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综述了近年对吸烟与老年性白内障、年龄相关性黄斑变性以及其他眼病关系的研究进展。吸烟是目前一种呈全世界流行的不良生活习惯,是多种心、脑血管疾病的主要危险因素,在美国每年死亡人群中有20%的人死于吸烟并发症。同样也对眼部各组织产生不同程度的损害,现简述吸烟对眼部各组织的影响,供眼科同道参考。  相似文献   

吸烟与脑血管疾病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹霓  金仲品 《临床荟萃》1994,9(18):822-824
吸烟对健康的危害已为世界所公认。但是,吸烟与脑血管疾病的关系国内报道较少,实验病理学研究更薄弱。本文就吸烟与脑血管疾病的流行病学调查、发病机制的研究等综述于下。 1 流行病学调查 Wolfe对4255名居民进行26年的随访。结果发现在这段时间内有459人发生脑卒中,而最大的发病危险是高血压,其次就是吸烟,它可使男性发病率增加60%,女性发病率增加40%。当戒烟2年后,  相似文献   

邢世增  王德焕 《疾病监测》1994,9(5):133-135
黑龙江省部分居民吸烟与疾病关系研究邢世增,王德焕,于世和,张卓,车锐,张惠丽,岳岿,武秀玉,黄清莲,马景河,陈书仁吸烟问题越来越引起人们的重视,许多研究表明吸烟与多系统疾病有关。为研究我省居民吸烟与疾病的关系,我们对本省19558名居民进行了调查。材...  相似文献   

陈来翠 《护理研究》2011,25(11):962-963
肾、输尿管结石是急诊科常见病,绝大多数是肾结石排出过程中停留在输尿管所致,输尿管的3个生理狭窄是结石的好发部位,尤以输尿管下段最多见,可引起尿路直接损伤、梗阻、感染或恶变,并且复发率高。通过对855例肾、输尿管结石病人进行调查研究并与正常人进行比较,旨在为临床预防、治疗、护理提供科学依据,以降低复发率。  相似文献   

吸烟与呼吸系疾病4990例调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
1 对象和方法1.1 对象  1998- 0 1~ 2 0 0 2 - 0 9因呼吸系疾病在门诊就诊及收治于我院住院的成人患者 4 990例 ,经病史、体检及有关专科检查均符合 1980年第 3次全国呼吸病会议修订的诊断标准。吸烟组 2 4 95例 ,男 2 35 6例 ,女 139例 ;年龄 18~ 86岁 ,中位年龄 5 2岁 ;病程 1~ 30 a,中位病程 14 .5 a。未吸烟组 2 4 95例 ,男 2 35 2例 ,女 14 3例 ;年龄 18~ 90岁 ,中位年龄 5 4岁 ;病程 1~ 30 a,中位病程 14 .5 a。两组病例年龄、病程经统计学处理 ,均无显著性差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。1.2 方法 首先告知患者调查目的 ,并填写患者姓…  相似文献   

目的:探讨系统性健康教育在泌尿系统结石患者中的应用效果。方法:将94例初发泌尿系结石患者随机分为观察组和对照组各47例。对照组住院期间给予常规护理、出院后给予电话指导及回访,观察组住院期间及出院后均给予系统性健康教育、定期进行电话回访及指导等。结果:两组患者知识知晓、遵医行为及结石复发情况比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论:实施系统性健康教育能有效降低泌尿系结石的复发率,从而减轻患者痛苦及经济负担。  相似文献   

目的:探讨吸烟与慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)肺功能受损严重程度的关系.方法:COPD患者131例分为吸烟组86例和不吸烟组45例,比较2组第1秒用力呼气容积(forced expiratory volume in first second,FEV1)占预计值百分比(FEV1%),FEV1与用力肺活量(forced vital capacity,FVC)比值,并观察吸烟组吸烟指数与COPD临床严重程度肺功能分级的关系.结果:吸烟组FEV1%为(55.09±11.30)%、FEV1/FVC为(57.80±7.31)%;不吸烟组FEV1%为(59.58±13.92)%,FEV1/FVC为(61.28±6.78)%,2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).COPD临床严重程度肺功能分级Ⅰ级者吸烟指数低于Ⅱ,Ⅲ级者(P<0.05);COPD临床严重程度肺功能分级Ⅲ级者吸烟指数高于Ⅱ级者,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:吸烟是COPD的主要危险因素,应加强对COPD患者的戒烟教育.  相似文献   

目的:探讨情景式疾病健康教育在肾结石患者护理中的应用效果。方法:选取2019年7月1日~2021年7月1日收治的92例肾结石患者为研究对象,随机分为对照组和研究组各46例,对照组实施常规健康教育,研究组实施情景式疾病健康教育;比较两组干预前后临床康复指标[包括健康知识掌握情况、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)、生存质量测定量表简表(QOL-BREF)]、并发症发生情况。结果:干预后,研究组健康知识掌握情况、GSES评分、QOL-BREF评分均高于对照组(P<0.01);研究组并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:对肾结石患者实施情景式疾病健康教育,可提高患者临床各项康复指标,减少并发症的发生,对促进患者快速康复具有积极意义。  相似文献   

调查退役老年飞行员吸烟与心脑血管疾病的相关性,不仅有利于退役老年飞行员心脑血管疾病的防治及保健,而且对于现役飞行员宣传保健知识,养成良好的生活习惯,减少心脑血管疾病的发生,保障飞行安全,提高现役飞行员现时及晚年的健康水平及生活质量具有意义.  相似文献   

吸烟与牙周病关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
多年来的研究揭示吸烟是牙周病的危险因素,吸烟可以在以下各方面对牙周组织产生作用:影响牙周炎的龈下微生物系、宿主的免疫反应、牙周病的临床表现、发病率、治疗效果及预后等。对此综述如下。1影响龈下微生态环境吸烟使口内处于缺氧状态,龈沟内氧化还原电势下降,有利于厌氧菌的生存。G om es等[1]采用间接免疫荧光显微技术检测牙周可疑致病菌在龈下的构成,  相似文献   

This study determined effects of three smoking behavior components: puff volume, inhalation volume and lung exposure duration on biological measures of smoke exposure. A microcomputer-based auditory feedback system allowed subjects (N = 9 or 10 per experiment) to control puff and inhalation parameters as they smoked usual brand cigarettes. In each of four experiments, one smoking parameter was manipulated across sessions while two other parameters were held constant. Biological samples were obtained before and after each 8-puff smoking session conducted under a given set of behavioral parameters for analysis of plasma nicotine and expired air carbon monoxide (CO) levels. In Experiment I, both nicotine and CO levels were influenced systematically as puff volume was varied from 15 to 60 ml (inhalation volume = 50% of vital capacity, lung exposure time = about 9 sec). Nicotine boost (post- minus presession levels) increased 4-fold and CO boost increased 9-fold over this range of puff volume values. In Experiment II, nicotine levels were unaffected when average lung exposure times varied from 5 to 21 sec (puff volume = 50 ml, inhalation volume = 50% of vital capacity), suggesting that all the nicotine available may be absorbed during a normal smoking inhalation cycle with no breathholding. CO levels increased systematically with longer breathholds. In Experiments III and IV, inhalation volumes from 10% and 20% to 60% of vital capacity had no effect on either nicotine or CO levels, and this was true whether lung exposure time was about 8 sec (Experiment III) or about 4 sec (Experiment IV). This series of studies has shown that puff volume is an important determinant of tobacco smoke exposure, but that inhalation components of smoking behavior, at least within the range of parameters tested, have no effect on nicotine exposure levels.  相似文献   


Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) would be positively associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) in perimenopausal women from a population-based perspective, after adjustment for all potential confounders.

Methods: This study used the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database, 2005–2012, to report on MDD in perimenopausal women.

Results: The odds ratio (OR) for MDD increased when there was a smoker was in the home, as compared to not having a smoker in the home (aOR?=?2.97, 95% confidence interval [CI]?=?1.15–7.67); however, in the non-poor group, the OR for MDD showed no difference between those who had or did not have a smoker in their home. For participants who self-rated their health condition as excellent, very good or good, the OR for MDD increased; it also increased if there were smokers in the home, as compared to those without smokers in the home (aOR?=?2.58, 95% CI?=?1.08–6.14).

Conclusions: The present study results augment our understanding of the clinical and public health significance of SHS, as well as the role of various socioeconomic and self-rated health conditions, in perimenopausal women.
  • Key messages
  • An increasing OR for MDD was demonstrated with regard to health status such as CVD, chronic respiratory tract disease, arthritis, thyroid problems, lower eGFR, fair or poor self-rated health condition, and elevated CRP level.

  • Participants who self-rated their health condition as excellent, very good or good had an increased OR for MDD.

  • The OR also increased if the women had smokers in their home versus women who did not have smokers in the home.


Patients with kidney stones (n = 59) and healthy controls (n = 31) collected a 24-hour urine sample and later underwent a 6-hour 'fast and load' test in which an oral calcium load was taken after 2 hours. In the 24-hour urine sample, mean calcium excretion was higher in patients than controls, while mean urate, oxalate and citrate levels were similar. The patients had higher levels of fasting plasma calcium, serum calcitriol and fasting urinary calcium, and lower levels of plasma phosphate than did the controls. Following the calcium load, plasma and urinary calcium increased similarly in both groups. Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were similar in both groups and decreased similarly following the calcium load. Multiple linear regression, relating the presence or absence of stone formation to all variables, found the only variables significantly related to stone formation to be plasma levels of calcium (p less than 0.001) and phosphate (p = 0.001) and fasting urinary urea (p less than 0.001), and 24-hour urinary calcium excretion (p less than 0.05). Urinary oxalate and citrate were not related to stone formation. The data do not support the hypothesis that primary stimulation by calcitriol produces a normal fasting plasma calcium level, with an exaggerated increase after an oral calcium load. The findings instead suggest an abnormality of parathyroid cell 'set point', such that PTH secretion continues until the plasma calcium level is a little higher and the phosphate a little lower than in controls.  相似文献   

目的探讨香烟烟雾暴露对小鼠长时程增强(LTP)效应的影响;及烟草提取液(CSE)对原代培养的小鼠海马神经轴突生长和神经元存活的影响。方法将小鼠按1 d、1 w、2 w、4 w和8 w不同时间进行香烟烟雾暴露染毒,采用神经电生理技术检测小鼠海马突触传递LTP效应的变化;原代培养小鼠海马神经元,用35μg/ml、14μg/ml、4μg/ml、0.4μg/ml和0.04μg/ml五个终浓度的CSE对细胞进行干预,24 h后观察细胞形态变化;采用四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)实验观察细胞活力,流式细胞术检测神经细胞凋亡,彗星实验检测神经细胞DNA的损伤。结果烟雾暴露1 d的小鼠群峰电位(PS)增强幅度与对照组相比无明显改变;烟雾暴露1 w和2 w的小鼠PS增强幅度较对照组降低;随着烟雾暴露时间延长,4 w和8 w组小鼠PS增强幅度明显增高(P0.05)。给予CSE处理的神经细胞随着CSE浓度的降低,神经细胞凋亡率呈递减趋势。CSE对神经细胞未产生DNA链断裂等作用,无DNA损伤效应。结论香烟烟雾暴露1~2w的小鼠神经突触可塑性及神经元的兴奋性降低;烟雾暴露时间延长至4~8 w,小鼠神经突触可塑性及神经元的兴奋性随之增强。CSE对神经细胞未见明显的损伤作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨香烟烟雾暴露对小鼠糖代谢的影响及穿心莲内酯的干预效果,为糖尿病预防及烟草控制提供依据。方法选择SPF级C57BL/6J品系雄性小鼠60只,按照小鼠体重随机分为正常对照组(A组)、烟雾暴露组(B组)和烟雾暴露+穿心莲内酯干预组(C组),每组20只。B组和C组小鼠每天暴露于20支香烟的烟雾60 min,持续3个月;C组小鼠每周腹腔内注射穿心莲内酯(10 mg/kg),A组和B组注射同等体积生理盐水。香烟烟雾暴露结束后施行腹腔内注射葡萄糖耐量实验(IPGTT)和胰岛素耐量实验(IPITT),比较各组小鼠各时点血糖变化及IPGTT和IPITT血糖水平的曲线下面积。结果 0 min时,B组的血糖最高,C组次之。IPGTT示,腹腔注射葡萄糖后各组小鼠的血糖水平迅速增加,注射后15 min最高,随后逐渐下降,且B组在15 min和30 min时的血糖水平均显著高于A组(P<0.01);B组和C组血糖水平的曲线下面积均显著大于A组(P<0.05),B组显著大于C组(P<0.05)。IPITT示,腹腔注射胰岛素后,15 min时B组血糖水平显著高于A组(P<0.05),3...  相似文献   

Reduced cigarette smoke exposure in adult smokers switching from a conventional cigarette (CC) to a potential exposure-reduced electrically heated cigarette smoking system (EHCSS) and no smoking (NS) improved exercise performance. The effects of reduced smoke exposure on the prognostic parameters heart rate (HR) and rate-pressure-product (RPP) were investigated. A total of 18 male adult CC-smokers were randomized in a 3-period cross-over study to CC, EHCSS, or to NS for 3 days each before performing spiroergometry. Exposure parameters declined from CC to EHCSS and to NS. Resting HR and RPP increased from NS to EHCSS and to CC. Chronotropic response/HR recovery were more pronounced in NS than in EHCSS and CC. RPPmax was similar in NS and EHCSS and lowest during CC. Reduced tobacco smoke exposure for 3 days improved the prognostic parameters HR and RPP in an apparently dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

We have documented what we believe to be the first reported case of a pituitary stone in a patient with pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease. Pituitary stones have been reported exclusively in growth-hormone-producing or prolactin-producing pituitary adenomas. Our patient's ACTH and serum cortisol levels cycled for 15 months and then resolved spontaneously. A CT scan of the head showed calcification of pituitary tissue. Pituitary stones may occur in association with Cushing's disease. We hypothesize that the spontaneous resolution of the cyclic Cushing's disease was due to destruction and ultimate calcification of abnormal pituitary tissue.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure of mice and rats to cigarette smoke affects T-cell responsiveness that may account for the decreased T-cell proliferative and T-dependent antibody responses in humans and animals exposed to cigarette smoke. However, the mechanism by which cigarette smoke affects the T cell function is not clearly understood. Our laboratory has shown that chronic exposure of rats to nicotine inhibits the antibody-forming cell response, impairs the antigen-mediated signaling in T cells, and induces T cell anergy. To determine the mechanism of cigarette smoke-induced immunosuppression and to compare it with chronic nicotine exposure, rats were exposed to diluted, mainstream cigarette smoke for up to 30 months or to nicotine (1 mg/kg b.wt./24 h) via miniosmotic pumps for 4 weeks, and evaluated for immunological function in vivo and in vitro. This article presents evidence suggesting that T cells from long-term cigarette smoke-exposed rats exhibit decreased antigen-mediated proliferation and constitutive activation of protein tyrosine kinase and phospholipase C-gamma1 activities. Moreover, spleen cells from smoke-exposed and nicotine-treated animals have depleted inositol-1, 4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca(2+) stores and a decreased ability to raise intracellular Ca(2+) levels in response to T cell antigen receptor ligation. These results suggest that chronic smoking causes T cell anergy by impairing the antigen receptor-mediated signal transduction pathways and depleting the inositol-1,4, 5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca(2+) stores. Moreover, nicotine may account for or contribute to the immunosuppressive properties of cigarette smoke.  相似文献   

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