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近年来,我国对护理专业人才培养质量提出更高要求,创客教育作为一种新兴的素质教育,为护理教育改革提供给了新途径。然而国内的创客教育相比与国外起步较晚,在护理中的应用较少,且面临众多问题。因此,本文总结创客教育的概况、国内外应用进展、在护理学中的应用及发展创客教育的必要性和建议,旨在为今后学者开展护理创客教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在外科护理学辅助教学实践项目中开展创客教育的应用效果.方法 在我校2017级护理专业学生中随机抽取2个班,分别作为试验组和对照组.在32学时的外科护理学辅助教学实践项目中,试验组的54名学生开展创客教育,主要包括情怀故事引入、简单任务模仿、知识要点讲解、扩展任务模仿、创新激发引导、协同任务完成、成功作品分享7...  相似文献   

该研究为探讨以护理学创客空间为主导的产学研协同创新体系之间稳定性的影响因素,通过构建产学研协同创新博弈模型,并对该模型以及协同创新决策过程进行博弈分析与应用。指出由于产学研存在不确定性、重复性、持续性的特征,需要加强协同效应、激励因子以及协同周期的作用,加强政府与医院职能作用,提高协同创新体系的稳定性。  相似文献   

目的分析基于创客教育2.0的混合式教学在护理本科生创伤现场救护教学中的实践效果。方法纳入2016级72名护理本科生作为研究对象,用随机数字表法分为试验组(n=36)与对照组(n=36),在急危重症护理学课程创伤现场救护4个学时的教学中,试验组采用基于创客教育2.0的混合式教学,对照组采用传统教学,教学后比较两组创伤现场救护理论与技能成绩,比较试验组教学前后创造力倾向评分。结果教学后,试验组创伤现场救护理论成绩高于对照组(90.46±6.76,78.58±7.83,t=6.890,P<0.001),试验组创伤现场救护技能成绩与对照组成绩差异无统计学意义(74.47±3.29,76.21±4.89,t=1.771,P=0.082);试验组教学后创造力倾向评分高于教学前(106.73±12.30,120.70±8.40,t=7.472,P<0.001)。结论基于创客教育2.0的混合式教学有利于提升护理本科生创伤现场救护的教学效果与学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于创客教育的实践教学在儿科护士中的应用效果。方法 选取河南省某三级甲等医院小儿神经内科的40名护士为研究对象,按病区将其分为对照组和试验组,各20名。对照组采用常规教学方法,试验组在常规理论培训的基础上采用基于创客教育的实践教学,比较2组实践技能、创造力和评判性思维能力。结果试验组实践技能考核得分高于对照组(t=5.935,P<0.001),创造力、评判性思维能力得分均高于对照组(t=10.384,P<0.001;t=9.463,P<0.001)。结论 基于创客教育的实践教学有助于提高儿科护士的实践技能,培养其创造力和评判性思维能力。  相似文献   

目的 基于创客模式开展护理创新课程,探讨对本科护生创新能力的影响。方法 选取某医学院2016级护理本科的一个教学班级护生(n=57)作为研究对象,开展基于创客模式的创新课程教学,比较创新课程教学前后护生的创造力倾向和创造性思维,并通过调查法了解护生对基于创客模式创新教学的效果评价。结果 课程干预后本科护生的创造力倾向与创造性思维得分均高于干预前,干预前创造力得分为(109.52±7.48)分,干预后创造力得分为(114.02±6.47)分;干预前创造性思维得分为(17.54±4.58)分,干预后创造性思维得分为(21.12±4.12)分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),本科护生对该教学模式持肯定态度。结论 基于创客模式的创新教学有助于激发本科护生创新意识,培养其创新思维并提高其的创新能力。  相似文献   

目的 探索创客教育在本科护生手术室血源性职业暴露教学中的应用效果。方法 2023年7-8月,将在我院手术室实习的本科护生81人随机分为对照组40人与观察组41人。对照组采用手术室常规教学;观察组采用创客教学。比较2组护生出科理论及操作考核成绩、实习前后创造性思维测验得分、对教学方法满意度及在手术室实习期间血源性职业暴露发生率和血源性职业暴露后处理正确率。结果 观察组出科操作考核成绩及实习后创造性思维测验得分显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组护生对教学方法的满意度较高(P<0.05)。结论 创客教育可以有效地提高护生对血源性职业暴露知识的掌握,提高护生对教学的满意度,减少血源性职业暴露的发生。  相似文献   

张永学  蔡圣年  杨家平 《全科护理》2021,19(23):3301-3303
目的:创客教育应用于外科护理技能课程中对本科护理学生批判性思维能力的影响.方法:将某护理学院2018级本科护理专业两班学生随机分成试验组(n=45)和对照组(n=45).对照组实施传统教学方法,试验组采用创客教育,对两组教学效果进行评价分析.结果:试验组学生对授课的满意度为95.56%,明显高于对照组的80.00%(P<0.05);试验组学生穿手术衣得分为(84.71±7.06)分,明显高于对照组的(79.27±8.35)分(P<0.01);教学后试验组学生批判性思维总分为(287.27±18.89)分,明显高于对照组的(272.22±18.74)分(P<0.01).结论:创客教育应用于外科护理技能中能提高护理本科学生对课程的满意度,提高学生的学习能力,提高本科学生批判性思维水平.  相似文献   

目的以柯氏模型为导向,构建符合我国实际的、可行的继续护理学教育效果评价指标体系。方法选取陕西、吉林、广东、山东等省份30名专家进行德尔菲(Delphi)专家咨询,采用层次分析法及百分权重法确立各指标权重。结果本研究构建的继续护理学教育效果评价指标体系由4项一级指标、11项二级指标和49项三级指标构成。3轮咨询专家的积极系数分别为l00%、96.67%和100%。专家权威系数均大于0.7;一、二、三级指标的专家肯德尔和谐系数分别为0.440、0.361和0.384(P<0.05)。结论本研究专家积极性、权威程度、协调程度均较高,该评估体系为科学、全面地评价继续护理学教育的效果提供了依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨系统健康教育对无创正压通气的应用效果。方法:将88例需要无创通气的患者随机分为观察组和对照组,各44例。对照组实施现行健康教育,观察组进行系统健康教育(评估、计划、实施、反馈、修改计划、巩固加强等)。观察两组患者无创通气成功率,不良事件发生率及舒适度评分。结果:观察组死亡率略低于对照组,但无统计学差异(P〉0.05);无创通气成功率显著高于对照组(P〈0.05);不良事件发生率显著低于对照组(P〈0.05);无创通气期间平均舒适度明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论:系统健康教育用于无创呼吸机治疗中效果优于现行健康教育。  相似文献   

目的 构建以专科服务小组为主导的“互联网+护理服务”模式,开展居家护理服务,提高护理服务质量。方法 组建专科服务小组,包括管道、静疗、伤口造口、母婴、康复及中医6个小组,通过多种形式对小组成员进行培训,考核通过后对居家患者开展“互联网+护理服务”。服务结束后使用满意度评价表调查患者对“互联网+护理服务”的满意程度。结果 2019年7月15日—9月15日共开展了61例居家护理服务,其中母婴小组26例,伤口造口小组8例,管道小组14例,静疗小组3例,康复小组6例,中医小组4例;98%的患者对居家护理服务满意,患者认同以居家护理服务小组开展“互联网+护理服务”。 结论 以专科服务小组为主导开展的“互联网+护理服务”能为患者提供优质的居家护理服务,患者满意度高,护士自我价值提升。  相似文献   

目的 探讨“互联网+”延续护理在肾移植患者中的应用效果。方法 选择在我院初次行肾移植术成功的患者80例为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组各40例。对照组给予常规出院健康教育方式,观察组采取基于“互联网+”的延续护理健康教育方式。观察比较2组肾移植患者出院时、出院后1个月末、3个月末、6个月末免疫抑制剂服药依从性。结果 观察组肾移植患者出院后1个月末、3个月末、6个月末免疫抑制剂服药依从性得分高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 “互联网+”延续护理可提高肾移植患者免疫抑制剂服药依从性。  相似文献   

[Purpose] We aimed to clarify the characteristics of age-related changes based on the body composition data of old and super-old nursing home residents. [Participants and Methods] This cross-sectional study included 53 female nursing home residents aged 75 years and above (mean age: 89.4 years; standard deviation: 5.6 years). They were divided into the old and super-old groups. The old group consisted of 24 participants aged between 75 and 89 years (mean age: 84.4 years; standard deviation: 3.7 years). The super-old group consisted of 29 participants aged 90 years and above (mean age: 93.5 years; standard deviation: 2.7 years). The parameters such as phase angle, skeletal muscle mass index, skeletal muscle mass, body fat percentage, body mass index, and Barthel index were examined in the two groups. The relationship between age and phase angle was determined, and the partial correlation coefficient was analyzed using the items for which a significant difference was found between the two groups as adjustment variables. [Results] The overall phase angle was 3.2 degrees, and that of the super-old group alone was 2.6 degrees. Age-related difference was observed in the phase angle and Barthel index. A significant correlation of −0.53 was observed between age and phase angle. The Barthel index-adjusted partial correlation coefficient between age and phase angle was −0.35. [Conclusion] The results of this study indicated that phase angle is an indicator of physical condition associated with aging in female nursing home residents aged 75 to 100 years.  相似文献   

汪苗  杨燕  李远珍  管慧  陶秀彬 《护理学报》2022,29(11):20-24
目的 构建互联网+护理服务护士岗位胜任力评价指标体系。方法 以角色理论、护理程序、整体护理等为理论依据,采用文献分析、小组讨论、德尔菲法、层次分析法构建并确立互联网+护理服务护士岗位胜任力评价指标体系及各级指标权重。结果 确立的互联网+护理服务护士岗位胜任力评价指标体系包括6个一级指标,17个二级指标,60个三级指标。结论 互联网+护理服务护士岗位胜任力评价指标体系内容完整,结构合理,科学性好,对互联网+护理服务护士的培养和管理有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

An overlooked “bud” of an aortic aneurysm on a chest radiography resulted in a saccular aortic aneurysm 9 years later. This eye‐catching image showed us the importance of not only documenting abnormalities in regular radiography but also further imaging evaluation for definitive diagnosis and continuous image follow‐up.  相似文献   

Chromatographic, ultracentrifugal, and related studies of the fibrinogen of a patient with a congenital disorder of fibrinogen (fibrinogen "Baltimore" have provided evidence of structural differences from normal.Diethylaminoethyl-cellulose (DEAE-cellulose) gradient elution chromatography demonstrated two major peaks in the elution pattern of fibrinogen Baltimore as was the case for normal fibrinogen. However, the first peak of fibrinogen Baltimore was somewhat broader and more symmetrical and was eluted significantly later in the chromatogram than the corresponding peak of normal fibrinogen. Additionally, in some elution patterns, a shoulder on the ascending limb of peak 1 was present, suggesting the presence of chromatographically "normal" fibrinogen. Thrombin time determinations of eluted column fractions from a chromatogram of propositus fibrinogen supported this conclusion by demonstrating that fibrinogen from the ascending portion of peak 1 behaved functionally more like normal than that later in the chromatogram. Chromatograms of mixtures of propositus and normal fibrinogen confirmed the ability of this technique to distinguish normal from Baltimore fibrinogen. Chromatograms of fibrinogen isolated from two affected daughters displayed the characteristic increased anionic binding of peak 1 fibrinogen.Sedimentation velocity experiments indicated that the S(o) (20, [unk]) of fibrinogen Baltimore was slightly greater (8.13S vs. 7.85S) than that of normal fraction I-4. Differences in concentration dependence (- 0.65 c vs. - 1.30 c for normal) of the sedimentation coefficient could be attributable in part to spatial conformational differences. Molecular sieving experiments in acrylamide gels indicated that the molecular weight of propositus fraction I-2 was about the same as that of normal fibrinogen of comparable solubility (i.e. I-4, mol wt 325,000).Studies of the UV spectra, tyrosine/tryptophan ratios, sialic acid and hexose content, and N-terminal amino acids demonstrated no consistent significant differences from normal fraction I-4.  相似文献   

目的 构建“社区护理学”课程形成性评价体系,以更加客观、全面地评价学生的综合能力。方法 在文献回顾的基础上由研究小组初步拟定函询问卷,运用德尔菲法进行2轮专家函询,形成“社区护理学”课程形成性评价体系,包括评价指标和评价形式、标准、主体,并用层次分析法确定各指标权重。结果 2轮专家函询问卷回收率为100%,判断系数、熟悉系数和权威系数分别为0.872、0.846和0.820。变异系数为0~0.183,协调系数W为0.257和0.436。最终确立评价体系:评价指标包括3个一级指标,14个二级指标,19个三级指标;11个评价形式,35个评价标准和3个评价主体。结论 “社区护理学”课程形成性评价体系构建科学可靠,能够为客观、全面地评价学生学习效果提供量化参考依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨“三主”视角下《妇产科护理学》“课程思政”的教学实践及效果。方法 围绕教师队伍主力军、课程建设主战场、课堂教学主渠道3方面,采取强化教师思政育人意识与能力,完善课程思政系统、构建“LOVE”和“HEART”2大思政模块、丰富课堂教学方法等措施,在2019级护理本科生中进行《妇产科护理学》“课程思政”教学改革。结果 学生和督导评价中,教师德育能力均分超过上一年度,且获得了一些奖项;学生课堂互动参与度好、线上学习积极、期中考试和期末考试平均分超过80分,思政素养得分超过90分者占比超过80%。结论 “三主”视角下“课程思政”教学可提升教师思政育人能力,激发学生课程学习投入、提升学习效果和思政素养。  相似文献   

BackgroundIn the past decades a plethora of studies has been conducted to explore resting-state functional connectivity (RS-FC) of the brain networks in migraine with conflicting results probably due to the variability and susceptibility of signal fluctuations across the course of RS-FC scan. On the other hand, the structural substrates enabling the functional communications among the brain connectome, characterized by higher stability and reproducibility, have not been widely investigated in migraine by means of graph analysis approach. We hypothesize a rearrangement of the brain connectome with an increase of both strength and density of connections between cortical areas specifically involved in pain perception, processing and modulation in migraine patients. Moreover, such connectome rearrangement, inducing an imbalance between the competing parameters of network efficiency and segregation, may underpin a mismatch between energy resources and demand representing the neuronal correlate of the energetically dysfunctional migraine brain.MethodsWe investigated, using diffusion-weighted MRI imaging tractography-based graph analysis, the graph-topological indices of the brain “connectome”, a set of grey matter regions (nodes) structurally connected by white matter paths (edges) in 94 patients with migraine without aura compared to 91 healthy controls.ResultsWe observed in migraine patients compared to healthy controls: i) higher local and global network efficiency (p < 0.001) and ii) higher local and global clustering coefficient (p < 0.001). Moreover, we found changes in the hubs topology in migraine patients with: i) posterior cingulate cortex and inferior parietal lobule (encompassing the so-called neurolimbic-pain network) assuming the hub role and ii) fronto-orbital cortex, involved in emotional aspects, and visual areas, involved in migraine pathophysiology, losing the hub role. Finally, we found higher connection (edges) probability between cortical nodes involved in pain perception and modulation as well as in cognitive and affective attribution of pain experiences, in migraine patients when compared to healthy controls (p < 0.001). No correlations were found between imaging and clinical parameters of disease severity.ConclusionThe imbalance between the need of investing resources to promote network efficiency and the need of minimizing the metabolic cost of wiring probably represents the mechanism underlying migraine patients’ susceptibility to triggers. Such changes in connectome topography suggest an intriguing pathophysiological model of migraine as brain “connectopathy”.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s10194-021-01315-6.  相似文献   

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