uptake, (VO2) carbon dioxide output (VCO2) respiratory quotient (RQ) expired minute volume, (Ve) and the percentage concentration of inspired gases. Measurements of VO2, VCO2, RQ and Ve, obtained using this system were compared with those determined by simultaneous Douglas bag collections. The measurement of carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations was assessed separately by direct comparison with infra-red and paramagnetic analysis respectively. The MPMS measurements of metabolic gas exchange were found to have insignificant systematic errors with precisions of ±12 ml/min VO2, ±7 ml/min VCO2, ±0.03 RQ and ±0.1 l/min Ve; (2SD).  相似文献   

Techniques for the measurement of cardiac output from soluble gas uptake by the lungs include the rebreathing method using nitrous oxide. The accuracy of this␣technique is well accepted, but its repeatability of measurement (precision) has not been well documented. We assessed the repeatability of measurements of pulmonary blood flow by the Innocor, a device employing the nitrous oxide rebreathing method. Successive paired measurements of pulmonary blood flow were made separated by a 5 min interval by the nitrous oxide rebreathing method, in 8 patients pre- or post cardiac surgery, and in 8 healthy volunteers. The standard deviation of the difference between first and second measurements was 0.84 l/min in the cardiac surgery group, and 1.25 l/min in the healthy volunteers. There was no significant bias in successive paired measurements of pulmonary blood flow in either the cardiac surgery patients (mean [95%CI] = −0.02 l/min [−0.62 to 0.57] or the healthy volunteers (0.00 l/min [−0.88 to 0.88]). Intra-class correlation coefficients for the␣healthy and cardiac patients were 0.77 and 0.64 respectively. Multiple measurements should be made and averaged when using the inert gas rebreathing technique for pulmonary blood flow determination. When comparing agreement with other methods for cardiac output measurement, the internal consistency of both methods should be considered. Peyton PJ, Bailey M, Thompson BR. Reproducibility of cardiac output measurement by the nitrous oxide rebreathing technique.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the Datex Deltatrac II for measurements in neonates requiring mechanical ventilation. DESIGN: Prospective laboratory evaluation, using a ventilated lung model and gas injection. During simulation of 79 neonatal respiratory settings, assessment of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2) and respiratory quotient (RQ) was compared to a reference method (mass spectrometry, wet gas spirometry) using the statistical method of Bland and Altman. INTERVENTIONS: Respiratory variables, which may influence the accuracy and precision of gas exchange measurements, were varied within the following ranges: inspired oxygen fraction (FIO2): 0.21-0.8, expired carbon dioxide fraction (FECO2) and inspiratory-expiratory oxygen fraction (DFO2): 0.0032-0.0256, expiratory flow rate: 1.0-2.5 l/min, inspiratory pressure: 10-55 mbar, respiratory rate 25-60/min, constant RQ of 1. This resulted in 79 tests with VCO2 and VO2 ranging from 8-64 ml/min. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The coefficient of repeatability for ten single subsequent Deltatrac measurements was 8.09 ml/min for VO2 and 9.17 ml/min for VCO2 compared to 2.02 ml/min and 0.90 ml/min for VO2 and VCO2 with repeated reference measurements. The coefficient of repeatability of the Deltatrac measurements improved considerably when means of subsequent 5 min intervals were compared: 0.68 ml/min for VO2 and 0.28 ml/ min for VCO2. The difference between the two methods (Deltatrac-reference) was -3.8 % (2 s: 11.4%) for VO2, 13.2% (2s: 7.9%) for VCO2 and 17.6% (2s: 16.7%) for RQ. The agreement between methods deteriorated with smaller (FECO2) or DFO2 and increasing FIO2. CONCLUSIONS: Considering limits of agreement of less than +/- 20% as clinically acceptable, results for VO2 assessment indicate acceptable accuracy and precision whereas VCO2 and RQ assessments exceed this limit. Limited accuracy and precision result from detection of CO2 following dilution of expiratory gases and increased sensitivity to error propagation by Haldane equations due to the small differences between inspiratory and expiratory gas fractions.  相似文献   

The monitoring of respiratory and anesthetic gases in the operating room is important for patient safety. This study measured the accuracy and response time of a multiplegas monitoring instrument that uses Raman light scattering. Measurements of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane concentrations were compared with a gas mixer standard and with measurements made with an infrared anesthetic agent analyzer. Correlation coefficients were all greater than 0.999, and probable errors were less than 0.43 vol% for the gases and less than 0.03 vol% for the volatile anesthetics. Response time was 67 ms with a sample flow rate of 150 ml/min. There was some signal overlap between nitrogen and nitrous oxide and between the volatile anesthetic agents. Such overlap can be compensated for by linear matrix analysis. The Raman instrument promises a monitoring capability equivalent to the mass spectrometer and should prove attractive for the monitoring of respiratory and anesthetic gases in the operating room.  相似文献   

The long sampling tubes required for remote mass spectrometry alter the sampling system’s performance characterized by sample flow, residence time, and 10 to 90% response time. We searched for an easy-to-handle tube with (1) a length of 30 m, (2) sample flow less than 50 ml · min-1, and (3) residence and response times approaching those predicted by our mathematical model. We tested tubes of various geometries and various commercially available materials by using them as inlet catheters for a quadrupole mass spectrometer (Centronic 200 MGA, Centronic Ltd, Craydon, UK). We measured their responses at 0 to 10% (on transients) and 10 to 0% (off transients) step changes in gas concentration for nitrogen, argon, nitrous oxide, oxygen, and carbon dioxide and 0 to 3% and 3 to 0% for halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane. With 5 polyethylene tubes, halothane response times were up to 38 times longer than predicted. One 30-m polyethylene tube combined a 158-ms response time for nitrogen and argon with a 2,205-ms response time for halothane. Teflon, polyvinyl chloride, and stainless steel also proved to be unsuitable because of unacceptable signal distortion: the carbon dioxide response time for a 30-m Teflon tube was 2,600 ms. A glass tube showed the least signal distortion but was hard to handle. Our requirements were fulfilled by a 29.77-m tube made from nylon with a 1.00-mm inside diameter to which a 0.23-m length of nylon with a 0.25-mm inside diameter was added at the patient end. It offers (1) sample flow equals 46 ml · min-1, (2) residence time equals 11.1 seconds, and (3) response times approaching our theoretical predictions, that is, 159, 164, 180, 159, 188, 302, 298, and 300 ms (means of on and off transients) for nitrogen, argon, nitrous oxide, oxygen, carbon dioxide, halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane, respectively. This tube allows the accurate monitoring of breathing frequencies up to 25 and 50 breaths/min for volatile agents and gases, respectively.  相似文献   

Respiratory oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide concentrations were recorded in 20 patients breath-by-breath during general anesthesia and early recovery, using the Cardiocap multiparameter monitor. Several approved maneuvers were performed to demonstrate the usefulness of endtidal oxygen measurement. Oxygrams provided by the fast paramagnetic oxygen sensor confirmed the capnometric information in the diagnosis of hypoventilation, apnea, and disconnections. In one patient, the alarm for inspiratory oxygen concentration, set at 18%, appeared to prevent alveolar hypoxia and low arterial saturation from occurring when oxygen instead of nitrous oxide was turned off. Low end-tidal oxygen levels revealed inadequate fresh gas oxygen supplementation while low flow circuits were closed. During manual hypoventilation at the end of anesthesia, the inspiratory-expiratory oxygen difference increased almost twofold while end-tidal carbon dioxide increased by only 30%. Changes in nitrous oxide concentration often complemented oxygen-related information obtained in our observations. In the recovery room, a decrease in end-tidal oxygen concentration preceded low pulse oximetry readings. Therefore, it is suggested that all three gases should be monitored continuously to prevent mishaps related to insufficient ventilation and inappropriate gas concentrations during anesthesia and immediate recovery.  相似文献   

In mechanically ventilated patients metabolic gas exchange recordings are frequently influenced by routine patient therapy. In this study the influence of such artifacts is investigated and a method for automatic detection and suppression proposed. This method reduced the influence of artifacts on diurnal oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange from up to 10% to a maximum of 1%.  相似文献   

Objective. Medical mass spectrometers are configured to detect and measure specific respiratory and anesthetic gases. Unrecognized gases entering these systems may cause erroneous readings. We determined how the Advantage 1100 (Perkin-Elmer, now Marquette Gas Systems, Milwaukee, WI) and PPG-SARA (PPG Biomedical Systems, Lenexa, KS) systems that were not configured to measure desflurane or sevoflurane respond to increasing concentrations of these new potent volatile anesthetic agents.Methods. Desflurane 0% to 18% in 3% increments or sevoflurane 0% to 7% in 1% increments in 5-L/min oxygen was delivered to the Advantage and PPG-SARA mass spectrometry systems. For each concentration of each agent, the displayed gas analysis readings and uncompensated collector plate voltages were recorded.Results. The Advantage 1100 system read both desflurane and sevoflurane mainly as enflurane and, to a lesser extent, as carbon dioxide and isoflurane. For enflurane(E) readings <9.9%, the approximate relationships are: %Desflurane=1.6E; %Sevoflurane=0.3E. These formulas do not apply if E >9.9% because of saturation of the summation bus. PPG-SARA read desflurane mainly as isoflurane(I) and, to a lesser extent, as nitrous oxide. PPG-SARA read sevoflurane mainly as enflurane(E) and, to a lesser extent, as nitrous oxide and halothane. The approximate relationships are: %Desflurane=1.11 (for I < 9%); %Sevoflurane=2.1E.Conclusions. Advantage 1100 and PPG-SARA systems not configured for desflurane or sevoflurane display erroneous anesthetic agent readings when these new agents are sampled. Advantage 1100 also displays falsely elevated carbon dioxide readings when desflurane is sampled.  相似文献   

Inhalational mask induction with nitrous oxide and sevoflurane in young children is an appropriate alternative to intravenous induction and is considered safe and of rapid onset. Disadvantages of this technique are environmental pollution and occupational exposure to the inhalation agents used. Moreover, the potential health hazards are not yet completely clear. The purpose of the present study was to examine the anaesthesiologist's occupational exposure to nitrous oxide and sevoflurane in paediatric anaesthesia and mask induction. Twenty children underwent inhalational induction with nitrous oxide and sevoflurane in the operating theatre (air exchange rate 20.2/h, anaesthetic waste gas scavenger 40 l/min). Anaesthesia was maintained with the same agents. Air samples were taken from the edge of the anaesthesiologist's mouth continuously every 90 seconds, and trace concentrations of nitrous oxide and sevoflurane were analyzed with a direct reading infrared spectrometer (Brüel & Kjaer 1302, Denmark). Measurements taken during anaesthesia showed an increase in the concentrations of the anaesthetics used, but these were low. The highest mean concentrations occurred during induction (3.35 +/- 4.23 ppm for sevoflurane and 37.09 +/- 11.65 ppm for nitrous oxide). The overall peak levels measured were 6.31 +/- 4.23 ppm for sevoflurane and 68.78 +/- 40.79 ppm for nitrous oxide. Though the induction period was short compared to the whole length of anaesthesia, its impact on the overall waste gas exposure was 46.3% for sevoflurane (nitrous oxide 40.6%). Nonetheless, applicable German health law regulations were never infringed. The trace concentrations measured during inhalational mask induction and maintenance of anaesthesia were very low. With regard to modern workplace laws and health care regulations, gaseous induction in paediatric anaesthesia does not threaten the personnel's health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on breathing pattern, gas exchange and the ability to sustain spontaneous breathing (SB) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with dynamic hyperinflation. DESIGN: Prospective study with two randomised trials of SB without and with CPAP in each patient. SETTING: Medical intensive care units (ICUs) in two university hospitals. PATIENTS: Nine dynamically hyperinflated, intubated COPD patients recuperating from acute exacerbation. INTERVENTIONS: One SB trial with CPAP (5-7.5 cmH2O), one without (control) in each patient. MEASUREMENTS: airway opening pressure, gas flow and thus breathing pattern, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide excretion, arterial blood gases, dyspnoea and respiratory drive (P100). RESULTS: With CPAP, intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPi) fell from 11.4 to 6.3 cm H2O (p < 0.05). Eight patients sustained SB with CPAP for the maximum time planned (30 min), one failed after 18 min. In contrast, only four patients successfully completed the control trial, the others failing after 5-18 min (p < 0.05). Dyspnoea-gauged on a visual analogue scale by five patients--was less severe or occurred later with CPAP. Breathing with CPAP tended to be slower (18.9 vs 22.2 min(-1), p < 0.05) and deeper (tidal volume 370 vs 323 ml). At the end of the control run, PaCO2 was higher (60 vs 55 mmHg, p < 0.05) and still rising while being stable at the end of the CPAP trial. CONCLUSION: CPAP helps severely ill COPD patients sustain SB. Apparently it does so by promoting slower, deeper breathing and thus facilitating carbon dioxide elimination.  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is one of the major tools of cardiac surgery. However, no clear data are available for the ideal value of sweep gas flow to oxygenator during CPB. The aim of this study was to determine the best value for sweep gas flow during CPB. Thirty patients undergoing isolated CABG were randomly and equally allocated into three groups. Sweep gas flow to oxygenator was kept at 1.35 l/min/m2 in group 1, 1.60 l/min/m2 in group 2, and 2.0 l/min/m2 in group 3. All patients were operated on under the same anaesthetic regime and surgical techniques. Samples for blood gas analysis were collected at T1: before CPB; T2: 5 min after the initiation of CPB; T3: just before rewarning; and T4: at the end of rewarming. Five minutes after the initiation of CPB (T2), pCO2 decreased significantly in groups 2 and 3 compared to group 1 (p < 0.02). With the addition of hypothermia (T3), the changes in the pH and pCO2 became more profound and, in this period, the levels in group 3 patients outranged the physiologic limits, with pCO2 and pH values being 28 +/- 3 mmHg and 7.50 +/- 0.04, respectively. At the end of the rewarming period (T4), in spite of increased carbon dioxide production, pCO2 values were below the physiologic limits in groups 2 and 3. We conclude that sweep gas flow to the oxygenator should be kept between 1.35 and 1.60 l/min/m2 during CPB to avoid hypocapnia, which results in alkalosis and has hazardous effects on lung mechanics, cerebral blood flow, and the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

We analyze validation and some technical aspects of indirect calorimetry for measurement of energy expenditure in healthy volunteers undergoing pressure controlled non-invasive ventilation (NIMV). This validation study assess the reliability of gas exchange measurement with indirect calorimetry among subjects who undergo, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production measure. These comments of indirect calorimetry during NIMV should take it into account for real situations in clinical practice.  相似文献   

We developed a miniature mixing chamber, the bymixer, that aids in the measurement of respiratory gas metabolism and inhalation anesthetic uptake. A small fraction of total respiratory gas flow is bypassed from the inspiratory or expiratory limb of the breathing circuit to the bymixer. We tested the relationship between total flow and bypass flow. To analyze the error and response time of the system, we compared the mixed expired carbon dioxide from the bymixer (capacity, 0.3 L, ratio of bypass flow to total flow, 1/4.5) with that from a conventional 2.0-L mixing chamber in 15 volunteers and 12 anesthetized patients during spontaneous or controlled ventilation. Bypass flow correlated well with total flow (r2 = 0.999 to 1.000) when total flow ranged from 0 to 70 L/ min and the ratio of bypass flow to total flow ranged from 1/3 to 1/20. The difference between the values of mixed expired carbon dioxide from the two mixing chambers was small, ranging from?0.03 to 0.01 vol% in both of the ventilatory modes. The relative error was within 2.3% of the carbon dioxide values obtained from the conventional chamber. We observed the error at the lowest minute volume (4 L/min). The 90% response time of the bymixer (24.8 seconds) was similar to that of the conventional chamber (19.1 seconds) at a minute volume of 7.5 L/min. For clinical use, we combined a conventional breathing circuit with two bymixers, one for mixing inspired gas and the other for mixing expired gas. We found this device accurate and easy to use.  相似文献   

A common anesthetic technique utilized during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) includes the use of various inhalation agents, such as isoflurane. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of this agent on oxygen transfer during CPB. An in vitro model was designed using bovine blood. Blood flow was held constant at 2 l/min, while gas flow was manipulated at 1 and 3 l/min. The percentage of inspired oxygen (FiO2) was set at 50 and 100%, and isoflurane was manipulated to 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0%. Blood gas analysis, oxygen transfer, and inlet and outlet isoflurane concentrations were measured at each of the given conditions. A total of 12 trials with four oxygenators were conducted. In the four oxygenators used in our study, no significant differences in oxygenator performance were found. At conditions of 1 I/min gas flow, 50% FiO2 and 1% isoflurane, there were no significant changes in O2 transfer between baseline and measurements taken during isoflurane administration (100.18 +/- 12.49 vs 102.35 +/- 10.99 ml O2/min, p=0.8031). At 3 I/min gas flow, 100% FiO2 and 5% isoflurane, no significant differences were found (142.35 +/- 10.76 vs 154.04 +/- 8.95 ml O2/min, p=0.1459). The only significant differences found for oxygen transfer were between 50 and 100% FiO2, all other conditions being set equal (102.35 +/- 10.99 vs 137.68 +/- 8.62 ml O2/min, p=0.0023). In conclusion, increasing concentrations of isoflurane up to 5% does not affect the efficiency of oxygen transfer in an in vitro circuit. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the effects in an in vivo setting.  相似文献   

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