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Background: Crack cocaine use has increased rapidly throughout Mexico, coinciding with rising HIV and HCV infections among vulnerable groups. Due to the increased risk of infection among crack users, harm reduction approaches have been identified to reduce the spread of disease. However, Mexico has yet to adopt these techniques for crack users. Objectives: To evaluate the impact of a pilot crack kit distribution program on risky smoking behaviors of active crack users in an impoverished colonia of Mexico City, Mexico. Methods: Fifty crack kits, containing safer smoking paraphernalia and related health items (i.e., condoms, alcohol wipes, etc.), were distributed to active crack users. A sample of 58 crack users were surveyed prior to the intervention and 35 were successfully relocated and surveyed three months after the intervention. Surveys assessed drug use, crack kit utilization, and smoking practices. Results: Findings indicate that crack kit utilization was high throughout the sample. Use of risky or unsafe paraphernalia decreased, specifically the use of cans as pipes (Z?=??2.653, p?=?.008). Similarly, Pyrex pipe use increased significantly (Z?=??3.132, p?=?.002). Sharing of paraphernalia also decreased throughout the sample. Conclusion: These findings identify the potential benefits in reducing risky smoking behaviors of crack kit distribution programs in Mexico City. This evidence supports expansion of crack kit programs in Mexico and similar impoverished regions.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(9):1259-1284
The use of drugs in the African American community, particularly crack cocaine, has been linked to sexual risk-taking behavior, which increases the likelihood that persons will become infected with Human Immuno Virus. In order to more fully understand risk-taking behavior and to target interventions among African American men and women, this study used data collected from 1277 individuals residing in Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky, who were recruited into National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Cooperative Agreement Project from 1993 to 1998. The study compared African Americans treated for Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (n = 292) with African Americans who reported never being treated for a STD (n = 504) with regard to HIV information, awareness, and the number of HIV tests between those with and without STD exposure. Additionally, we examine gender differences among African Americans who have and have not been exposed to STDs on risk behaviors and HIV knowledge, awareness, and testing. It was hypothesized that African American drug users in the STD group would engage in more risk behaviors than those who reported no STDs. Results indicated that individuals in both groups, the STD exposure group and the no STD group, engaged in similar HIV-risky behaviors. However, the STD group used a greater number of different drugs in their lifetime. The STD group reported they were more likely to get HIV and were more frequently tested for HIV. Females with an STD history were more likely to have been in drug user treatment and to perceive themselves as homeless. Both males and females in the STD group were more likely to report involvement in exchanging sex.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(7):783-792
Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has reached 16% among non-injecting drug users (NIDU) in New York City, an unusually high prevalence for a predominantly heterosexual population that does not inject drugs. Using a long-term study (1983–2011, >7,000 subjects) among persons entering the Beth Israel drug-treatment programs in New York City, we identified factors that contributed to this high prevalence: a preexisting HIV epidemic among injectors, a crack cocaine epidemic, mixing between injectors and crack users, policy responses not centered on public health, and herpes-simplex virus 2 facilitating HIV transmission. Implications for avoiding high prevalence among NIDU in other areas are discussed.  相似文献   

Crack and cocaine use among adults has been associated with co-occurring psychiatric disorders as well as other drug use and unprotected sex. However, this issue is relatively unstudied in adolescents. This study collected data from 282 adolescents (mean age = 14.9 years) treated in intensive psychiatric treatment settings to understand the relationship between crack/cocaine use and HIV risk. Thirteen percent of youths reported ever using crack or cocaine. Use was not associated with age, gender, race/ethnicity, or SES. After controlling for known factors that influence unprotected sex, the odds that those with a history of crack/cocaine use engaged in inconsistent condom use was six times greater than that for those youths who did not ever use. Thus, crack/cocaine use is prevalent even among younger adolescents with psychiatric disorders who are not in drug treatment. Its use is associated with high rates of sexual and other risk behaviors. A history of use should alert clinicians to a wide variety of possible behavioral risks. These results can also inform future adolescent HIV prevention intervention development.  相似文献   

American prisons have increasing numbers of inmates incarcerated for drug offenses. This population is at high risk for HIV-infection and may continue HIV transmission risk behaviors while incarcerated. We find that 31% of injection drug users with a history of imprisonment had used illicit drugs in prison, and nearly half of these persons had injected drugs while incarcerated. Male gender and number of times incarcerated were associated with drug use in prison. Interventions for drug-using prisoners that are advocated in some European prisons, such as needle exchange programs and methadone maintenance, need attention in the United States.  相似文献   


The authors conducted a preliminary study of the 4-session Holistic Health for HIV (3H+), which was adapted from a 12-session evidence-based risk reduction and antiretroviral adherence intervention. Improvements were found in the behavioral skills required to properly adhere to HIV medication regimens. Enhancements were found in all measured aspects of sex-risk reduction outcomes, including HIV knowledge, motivation to reduce sex-risk behavior, behavioral skills related to engaging in reduced sexual risk, and reduced risk behavior. Improvements in drug use outcomes included enhancements in risk reduction skills as well as reduced heroin and cocaine use. Intervention effects also showed durability from post-intervention to the follow-up assessment point. Females responded particularly well in terms of improvements in risk reduction skills and risk behavior. This study suggests that an evidence-based behavioral intervention may be successfully adapted for use in community-based clinical settings where HIV-infected drug users can be more efficiently reached.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between housing status and HIV risk using longitudinal, qualitative data collected in 2004–2005, from a purposeful sample of 65 active drug users in a variety of housed and homeless situations in Hartford, Connecticut. These data were supplemented with observations and in-depth interviews regarding drug use behavior collected in 2001–2005 to evaluate a peer-led HIV prevention intervention. Data reveal differences in social context within and among different housing statuses that affect HIV risk or protective behaviors including the ability to carry drug paraphernalia and HIV prevention materials, the amount of drugs in the immediate environment, access to subsidized and supportive housing, and relationships with those with whom drug users live. Policy implications of the findings, limitations to the data, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:了解四川省西昌市静脉吸毒人群丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染情况及其影响因素。方法l于2005年10月至11月在西昌市对静脉吸毒人群进行问卷调查,调查内容包括社会人口学、毒品使用、共用注射器具静脉吸毒以及性行为情况等,同时采集血样进行HCV抗体检测。结果:在招募的325名静脉吸毒者中,HCV感染率为61.8%(201/325)。多因素Logistic回归模型分析结果显示,无业(OR,1.90;95%CI,、近3个月共用针头或注射器(OR,2.40;95%CI,1.164.99)以及近6个月以性交为条件接受性伴提供的钱物、毒品或住处(OR,8.96;95%CI,1.15-69.58)与静脉吸毒人群HCV感染的关系有统计学意义。结论:四川省西昌市静脉吸毒人群中HCV感染率仍在升高,应该在该地区进一步加大干预工作的力度以控制HCV的传播。  相似文献   


Research examining the demographic and substance use characteristics of illicit drug use in the United States has typically failed to consider differences in routes of administration or has exclusively focused on a single route of administration—injection drug use. Data from National Survey on Drug Use and Health were used to compare past-year injection drug users and non-injection drug users' routes of administration of those who use the three drugs most commonly injected in the United States: heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine. Injection drug users were more likely than those using drugs via other routes to be older (aged 35 and older), unemployed, possess less than a high school education, and reside in rural areas. IDUs also exhibited higher rates of abuse/dependence, perceived need for substance abuse treatment, and co-occurring physical and psychological problems. Fewer differences between IDUs and non-IDUs were observed for heroin users compared with methamphetamine or cocaine users.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(2-3):192-200
Sterile syringe access is an important means to reduce HIV risk, but many injection drug users (IDU) who obtain syringes from sterile sources continue to share syringes. We examined the factors associated with continuing syringe sharing in New York City. We recruited 500 active IDU in 2005 through respondent-driven sampling. In multiple logistic regression, not obtaining all syringes in the past year exclusively from sterile sources was associated with increased syringe sharing. Ensuring adequate syringe availability as well as engaging and retaining nonusers and inconsistent users in sterile syringe services may increase sterile syringe access and decrease syringe sharing.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(12-13):1709-1714
In the United States, the majority of research and surveillance efforts on the role of injection drug users (IDU) in the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) have focused on convenience samples of IDUs enrolled in drug user treatment programs. These samples exclude IDUs who are primarily injecting non-opiates and IDUs who are not oriented to entering drug user treatment. IDUs in treatment differ significantly from IDUs who do not enter treatment. This underscores the importance of sampling IDUs not in treatment.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(9):1115-1125
Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are used to enhance physical performance and/or appearance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the concomitant use of alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, and AAS on blood lipid profiles of 145 asymptomatic male bodybuilders from the Northeast region of Brazil. Interviews, clinical exams, and serological evaluations were performed on all participants between 2007 and 2009. All subjects’ self-reported use of testosterone or its derivatives, 118 individuals reported alcohol intake, 27-reported cigarette smoking, and 33 confirmed cocaine use. Four subjects were users of all drugs at the same time. Higher levels of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were observed among concomitant users of alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, and AAS. The study's limitations are noted.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(12):2000-2025
Noninjecting heroin users (NIHU) that were 16–30 years old were street recruited in Chicago between 2002 and 2005 to examine factors associated with having ever injected. Participants completed computerized self-administered interviews and provided specimens for HIV and hepatitis serotesting. Of 689 NIHU, 51.2% were non-Hispanic Black, 64.4% were male, and the median age was 25 years. Former injection was reported by 17.9%; of those, 66.7% injected <10 times. Multivariable analysis identified individual and social factors that place young NIHU at increased risk of injection. Targeted interventions are necessary to prevent transitions to injection and reduce transmission of HIV and viral hepatitis infections. The study's limitations are noted.  相似文献   


With epidemiological trends indicating that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the third leading cause of death among women ages 25 to 44 in the United States, it is becoming increasingly important to deal with the issue of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention for women. Recommendations for primary and secondary prevention strategies tailored to the needs of women have been formulated. Such calls have included the recommendation that prevention efforts be intensified in medical settings regularly frequented by women. One setting identified is that of gynecological and obstetric services where HIV risk assessment, testing, and counseling would be an excellent means of reaching a maximum number of women of child-bearing age. Despite calls by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for OB/ GYN service providers to engage in HIV prevention, research has shown that physicians remain reluctant to address the issue with patients. This study explored the likelihood of physicians and other health service providers to engage in HIV prevention through risk behavior assessment, HIV testing, and HIV counseling by requesting information from female drug abusers not currently in substance abuse treatment. Sixty percent of the drug abusing women in this study did not receive HIV information from their health care provider, 70% did not receive HIV counseling, 68% were not offered HIV testing, and 66% were not asked to provide a drug history. Of those participants who had not been asked to provide a drug history, almost half indicated that they would have been willing to provide truthful answers had they been asked. These findings indicate that a prime opportunity for HIV prevention is being missed by women's health care providers. Neglecting to ask female patients about their drug use history and to explore their risk for HIV infection can have dire consequences for these women. Early intervention is less likely if the topic is not broached by service providers, increasing the likelihood of infection and the spread of the disease.  相似文献   

Three consecutive cross-sectional surveys were conducted among injection drug users (IDUs). Of 2,530 participants, 47.7% reported ever sharing needles, 78.2% having had unprotected sex in the last month, 34.4% not receiving either methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) or HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), 4.8% ever receiving MMT-only, 36.6% ever receiving VCT-only, and 24.2% ever receiving both MMT and VCT. MMT-only and the combination of MMT and VCT had significant associations with needle sharing and on unprotected sexual behaviors. Effectively integrating VCT into MMT services is a logical way to maximize the impact of both interventions on risky behaviors among IDUs.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(3):230-243
The study was conducted from August to December , in two urban, poor neighborhoods in Delhi. A respondent-driven sampling was used to recruit 343 injection drug users who were interviewed with a survey questionnaire that included items of human rights abuses, health service utilization, and sociodemographic characteristics. Multivariate logistic regression with backward selection of variables was conducted with the three outcome variables—service utilization in general care sector, harm reduction, and drug user treatment. Findings suggest advocating for human rights and securing standards of care in improving health care use and future research on documenting human rights abuses occur in health care settings. The study's limitations are noted.  相似文献   

The Canadian government recently sanctioned a supervised consumption site (SCS) that is currently in Vancouver, British Columbia. The government is open to sanctioning more sites across the country; however, by law the federal health minister must consider whether such facilities are supported by local governments representing the cities where the sites are proposed to be located. Until 2016, the government of Canada’s largest city, Toronto, did not support SCSs. Drawing on Lenton cannabis policy research, this study analyses government documents, policy papers, scientific reports, and newspaper articles and secondary literature to identify some of the significant barriers that minimised the likelihood that Toronto’s council would support SCSs between 2003 and 2016. The report compares conditions in Toronto to those of Vancouver where SCSs have enjoyed council support since 2001. This study find that three conditions play an important role in explaining why SCSs were supported in Vancouver 14 years before they were endorsed in Toronto: (1) Strong public support; (2) Favourable electoral conditions; and (3) Law enforcement support. Changes in Toronto surrounding these conditions help explain why its council endorsed SCSs in 2016. This study concludes that Lenton’s research holds utility as a socio-legal theory of municipal drug policy change.  相似文献   

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