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牛初乳提取物(BCE)对老年人抗衰老作用的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用随机双盲对照法在老年人群中服用牛初乳提取物(BovineColos一trumExtract,BCE)三个月,观察抗衰老作用。结果表明,BCE能提高老年人体内血清总超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力(2.52±2.97U/mgprotein,P<0.01)和锰-超氧化物歧化酶(Mn一SOD)活力(1.08±1.85U/mgprotein,P<0.01),降低脂质过氧化物(一2.55±1.61nmol/ml,P<0.01);BCE尚能提高老年人的液化智能,尤其在图样记忆测验(0.66±1.06,P<0.01)与瞬时记忆广度(0.22±1.91,P<0.01)方面,效果明显,能提高外周血中性粒细胞的吞噬百分率(8.78±10.02%,P<0.01);并能改善容易疲倦,腰酸痛,肢凉畏寒、多夜尿等衰老症状(一5.31±5.11,P<0.01)  相似文献   

目的观察妇外栓对大小鼠局部抗炎和对磷酸组织胺所致豚鼠瘙痒反应的止痒作用。方法取小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠复制炎症和瘙痒模型,再用不同剂量的妇外栓外涂患处,以观察其对炎症和瘙痒的抑制作用,并与康妇特栓和蒸馏水进行同期对照。结果 40%、20%、10%妇外栓和20%康妇特栓对二甲苯所致小鼠耳肿胀均有明显的抑制作用(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);致炎后1h,40%、20%妇外栓和20%康妇特栓均有明显的抗蛋清所致的大鼠足跖肿胀的作用(P〈0.05或P〈0.01),但2、4、6h后所测的肿胀度各组差异均无显著性意义(P〉0.05);40%、20%妇外栓和20%康妇特栓均可提高磷酸组织胺所致豚鼠后足的致痒阈(P〈0.01),且40%、20%妇外栓致痒阈明显高于20%康妇特栓(P〈0.01)。结论妇外栓具有明显的抗炎和止痒作用,且抗炎作用与康妇特栓相当,但止痒效果比康妇特栓强。  相似文献   

血吸虫抗生殖免疫是当今控制血吸虫病的一个新的研究热点.本文就减毒尾蚴、未成熟虫卵可溶性抗原、谷胱苷肽-S-转移酶(GST)、卵壳蛋白、31/32 KDa抗原、铁蛋白、原肌球蛋白、副肌球蛋白等具有抗生殖免疫效应的抗原、其基因序列及氨基酸序列分析等作一综述.  相似文献   

糖尿病(diabetic mellitus,DM)的微血管并发症之一是糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN),如今患有慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)及终末期肾脏疾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)的人数不断增加,DN对前者的影响是巨大的。在DN的发生发展中,有三种主要通路参与其中,这些通路代表着异常的细胞内代谢、多元醇和蛋白激酶C通路的激活、糖基化终末产物的形成、肾小球高灌注诱导的肾小球内高压。从DN进展到ESRD,高血糖是这三种重要通路的主要上游驱动力量,作为这三种主要通路的下游因素,微炎症及随后发生的细胞外基质扩张是DN进展的共同通路。近几年,研究者已经确信炎症通路在DN的进展中起主要作用,并且针对不同炎性因子给予了相应治疗。本文就炎性因子在DN中的作用及最新的抗炎治疗进行了综述。  相似文献   

创伤后机体免疫功能一方面表现出过度炎症反应状态,大量炎症介质对机体造成进一步的损害;另一方面抗感染的免疫防御功能受到抑制,并易于继发.这种免疫功能双向性改变对临床救治带来困难[1,2].  相似文献   

本文采用随机分组原则和双盲对照方法,系统地观察了抗乙肝免疫核糖核酸(HBsAg—RNA),聚肌胞(PolyⅠ:Ⅰ),中成药等分组临床治疗乙肝情况,观察结果表明,“HBsAg—RNA”在HBsAg,HBeAg,抗HBC阴转方面,以及对乙肝患者的症状,体征,肝功能,转氨酶的改善方面,均显示了效果。与PolyⅠ:Ⅰ组,中成药组比较有明显统计学差异(P<0.05)。倘能进一步提高免疫RNA提纯问题,则“HBsAg—RNA”将是乙肝病原疗法的理想制剂,其发展前途是可喜的。至于临床应用“HBsAg—RNA”的最佳治疗剂量问题,尚有待于进一步观察应用。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草的药理功能研究进展(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冬虫夏草药理功能广泛,主要以对免疫的调节作用为主,涉及移植排斥、抗肿瘤、防氧化等多方面.通过对近三年的相关文献检索,综述冬虫夏草药理功能的研究进展.  相似文献   

病人服用免疫营养物质后对机体炎性反应的改变越来越受到人们重视。我们将综述胃肠肿瘤手术病人炎性反应的特点、免疫营养物质对其作用,以及不同免疫营养如谷氨酰胺类、精氨酸和ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸对病人炎性反应以及感染并发症发生率的影响。  相似文献   

常见的抗组胺药主要分三代:第一代抗组胺药抗过敏和止痒作用良好,但具有明显的中枢抑制和抗胆碱作用,代表药有马来酸氯苯那敏、苯海拉明、赛庚啶等;第二代抗组胺药药效与第一代相近或强于第一代,具有镇静作用小,无抗胆碱作用等优点,且作用时间长,提高了患者的用药顺应性,代表药有氯雷他定、西替利嗪、咪唑斯叮等;第三代抗组胺药是第二代的代谢物,具有对心脏传导阻滞无影响、与其他药物相互作用小等显著优点,包括左西替利嗪、非索非那丁、地氯雷他定和乙氟利嗪等。抗组胺药物的常见副作用有中枢抑制作用、抗胆碱作用、心脏毒性作用、体重增加、变态反应、发热、肝脏转氨酶升高及粒细胞缺乏症等。  相似文献   

黄酮类物质-TFOD对大鼠炎症的影响及其机制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究黄酮类物质- TFOD的抗炎作用及其机制.方法:采用角叉菜诱导的大鼠足爪肿胀模型进行研究.计量资 料结果以 x± s表示,组间比较采用 t检验、方差分析.结果: TFOD( 30.0、60.0 mg· kg- 1)能明显抑制角叉菜胶诱导 的大鼠足肿胀; TFOD( 30.0 mg· kg- 1)在致炎后 0.5~ 1.0 h有抑制作用; TFOD( 60.0 mg· kg- 1)于致炎后 0.5~ 1.0 h 作用最强,致炎后 4 h仍有一定的抗炎作用.TFOD(15、30、60 mg· kg- 1)能降低大鼠炎症足爪组织和血清中 PGE2、MDA的含量,提高血清中 SOD的含量.TFOD(30、60 mg· kg- 1)能降低大鼠血清中 NO的含量.结论: TFOD( 30.0、60.0 mg· kg- 1)有明显的抗炎作用,其抗炎作用机制可能与抑制 PGE2、NO合成和释放,抑制脂质过氧化,抗超氧阴 离子自由基有关.  相似文献   

目的探讨山楂黄酮对离体小鼠睾丸间质细胞的热应激防护作用。方法选取对数生长期的小鼠睾丸间质细胞株(TM3),设对照组、热应激组(43 ℃ 1 h)、山楂黄酮高、中、低剂量组(800、200、50 mg/L)、阳性对照组(绒毛膜促性腺激素500 IU/L)。采用噻唑蓝法观察细胞活性,光学显微镜观察细胞形态学变化,检测丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性。结果与对照组比较,热应激组细胞增殖率[(77.74±5.10)%]明显下降,SOD和GSH-Px活性[分别为(19.27±1.02)、(246.03±13.53)U/mL]降低,MDA含量[(2.54±0.09)nmol/mL]明显升高(P<0.01),细胞数量明显下降,细胞收缩变形;与热应激组比较,山楂黄酮低剂量组细胞增值率[(91.33±5.50)%]、SOD和GSH-Px活性[分别为(28.31±1.30)、(270.91±10.34)U/mL]明显升高,MDA含量[(2.04±0.01)nmol/mL]明显下降(P<0.05),细胞数量虽明显减少,但细胞形状保持良好。结论山楂黄酮可增强细胞抗氧化能力,对睾丸间质细胞的热应激损伤具有一定保护作用。  相似文献   

The best health and nutrition results can be achieved not only from the consumption of fruits and vegetables with high antioxidant capacities, but also from medicinal plants and herbs. Therefore, in the present investigation, the bioactive compounds (polyphenols and flavonoids) and the radical scavenging capacities of Prolipid, a mixture of herbs, were studied. Water extracts showed relatively high capacity of about 61.5% inhibition with the β-carotene–linoleic acid assay. In order to support the data obtained with β-carotene–linoleic acid assay, three different antioxidant assays were used: ferric-reducing/antioxidant power, trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical with prolonged time of their reactions. It was found that the amounts of polyphenols in water and methanol extracts were 22.849±2.267 and 3.241±0.325 mg gallic acid equivalent/g dry weight, and the antioxidant capacities in same extracts as determined by the 2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) test after 120min were 275.81±27.58 and 62.25±6.11 micromole Trolox equivalents (µMTE) dry weight, respectively. The correlation coefficients between polyphenols and antioxidant capacities of Prolipid with 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical and β-carotene–linoleic acid assay were about 0.97 and 0.98. In conclusion, the bioactivity of Prolipid was high and the total polyphenols were the main contributors to the overall antioxidant capacity. The results of our investigation in vitro are comparable with other medicinal plants and fruits widely used in the treatment of humans without known side effects. Prolipid, a mixture of herbs, can therefore be used as a supplement for nutritional and healthy purposes.  相似文献   

In this study, the antioxidant activity of 50% aqueous methanol extracts of Crataegus tanacetifolia (Lam.) Pers, Crataegus bornmuelleri Zaberi, Crataegus orientalis Pall. ex M.Bieb. var. orientalis, Crataegus szovitsii Pojark, Crataegus curvisepala Lindm., Crataegus monogyna Jacq. subsp. monogyna, Crataegus monogyna Jacq.subsp. azarella (Gris.) Franco, Crataegus micophylla C.Koch, Rosa foetida Herrm., Rosa hemisphaerica J.Herrm., Rosa pulverulenta M.Bieb., Rosa canina L., Rubus discolor Weihe & Nees, Rubus canescens DC. var. canescens, Rubus sanctus Screber, Rubus caesius L., Sorbus umbellata (Desf.) Fritsch var. umbellata, Prunus avium L. (Moench.) and Prunus cerasus L. Mespilus germenica was evaluated by various antioxidant assays, including free radical scavenging, hydrogen peroxide scavenging and metal-chelating activities. The extracts of R. hemisphaerica J.Herrm., P. cerasus L. and R. canina L. showed more stronger free radical scavenging and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activities, and the extracts of R. foetida Herrm. (62.54%) and P. cerasus L. showed stronger metal-chelating activity. The results obtained in the present study indicated that the R. hemisphaerica J.Herrm., P. cerasus L. and R. canina are potential sources of natural antioxidant. These antioxidant properties depend on the concentration of the sample.  相似文献   

Aspergillus awamori-fermented black soybeans, a healthy food ingredient, were subjected to heating at 40–100°C for 30 min. After heat treatment, the methanol extract of the fermented black soybeans was examined for antioxidant activity including the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrozyl radical-scavenging effect and the Fe2+-chelating ability. It was found that antioxidant activity exerted by the methanol extract was stable with heating at a temperature up to 80°C for 30 min. The extract showed a reduced antioxidant activity after heating the fermented black soybeans at 100°C for 30 min. However, it showed approximately 70% and 40%, respectively, of the original 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrozyl radical-scavenging effect and the Fe2+-chelating ability. Heating also reduced the total phenolic and anthocyanin content in the fermented black soybeans, but this reduction did not coincide closely with the reduction of antioxidant activity observed.  相似文献   

The ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts obtained from eight varieties (Faikbey, Y-1779, CI-8357, Cheokota, Seydi?ehir, Y-330, Sivas and YVD-18) of oat (Avena sativa L.), one variety (Larende) of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), one variety (Tatlicak 97) of triticale (Triticale sp.) and one rye variety (Aslim 95) (Secale cereale L.) were investigated for their antioxidant effects in seven test systems. Anticholinesterase activity of the extracts was examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) microplate reader. Total phenol and flavonoid contents were calculated using Folin Ciocalteau and AlCl3 reagents, respectively. All of the extracts were ineffective in cholinesterase inhibition assays and had weak-to-moderate activity in antioxidant assays. The extracts exerted better activity in iron-chelation capacity ranging between 43.17 ± 2.04 and 62.97 ± 1.29%. Triticale extracts showed higher activity in reducing power experiments. A notable difference in the results of the antioxidant activity assays was observed among the oat varieties.  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤是全球范围内的重要公共卫生问题, 其造成的疾病负担日益增加。炎症被认为是肿瘤的诱发因子, 与其发生有密切关系。近年来, 从炎症的角度出发去探讨饮食与肿瘤等慢性病之间关系的研究逐渐受到公众和流行病学专家的关注。本文通过对流行病学研究中常见饮食相关炎症指数文献的检索, 针对其构建方法及在肿瘤流行病学研究中应用进行了系统总结和归纳。首先, 重点介绍了常用饮食相关炎症指数及其构建方法, 例如以膳食炎症指数为代表的由文献衍生的饮食相关炎症指数, 以经验性膳食炎症指数为代表的由经验衍生的饮食相关炎症指数等。其次, 对目前常用的饮食相关炎症指数的相关流行病学研究进展进行了综述。最后, 简要描述了文献衍生的和经验衍生的两类膳食炎症指数的特点和局限性。以期为国内恶性肿瘤等慢性病相关营养流行病学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The physical and chemical properties of the date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruit seeds from seven date samples (Soukari, Soulag, Barhi, Khulas, Rozaiz, Soughi and Monaif) were evaluated. Energy values of dried and ground seeds were found between 4340 kcal/kg (Barhi cv) and 4795 kcal/kg (Rozaiz cv). Also, while crude oil content of seeds were established between 4.68% (Khulas cv) and 7.96% (Monaif cv), crude protein contents were found at the levels between 3.71% (Soulag cv) and 5.47% (Barhi cv). The antioxidant activity of seeds obtained from different date fruits changed between 78.03 (mg/ml) (Monaif cv) and 79.94 (mg/ml) (Barhi cv). In addition, the total phenol contents of seeds were found between 1.98 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g (Barhi cv) and 4.65 mg GAE/100 g (Soughi cv). The most abundant fatty acids of the date seed oils were oleic, lauric, myristic, palmitic and stearic acids. Ca, Mg, K and P contents of date seeds were found at the high concentrations.  相似文献   

黄芪多糖(Astragalus Polysaccharide,APS)是一种具有多重功效的天然提取物,具有抗肿瘤功效,研究价值和经济价值很高。本文就黄芪多糖的抗肿瘤功效及抗肿瘤机制的最新研究进展进行综述,可望对黄芪多糖在临床抗肿瘤方面的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Health benefits including antioxidant potential of black tea (Camellia sinensis), lemon (Citrus limon) and honey bees (Apis mellifera) have been extensively reported. Nevertheless, nothing is reported about the effects of their concomitant use. Herein, those effects were evaluated in infusions of lemon-flavoured black tea with three different kinds of honey (light amber, amber and dark amber) from Lavandula stoechas, Erica sp. pl. and other indigenous floral species from north-east Portugal, a region with high amounts of this food product. Data obtained showed that the use of honey (dark amber>amber>light amber) potentiates the antioxidant activity of lemon-flavoured black tea, increasing the reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition properties, as also the antioxidant contents such as phenolics, flavonoids and organic acids including ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

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