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Past research has shown that health messages on safer sexual practices that focus on relational consequences are more persuasive than messages that focus on personal consequences. However, we theorize that it is defensiveness against personal risk framing that threatens the self among people from more individualistic cultures. Two studies tested this idea. Study 1 showed that European Americans were less persuaded by personal framing than by relational framing but that this pattern was not found for Asian Americans, who are more collectivistic. Study 2 showed that these defensive patterns were eliminated among European American participants when a person's self-image was affirmed. These results suggest defensive processes as the mechanism behind the differences in message framing effectiveness and motivate a closer look at cultural patterns.  相似文献   

Current warning labels on cigarette packages are generally focused on long-term losses that can be incurred if one continues smoking. This study compares the effects of these labels against warning labels that stress short-term losses of smoking as well as labels that stress short- and long-term benefits that can be obtained when one quits smoking. A 2 (message frame: gain vs. loss) × 2 (temporal context: short vs. long term) between-subjects experiment was conducted among 132 smokers, with attitude toward quitting smoking and intention to quit smoking, as well as information-seeking behavior and message recall, as the dependent variables. Findings were in line with theory regarding message framing and temporal discounting, showing enhanced effects of gain over loss frames and short-term over long-term consequences on warning labels for attitudes and intentions. In addition, an interaction between message frame and temporal context was found. Especially, gain-framed messages showed stronger effects on intentions to quit smoking than loss-framed messages when warning labels concerned short-term outcomes. Findings suggest that current warning labels, with an emphasis on long-term negative health outcomes, should be reconsidered.  相似文献   


This study examines the moderating role of message framing in narrative persuasion in the context of promoting smoking cessation. A controlled experiment involving 101 college smokers revealed a significant interaction effect between message framing (gain-framing vs. loss-framing) and evidence type (narrative vs. nonnarrative) on smoking-related risk perceptions. For the gain-framed message, the nonnarrative version produced significantly greater perceived susceptibility to smoking-related diseases than did the narrative version. For the loss-framed message, evidence type did not make a difference in perceived susceptibility. On perceived severity of smoking-related diseases, the interaction was such that for the loss-framed message, the narrative version resulted in significantly greater perceived severity than did the nonnarrative version. In contrast, for the gain-framed message, evidence type did not make a difference in perceived severity. In addition, our results revealed that the interaction between message framing and evidence type had an indirect effect on attitudes toward quitting smoking through perceived severity of smoking-related diseases. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of message framing and social distance on individuals’ attitude toward health campaign and behavioral intention. Individuals who read a gain-framed message had better attitude toward the campaign and higher level of behavioral intention than those who read a loss-framed message. Perceived benefits mediated the relationship between message framing and behavioral intention. Perceived severity mediated the relationship between social distance and behavioral intention only in the loss framing condition. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Gain-framed health messages are found to be more effective when targeting prevention behaviors. However, framing research has only minimally investigated the role of communication mode, another important factor in health communication. This study explored the role of communication mode in interaction with message framing, and the influence of two individual differences related to involvement as conditions under which gain framing can lead to health behavior change. Participants (N = 258) were exposed to either an auditory or written health message concerning fruit and vegetable intake, with either gain- or loss-framed arguments. In addition, the online experiment consisted of baseline and posttest measures, among which intention to consume sufficient fruit and vegetables. Moderating effects of perceived baseline fruit and vegetable consumption and baseline intention were assessed. A significant interaction between message framing and communication mode was observed: In case of a gain-framed message, an auditory message resulted in a higher intention than a written message. This pattern was most explicitly found among those with a lower perceived fruit and vegetable intake at baseline. Although further research is warranted in health persuasion research, the findings can possibly be used to target health interventions better at specific groups of people who behave less healthy.  相似文献   

Health promotion programs represent a salient means through which physical activity promoters can cultivate positive health behavior change and maintenance. The messages communicated within these programs serve as an essential component as they are often used to convey valuable information, resources, or tools that facilitate health behavior initiation and sustained engagement. Identifying the most effective way to communicate health promotion information is, therefore, of considerable importance to ensuring that people not only attend to these messages, but also connect with and internalize the information conveyed within them. This paper was written to (1) summarize and evaluate the most prominent reviewed research approaches of message framing and tailoring to message design; and (2) offer a comprehensive messaging strategy to promote sustained health behavior change. A review of the literature demonstrated that a messaging strategy that has consistently led to healthy behavior change has yet to be identified. Furthermore, scholars have articulated that a multi-theoretical approach that places emphasis on facilitating motivation and healthy behavior change needs to be employed. Thus, this paper proposes and provides recommendations for employing the Comprehensive Messaging Strategy for Sustained Behavior Change (CMSSBC), which advocates tailoring messages to peoples’ stage of change and framing them to focus on self-determined motives and intrinsic goals.  相似文献   

Suboptimal vaccination rates are a significant problem in many countries today, in spite of improved access to vaccine services. As a result, there has been a recent expansion of research on how best to communicate about vaccines. The purpose of the present article is to provide an updated review of published, peer-reviewed empirical studies that examined the effectiveness of gain versus loss framing (i.e., goal framing) in the context of vaccine communication. To locate studies, we examined the reference list from the previous meta-analytic review (O’Keefe & Nan, 2012), and we conducted systematic searches across multiple databases. We included 34 studies in the qualitative synthesis. The relative effectiveness of goal-framed vaccine messages was often shown to depend on characteristics of the message recipient, perceived risk, or situational factors, yet most effects were inconsistent across studies, or simply limited by an insufficient number of studies. Methodological characteristics and variations are noted and discussed. The review points to several directions concerning moderators and mediators of framing effects where additional rigorous studies would be needed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo test the effect of narrative messages and gain- and loss-framed messages on persuasive outcomes with a sample of Hispanic adults.MethodsA 2 (message type: narrative, non-narrative) × 2 (message frame: gain-framed, loss-framed) between subjects posttest only. Data were collected at 2 outdoor festivals in West Texas. Participants were a convenience sample of 72 Hispanic adults (mean age, 40.6 years). Main outcome measures were message engagement, message relevance, attitude toward message, healthy eating intention, and physical activity intention. Data analysis included analysis of variance and multivariate analysis of variance.ResultsThere was no significant difference between narrative and non-narrative messages. Gain-framed messages were rated more positively, whereas loss-framed messages were considered more engaging and also produced higher intentions to eat healthy and to become physically active. The interaction between message type and message framing was not significant.Conclusions and ImplicationsLoss-framed messages produced the unanticipated effect of higher message engagement and higher intention. This finding suggests that messages emphasizing losses associated with unhealthy eating and lack of physical activity may be more effective when targeting Hispanic adults than messages emphasizing potential gains. The lack of difference between narrative and non-narrative messages suggests there is no disadvantage to using narratives, but also no advantage.  相似文献   

Nowadays, entertainment-education (E-E) is often used as a persuasive strategy to stimulate prosocial behavior. Although E-E is mostly regarded as a persuasive strategy in itself, in an increasing number of E-E programs several persuasive strategies are used to communicate the educational message to the audience. This study investigates the effects of a strategy widely used in health communication, but not previously studied in the field of E-E: framing. To this means we examined the effect of two different ways an E-E message can be framed: by emphasizing either the losses of not performing the behavior in question or the gains of performing this behavior. A serial multiple mediation model showed that framing affected intention to refrain from drunk cycling via counterarguing and attitude toward drunk cycling; the use of a gain frame decreased counterarguing, which decreased the attitude toward drunk cycling. This subsequently resulted in a higher intention to refrain from this behavior. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Although prospect theory conceptualizes risk as uncertainty, health message framing research based on the theory typically conceptualizes risk as severity. This study reports the results of two experiments designed to explore these alternative conceptualizations of risk and their effect on health decision making. Participants (N1 = 768, N2 = 532) were randomly assigned to one of four conditions that presented a hypothetical scenario of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) outbreak. The conditions were defined by message prompt (deadly vs. easily curable STD) and response option frame (gain vs. loss). Participants selected which of two programs (certain outcome vs. uncertain outcome) they would prefer to combat the outbreak. Across both experiments, participants expressed strong preferences for certain (low risk) outcomes in the gain-framed conditions and no preferences in the loss-framed conditions. These differences held regardless of the consequence severity of the scenario. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these results and offer directions for future research.  相似文献   

The p-synephrine is the principal phytochemical found in bitter orange (Citrus aurantium). This substance is widely included in dietary supplements for weight loss/body fat reduction due to its potential benefits of increasing fat oxidation. For years, p-synephrine-containing dietary supplements have been marketed without proper knowledge of their true effectiveness to enhance fat utilization, especially when combined with exercise. However, the effects of p-synephrine on fat oxidation during exercise have been investigated in the last few years. The aim of the current discussion is to summarize the evidence on the effects of p-synephrine intake on fat oxidation and performance during exercise. Previous investigations have demonstrated that the acute intake of p-synephrine does not modify running sprint performance, jumping capacity, or aerobic capacity. However, the acute intake of p-synephrine, in a dose of 2–3 mg/kg of body mass, has been effective to enhance the rate of fat oxidation during incremental and continuous exercise. This effect has been observed in a range of exercise workloads between 30% and 80% of peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak). The p-synephrine has the ability to increase the maximal rate of fat oxidation during exercise of increasing intensity without affecting the workload at which maximal fat oxidation is obtained (Fatmax). The effect of p-synephrine on fat oxidation is normally accompanied by a concomitant reduction of carbohydrate utilization during exercise, without modifying the energy expended during exercise. The shifting in substrate oxidation is obtained without any effect on heart rate during exercise and the prevalence of adverse effects is negligible. Thus, the acute use of p-synephrine, or p-synephrine-containing products, might offer some benefits for those individuals seeking higher fat utilization during exercise at low to moderate intensities. However, more research is still necessary to determine if the effect of p-synephrine on fat oxidation during exercise is maintained with chronic ingestion, in order to ascertain the utility of this substance in conjunction with exercise programs to produce an effective body fat/weight loss reduction.  相似文献   

Nitrates have become increasingly popular for their potential role as an ergogenic aid. The purpose of this article was to review the current scientific evidence of nitrate supplementation on human performance. The current recommendation of nitrate supplementation is discussed, as well as possible health complications associated with nitrate intake for athletes, and dietary strategies of covering nitrate needs through sufficient intake of nitrate-rich foods alone are presented. Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched for articles on the effects of nitrate supplementation in humans. Nitrates are an effective ergogenic aid when taken acutely or chronically in the range of ~5–16.8 mmol (~300–1041 mg) 2–3 h before exercise and primarily in the case of exercise duration of ~10–17 min in less trained individuals (VO2max < 65 mL/kg/min). Nitrate needs are most likely meet by ingesting approximately 250–500 g of leafy and root vegetables per day; however, dietary supplements might represent a more convenient and accurate way of covering an athlete’s nitrate needs. Athletes should refrain from mouthwash usage when nitrate supplementation benefits are desired. Future research should focus on the potential beneficial effects of nitrate supplementation on brain function, possible negative impacts of chronic nitrate supplementation through different nitrate sources, and the effectiveness of nitrate supplementation on strength and high-intensity intermittent exercise.  相似文献   

This exploratory study applies Taylor's (1999) six-segment message strategy wheel to direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical television commercials to understand message strategies adopted by pharmaceutical advertisers to persuade consumers. A convenience sample of 96 DTC commercial campaigns was analyzed. The results suggest that most DTC drug ads used a combination approach, providing consumers with medical and drug information while simultaneously appealing to the viewer's ego-related needs and desires. In contrast to ration and ego strategies, other approaches including routine, acute need, and social are relatively uncommon while sensory was the least common message strategy. Findings thus recognized the educational value of DTC commercials.  相似文献   

This exploratory study applies Taylor's (1999) six-segment message strategy wheel to direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical television commercials to understand message strategies adopted by pharmaceutical advertisers to persuade consumers. A convenience sample of 96 DTC commercial campaigns was analyzed. The results suggest that most DTC drug ads used a combination approach, providing consumers with medical and drug information while simultaneously appealing to the viewer's ego-related needs and desires. In contrast to ration and ego strategies, other approaches including routine, acute need, and social are relatively uncommon while sensory was the least common message strategy. Findings thus recognized the educational value of DTC commercials.  相似文献   

To generate public awareness and get people to engage in the required treatment behavior of a health-related condition, communication plays a central function. Communication theory has demonstrated that the framing of an issue can increase its public awareness and perceived importance. Research on communication campaigns indicates that the most important frames in a health-related issue address audience resistance barriers to behavior change, notably an evaluation of the threat of condition applicability to self and the efficacy of recommended treatment options. An application of framing concepts to autism reveals that communication must be framed to address audience barriers by including information about the frequency of its threat, its symptoms, and the vital fact that the condition can be improved by conducting interventions based on principles of applied behavior analysis. Because evaluating efficacy of treatment recommendations is critical, communication about applied behavior analysis should also be framed to include the effectiveness of early intervention treatment and peer and parent involvement. The application of communication concepts to autism and its applied behavior analysis treatment will hopefully assist the people who are responsible for diagnosing and treating the condition to better frame their communication so it has the most positive behavioral impact.  相似文献   

This study investigates gain-framed and loss-framed messages on graphic cigarette warning labels and their effects on adolescents' smoking-related attitudes and behaviors. Canadian cigarette warning labels emphasizing health consequences of smoking (loss-framed) were digitally manipulated into gain-framed versions. High school students (N?=?210) completed a questionnaire measuring attitudes, perceptions of the warnings, and behavioral intentions. The study used a posttest-only comparison group design with random assignment. The independent variable was message framing (loss-framed, gain-framed avoidance, gain-framed benefits), and the dependent variables were (a) attitudes toward the warning, (b) attitudes toward smoking, (c) effectiveness in reducing smoking levels, (d) intentions to smoke, (e) effectiveness in improving one's ability to quit, and (f) effectiveness in increasing the likelihood of a smoker quitting. Results indicate that adolescents had more favorable attitudes toward the loss-framed warnings and perceived them as more effective than the gain-framed warnings. Further, smokers exposed to the loss-framed version featuring decaying teeth had significantly lower intentions to smoke in the future. Loss-framed warning labels appear to have a positive influence on adolescents' smoking-related attitudes and behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

The risk perception attitude (RPA) framework was tested as a message tailoring strategy to encourage diabetes screening. Participants (= 602) were first categorized into one of four RPA groups based on their diabetes risk and efficacy perceptions and then randomly assigned to receive a message that matched their RPA, mismatched their RPA, or a control message. Participants receiving a matched message reported greater intentions to engage in self-protective behavior than participants who received a mismatched message or the control message. The results also showed differences in attitudes and behavioral intentions across the four RPA groups. Participants in the responsive group had more positive attitudes toward diabetes screening than the other three groups, whereas participants in the indifferent group reported the weakest intentions to engage in self-protective behavior.  相似文献   

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