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The dynamic properties of the version and vergence system were studied in relation to stereopsis for movements of the whole visual scene. Large random-dot stereograms (30 X 30 deg arc), moving laterally, were viewed dichoptically by human subjects without a fixed visual frame of reference. Sinusoidal movements in counterphase of the two half-images constituting the stereogram induced sinusoidal ocular vergence movements. The gain of vergence depended on the frequency as well as the amplitude of stimulus movement, while the phase lag depended only on the frequency. Fusion and stereopsis were retained up to a maximal velocity of change in relative position of the two half-images between 6 and 13.5 deg/sec. Sinusoidal movement of one half-image while the other one remained stationary induced sinusoidal ocular version as well as vergence movements. For version gains were higher and phase lags were smaller than for vergence. At the retinal level, residual overall binocular disparities between the two half-images up to 2 deg arc were tolerated without loss of stereopsis. The presence of sinusoidally varying overall binocular disparities and ocular vergence movements without perception of motion in depth suggests that these variables are not adequate cues for perception of (change in) depth.  相似文献   

Under certain circumstances, a subject's ability to discriminate spatial features of a target may be hampered by neighbouring contours. This phenomenon is popularly known as the "crowding effect", and it has been intensely studied for photopic vision: little attention has been paid to the effect at lower light levels. The underlying basis of the crowding effect has recently provoked some conjecture, with Hess and colleagues claiming that a passive "physical" phenomenon may either wholly [Vis. Res. 40 (2000) 365], or partially [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A--Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 17 (2000) 1516], account for the effect. In order to investigate the crowding effect under scotopic conditions, we conducted scotopic frequency of seeing experiments for Landolt C targets presented both with, and without, flanking bars; the size of the targets was varied so that frequency of seeing curves could be derived for each stimulus condition. Our results suggest that the spatial extent of crowding is significantly less for scotopic vision than for photopic vision at the same eccentricity--furthermore the effect does not seem to scale in proportion to target size. We also compared the resulting empirical curves to those that would be predicted by the hypothesis of Hess and colleagues. Our results do not support the hypothesis that the scotopic crowding effect is caused by a passive physical process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent and specificity of crowding in the normal fovea and periphery, and the central field of amblyopes, using "C"-like patterns. In the first experiment we measured the extent of crowding for C-patterns comprised of Gaussian patches, over a range of target sizes using a four-alternative forced-choice (up, down, left, right) method. We found that the extent of foveal crowding is proportional to target size. In contrast, in normal periphery and in the central field of amblyopes, crowding extends over large spatial distances and is not size dependent. Crowding for our stimuli occurred with both same-polarity and opposite polarity patches. To test whether the extended crowding in amblyopia resulted from a shift in the spatial scale of analysis, we measured crowding with band-limited C-patterns (comprised of Gabor patches) in a gap localization task (2-AFC). With band-limited stimuli, and a task that does not involve judging the orientation of the gap, the amblyopic eyes showed crowding over a longer distance than that of normal observers. We also tested the orientation specificity of crowding by varying the orientation of the flanks. In normal fovea, crowding is orientation specific: in amblyopia it is not. While crowding in normal fovea can be explained by simple pattern masking, crowding seen in normal periphery and amblyopes cannot. Instead we suggest that crowding in amblyopic and peripheral vision is a result of extended pooling at a stage following the stage of feature detection.  相似文献   

During viewing of natural scenes, do low-level features guide attention, and if so, does this depend on higher-level features? To answer these questions, we studied the image category dependence of low-level feature modification effects. Subjects fixated contrast-modified regions often in natural scene images, while smaller but significant effects were observed for urban scenes and faces. Surprisingly, modifications in fractal images did not influence fixations. Further analysis revealed an inverse relationship between modification effects and higher-level, phase-dependent image features. We suggest that high- and mid-level features - such as edges, symmetries, and recursive patterns - guide attention if present. However, if the scene lacks such diagnostic properties, low-level features prevail. We posit a hierarchical framework, which combines aspects of bottom-up and top-down theories and is compatible with our data.  相似文献   

Motter BC  Simoni DA 《Vision research》2008,48(22):2382-2393
The size of the functional visual field (FVF) is dynamic, changing with the context and attentive demand that each fixation brings as we move our eyes and head to explore the visual scene. Using performance measures of the FVF we show that during search conditions with eye movements, the FVF is small compared to the size of the FVF measured during search without eye movements. In all cases the size of the FVF is constrained by the density of distracting items. During search without eye movements the FVF expands with time; subjects have idiosyncratic spatial biases suggesting covert shifts of attention. For search within the constraints imposed by item density, the rate of item inspection is the same across all search conditions. Array set size effects are not apparent once stimulus density is taken into account, a result that is consistent with a spatial constraint for the FVF based on the cortical separation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Melcher D 《Vision research》2009,49(10):1249-1483
When the same object is attended both before and after a saccadic eye movement, its visual features may be remapped to the new retinal position of the object. To further investigate the role of selective attention in trans-saccadic perception, the magnitude of the cross-saccadic tilt aftereffect was measured for both attended and unattended objects. The results show that both selective attention and saccadic eye movements influenced the magnitude of the tilt aftereffect, but in different ways. Dividing attention among multiple objects lead to a general decrease in the tilt aftereffect, independent of whether or not a saccade occurred. Making a saccade also resulted in a consistent reduction of the aftereffect, but this was due to incomplete transfer of form adaptation to the new retinal position. The influences of selective attention and saccadic remapping on the tilt aftereffect were independent and additive. These findings suggest that trans-saccadic perception is not limited to a single object but instead depends on the allocation of selective attention. Overall, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that the role of attention is to select salient objects, with trans-saccadic perception mechanisms acting to maintain information about those salient objects across eye movements.  相似文献   

How do people distribute their visual attention in the natural environment? We and our colleagues have usually addressed this question by showing pictures, photographs or videos of natural scenes under controlled conditions and recording participants’ eye movements as they view them. In the present study, we investigated whether people distribute their gaze in the same way when they are immersed and moving in the world compared to when they view video clips taken from the perspective of a walker. Participants wore a mobile eye tracker while walking to buy a coffee, a trip that required a short walk outdoors through the university campus. They subsequently watched first-person videos of the walk in the lab. Our results focused on where people directed their eyes and their head, what objects were gazed at and when attention-grabbing items were selected. Eye movements were more centralised in the real world, and locations around the horizon were selected with head movements. Other pedestrians, the path, and objects in the distance were looked at often in both the lab and the real world. However, there were some subtle differences in how and when these items were selected. For example, pedestrians close to the walker were fixated more often when viewed on video than in the real world. These results provide a crucial test of the relationship between real behaviour and eye movements measured in the lab.  相似文献   

Although spatial aliasing by the extrafoveal retina can occur under natural viewing conditions, it does not commonly disturb our vision. One possible explanation for this is that real scenes do not have sufficient power in the high frequencies to produce aliasing. We examined whether aliasing distorted the appearance of a high contrast edge, which is a common stimulus in the environment. Observers made a two-interval forced-choice discrimination between low-pass filtered and unfiltered edges at 0, 10, 20, and 40 deg eccentricity. This discrimination could be made only when frequency components were removed below both the cone and ganglion cell Nyquist frequencies at each eccentricity. Since supra-Nyquist frequency components could not be detected in edges, they are incapable of producing aliasing.  相似文献   

The identity of a target is more difficult to acquire when it is surrounded by distracters. The purpose of the present experiments was to investigate the implications of this crowding phenomenon for performance and eye movements in a real-life task as search with eye movements. The participants searched for a target in a one dimensional search strip. Above and below this search strip additional elements were added. In three conditions, the similarity of these mask elements to the search elements was varied. The spatial extent of crowding is known to increase with target-mask similarity [Nazir, T. A. (1992). Effects of lateral masking and spatial precueing on gap-resolution in central and peripheral vision. Vision Research, 32, 771-777, Kooi, F. L., Toet, A., Tripathy, S. P., & Levi, D. M. (1994). The effect of similarity and duration on spatial interaction in peripheral vision. Spatial Vision, 8(2), 255-279]. One condition did not contain masks. In a visibility experiment, we firstly validated this crowding manipulation. In the search experiment, we subsequently found that with increasing crowding search times were up to 76% longer. Eye movements were also affected. The number of fixations and fixation duration increased and saccade amplitude decreased with increasing crowding. We conclude that in order to understand eye movements in (everyday) tasks that require active exploration of the visual scene, crowding should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Zhang JY  Zhang T  Xue F  Liu L  Yu C 《Vision research》2009,49(1):44-69
Written Chinese is distinct from alphabetic languages because of its enormous number of characters with a great range of spatial complexities (stroke numbers). In this study we investigated the impact of spatial complexity on legibility of Chinese characters as well as associated crowding in peripheral vision. Our results showed that for isolated characters, threshold sizes of complex characters increased faster with retinal eccentricity than did those of simple characters, suggesting possible “within-character” crowding among parts of complex Chinese characters. However, such “within-character” crowding was rendered negligible by strong “between-character” crowding introduced by flankers. When the target and flankers belonged to different complexity groups, the intensity and extent of crowding were greatly reduced, which could be explained by top-down influences as well as lower-level mechanisms. We suggest that crowding can be attributed to multiple mechanisms at different levels of visual processing.  相似文献   

We conducted suprathreshold discrimination experiments to compare how natural-scene information is processed in central and peripheral vision (16° eccentricity). Observers’ ratings of the perceived magnitude of changes in naturalistic scenes were lower for peripheral than for foveal viewing, and peripheral orientation changes were rated less than peripheral colour changes. A V1-based Visual Difference Predictor model of the magnitudes of perceived foveal change was adapted to match the sinusoidal grating sensitivities of peripheral vision, but it could not explain why the ratings for changes in peripheral stimuli were so reduced. Perceived magnitude ratings for peripheral stimuli were further reduced by simultaneous presentation of flanking patches of naturalistic images, a phenomenon that could not be replicated foveally, even after M-scaling the foveal stimuli to reduce their size and the distances from the flankers. The effects of the peripheral flankers are very reminiscent of crowding phenomena demonstrated with letters or Gabor patches.  相似文献   

Two experiments were undertaken to examine whether there is an age-related change in the speed with which readers can capture visual information during fixations in reading. Children’s and adults’ eye movements were recorded as they read sentences that were presented either normally or as “disappearing text”. The disappearing text manipulation had a surprisingly small effect on the children, inconsistent with the notion of an age-related change in the speed with which readers can capture visual information from the page. Instead, we suggest that differences between adults and children are related to the level of difficulty of the sentences for readers of different ages.  相似文献   

Yu D  Akau MM  Chung ST 《Vision research》2012,52(1):61-69
Word reading speed in peripheral vision is slower when words are in close proximity of other words (Chung, 2004). This word crowding effect could arise as a consequence of interaction of low-level letter features between words, or the interaction between high-level holistic representations of words. We evaluated these two hypotheses by examining how word crowding changes for five configurations of flanking words: the control condition - flanking words were oriented upright; scrambled - letters in each flanking word were scrambled in order; horizontal-flip - each flanking word was the left-right mirror-image of the original; letter-flip - each letter of the flanking word was the left-right mirror-image of the original; and vertical-flip - each flanking word was the up-down mirror-image of the original. The low-level letter feature interaction hypothesis predicts similar word crowding effect for all the different flanker configurations, while the high-level holistic representation hypothesis predicts less word crowding effect for all the alternative flanker conditions, compared with the control condition. We found that oral reading speed for words flanked above and below by other words, measured at 10° eccentricity in the nasal field, showed the same dependence on the vertical separation between the target and its flanking words, for the various flanker configurations. The result was also similar when we rotated the flanking words by 90° to disrupt the periodic vertical pattern, which presumably is the main structure in words. The remarkably similar word crowding effect irrespective of the flanker configurations suggests that word crowding arises as a consequence of interactions of low-level letter features.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the spatial extent of crowding in peripheral vision is reduced when a target letter and its flanking letters have opposite contrast polarity. We have examined if this reduction in crowding leads to improved reading performance. We compared the spatial extent of crowding, visual-span profiles (plots of letter-recognition accuracy versus letter position), and reading speed at 10° inferior visual field, using white letters, black letters, or mixtures of white and black letters, presented on a mid-gray background. Consistent with previous studies, the spatial extent of crowding was reduced when the target and flanking letters had opposite contrast polarity. However, using mixed contrast polarity did not lead to improvements in visual-span profiles or reading speed.  相似文献   

The direction in which people tend to move their eyes when inspecting images can reveal the different influences on eye guidance in scene perception, and their time course. We investigated biases in saccade direction during a memory-encoding task with natural scenes and computer-generated fractals. Images were rotated to disentangle egocentric and image-based guidance. Saccades in fractals were more likely to be horizontal, regardless of orientation. In scenes, the first saccade often moved down and subsequent eye movements were predominantly vertical, relative to the scene. These biases were modulated by the distribution of visual features (saliency and clutter) in the scene. The results suggest that image orientation, visual features and the scene frame-of-reference have a rapid effect on eye guidance.  相似文献   

Ozbek M  Bindemann M 《Vision research》2011,51(19):2145-2155
The identification of unfamiliar faces has been studied extensively with matching tasks, in which observers decide if pairs of photographs depict the same person (identity matches) or different people (mismatches). In experimental studies in this field, performance is usually self-paced under the assumption that this will encourage best-possible accuracy. Here, we examined the temporal characteristics of this task by limiting display times and tracking observers’ eye movements. Observers were required to make match/mismatch decisions to pairs of faces shown for 200, 500, 1000, or 2000 ms, or for an unlimited duration. Peak accuracy was reached within 2000 ms and two fixations to each face. However, intermixing exposure conditions produced a context effect that generally reduced accuracy on identity mismatch trials, even when unlimited viewing of faces was possible. These findings indicate that less than 2 s are required for face matching when exposure times are variable, but temporal constraints should be avoided altogether if accuracy is truly paramount. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We shall discuss three theoretical explanations of Listing's law for conjugate eye movements with the head fixed: the original argument by Helmholtz, which is “sensorimotor” in its attempt to optimize vision by using internal feedback from the oculomotor system, and two comparatively simple recent explanations based on either visual or oculomotor performance. These geometrical demonstrations shed some light on recent generalizations of Listing's law to vergent eye movements.  相似文献   

Crowding is thought to be one potent limiting factor of reading in peripheral vision. While several studies investigated how crowding between horizontally adjacent letters or words can influence eccentric reading, little attention has been paid to the influence of vertically adjacent lines of text. The goal of this study was to examine the dependence of page mode reading performance (speed and accuracy) on interline spacing. A gaze-contingent visual display was used to simulate a visual central scotoma while normally sighted observers read meaningful French sentences following MNREAD principles. The sensitivity of this new material to low-level factors was confirmed by showing strong effects of perceptual learning, print size and scotoma size on reading performance. In contrast, reading speed was only slightly modulated by interline spacing even for the largest range tested: a 26% gain for a 178% increase in spacing. This modest effect sharply contrasts with the dramatic influence of vertical word spacing found in a recent RSVP study. This discrepancy suggests either that vertical crowding is minimized when reading meaningful sentences, or that the interaction between crowding and other factors such as attention and/or visuo-motor control is dependent on the paradigm used to assess reading speed (page vs. RSVP mode).  相似文献   

Chung ST  Li RW  Levi DM 《Vision research》2008,48(6):788-798
To test whether first- and second-order stimuli are processed independently in amblyopic vision, we measured thresholds for identifying a target letter flanked by two letters for all combinations of first- and second-order targets and flankers. We found that (1) the magnitude of crowding is greater for second- than for first-order letters for target and flankers of the same order type; (2) substantial but asymmetric cross-over crowding occurs such that stronger crowding is found for a second-order letter flanked by first-order letters than for the converse; (3) the spatial extent of crowding is independent of the order type of the letters. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that crowding results from an abnormal integration of target and flankers beyond the stage of feature detection, which takes place over a large distance in amblyopic vision.  相似文献   

Binocular coordination of the eyes during reading was examined. Fixation disparity greater than one character occurred on 47% of fixations, with the disparity being predominantly uncrossed (39%), though a small proportion of fixations were crossed. The average magnitude of disparity, measured at the end of fixation, was 1.1 characters for all fixations. For the 47% of non-aligned fixations the average magnitude of disparity was 1.9 characters. Vergence movements that reduced fixation disparity occurred during fixations, and their magnitude was positively correlated with fixation duration. Finally, eye dominance did not modulate fixation disparity magnitude or the proportion of disparate fixations.  相似文献   

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