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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acute caffeine ingestion on intermittent high-intensity sprint performance after 5 days of creatine loading. After completing a control trial (no ergogenic aids, CON), twelve physically active men were administered in a double-blind, randomized crossover protocol to receive CRE + PLA (0.3 g kg−1 day−1 of creatine for 5 days then followed by 6 mg kg−1 of placebo) and CRE + CAF (0.3 g kg−1 day−1 of creatine for 5 days and followed by 6 mg kg−1 of caffeine), after which they performed a repeated sprint test. Each test consisted of six 10-s intermittent high-intensity sprints on a cycling ergometer, with 60-s rest intervals between sprints. Mean power, peak power, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and heart rates were measured during the test. Blood samples for lactate, glucose, and catecholamine concentrations were drawn at specified intervals. The mean and peak power observed in the CRE + CAF were significantly higher than those found in the CON during Sprints 1 and 3; and the CRE + CAF showed significantly higher mean and peak power than that in the CRE + PLA during Sprints 1 and 2. The mean and peak power during Sprint 3 in the CRE + PLA was significantly greater than that in the CON. Heart rates, plasma lactate, and glucose increased significantly with CRE + CAF during most sprints. No significant differences were observed in the RPE among the three trials. The present study determined that caffeine ingestion after creatine supplements augmented intermittent high-intensity sprint performance.  相似文献   

In a double-blind, placebo, controlled study, we investigated the acute effects of short-term oral creatine supplementation (20 g · day−1 for 6 days) on muscle activation, fatigue and recovery of the m. quadriceps femoris during electrical stimulation, and on maximal performance during sprint cycling. The quadriceps muscles of 23 well-trained rowers were stimulated at different frequencies (10, 20, 50, 100, 150 and 200 Hz). Furthermore, 40 repetitive, electrically stimulated (duration 220 ms, stimulation frequency 150 Hz) concentric contractions were imposed at a constant angular velocity of 180° · s−1 over a range of 50° (from 90 to 140° knee angle), each extension/flexion cycle lasting 1200 ms. To determine recovery, torque was measured at 20, 50, 80, 120, 180 and 300 s after the last contraction. In addition, two maximal 30-s sprints were performed on a cycle ergometer with 4 min rest in between. Following short-term creatine supplementation, body mass [mean (SEM)] increased (P < 0.05) from 85.7 (2.7) kg to 87.3 (2.9) kg. Creatine supplementation had no effect on maximal voluntary isometric torque and muscle activation, or on fatigue and recovery of dynamic exercise. There was also no significant effect on peak power, time to peak power and work to peak power, or total work during both sprints on the cycle ergometer. It was concluded that short-term oral creatine supplementation resulted in increased body mass, but did not enhance muscle performance or maximal output during sprint cycling. Accepted: 16 March 2000  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of short-term creatine (Cr) supplementation on exercise-induced transverse relaxation time (T2) and sprint performance during maximum intermittent cycling exercise using the muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging (mfMRI) technique. Twelve men were divided into a Cr supplementation group [the Cr group, taking 4 × (5 g Cr monohydrate + 2.5 g maltodextrin)/day], or a placebo supplementation group (the P group, taking 4×7.5 g maltodextrin/day). The allocation to the groups was based on cycling tests and the subjects physical characteristics, and thus was not randomized. A double-blind research design was employed for a 5-day supplementation period. mfMR images of the right thigh were collected at rest and immediately after two, five, and ten 6-s sprint bouts of maximum intermittent cycling exercise with a 30-s recovery interval between sets. Before and after supplementation, blood was taken to calculate lactate accumulation, and the muscle volume of the thigh was determined by MRI. Following supplementation, there was significant body mass gain in the Cr group (P<0.05), whereas the P group did not change. The exercise-induced T2, blood lactate levels and sprint performance were not affected by Cr supplementation in any sprint bouts. These results suggest that short-term Cr supplementation does not influence short duration repetitive sprint performance and muscle activation and/or metabolic state during sprint cycling evaluated by mfMRI of the skeletal muscle in humans.  相似文献   

This double blind study investigated the effect of oral creatine supplementation (CrS) on 4 × 20 s of maximal sprinting on an air-braked cycle ergometer. Each sprint was separated by 20 s of recovery. A group of 16 triathletes [mean age 26.6 (SD 5.1) years. mean body mass 77.0 (SD 5.8) kg, mean body fat 12.9 (SD 4.6)%, maximal oxygen uptake 4.86 (SD 0.7) l · min−1] performed an initial 4 × 20 s trial after a muscle biopsy sample had been taken at rest. The subjects were then matched on their total intramuscular creatine content (TCr) before being randomly assigned to groups to take by mouth either a creatine supplement (CRE) or a placebo (CON) before a second 4 × 20 s trial. A muscle biopsy sample was also taken immediately before this second trial. The CrS of 100 g comprised 4 × 5 g for 5 days. The initial mean TCr were 112.5 (SD 8.7) and 112.5 (SD 10.7) mmol · kg−1 dry mass for CRE and CON, respectively. After creatine loading and placebo ingestion respectively, CRE [128.7 (SD 11.8) mmol · kg−1 dry mass] had a greater (P=0.01) TCr than CON [112.0 (SD 10.0) mmol · kg−1 dry mass]. While the increase in free creatine for CRE was statistically significant (P=0.034), this was not so for the changes in phosphocreatine content [trial 1: 75.7 (SD 6.9), trial 2: 84.7 (SD 11.0) mmol · kg−1 dry mass, P=0.091]. There were no significant differences between CRE and CON for citrate synthase activity (P=0.163). There was a tendency towards improved performance in terms of 1 s peak power (in watts P=0.07; in watts per kilogram P=0.05), 5 s peak power (in watts P=0.08) and fatigue index (P=0.08) after CrS for sprint 1 of the second trial. However, there was no improvement for mean power (in watts P=0.15; in watts per kilogram P=0.1) in sprint 1 or for any performance values in subsequent sprints. Our results suggest that, while CrS elevates the intramuscular stores of free creatine, this does not have an ergogenic effect on 4 × 20 s all-out cycle sprints with intervening 20-s rest periods. Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine whether creatine supplementation at a dose of 20?g?· day?1, given in 4?×?6-g doses (5?g creatine monohydrate and 1?g glucose) for 5 days, was effective in improving kayak ergometer performances of different durations. Sixteen male subjects with the following characteristics [mean (SEM)]: age 21 (1.2) years, height 170.2 (1.7) cm, weight 75.3 (2.3) kg, Σ8 skinfolds 59.3 (2.6) mm, and maximal oxygen consumption 67.1?±?(4.3) ml?·?kg?· min?1, undertook three maximal kayak ergometer tests of 90, 150 and 300?s duration on a wind-braked kayak ergometer (CON). Two groups were then randomly formed, with one group taking the supplement (SUP) while the other took a placebo (PLAC). No pre-test differences existed between the SUP and the PLAC groups in any of the variables measured. After supplementation each group then repeated the same kayak ergometer tests as performed previously and after a 4-week “washout period” the groups took either the PLAC or SUP for another 5 days and then completed the final tests. The SUP group completed significantly more work than either the CON or PLAC groups in all of the tests (90 s, P?P?P?P?相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a 5-day creatine (CR) supplementation period on red blood cell (RBC) CR uptake in vegetarian and nonvegetarian young women. Blood samples were collected from lacto-ovo vegetarians (VG, n = 6, age 21.8 +/- 1.9 yrs) and nonvegetarians (NV, n = 6, age 21.7 +/- 1.9 yrs) before and after a 5-day CR loading period (0. 3g CR/kg lean body mass/day), and from a control group of nonvegetarians (NV, n = 5, age 22.0 +/- 0.7 yrs) who did not supplement with creatine. RBC and plasma samples were analyzed for the presence of creatine. Significant increases (p < .05) in RBC and plasma CR levels were found for vegetarians and nonvegetarians following supplementation. The initial RBC CR content was significantly lower (p < .05) in the vegetarian group. There was no significant difference between vegetarians and nonvegetarians in final RBC CR content, suggesting that a ceiling had been reached. As the uptake into both muscle and RBC is moderated by creatine transporter proteins, analysis of the uptake of CR into RBC may reflect the uptake of CR into muscle, offering an alternative to biopsies.  相似文献   

Over the past few years there has been considerable interest in both the use of creatine (Cr) supplementation by athletes and the documentation of its effects by scientists. Some believe that this nitrogen-containing compound found in meat and fish has a performance-enhancing capability as important for brief intense exercise efforts as dietary carbohydrate is for activities where glycogen supplies limit performance. The mechanisms thought to be responsible for any ergogenic effect of acute (few d) Cr supplementation include: increased stores of muscle phosphocreatine (PCr), faster regeneration of PCr during exercise recovery, enhanced adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production from glycolysis secondary to increased hydrogen ion buffering, and/or possible shortened post contraction muscle relaxation time. With chronic (wk mo) supplementation when combined with strength training, Cr may alter muscle protein metabolism directly (via decreasing protein breakdown or increasing synthesis) and/or indirectly as a result of a greater training load made possible by its acute ergogenic effects on strength and power. Cr supplementation is not banned by the International Olympic Committee and, with the exception of a small increase in body mass (approximately 1 kg) over the initial 36 d, does not appear to have any adverse side effects, at least with short-term use. Few scientific data are available for more prolonged use (mo or y) but considering the large numbers of athletes using Cr over the past 6+ y and the absence of reported problems, it may be that the often discussed somewhat nebulous long term adverse effects are presently being overestimated. Intakes of 285-300 mg Cr/kg body mass 1 over 36 d or 3050 mg/kg body mass 1 over approximately 4 wk are sufficient to produce benefits (muscle mass and high intensity power gains); however, not all study results are consistent. The focus of this review is to outline some possible explanations for the inconsistent observations reported in the literature. Clearly, if proven to be consistent the benefits of Cr supplementation could extend far beyond the athletic arena to include individuals who experience muscle weakness for a variety of other reasons (e.g., age/disuse, muscle disease, exposure to microgravity, etc).  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of giving short-term doses of creatine by mouth to healthy older male subjects, taking into account their training status. A group of 42 volunteers was divided into three: a sedentary group composed of elderly sedentary men [n=14, mean age 70.1 (SEM 1.2) years], a trained group composed of elderly trained cyclists [n=14, mean age 66.4 (SEM 1.4) years] and a young group composed of young sedentary men [n=14, mean age 26.0 (SEM 1.2) years]. In each group, double-blind randomization was carried out: one half was given creatine (3×5 g·day–1), and the other was given an iso-nitrogenated placebo (3×10 g·day–1). Before and after the 5 days during which the supplements were given, all subjects performed five all-out 10-s sprints separated by 60-s intervals of passive recovery, seated on a cycle ergometer. Power output, work done and heart rate data were recorded during each sprint. The elderly and the young sedentary subgroups given creatine showed significant (P<0.05) improvements in maximal power (+3.7% and +2.0%, respectively) and work done (+4.1% and +5.1%, respectively) in the subsequent tests. In contrast, no significant change in pedalling performances was observed in the trained elderly subjects. The creatine did not change the exercise and recovery heart rate profiles, in any group. Our study suggested that creatine given by mouth increases the anaerobic power and work capacity of sedentary people of different ages during maximal pedalling tasks. However, the level of physical activity seems to be a determinant of the ergogenic effect of creatine in older subjects. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of long-term creatine supplementation combined with resistance training (RT) on the one-repetition maximum (1RM) strength, motor functional performance (e.g., 30-s chair stand, arm curl, and getting up from lying on the floor tests) and body composition (e.g., fat-free mass, muscle mass, and % body fat using DEXA scans) in older women. Eighteen healthy women (64.9 ± 5.0 years) were randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to either a creatine (CR, N = 9) or placebo (PL, N = 9) group. Both groups underwent a 12-week RT program (3 days week?1), consuming an equivalent amount of either creatine (5.0 g day?1) or placebo (maltodextrin). After 12 week, the CR group experienced a greater (P < 0.05) increase (Δ%) in training volume (+164.2), and 1RM bench press (+5.1), knee extension (+3.9) and biceps curl (+8.8) performance than the PL group. Furthermore, CR group gained significantly more fat-free mass (+3.2) and muscle mass (+2.8) and were more efficient in performing submaximal-strength functional tests than the PL group. No changes (P > 0.05) in body mass or % body fat were observed from pre- to post-test in either group. These results indicate that long-term creatine supplementation combined with RT improves the ability to perform submaximal-strength functional tasks and promotes a greater increase in maximal strength, fat-free mass and muscle mass in older women.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary creatine (Cr) supplementation on performance during 3, 30 s bouts maximal isokinetic cycling and on plasma ammonia and blood lactate accumulation during exercise was investigated. Placebo (P) ingestion had no effect on peak power output (PPO), mean power output (MPO) and total work output during each bout of exercise. Cr ingestion (4 × 5 g.day–1 for 5 days) significantly increased PPO in exercise bout 1 (p<0.05) and IMO and total work output in exercise bouts 1 (p<0.05, p<0.05, respectively) and 2 (p<0.05, p<0.05, respectively). Cr ingestion had no effect on any of the measures of performance during exercise bout 3. No difference was observed in peak plasma ammonia accumulation before (146 + 30 mol.l–1) and after (122 ±17 mol.l–1) P ingestion, however the corresponding concentration was lower following Cr ingestion (129 ± 22 mol.l–1) compared with before Cr ingestion (160 ± 18 mol.l–1, p<0.05), despite subjects performing more work. No difference in peak blood lactate accumulation was observed before and after P or Cr ingestion. The results demonstrate that Cr ingestion can increase whole body exercise performance during the initial two, but not a third, successive bout of maximal exercise lasting 30 s. The lower accumulation of plasma ammonia under these conditions suggests this response is achieved by an effect on muscle ATP turnover.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of creatine supplementation during short-term resistance training overreaching on performance, body composition, and resting hormone concentrations, 17 men were randomly assigned to supplement with 0.3 g/kg per day of creatine monohydrate (CrM: n=9) or placebo (P: n=8) while performing resistance exercise (5 days/week for 4 weeks) followed by a 2-week taper phase. Maximal squat and bench press and explosive power in the bench press were reduced during the initial weeks of training in P but not CrM. Explosive power in the bench press, body mass, and lean body mass (LBM) in the legs were augmented to a greater extent in CrM (P0.05) by the end of the 6-week period. A tendency for greater 1-RM squat improvement (P=0.09) was also observed in CrM. Total testosterone (TT) and the free androgen index (TT/SHBG) decreased in CrM and P, reaching a nadir at week 3, whereas sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) responded in an opposite direction. Cortisol significantly increased after week 1 in CrM (+29%), and returned to baseline at week 2. Insulin was significantly depressed at week 1 (–24%) and drifted back toward baseline during weeks 2–4. Growth hormone and IGF-I levels were not affected. Therefore, some measures of muscular performance and body composition are enhanced to a greater extent following the rebound phase of short-term resistance training overreaching with creatine supplementation and these changes are not related to changes in circulating hormone concentrations obtained in the resting, postabsorptive state. In addition, creatine supplementation appears to be effective for maintaining muscular performance during the initial phase of high-volume resistance training overreaching that otherwise results in small performance decrements.  相似文献   

《Medical hypotheses》1998,51(4):333-336
The decrease in intracellular creatine concentration observed in a number of muscle diseases may deplete energy homeostasis and may, therefore, be one of the factors determining and/or aggravating muscle weakness and degeneration. Two hypotheses are put forward in the present communication to explain: (i) the mechanisms leading to the disturbances in creatine metabolism found in various muscle diseases; and (ii) the potential of oral creatine supplementation in alleviating the clinical symptoms.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acetaminophen on repeated sprint cycling performance.


Nine recreationally active male participants completed a graded exercise test, a familiarisation set of Wingate Anaerobic Tests (WAnTs) and two experimental sets of WAnTs (8 × 30 s sprints, 2 min active rest intervals). In the experimental WAnTs, participants ingested either 1.5 g acetaminophen or a placebo in a double-blind, randomised, crossover design. During the WAnT trials, participants provided ratings of perceived pain 20 s into each sprint. Mean and peak power output and heart rate were recorded immediately following each sprint, and percentage decrement in mean power output was subsequently calculated.


Participants cycled at a significantly greater mean power output over the course of 8 WAnTs (p < 0.05) following the ingestion of acetaminophen (391 ± 74 vs. 372 ± 90 W), due to a significantly greater mean power output during sprints 6, 7 and 8 (p < 0.05). Percentage decrements in mean power output were also significantly reduced (p < 0.05) following acetaminophen ingestion (17 ± 14 vs. 24 ± 17 %). No significant differences in peak power output, perceived pain or heart rate were observed between conditions.


Acetaminophen may have improved performance through the reduction of pain for a given work rate, thereby enabling participants to exercise closer to a true physiological limit. These results suggest that exercise may be regulated by pain perception, and that an increased pain tolerance can improve exercise performance.  相似文献   

The effects of high dose creatine feeding (5 g kg(-1) BW day(-1), 5 days) on creatine content, glucose transport, and glycogen accumulation in white gastrocnemius, red gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the rat was investigated. Isolated rat hindquarters of creatine fed and control rats were perfused with a standard medium containing either insulin alone (0, 100 or 20 000 microU mL(-1)) or in combination with creatine (2 or 10 mmol L(-1)). Furthermore, plasma insulin concentration was measured in normal rats during creatine feeding, as well as in anaesthetized rats during intravenous creatine infusion. Five days of creatine feeding increased (P < 0.05) total creatine content in soleus (+ 20%) but not in red gastrocnemius (+15%, n.s.) and white gastrocnemius (+ 10%, n.s.). In parallel, glycogen content was markedly elevated (P < 0.05) in soleus (+ 40%), less (P < 0.05) in red gastrocnemius (+ 15%), and not in white gastrocnemius (+ 10%, n.s.). Glucose transport rate, muscle GLUT-4 content, glycogen synthase activity in perfused muscles and glycogen synthesis rate were not significantly altered by creatine feeding in either muscle type. Furthermore, high dose creatine feeding raised (P < 0.05) plasma creatine concentration fivefold but did not alter circulating insulin level. It is concluded that short-term high dose creatine feeding enhances creatine disposal and glycogen storage in rat skeletal muscle. However, the creatine and glycogen response to creatine supplementation is markedly greater in oxidative than in glycolytic muscles.  相似文献   

Well-trained subjects (n=6) were studied before and after losing a mean 3.0%–4.3% of body mass to determine whether muscle performance could be maintained or even enhanced by dietary creatine supplementation. During a 5-day period of loss of mass the subjects were randomly assigned to a creatine or placebo supplemented diet. All the subjects were measured before and after loss of mass on both supplements for isokinetic peak torque (PT) and work at peak torque (W PT) of knee extensors, also for intermittent high intensity working capacity of the same muscle group. The latter test consisted of submaximal isokinetic knee extensions at an angular velocity of 1.57 rad?·?s?1 for 45 s at the rate of 30 contractions each min (submaximal work, W s max ) followed by 15-s maximal effort (maximal work, W max ). Total duration of the test was 3 min. Haematocrit was measured and haemoglobin, ammonia, lactate, glucose and urea concentrations were analysed in blood samples obtained at rest and after cessation of muscle performance tests. The results indicated that creatine supplementation in comparison with placebo treatment during rapid body mass reduction may help to maintain muscle PT and W PT at high angular velocities, not influencing W max and the rate of fatigue development during W max , but affecting adversely W s max . Within the limitations of the present study the reasons for the partially detrimental effect of creatine administration remain obscure, but it is suggested that impaired creatine uptake in muscle during body mass loss as well as creatine induced changes in muscle glucose and glycogen metabolism may be involved.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of creatine monohydrate (Cr) supplementation on performance and training volume in rowers. Twenty-two rowers trained with continuous and interval rowing and resistance training 4 and 2 days/week, respectively, for 6 weeks. Cr supplementation consisted of a 5-day load (0.3 g/kg(-1) x day(-1)) followed by a 5-week maintenance dose (0.03 g/kg(-1) x day(-1)) while training. Five days of Cr loading did not change body composition, repeated interval rowing performance, 2,000-m rowing times, or strength performance. Five additional weeks of training with a maintenance dose of Cr or placebo significantly improved body composition, VO2max, 2,000-m rowing times, repeated power interval performance, and strength to a similar extent in both groups. Subjects training with Cr did not perform more repetitions per set of strength exercise nor produce or maintain higher power outputs during repeated rowing sessions. Cr supplementation did not increase performance or training volume over a placebo condition in rowers that performed a combined high intensity rowing and strength program.  相似文献   

The protective effect of short-term creatine supplementation (CrS) upon markers of strenuous contractile activity-induced damage in human and rat skeletal muscles was investigated. Eight Ironman triathletes were randomized into the placebo (Pl; n = 4) and creatine-supplemented (CrS; n = 4) groups. Five days prior to the Ironman competition, the CrS group received creatine monohydrate (20 g day−1) plus maltodextrin (50 g) divided in two equal doses. The Pl group received maltodextrin (50 g day−1) only. The effect of CrS (5 g day−1/kg body weight for 5 days) was also evaluated in a protocol of strenuous contractile activity induced by electrical stimulation in rats. Blood samples were collected before and 36 and 60 h after the competition and were used to determine plasma activities of creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aldolase (ALD), glutamic oxaloacetic acid transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic acid transaminase (GPT), and C-reactive protein (CRP) level. In rats, plasma activities of CK and LDH, muscle vascular permeability (MVP) using Evans blue dye, muscle force and fatigue were evaluated. Activities of CK, ALD, LDH, GOT, GTP, and levels of CRP were increased in the Pl group after the competition as compared to basal values. CrS decreased plasma activities of CK, LDH, and ALD, and prevented the rise of GOT and GPT plasma activities. In rats, CrS delayed the fatigue, preserved the force, and prevented the rise of LDH and CK plasma activities and MVP in the gastrocnemius muscle. CrS presented a protective effect on muscle injury induced by strenuous contractile activities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the anthropometric and physiological profile of 200-m sprint kayakers and to examine relationships with 200-m race performance. Twenty-six male kayakers who were categorised in two ability groups, international (Int) and national (Nat) level, underwent a battery of anthropometric and physiological tests and a 200-m race. Race time was significantly lower in Int than Nat (39.9 +/- 0.8 s and 42.6 +/- 0.9 s, respectively). Int demonstrated significantly greater measures of mesomorphy, biepycondylar humeral breadth, circumferences of the upper arm, forearm and chest, peak power and total work in a modified Wingate test, total work in a 2-min ergometry test, peak isokinetic power, and peak isometric force. Significant relationships were found between 200-m time and a number of anthropometric variables and anaerobic and dynamometric parameters. Stepwise multiple regression revealed that total work in the modified Wingate alone predicted 200-m race time (R2 = 0.53, SEE = 1.11 s) for all 26 subjects, while biepycondylar humeral breadth alone predicted race time (R2 = 0.54, SEE = 0.52 s) in Int. These results demonstrate that superior upper body dimensions and anaerobic capacities distinguish international-level kayakers from national-level athletes and may be used to predict 200-m performance.  相似文献   

Mechanical determinants of 100-m sprint running performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sprint mechanics and field 100-m performances were tested in 13 subjects including 9 non-specialists, 3 French national-level sprinters and a world-class sprinter, to further study the mechanical factors associated with sprint performance. 6-s sprints performed on an instrumented treadmill allowed continuous recording of step kinematics, ground reaction forces (GRF), and belt velocity and computation of mechanical power output and linear force–velocity relationships. An index of the force application technique was computed as the slope of the linear relationship between the decrease in the ratio of horizontal-to-resultant GRF and the increase in velocity. Mechanical power output was positively correlated to mean 100-m speed (P < 0.01), as was the theoretical maximal velocity production capability (P < 0.011), whereas the theoretical maximal force production capability was not. The ability to apply the resultant force backward during acceleration was positively correlated to 100-m performance (r s > 0.683; P < 0.018), but the magnitude of resultant force was not (P = 0.16). Step frequency, contact and swing time were significantly correlated to acceleration and 100-m performance (positively for the former, negatively for the two latter, all P < 0.05), whereas aerial time and step length were not (all P > 0.21). Last, anthropometric data of body mass index and lower-limb-to-height ratio showed no significant correlation with 100-m performance. We concluded that the main mechanical determinants of 100-m performance were (1) a “velocity-oriented” force–velocity profile, likely explained by (2) a higher ability to apply the resultant GRF vector with a forward orientation over the acceleration, and (3) a higher step frequency resulting from a shorter contact time.  相似文献   

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