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I suggest a re-theorization of the relationship between psyche and soma in which the body is no longer seen as 'mere' receptacle for unwanted contents of the mind but in which a body subjectivity has a developmental history in its own right. I argue that the body has its own history arising out of the attachment nexus and the internalization of the bodies of its caregivers and the bodies they are able to recognize in their infants and children. I illustrate the way developmental body issues appear in the clinical setting and how the therapist's body can be used to locate and identify the troubled bodies of our clients. A long history of work with women with eating problems and troubled bodies shows that bodies are not born but are acquired in relationship with key caregivers.  相似文献   

Most contemporary models of hematopoiesis assume lineage fidelity of early progenitor cells. Along with this concept normal hematopoietic cells and the majority of leukemias express exclusively myeloid or lymphoid specific antigens. On the other hand, growing evidence exists challenging the lineage fidelity model. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in the blast crisis may switch to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and as a result of the chemotherapy ALL may converse to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Furthermore, a substantial portion of leukemia cases, named acute mixed-lineage leukemia (AMLL), show simultaneous expression of both myeloid and lymphoid antigens. Immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements, correlating with myeloid-lymphoid immunophenotype in AMLL, support the hypothesis of lineage infidelity of early progenitor cells, rather than the aberrant antigen expression. Based on a detailed characterization of AMLL we present a modified model of a "common myeloid/lymphoid progenitor cell". This hypothetical very early hematopoietic progenitor cell shows a transient expression of myeloid and B- or T-lymphoid antigen and may also have rearranged its Ig and/or TCR genes. Subsequently, myeloid or lymphoid markers are downregulated and the hematopoietic cell enters either myeloid, T-lymphoid or B-lymphoid differentiation pathway.  相似文献   

Plants hold all records in longevity. Their aging is a complex process. In the presented review, we analyzed published data on various aspects of plant aging with focus on any inferences that could shed a light on aging in animals and help to fight it in human. Plant aging can be caused by many factors, such as telomere depletion, genomic instability, loss of proteostasis, changes in intercellular interaction, desynchronosis, autophagy misregulation, epigenetic changes and others. Plants have developed a number of mechanisms to increase lifespan. Among these mechanisms are gene duplication (“genetic backup”), the active work of telomerases, abundance of meristematic cells, capacity of maintaining the meristems permanently active and continuous activity of phytohormones. Plant aging usually occurs throughout the whole perennial life, but could be also seasonal senescence. Study of causes for seasonal aging can also help to uncover the mechanisms of plant longevity. The influence of different factors such as microbiome communities, glycation, alternative oxidase activity, mitochondrial dysfunction on plant longevity was also reviewed. Adaptive mechanisms of long-lived plants are considered. Further comparative study of the mechanisms underlying longevity of plants is necessary. This will allow us to reach a potentially new level of understanding of the aging process of plants.  相似文献   

Millions of people suffer from inflammatory diseases of the intestine, some of them potentiating gastrointestinal cancer. These gut-associated pathologies arise from imbalanced interactions between the host gut epithelia and resident or ingested microbes, interactions that are still poorly understood at the molecular level. Drosophila has been a very powerful model to study development and diseases. Its relatively simple tissue organization and sophisticated genetics are some of the advantages of using it as an experimental model to dissect gut-microbe interactions. Recent progress made in various research fields such as Drosophila microbiota composition, gut epithelium structure or gut immune reactions led us to believe that Drosophila is becoming an ad hoc model system to dissect the mechanisms that cooperate to maintain intestinal homeostasis in higher eukaryotes. It further may help us understand how an alteration of these finely tuned processes precipitates the inflammatory processes found in some inflammatory bowel diseases.  相似文献   

This paper updates our previous review of the evidence base for managing depression in old age while focusing more specifically on the use of antidepressants. Overall, recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses indicate that antidepressants are effective in the acute treatment of depression in old age but that the superiority of active drug over placebo is quite modest. The depression of Alzheimer's disease is probably not treated effectively with antidepressants. The most consistent evidence is for the effectiveness of continued antidepressant treatment in those depressed patients who respond well to acute treatment. There remains a clear need for more research to identify effective treatments for resistant depression though therapeutic nihilism should be avoided if first-line treatment fails.  相似文献   

BackgroundMucolipidosis type IV (ML-IV) is a rare autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder which presents with nonspecific developmental delay. Nowadays with the use of new tools such as next generation sequencing, more ML-IV affected patients are diagnosed. Still, identifying the behavioral phenotype might be of help for early diagnosis and anticipatory guidance, as well as for counseling of the families.ObjectiveIdentification of the behavioral characteristics of 12 ML-IV patients, aged from 2.5 to 34 years, based on their caregivers' observations.MethodsThe information was gathered from the patients' parents using an extensive semi-structured interview especially designed for this study. Each interview lasted approximately three hours.ResultsPatients were uniformly described as friendly and show explicit pleasure from both social interactions and music. They all presented delays in psychomotor development, while their general health was reported as good. Parents reported that the patients present deterioration of motor and communication skills over the years. Episodes of ocular pain, with ipsilateral flushing of the face and tearing were frequently reported, as was shortening of the Achilles tendon. Since the identification of the ML-IV gene, diagnosis is made earlier in life.ConclusionWe suggest that ML-IV be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with developmental delay, who present the behavioral phenotype reported here. This pattern could also be useful for the ancitipatory guidance in the care of ML-IV affected patients. Further clinical research is warranted to confirm these preliminary findings.  相似文献   

This article attempts to revitalize the scientist-practitioner model of psychotherapy by focusing on the research component of the model. Specifically, it takes a realistic look at the types of research that can be conducted by clinicians in an effort to motivate them to engage regularly in clinical research. Towards this end, five experienced scientist-practitioners explore the advantages, disadvantages, and potential of practitioner-initiated research. The problems and solutions for such research are discussed, and recommendations are offered.  相似文献   

The intraoperative diagnosis of pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors can be difficult. Frozen section diagnosis was requested on 87 neuroendocrine tumors including 58 typical carcinoids, 8 atypical carcinoids, 18 large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas, and 3 small cell carcinomas from 2405 patients that underwent frozen section diagnosis at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center from 2002 to 2007. The deferral and error rate for carcinoid tumors was 4.13% and 7.5%, respectively, and resulted in 4 unnecessary lobectomies and 2 second thoracotomies. The most common errors included misdiagnoses as lymphoma, squamous carcinoma or metastasis from breast carcinoma. Thirty one pathologic features were evaluated in the 66 carcinoid tumors and 10 frozen sections each of lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and metastatic breast carcinoma. Seven pathologic features were significant by chi square test at P > .05. Positive likelihood ratios identified 11 pathologic features that were useful for the diagnosis of carcinoid tumor from other neoplasms. The applicability of the 11 pathologic features was tested with a group of pathologists, resulting in significant improvement in diagnostic accuracy as measured by pre and posttests. The value of evidence-based pathology and Bayesian statistics to evaluate complex differential diagnoses in pathology is discussed.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disorder that can affect every organ system and cause a wide range of signs and symptoms. The precise pathogenic mechanism of disease remains uncertain, but it is clearly complex and involves the activation and deregulation of many components of the immune system. Certain well-characterized patterns of immune pathology are shared by a significant subset of patients and selective targeting of one or more of the key immune system molecules offers the prospect of more effective treatment. This review addresses the current and future treatment for patients with lupus, going from the lessons learnt with pathophysiologic studies to recent clinical trials with biological agents.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo systematically investigate the relationship between objective measures of physical capacity (e.g., cardio-respiratory fitness or daily step count) and biological age, measured in different ways.Data sourcePubMed; SCOPUS - Elsevier API; and Web of Science - ISI 1984-present, as well as contextual search engines used to identify additional relevant publications.Study selectionCross-sectional and longitudinal studies that assessed the association between objectively measured physical capacity and biological aging in adult individuals (age>18).ResultsAnalysis of 28 studies demonstrated that physical capacity is positively associated with biological aging; the most dominant measures of physical capacity are muscular strength or gait speed. The majority of the studies estimated biological aging by a single methodology – either Leukocyte Telomere Length or DNA methylation levels.ConclusionsThis systematic review of the objective physical capacity measures used to estimate aging finds that the current literature is limited insofar as it overlooks the potential contribution of many feasible markers. We recommend measuring physical capacity in the context of aging using a wide range of modifiable behavioral markers, beyond simple muscle strength or simple gait speed. Forming a feasible and diversified method for estimating physical capacity through which it will also be possible to estimate biological aging in wide population studies is essential for the development of interventions that may alleviate the burden of age-related disease.  相似文献   

Although there has been a marked resurgence of optimism that tumor vaccination or active immunotherapy may hold the prospect of clinical benefit for ovarian cancer patients, this optimism has been tempered by an appreciation that ovarian cancer represents a paradigm for the art of immunological defense. The pathogenesis of ovarian cancer is characterized by the evolution of multiple immunosuppressive mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment, several of which correlate with increased morbidity and mortality in ovarian cancer patients. This issue of International Reviews of Immunology focuses on the immunology of ovarian cancer, with a particular emphasis on the role of antigen-presenting cells in shaping immunological stasis within the tumor microenvironment. An understanding of these mechanisms will likely guide the development of novel adjuvants to alleviate local immune suppression in support of clinically effective ovarian tumor vaccination.  相似文献   

Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) represent growing health problem worldwide, affecting more than 7% of the general population, and represent an important public health problem. However, knowledge in DHRs morbidity and mortality epidemiological data is still not optimal and international comparable standards remain poorly accessed. Institutional databases worldwide increasingly use the WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD) system to classify diagnoses, health services utilization, and death data. The misclassification of disorders in the ICD system contributes to a lack of ascertainment and recognition of their importance for healthcare planning and resource allocation. It also hampers clinical practice and prevention actions. To further inform the allergy community and to ensure that the revision process is transparent as advised in the WHO ICD‐11 revision agenda, we report the advances and use of the pioneering “Drug hypersensitivity” subsection of ICD‐11 and implementation in the WHO International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI). The new classification addressed to DHRs will enable the collection of more accurate epidemiological data to support quality management of patients with drug allergies and better facilitate healthcare planning and decision‐making and public health measures to prevent and reduce the morbidity and mortality attributable to DHRs.  相似文献   

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