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Normalization of energy expenditure data for differences in body mass or composition in children and adolescents 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The most appropriate model for normalization of energy expenditure (EE) data for body mass or composition in growing children and adolescents has not been studied extensively. In this study, we investigated allometric modeling for the normalization of EE data for body mass or composition in a large cohort of children (n = 833), ages 5-19 y for a wide range of physical activities. Anthropometry was performed by standard techniques, and total body fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM) were determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Weight status was defined as nonoverweight or overweight based on the 95th percentile for BMI. Total energy expenditure (TEE), basal energy expenditure (BEE), sleeping energy expenditure (SEE), and cycling EE were measured during 24-h room respiration calorimetry. Walking and maximal EE (MaxEE) were measured according to a treadmill protocol. Allometric or power function models were used to identify appropriate scaling parameters for EE. For BEE and lower levels of EE, weight scaled to 0.5. For cycling and treadmill walking/running, the weight exponent approached 0.7. Scaling EE for FFM resulted in exponents of 0.6 for lower rates of EE and 0.8-1.0 for higher rates of EE. Appropriate scaling of EE for body weight and composition of children and adolescents varied primarily as a function of the level of EE. In some instances, the exponents for scaling EE by body weight or composition were influenced by gender and weight status, but not by age. 相似文献
Butte NF Puyau MR Vohra FA Adolph AL Mehta NR Zakeri I 《The Journal of nutrition》2007,137(12):2660-2667
Lower relative rates of energy expenditure (EE), increased energetic efficiency, and altered fuel utilization purportedly associated with obesity have not been demonstrated indisputably in overweight children. We hypothesized that differences in energy metabolism between nonoverweight and overweight children are attributable to differences in body size and composition, circulating thyroid hormones, sympathetic nervous system, and adrenomedullary activity. A total of 836 Hispanic children, 5-19 y old, participated in 24-h calorimetry, anthropometric, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements. Biochemistries were determined by standard techniques. Absolute total EE (TEE) and its components (sleep EE, basal EE, sedentary EE, cycling EE, walking EE, activity EE, nonexercising activity thermogenesis) were higher in overweight children (P = 0.001). Net mechanical energetic efficiency of cycling was lower in overweight children (P = 0.001). Adjusting for body size and composition accounted for differences in TEE, its components, and energetic efficiency. Net carbohydrate and fat utilization did not differ between groups. TEE was independently influenced by sex, Tanner stage, fat free mass, fat mass (FM), fasting serum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), leptin, free thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and 24-h urinary norepinephrine and epinephrine. Fat utilization was independently associated with age2, sex, FM, fasting serum NEFA, triacylglycerol, adiponectin, leptin, total thyroxine, and free triiodothyronine. Higher EE in overweight children was largely explained by differences in body size and composition, with minor contributions of thyroid and sympathoadrenal systems. Alterations in EE, energetic efficiency, and substrate utilization were not evident in the overweight children. 相似文献
Total energy expenditure, body fatness, and physical activity in children aged 6-9 y 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ball EJ O'Connor J Abbott R Steinbeck KS Davies PS Wishart C Gaskin KJ Baur LA 《The American journal of clinical nutrition》2001,74(4):524-528
BACKGROUND: The recent worldwide increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity may be due in part to a decrease in children's physical activity levels. OBJECTIVE: The current study of children in the years just before puberty aimed to 1) measure total energy expenditure (TEE) by use of the doubly labeled water (DLW) method, 2) determine the proportion of TEE related to physical activity, 3) investigate the relations between measures of physical activity and body fatness, and 4) investigate possible sex differences in these relations. DESIGN: The DLW technique was used to measure TEE over 10 d in 106 healthy children (52 boys) aged 7.8 +/- 0.9 y (x +/- SD). Fat-free mass, and hence fat mass, was derived from the (18)O dilution space. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was calculated with use of the Schofield equations. Physical activity level was calculated as TEE/REE. RESULTS: Mean TEE in both boys (7871 +/- 1135 kJ/d) and girls (7512 +/- 1195 kJ/d) was significantly different (P < 0.0001) from FAO/WHO/UNU recommendations (13% and 9% lower, respectively). There was no significant difference in physical activity level between boys (1.69 +/- 0.22) and girls (1.71 +/- 0.23). In boys but not girls, physical activity level was inversely correlated with BMI (r = -0.37, P < 0.01), fat mass (r = -0.46, P < 0.005), and percentage of body fat (r = -0.50, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: In boys but not girls, percentage of body fat is inversely associated with physical activity level. Physical activity is one factor contributing to body fatness in boys, but additional factors may influence the size of the fat stores in girls. 相似文献
Tennefors C Coward WA Hernell O Wright A Forsum E 《European journal of clinical nutrition》2003,57(5):647-653
OBJECTIVES: To measure total energy expenditure (TEE) and total body water (TBW) in healthy Swedish children 9 or 14 months of age. To compare their TEE with current recommendations for energy intake. To define their body composition and relate this to energy expenditure. DESIGN:: Children were investigated at 9 or 14 months. The following variables were measured: TEE and TBW (by the doubly labelled water method), weight and length. Total body fat (TBF), sleeping metabolic rate, activity energy expenditure and physical activity level (PAL) were calculated. SUBJECTS: Thirty infants 9 months of age and 29 children 14 months of age. RESULTS:: TEE was 323+/-38, 322+/-29, 313+/-23 and 331+/-28 kJ/kg/day in 9-month-old girls, 9-month-old boys, 14-month-old girls and 14-month-old boys, respectively. At 9 months of age girls and boys contained 29.6+/-4.8 and 29.7+/-4.5% TBF, respectively. At 14 months the corresponding figures were 29.1+/-4.3 and 28.2+/-4.3%. There was a significant negative relationship between PAL and %TBF (r=-0.81, P<0.001, n=59). CONCLUSIONS: Measured TEE plus calculated energy cost of growth confirm previous estimates that the physiological energy requirements of children 9 and 14 months of age are 15-20% lower than current recommendations for energy intake. One possible interpretation of the relationship between PAL and %TBF is that children with a high TBF content are less physically active than children with less TBF. However, this relationship needs further studies. 相似文献
Resting energy expenditure, activity energy expenditure and total energy expenditure at age 91-96 years 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rothenberg EM Bosaeus IG Westerterp KR Steen BC 《The British journal of nutrition》2000,84(3):319-324
There is a limited knowledge concerning energy requirements of the elderly, especially the oldest old (> 80 years). Energy requirements should be estimated from measurements of energy expenditure. For this purpose twenty-one free-living individuals (eight males, thirteen females) aged 91-96 years living in G?teborg, Sweden were studied. Total body water (TBW) measured by the doubly-labelled-water (DLW) technique was 29.5 (sd 5.4) kg in females and 35.6 (sd 4.3) kg in males. TBW measured using bioelectric impedance (BIA) was 31.6 (sd 6.4) kg in females and 42.0 (sd 7.4) kg in males. The mean difference between TBW measured by BIA and that measured by DLW was 3.54 (sd 3.6) kg (P = 0.0002). Resting metabolic rate (RMR) was measured using a ventilated-hood system and averaged 5.36 (sd 0.71) MJ/d in females (n 12) and 6.09 (sd 0.91) MJ/d in males (n 8). Difference between measured RMR and predicted BMR (n 20) was 0.015 (sd 0.86) MJ/d (NS). Total energy expenditure (TEE) measured by DLW averaged 6.3 (sd 0.81) MJ/d in females and 8.1 (sd 0.73) MJ/d in males. Activity energy expenditure (TEE - RMR), thus including diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), averaged 0.95 (sd 0.95) MJ/d in females (n 12) and 2.02 (sd 1.13) MJ/d in males. Physical activity level (TEE/BMR) averaged 1.19 (sd 0. 19) in females and 1.36 (sd 0.21) (P = 0.08) in males. If DIT is assumed to be 10 % of the TEE, energy spent on physical activity will be very low in this population. 相似文献
Rennie KL Wells JC McCaffrey TA Livingstone MB 《The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society》2006,65(4):393-402
With the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity, there is an urgent need to identify risk factors that are amenable to preventative action. However, there is a remarkable lack of consistency between studies that have investigated the relationships between measurements of physical activity and energy expenditure and body fatness in children. This disparity could be because energy intake is a more important determinant in preventing obesity. Alternatively, some of the conflicting results could be related to methodological limitations in assessing activity and body composition. Erroneous conclusions may be drawn if physical activity energy expenditure is not adjusted for differences in body composition, or body fat is not appropriately adjusted for body size. For public health purposes it may be more informative to evaluate the amount and intensity of physical activity required to prevent fat-mass gain than to assess energy expended in physical activity. The lack of consensus in the cut-off points applied to define intensity levels is severely hindering comparisons between studies using accelerometers that have examined relationships between activity intensity and body fatness. Thus, it is not currently possible to develop a firm evidence base on which to establish physical activity recommendations until the limitations are addressed and more prospective studies undertaken. In order to turn research into effective prevention strategies a clearer understanding of the psycho-social, behavioural and environmental factors that influence activity is needed, including the interactions between physical activity and other behaviours such as time spent sedentary, sleeping and eating. 相似文献
Blood pressure differences between blacks and whites in relation to body size among US children and adolescents 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
No large national studies of ethnic differences in blood pressure among children accounting for body size differences have been published, to the authors' knowledge. This report details the similarities and differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressures between Black children and White children in the United States and examines the effects of age, sex, and body size on ethnic differences in blood pressure levels. Standardized measurements of seated systolic and diastolic pressures from eight large epidemiologic studies published between 1978 and 1991 that included measurements of 47,196 children on 68,556 occasions for systolic pressure and for 38,184 children on 52,053 occasions for diastolic pressure were used; 51 percent (24,048 children) were boys and 37 percent (17,466 children) were Black. Overall, there appear to be few substantive ethnic differences in either systolic or diastolic pressure during childhood and adolescence. The differences that were observed were small, inconsistent, and often explained by differences in body size. There was an ethnic group-body mass index (BMI) interaction that resulted in these findings that at lower levels of BMI Blacks have higher blood pressure and more hypertension than do Whites, but that at the highest levels of BMI, Whites have more hypertension (systolic or diastolic pressure) than do Blacks. 相似文献
Relation between physical activity and energy expenditure in a representative sample of young children 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Montgomery C Reilly JJ Jackson DM Kelly LA Slater C Paton JY Grant S 《The American journal of clinical nutrition》2004,80(3):591-596
BACKGROUND: Strategies for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity require a better understanding of the relation between the pattern of free-living physical activity and total energy expenditure (TEE). OBJECTIVE: We assessed the relations between TEE and physical activity level (PAL) during engagement in different intensities of physical activity. DESIGN: We used a cross-sectional study of 104 children (median age: 5.4 y) in Scotland. TEE was measured with use of doubly labeled water (DLW), and resting energy expenditure was predicted to determine PAL. Time spent sedentary and in light-intensity activity and in moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) was assessed by accelerometry concurrent with DLW measurements. Correlation and regression were used to assess the relations between measures of sedentary behavior, intensities of activity, and PAL as the dependent variable. RESULTS: Time spent sedentary was negatively correlated with PAL (r = -0.33, P < 0.01), and time spent in light-intensity activity was positively correlated with PAL (r = 0.31, P < 0.01). In multiple regression analyses, both time spent sedentary and in light-intensity activities were significantly associated with PAL. Time spent in MVPA was not associated with PAL; engagement in MVPA was limited in this sample (median: 3% of waking hours; range: 0-14%). PAL was significantly higher in boys than in girls. CONCLUSION: In this sample and setting, PAL was not influenced by engagement in MVPA but was influenced by time spent sedentary and in light-intensity activities. This study suggests that in young children, MVPA could make only a minor contribution to free-living TEE and PAL. 相似文献
Ekelund U Brage S Franks PW Hennings S Emms S Wong MY Wareham NJ 《The American journal of clinical nutrition》2005,81(5):964-969
BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) predicts changes in body composition. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to describe the independent associations between PAEE and changes in body composition in a population-based cohort. DESIGN: This was a prospective population-based study conducted in 739 (311 men and 428 women) healthy middle-aged (median age: 53.8 y) whites. The median follow-up was 5.6 y. PAEE (MJ/d) was assessed by heart rate monitoring, individually calibrated by using the FLEX heart rate method. Fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) were assessed by bioimpedance. RESULTS: Body weight (BW) at follow-up was significantly related to baseline PAEE (P < 0.05) after adjustment for sex, baseline age, FM, FFM, and follow-up time. A significant interaction between PAEE and age (P = 0.023) was observed. After the subjects were stratified (above and below the median for age), BW increased by a mean (+/-SD) of 1.7 +/- 5.9 kg (P < 0.0001) in the younger cohort. In this group, follow-up FM was significantly associated with baseline PAEE (P = 0.036) after adjustment for confounders. In the older cohort, BW did not change between baseline and follow-up. In this group, in contrast with the younger population, follow-up BW, FM, and FFM were all significantly and positively associated with baseline PAEE (P < 0.01 for all). CONCLUSIONS: Baseline PAEE predicts a change in FM in younger adults, who as a group gained weight in this study. In contrast, baseline PAEE in older adults--who were on average weight stable--is associated with a gain in BW, which was explained by an increase in FM and FFM. 相似文献
Vermorel M Bitar A Vernet J Verdier E Coudert J 《European journal of clinical nutrition》2003,57(2):310-315
BACKGROUND: Energy intake at breakfast affects the performance of creativity tests, memory recall and voluntary physical endurance in children before lunch, and food craving during the whole day. OBJECTIVES: To assess the adequacy of breakfast energy supply (BES) and energy expenditure (EE) in adolescents during a schoolday without or with 2 h of physical education lesson (PEL) in the morning. DESIGN: Sixty adolescents (four groups of 14-16 boys and girls aged 12-16 y) participated in a cross-sectional study. Activity patterns and EE were determined by whole-body calorimetry during 36 h and in free-living conditions during 5 days using both a diary and the validated heart rate recording method. BES was determined by weighing individual foods. The pyloric energy flow was assessed using a model of fractional stomach emptying. RESULTS: BES averaged 24.9% (s.d.=6.1) of daily EE in the four groups of subjects. It covered the mean morning EE on a schoolday without PEL, but not in a schoolday with 2 h of PEL in any group. When PEL took place from 8-10 am the cumulative EE exceeded the cumulative pyloric energy flow after 105-150 min, that is during the PEL session, and the energy deficit increased until lunch. With a light breakfast (BES-1 s.d.) energy deficiency happened after 90 min. CONCLUSION: The results stress the need for a heavy breakfast for children and adolescents on the days with PEL in the morning, and a carbohydrate rich snack at 10 am to improve attention, memory and willing participation in physical activities. 相似文献
Rodríguez G Moreno LA Sarría A Fleta J Bueno M 《Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)》2002,21(3):255-260
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To assess the degree of agreement between indirect calorimetry and five equations commonly used to predict resting energy expenditure (REE) in obese and non-obese children and adolescents. METHODS: In 116 children and adolescents (57 obese and 59 non-obese) aged between 7.8 and 16.6 years, REE was measured (MREE) by open-circuit indirect calorimetry under standardized conditions. REE was predicted (PREE) in all subjects with equations from the Food and Agriculture/World Health Organization/United Nations University (FAO/WHO/UNU), Maffeis et al., Harris and Benedict, and two from Schofield: one using weight (W) and one using height and weight (H-W). Agreement between indirect calorimetry and equations was assessed following the Bland-Altman method. RESULTS: In the entire cohort group, only data from FAO/WHO/UNU, Schofield-W and Schofield-HW equations showed non-statistic differences against calorimetry results. When agreement between equations and calorimetry was tested, Schofield-HW equation showed the lowest mean MREE-PREE difference: 3.7 kcal/d (limits of agreement -293 and 300 kcal/d; 95% confidence interval for the bias -24.0 to 31.5 kcal/d) and the best agreement. Group by group, equations which obtained the best agreement were: FAO/WHO/UNU in girls, Schofield-HW in boys, Schofield-HW in obese, and Schofield-W in non-obese. CONCLUSIONS: Until more accurate prediction equations are developed, we recommend Schofield-HW equations for REE studies with a mixed population of obese and non-obese children and adolescents; however, FAO/WHO/UNU equation may also be useful in girls and Schofield-W equation in non-obese children. 相似文献
We assessed intergenerational differences in food, physical activity, and body size perceptions among refugees and migrants from the Horn of Africa living in Victoria, Australia. We used a qualitative design and obtained data from 48 participants (18 individual interviews; 3 semistructured focus groups). Three major themes emerged: (a) food and physical activity, (b) preference of body size and social expectations, and (c) perceived consequences of various body sizes. For parents, large body size was perceived to equate with being beautiful and wealthy; slimness was associated with chronic illness and poverty. Parents adopted strategies that promoted weight gain in children. These included tailored food practices and restricting children's involvement in physical activity. For young people, slimness was the ideal body size endorsed by their peers, and they adopted strategies to resist parental pressure to gain weight. Obesity-prevention programs in this subpopulation need to adopt a multigenerational approach. 相似文献
Previous studies have generally had limited success in accounting for gender differences in leisure time physical activity. Based on a representative national survey of 3270 Icelandic 6th, 8th and 10th grade students, the study found that girls' lower enrollment in organized sport clubs fully accounts for gender differences in frequency of overall physical activity, and largely accounts for gender differences in frequency of strenuous activity, and weekly hours of overall and strenuous activity (enrollment hypothesis). Furthermore, girls' higher sport club withdrawal rate accounted for a small but significant part of the gender difference in weekly hours of overall activity and frequency of strenuous activity (withdrawal hypothesis). No evidence was found to suggest that different activity levels of boys and girls enrolled in the clubs affected gender differences in levels of overall or strenuous physical activity (activity differential hypothesis). Other independent variables, i.e., perceived importance of sport achievement, sport and exercise related instruction, physical education experiences, and social modeling, did not significantly affect observed gender differences beyond the sport club variables. The meaning of the results, and their implications for gender disparities, health promotion, and future research are discussed. 相似文献
Bini V Celi F Berioli MG Bacosi ML Stella P Giglio P Tosti L Falorni A 《European journal of clinical nutrition》2000,54(3):214-218
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the dependence of body mass index (BMI) values on pubertal stage in subjects similar in age. DESIGN, SUBJECTS AND MEASUREMENTS: Height and weight were recorded cross-sectionally in school subjects from three provinces in central Italy. The subjects were subdivided into three groups: (1) 4271 school subjects (2125 males and 2146 females; 8.5-15.5 y old), in whom the pubertal development was also recorded, were selected to subdivide BMI values according to pubertal stage and age; (2) 6345 females (10.5-14.5 y old), who were asked whether or not they had had their first menstrual period, were selected to subdivide BMI values according to age in pre-menarche and post-menarche girls, separately; and (3) 1919 females (10.5-14.5 y old), who had presented their menarche within the previous 6 months, were selected to subdivide short-term post-menarche BMI values according to age. RESULTS: The medians and interquartile ranges of BMI varied according to age and pubertal stage. Kruskall-Wallis test performed in subjects similar in age demonstrated that significant differences existed among the medians of BMI values of subjects at different pubertal stages in 12-14-y-old males (P<0.05), and in 11-14-y- old females (P<0.001). The difference also proved to be significant between stage I and stage II (P<0.05) in 10-y-old females, but not in 10-11-y-old males. The Kruskal-Wallis test performed in subjects similar in pubertal stage demonstrated that significant differences among the medians of BMI at different ages existed only in females at stages II and III. A significant positive trend was observed in both genders according to pubertal stage for BMI values of subjects similar in age (z-test for trend, P<0.01). On the contrary, a negative age trend proved to be significant in females at stages I (P<0.01), II (P<0.01) and III (P<0.001), but not in males when the subdivision of BMI was made according to age in subjects similar in pubertal stage. BMI values were significantly higher in post-menarche girls as compared to pre-menarche girls similar in age (P<0.001). However, at partial regression analysis BMI values were influenced by pubertal stage and, to a lesser extent, by age, but not by menarcheal status. An inverse association between short-term post-menarche BMI and age was observed, with the highest values in girls presenting menarche at 11 y of age (P<0.05). The negative trend was demonstrated at the z-test for trend (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: BMI values depend on pubertal degree of maturation, especially in girls. This influence should be taken into account when BMI is evaluated in adolescents. Sponsor: University of Perugia, Region of Umbria. 相似文献