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报告6例疑似脑瘤的晚发性放射性脑坏死。因坏死病灶较局限及有颅内压增高表现而酷似脑瘤,虽经脑电图、脑造影及CT检查,鉴别诊断仍有困难。此类病人,特别是病变位于非重要功能部位的,应开颅切除坏死组织。一般手术疗效较好,病人症状、体征可获迅速改善。  相似文献   

胶质瘤X-刀治疗后放射性坏死貌似肿瘤复发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨X-刀治疗胶质瘤后放射性坏死貌似肿瘤复发的临床表现与影像学特点。方法回顾性分析7例因胶质瘤而首选X-刀治疗后疑似肿瘤复发再行手术治疗,病理结果证实为放射性坏死病人的临床表现与影像学特点。结果7例病人均在X-刀治疗后半年内.平均4.3个月,出现颅内压增高症状或原有症状的加重,影像学(CT、MRI)特征表现为病灶范围扩大,病灶无明显增强及占位表现;手术切除病灶后病理报告为坏死组织,未发现肿瘤细胞。结论X-刀治疗半年内出现的颅内压(ICP)增高症状或原有症状加重可能为延迟性放射性坏死,极易与胶质瘤复发混淆,应根据影像学特点加以鉴别,鉴别困难时,应先行保守治疗.无效时方可手术治疗,以减少病人不必要的神经损害和经济负担。  相似文献   

目的探讨放射性脑坏死的手术适应证和治疗经验,为临床治疗放射性脑坏死提供参考。方法对上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院2014年1月~2015年6月手术治疗的4例放射性脑坏死患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并结合文献进行讨论。结果 4例患者采用手术治疗后均康复出院。结论大部分放射性脑坏死患者采用类固醇激素治疗或联合贝伐单抗治疗便能获得显著疗效,而少部分放射性脑坏死患者外科手术比较有效。但手术前应对患者颅内情况作详细、全面的评估。当颅内坏死灶与皮下组织存在沟通的可能时,如切除部分病变颅骨、去骨瓣减压术后等,应该谨慎选择手术。否则,因缺乏颅骨的支撑,颅内坏死物质极可能通过手术通道扩散至皮下、手术切口、引流管口等,影响患者伤口的愈合,甚至引发严重颅内感染。  相似文献   

目的 研究伴有癫痫发作的脑内病灶的手术治疗效果。方法 本组24例病人中,EEG示13例有局部痫样波,5例局灶慢波,6例正常。在皮质脑电图(ECoG)监测下手术.11例痫灶位于病灶表面或紧邻其边缘,行病灶 痫灶切除;8例痫灶距病灶10mm以上,其中6例位于非功能区,行病灶 痫灶切除;2例位于功能区,行病灶切除及热凝痫灶皮质;2例痫灶位于前颞叶深部,行前颞叶及病灶切除。3例ECoG正常,仅行病灶切除。结果 21例痫灶切除病人中,15例(71%)术后癫痫完全消失,2例(10%)发作显减少,4例(19%)发作减少。结论 对伴有癫痫发作的脑内病灶病人,术中ECoG及深部电极有助于精确定位痫灶;切除病灶、痫灶,效果良好。  相似文献   

目的观察头部放射治疗后放射性脑病(REP)的临床表现并探讨目前治疗方案的临床价值。方法对13例经临床或病理诊断为放射性脑病的患者手术或药物治疗效果进行回顾性分析。结果REP患者6例行手术全切病灶后药物治疗,2例患者症状明显好转,3例患者症状有缓解,1例患者无效,术后肢体无力较前有加重。7例患者未行手术仅用药物治疗,其中4例患者症状有缓解,3例患者无效,其中1例症状加重,放弃治疗。结论放射性脑病的诊断及治疗方案有待进一步完善,手术切除可能可以作为其治疗方案之一。  相似文献   

伽玛刀治疗后发生放射性脑病的原因分析及治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析伽玛刀治疗后发生放射性脑病的原因和治疗。方法自1997年8月至2004年8月对2265例不同类型颅内病变进行了伽玛刀治疗.随访中有4例患者根据临床表现和影像学检查诊断为放射性脑病,其中单次伽玛刀治疗1例,因肿瘤复发二次伽玛刀治疗2例,三次伽玛刀治疗1例。结果经过12~76个月的随访,根据影像学检查或术后病理诊断为放射性脑病,3例给予甘露醇脱水,激素治疗,1例行开颅手术切除病灶加去骨瓣减压.症状得到缓解。结论结合放射治疗的病史.通过必要的辅助检查,放射性脑坏死和肿瘤复发可得到有效的鉴别.采用药物、高压氧及必要的手术治疗,可使其得到有效的控制和缓解。  相似文献   

颞肌切除术在重型颅脑损伤术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨重型颅脑损伤术中颞肌切除的应用价值。方法24例重型颅脑损伤合并脑疝患者,术中采用去骨瓣减压并颞肌切除以扩大减压空间,增大颅腔内有效容积,避免脑组织切除。同期26例患者采用去骨瓣减压和/或部分脑叶切除之常规减压手术治疗。结果颞肌切除仅对咀嚼功能有所影响,而在手术死亡率、痊愈率、术后致残率方面,颞肌切除组明显优于常规减压组。结论颞肌切除术可降低重型颅脑损伤患者的死亡率,提高手术疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨药物难治性癫痫患者经伽玛刀治疗后迟发性放射性脑水肿、脑坏死的临床治疗.方法 总结解放军第452医院神经外科自1995年至2008年治疗的20例发生迟发性放射性脑水肿、脑坏死患者的临床特点,脑电图、MRI变化和治疗方法,其中14例患者接受药物保守治疗,6例有坏死灶形成、占位效应明显、癫痫发作加重且保守治疗无效的患者接受开颅手术切除坏死组织和邻近的癫痫放电病灶.结果 除1例患者在脑疝形成后,因家属拒绝手术而死亡外,其余19例患者均较好地控制了癫痫、头痛等症状.保守治疗中5例和手术治疗中2例患者仍需继续抗癫痫药物治疗.2例患者脑水肿坏死发生时出现癫痫发作形式的改变,同步脑电图说明迟发性放射性脑水肿坏死灶可以导致新的致痫灶.结论 癫痫患者经伽玛刀治疗后发生迟发性放射性脑水肿、脑坏死是常见的并发症,其发生有不可预测性及反复性,早期发现、早期治疗是避免出现严重后果的关键.在经过皮质激素加甘露醇或加中药治疗后,愈后较好.对有囊性坏死灶形成、占位效应明显、形成新的致痫灶者,手术治疗是改善症状、控制癫痫的有效方法.  相似文献   

多种手术结合治疗顽固性癫痫   总被引:34,自引:9,他引:25  
目的:对部分复杂的顽固性癫痫病人,将几种手术结合使用,并对其临床效果进行评价。方法:北京天坛医院手术治疗顽固性癫痫230例,其中对15例顽固性癫痫病人采用几种术式结合的方法。病人年龄9-43岁,平均18岁。病程4-40年,平均13年。发作形式为强直阵挛性发作、复杂部分性发作及失神,其中有8例存在两种发作形式。术前均服过抗癫痫药,病程后期同时服用2-3种抗癫痫药。这15例病人术前均行头皮脑电视频连续监测及头MRI检查,其中5例行头PET检查。手术在皮层脑电及深部电极监测下进行。13例行额颞开颅,胼胝体前部切开 颞前叶及海马切除 皮层热灼术;1例行额颞顶枕开颅,枕叶萎缩皮层切除 胼胝体前部切开 选择性海马切除 皮层热灼术;1全先行左额颞开颅,脚间池错构瘤及颞前叶及海马切除 皮层热灼术,术后癫痫减轻但仍发作且术后头皮脑电显示右额棘波明显,故又右额颞开颅,胼胝体前部切开 皮层热灼术。结果:术后无死亡及并发症。术手抗癫痫药物减少,术后12例服用一种抗癫痫药,3例服用两种抗癫痫药。术后随访3-12个月,14例无癫痫发作,1例癫痫发作两次(术前每天发作5-8次)。结论:多种手术结合治疗顽固性癫痫病人安全有效。  相似文献   

目的探讨脑沟皮层内小病灶致症状性癫痫患者的脑电图特点及外科治疗效果。方法回顾性分析11例脑沟皮层内小病灶致症状性癫痫患者的脑电图、手术方法及其疗效等临床资料。结果此类患者发作起始形式的头皮脑电图特点是病灶附近区域节律性3~4Hzδ波持续数秒后转为5~6Hz节律性θ波。所有患者均行手术切除病灶加皮层热灼术。术后随访1~3年,按Engel分级,Ⅰ级10例,Ⅱ级1例。随访期间所有患者没有癫痫再发作。结论手术切除病灶加皮层热灼术治疗脑沟皮层内小病灶致症状性癫痫可获得良好效果。  相似文献   

We have examined 6 patients with delayed cerebral necrosis following irradiation of extracranial neoplasms. Four of the 6 patients received 1,760 rets (or less) tumor dose. The initial symptoms attributable to radiation necrosis appeared 4 to 31 months after irradiation and were those of a focal supratentorial mass. Cerebral angiography delineated an avascular frontal or temporal lesion in all 6 patients; in 1 case a magnification study revealed narrowing, irregularity, and occlusion of small cortical vessels. Four of our 6 patients underwent craniotomy with partial or complete surgical extirpation of necrotic brain tissue. Two operated patients are alive and without disabling neurological symptoms 30 and 25 months, respectively, after the operation. The characteristic neuropathological features of delayed radiation necrosis of brain suggest that vascular injury rather than neuronal or glial damage is of primary pathogenetic significance.  相似文献   

Recently, combination of surgery and radiation therapy (RT) has been recommended in the treatment of craniopharyngioma. RT could be associated with late complications, including vasculopathy. We report two cases of the moyamoya syndrome seen in children with craniopharyngioma who received RT after surgical resection. Thirty-five patients in pediatric age with craniopharyngioma were surgically treated. Fifteen out of 35 patients underwent surgical resection followed by RT or gamma knife surgery. Two of the 15 were found to have symptoms of transient ischemic attack and were diagnosed as moyamoya syndrome through the cerebral angiography. Age at RT was 4 and 13 years, respectively. The latent period for development of the moyamoya syndrome was 27 months and 3 years, respectively, after RT. The RT dose of both patients was 54 Gy. These two patients received bilateral encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis procedures. We report here these two cases of radiation-induced moyamoya syndrome in pediatric craniopharyngioma. Pediatric patients with craniopharyngioma who received RT should be reminded, during follow-up, about the risk of development of the moyamoya syndrome.  相似文献   

A patient presented with symptoms and signs of raised intracranial pressure and increasing focal deficit 13 months after stereotactic radiosurgical treatment of an arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Computed Tomography (CT) showed a mass lesion at the site of the previous abnormality typical of radiation necrosis, but with features identical to those of a malignant neoplasm. Biopsy confirmed cerebral radiation necrosis. The radiation dose was 25 Gray to the periphery of two overlapping 14 mm collimator fields, delivered in a single dose. Treatment with steroids led to improvement in the symptoms and signs of raised intracranial pressure, but not the focal deficit. Radiation necrosis is a consequence of the large doses required to obliterate AVMs and is a limiting factor in their treatment. It is important for clinicians referring patients for stereotactic radiosurgery to be aware of this complication, and to be able to recognise and treat it.  相似文献   

Objective Brainstem tumors (BSTs) are usually gliomas and are divided into diffuse BSTs (DBSTs) and focal BSTs (FBSTs). The aim of this study is to investigate the different outcomes of these two entities.Methods Thirty-one patients with BSTs were admitted to our institution from 1995 to 2003. Patients with DBSTs were treated with locoregional radiotherapy (1.8 Gy/day for 54 Gy) and weekly vincristine for radiosensitization (1.5 mg/sm for six total doses). Patients with FBSTs underwent surgical resection. Chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy were considered in progression.Results and conclusions Fourteen patients were diagnosed as having DBSTs. The responses to treatment were ten cases of partial response, three of stable disease, and one of progressive disease. General and/or neurological symptoms improved in more than 80% of patients. The median time from diagnosis to progression and to death were, nonetheless, 8 (range of 3–13) and 13 (range of 4–25) months, respectively, with a 2-year overall survival rate of 12.3% [standard error (SE) 11.2]. Seventeen patients were diagnosed as having FBSTs. Gross total removal was achieved in 4/17 cases, subtotal removal in 7/17, and partial removal in 6/17. There was one surgery-related death. Eight out of 17 patients had adjuvant chemo- and/or radiotherapy after progression: 6/8 are without neurological symptoms and 2/8 have died due to tumor progression. The 4-year overall and disease-free survival rates are 87.4 (SE 8.4) and 58.8% (SE 11.9), respectively, the extent of resection being the most important prognostic factor (p=0.012). DBSTs continue to carry a dismal prognosis, thus demanding new treatment modalities; FBSTs can be treated surgically and patients benefit from a better prognosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether localization of extratemporal epilepsy with subtraction ictal SPECT coregistered with MRI (SISCOM) is predictive of outcome after resective epilepsy surgery, whether SISCOM images provide prognostically important information compared with standard tests, and whether blood flow change on SISCOM images is useful in determining site and extent of excision required. BACKGROUND: The value of SISCOM in predicting surgical outcome for extratemporal epilepsy is unknown, especially if MRI findings are nonlocalizing. METHODS: SISCOM images in 36 consecutive patients were classified by blinded reviewers as "localizing and concordant with site of surgery," "localizing but nonconcordant with site of surgery," or "nonlocalizing." SISCOM images were coregistered with postoperative MRI, and reviewers visually determined whether cerebral cortex underlying the SISCOM focus had been completely resected, partially resected, or not resected. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients (66.7%) had localizing SISCOM, including 13 (76.5%) of those without a focal MRI lesion. Eleven of 19 patients (57.9%) with localizing SISCOM concordant with the surgical site, compared with 3 of 17 (17.6%) with nonlocalizing or nonconcordant SISCOM, had an excellent outcome (p < 0.05). With logistic regression analysis, SISCOM findings were predictive of postsurgical outcome, independently of MRI or scalp ictal EEG findings (p < 0.05). The extent of resection of the cortical region of the SISCOM focus was significantly associated with the rate of excellent outcome (100% with complete resection, 60% with partial resection, and 20% with nonresection, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: SISCOM images may be useful in guiding the location and extent of resection in extratemporal epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   

The clinical features of epilepsy associated with cerebral cavernomas and the results of different types of its surgical treatment: cavernonectomy, extended cavernomectomy, and epileptic focus resection were analyzed. The clinical, radiological, and electrophysiological data were studied in 48 patients with epileptic seizures associated with cerebral cavernomas who had been admitted to the Unit of Neurosurgery, Saint Anna Hospital (Paris, France) in 1982-2001. According to the severity of epileptic manifestations, the patients were divided into 2 groups: 1) 21 patients with single and rare seizures and 2) 27 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. All the patients received medical antiepileptic therapy. Twelve patients from Group 1 underwent cavernomectomy or "extended" cavernomectomy. In Group 2, 23 patients were operated on and 3 types of operations (cavernomectomy, "extended" cavernomectomy, and corticoectomy) were performed. Statistically significant differences were found in anatomic, clinical, and electrophysiological parameters. Criteria associated with the development of drug-resistant epilepsy were established. These included: the early onset of seizures, temporal cavernoma, and a combination of partial and generalized seizures in one patient. The paper shows it necessary to choose a surgical intervention in relation to the duration of seizures, their frequency, and a response to medical antiepileptic therapy. The advantages of surgical treatment over medical one were not found in single and rare seizures (Group 1), while in drug-resistant epilepsy, surgical treatment yielded much better epileptological results than did medical treatment. The volume of a surgical intervention depends on the sizes of an epileptic focus detected by an in-depth preoperative study and on the site of a cavernoma.  相似文献   

多处软脑膜下横纤维切断术治疗难治性癫痫的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 总结多处软脑膜下横纤维切断术(multiple subpial transection,MST)与其他术式联合应用治疗难治性癫痫的疗效。方法 195例难治性癫痫患者,部分性发作者81例,全面性发作者114例。根据手术前脑电图、SPECT、PET、CT及MR定位检查,结合术中皮层电极脑电图探测结果,划出致痫灶地域图,于显微镜下先行致痫灶及颞叶基底部切除或胼胝体切开;而后对周围或广泛性棘波发放区施行多处软脑膜下横纤维切断,最后经皮层电极脑电图探查显示病变区癫痫样波形完全消失即完成手术。结果 195例患者,行大脑半球广泛单纯性MST者39例(20.00%);大脑半球表面蛛网膜粘连带切除减压+MST者21例(10.78%);颞尖部及颞叶基底部切除+颞叶新皮质MST者39例(20.00%);大脑半球局限性病变及致痫带切除+广泛性MST者50例(25.64%);病灶周边局限性MST者16例(8.21%);胼胝体前2/3切开+双额叶前部MST者30例(15.38%)。无一例发生手术死亡,亦未出现严重并发症。随访80例患者,优45例(56.25%),良20例(25.00%),中9例(11.25%),差6例(7.50%);有效率为92.50%,显效率为81.25%。结论 联合应用MST与致痫灶切除、颞叶内基底区切除或胼胝体切开是治疗难治性癫痫患者的有效方法,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Epilepsy and Brain Tumors: Implications for Treatment   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6  
Gregory D. Cascino 《Epilepsia》1990,31(S3):S37-S44
Summary: Primary intraparenchymal tumors of the brain are important etiologic factors in partial or focal epilepsy. Indolent low-grade gliomas may be associated with a long-standing seizure disorder refractory to medical treatment. Surgical resection of the neoplasm and the epileptogenic area may render patients seizure-free. Removal of the tumor alone may also be associated with an excellent survival rate and surgical outcome. Conventional neurosurgical procedures are restricted in patients with tumors that are deep-seated lesions or involve functional cerebral cortex. Computer-assisted stereotactic surgical procedures have been developed for biopsy and resection of intra-axial brain-mass lesions. Stereotactic tumor resection may allow pathological determination of intracranial lesions and produce a worthwhile reduction in seizure activity in some patients with intractable partial epilepsy.  相似文献   

选择性海马切除在枕叶癫痫手术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 总结分析枕叶癫痫患者手术中联合选择性海马切除的手术治疗效果和经验.方法 回顾性分析2003年1月至2006年12月在我科接受手术治疗的20例向颢叶内侧传导的枕叶癫痫病例,统计患者的发病、检查及手术治疗情况,并介绍相关手术体会.17例(85%)为部分性发作继发强直.痉挛性发作为主,9例有颢叶先兆或口咽自动症,PET检查中9例有颞叶的代谢异常,MRI及MRS共发现有海马异常13例;脑电图确定癫痫灶位于枕叶外侧皮层8例.内侧皮层6例,枕颞交界区6例,发作期脑电图均显示明显向颢叶传导.手术均行枕叶致痫灶切除和经颞底海马结构切除术.结果 癫痫发作Engle分级示:I级16例,Ⅱ级2例,Ⅲ级2例.出现视野损害3例;推理智商无明显变化15例,下降4例,改善1例.结论 向颞叶传导为主的枕叶癫痫常可以有颢叶的先兆或自动症,并有影像学的异常,手术联合枕叶致痫灶切除和经颞底海马结构切除术,手术效果好.  相似文献   

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