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目的 研究云南省助理全科医生培训学员的满意度及影响因素,为提高云南省助培质量提供参考依据。方法 采用整群抽样的方法,自行设计并发放问卷,抽取云南省8家助培基地322名助培学员进行问卷调查,最终对有效问卷进行统计学分析。结果 云南省助理全科医生培训满意度为62.11%;男性学员(75.75%)的满意度优于女性学员(56.11%);州市级助培基地(68.21%)的学员满意度优于县级助培基地(52.75%);有序多分类Logistic回归分析显示,基地性质(OR=1.952,95%CI:1.218~3.127)、性别(OR=0.279,95%CI:0.162~0.481)、参加助培的身份(OR=0.288,95%CI:0.103~0.805)以及是否订单定向医学生(OR=4.726,95%CI:1.598~13.979)对助理全科医生培训满意度有影响。结论 云南省助理全科医生培训满意度较低,性别、年龄影响助理全科医生培训满意度,建议根据不同性别、年龄学员的不同需求实行个性化培训;基地性质也影响助理全科医生培训满意度,建议加强对县级助培基地的基础设施建设。  相似文献   

目的对参加甘肃中医药大学2017年乡村医生进修培训的乡村医生进行调查,了解甘肃省乡村医生的基本情况、在岗培训情况和对本次培训的满意度及建议,提出相关的对策和建议。方法从参加甘肃中医药大学2017年乡村医生进修培训的乡村医生中随机抽取629人进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷574份。调查内容包括乡村医生队伍的基本情况、在岗培训情况、本次培训在学时安排和授课等方面的满意度及建议等。调查结果采用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计分析。结果我省乡村医生队伍老龄化现象已有所改善,35~55岁占79.96%;学历结构偏低,本科及以上学历仅占0.17%;执业化程度较低,执业(助理)医师仅占9.93%,低于全国平均水平;工作量较大,日工作时间8 h及以上占57.14%,78.92%的村医既从事乡村医生工作又务农;收入较低,85.89%的村医月收入在2 000元以下,76.31%的村医无养老保险;在岗培训情况不理想,55.23%的人员未参加过培训;本次培训调查学员对培训的时间、地点和师资均比较满意,理论培训课程学时安排满意度平均得分(4.08±0.06)分,教师授课满意度平均得分(4.14±0.13)分。结论乡村医生队伍依然是我省医疗卫生服务体系的薄弱环节,应继续加强乡村医生队伍的建设;保障乡村医生的收入,完善乡村医生的养老制度;根据乡村医生的实际工作需求加强乡村医生在岗培训。  相似文献   

目的:评价深圳市住院医师规范化培训工作,为下阶段培训工作的顺利开展提供参考。方法:自行设计问卷,对参加培训学员进行调查。结果:回收问卷870份(有效回收率86.8%)。学员对培训基地条件满意比例超过50%,但总体满意度不高,为33.3%。市内培训基地的培训条件、管理水平与市外基地相比,还有一定的差距,市外学员的自评培训效果优于市内培训基地。结论:市内培训基地建设仍需加强,基地管理、考核、培训内容安排、学员待遇等方面还有待完善。  相似文献   

周冬  张弦 《医疗装备》2022,(19):29-33
目的 了解安徽省医疗器械生产企业培训现状及从业人员培训需求,以提升医疗器械生产企业从业人员培训的针对性,促进医疗器械上市发展。方法 采用统一的自制问卷对调查对象开展医疗器械生产企业培训现状及从业人员培训需求调查,通过Excel表格对问卷结果进行汇总、整理与分析,针对关注度较为集中的培训需求进行分析并提出建议。结果 本次调查共发放问卷120份,回收问卷120份,问卷回收率为100.00%,其中有效问卷109份,问卷回收有效率为90.83%。120家医疗器械生产企业中,填写有效问卷的109名从业人员所在的109家企业的内部培训方式以内部讲师理论授课、内部经验交流与分享、内部岗位实操为主,内部培训周期以每月1次为主,内部培训效果以较好、一般为主。填写有效问卷的109名从业人员中,100名从业人员(占比91.74%)参加过外部培训。从业人员外部培训内容需求以医疗器械注册、医疗器械生产为主,外部培训时间需求以1、2、3天为主,外部培训方式需求以案例分析为主。从业人员医疗器械注册培训具体内容需求以研究资料及产品风险管理资料的撰写要求为主。从业人员医疗器械生产培训项目需求以医疗器械生产管理,医疗器械...  相似文献   

目的 调查糖尿病专科护士取得资质后工作开展及后期培训模式的探讨,为优化糖尿病专科护士的培训、继续教育和加强科研协作提供依据。方法 截至2021年10月,培训基地已开展8期糖尿病专科护士培训班,共招收来自军内60余所医院及疗养院的94名学员,均已经取得全军糖尿病专科护士资格证书。通过查阅文献,咨询专家,自行设计调查问卷。采用微信平台对在本院完成培训并获得资质的94名学员进行问卷调查,调查内容主要为糖尿病专科护士经过培训后,在临床实际护理工作中的现状以及对培训、继续教育和科研协作的需求进行反馈。结果 回收有效问卷85份,所调研的专科护士90.59%都在从事教学及患者健康教育工作,其中专职开展此项工作的22名(25.88%)。40%的专科护士其所在医院开设了教育咨询门诊。9.42%的专科护士获得资质后,获得了糖尿病或内分泌相关护理专业学会、学组的任职。所调研的专科护士70.45%在护理科研方面需求突出,结业后参加或主持糖尿病相关课题的糖尿病专科护士占31.40%,以第一作者身份发表糖尿病相关论文的糖尿病专科护士仅占21.80%。结论 糖尿病专科护士培养后可发挥其重要性,但在科研能力方面还有欠...  相似文献   

目的了解基层医疗卫生工作人员继续医学教育的需求及影响因素,为有关部门今后合理开展继续医学教育提供参考依据。方法采用文献查阅、专家咨询、问卷调查和面对面访谈等方法,抽取泸州市下属基层医疗卫生机构的部分医疗卫生人员进行匿名问卷调查,调查基本情况、继续教育现状、参加继续教育的满意度、继续教育需求,计数资料采用χ2检验,P0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果本次调查共收回有效问卷764份,问卷有效率为93.06%,在这些问卷中,57.4%的医疗卫生人员希望在职自学/函授考试以提高学历,56.7%希望到上级医院定期参观学习;基层医疗卫生人员希望参加的内容以专业新技术、新知识为主(90.3%),其次是对人际沟通(53.0%)及医学心理学(52.4%)的学习,对科研论文写作的需求比例仅占27.5%;继续教育学习方式由高到低前3位依次为课程(67.1%)、讲座(60.9%)和网络学习(48.6%)。结论泸州市基层医疗卫生人员继续医学教育的需求率高,需意识到继续教育的重要性,有关部门应针对继续教育对象的需求合理安排。网络学习方式经济便捷,内容丰富,应加强这方面继续教育项目的建设和推广应用。  相似文献   

全国预防接种异常反应监测省级师资培训效果评估   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的评估两期全国预防接种异常反应监测省级师资培训班的培训效果。方法培训前、后采用同一份问卷对学员进行现场考查,同时以测评表评定学员对培训的满意度。结果培训后与知识、技能相关的13个问题中,7个问题的正确率显著提高,但仍有近半数的学员未能掌握预防接种异常反应的分类。>90%的学员认为本次培训的质量好,但培训材料尚需完善、充实。结论采用互动参与式培训模式效果较好,学员的知识、技能、认知态度及应对处理能力有不同程度的提高,对于一些薄弱环节需要在今后的培训中加强。  相似文献   

孔淑华 《中国校医》2001,15(5):393-393
为了解本校高中生对早餐的知识、态度和行为 ,发现其中存在的问题 ,开展了本次调查。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 平阴一中高中三个年级的全体学生 ,共 2 2 48人 ,其中男生 1333人 ,女生 915人。1.2 内容和方法 采用问卷调查。调查问卷为自行设计 ,包括学生对早餐知识态度和行为问题。进行无计名问卷调查 ,问卷填好名 ,及时对问卷核对、清理、统一编码。2 结果2 .1 基本情况本次调查共发放问卷 2 2 48份 ,收回答卷 2 14 8份 ,有效答卷 2 115份 ,男生 12 46份 ,女生 86 9份 ,有效回收率94.1%。表 1 学生对早餐知识、态度情况 ( % )  问题…  相似文献   

[目的]对6个全球基金艾滋病防治项目省学校生活技能教育骨干师资培训需求与培训效果进行分析,为今后有效开展生活技能为基础预防艾滋病教育教师培训及学生健康教育活动提供重要的依据.[方法]2005年7月对参加全球基金艾滋病防治项目培训的6个省60名教师进行前后两次问卷调查.[结果]最近两年,各省在开展学校预防艾滋病教育培训时主要的培训内容仍集中在艾滋病相关知识层面上.学员认为开展生活技能教育与艾滋病预防的相关培训最大困难是缺乏合适的培训材料和缺乏培训技巧;开展以生活技能为基础的学校预防艾滋病教育的主要困难是缺乏教学材料、缺乏师资、缺乏培训.97.7%的学员认为本次培训的教学方法与教学内容好.[结论]本次生活技能培训效果得到了学员认可,应用本次培训的方法和内容,进一步加强教师的生活技能教育、参与式教学方法培训.  相似文献   

目的 评价董氏手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症技术的培训效果.方法 对甘肃省2个项目县选派的52名医务人员进行集中培训,培训前后对学员进行闭卷考试,获取学员的平均成绩和知晓情况;培训结束后使用问卷进行满意度调查.结果 经培训,学员的平均成绩从培训前的31.20分提高到了课堂讲授后的80.00分及互动强化后的80.65分,培训前与课堂讲授后及互动强化后成绩之间差异均有统计学意义(F=143.363,P<0.01);知晓率从培训前的36.09%提高到了课堂讲授后的80.00%及互动强化后的82.30%,培训前与课堂讲授后及互动强化后知晓率之间差异有统计学意义(X2=279.30,P<0.01).学员对该技术的需求率、掌握程度、对培训方式的满意度的分别为98.08%,96.15%,96.15%,认为该技术容易学习的为65.39%.结论 本次培训取得了较好的效果,但互动强化效果不明显,学员尚未熟练掌握该技术的实际操作,今后应加强实际操作的培训.  相似文献   

目的通过对GMP模拟车间实训课学生评教数据分析,探讨精细化管理对其教学质量的影响,从而提高GMP模拟车间实训课教学质量。方法通过对管理前后学生教学质量评价进行对比,选取最适合GMP模拟车间的管理方法。结果采取精细化管理后,学生教学质量评价从35.71%提高到96.42%。结论对GMP模拟车间精细化管理能够有效提高该课程的教学质量,给社会带来更大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

目的研究在住院医师规范化培训过程中,采用PBL联合CBL教学模式的效果。方法将60名接受规范化培训的住院医师纳入该次实验,采用随机数字表法将其中30名纳入参照组,剩余30名纳入研究组,在住院医师规范化培训过程中,两组分别实施常规讲授式教学模式和PBL联合CBL教学模式,统计并比较两种教学模式下学员的培训成绩及其对住院医师规范化培训的满意度。结果培训后研究组理论知识、实践操作以及案例分析考核成绩均高于参照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组对住院医师规范化培训教学法的满意度93.33%高于参照组的80.00%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在住院医师规范化培训过程中,采用PBL联合CBL教学模式,可以提高住院医师规范化培训效果,并可提高学员对住院医师规范化培训的满意度,是一种较为理想的住院医师规范化培训教学模式。  相似文献   

文章讨论了由突发公共卫生事件引发的对构建现代公共卫生和临床医学整合教育模式的反思及其对策措施.透过SARS危机,暴露出我国现行医学教育体制上存在的医防分离的严重性,提示我们应借鉴21世纪医学生培养目标与要求,改革医学教育模式,促进多学科、跨专业的合作,建立以社区为目标、以问题为中心的公共卫生与临床医学整合教育的全新综合化课程体系;积极推广计算机辅助教育(CAI),加强运用现代化教学手段;建设以社区实践为主要内容的公共卫生和临床医学整合教育基地,加强高职高专医学生实践技能的培养,以构建新型高职高专医学人才培养模式,培养防治结合的新型实用型医学人才.  相似文献   

The aim of the post-graduate degree course on tobacco and smoking cessation is to train professionals who have dedicated themselves to the fight against tobacco and smoking. An educational assessment of the degree programme was carried out in order to evaluate its impact on practice. A questionnaire was mailed to 60 students registered in the programme at Strasbourg University between 1997 and 2002 (with a response rate of 71.6%). The evaluation was able to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching in the programme and the level of student satisfaction. The tobacco control and smoking cessation interventions of the students before and after completing the course were compared in order to assess the impact on their professional practice. The programme's participants came from a variety of professions including medical doctors (74.4%), paramedical staff (16.3%) and other professions (6.9%). The students acknowledged the course's high level of quality (the teachers were appreciated, and the programme was comprehensive). The structure of the course was operational; however, the students admitted that they felt that the practical application and the interactive aspects of the learning (such as case studies, role playing, training in a specific smoking cessation intervention were insufficient. They also noted a lack of emphasis on treatments that do not rely on pharmacotherapy such as behavioural therapy and psychological support. Tobacco cessation related problems or side effects of quitting like weight gain, anxiety or insomnia were not appropriately developed. The majority of students were very satisfied with the theoretical basis of the curriculum and with their internship in a tobacco cessation consultation intervention. Today, 69% of the students trained are working in smoking cessation and tobacco control. They have been able to diversify their activities, going from prevention to tobacco cessation, and vice versa. Course tracks focusing on pregnant women, adolescents and behavioural therapies have now been introduced into the degree programme. In terms of further investing in the improvement of skills and competencies, the programme could better respond to the students' needs by taking into account the development of interactive teaching methods such as role playing and workshops.  相似文献   

Can the experience of interviewing published authors and reflection help developing health care professionals learn about scholarly writing? Students were asked to interview published authors by phone and in person, asking a set of six interview questions designed to give insight into the authors' writing process. Students' reflective assignments based on such interviews were then analyzed. Students identified particular rituals and routines that certain authors used to promote their writing ability, as well as the struggles authors face and their strategies to overcome these problems. After the course assignment, students viewed published authors more realistically as individuals who learned to write in a scholarly manner through experience and skill development. This course assignment is an innovative pedagogical approach to help students understand the process of writing in a scholarly manner and to encourage the professional dissemination of information via scholarly publications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trainee nurses, doctors and dietitians will direct the future of obesity treatment and prevention. To do so effectively, they must have sufficient knowledge regarding the health risks associated with obesity and feel that part of their professional role is to counsel obese patients regarding these risks. METHODS: An online survey collected data on professional roles, training needs and the Obesity Risk Knowledge-10 (ORK-10) scale from 38 dietetic, 88 nursing (Diploma), 74 nursing (Masters) and 389 medical students. RESULTS: Final-year dietetic students demonstrated higher ORK-10 scale scores than final-year nursing (Dip), nursing (MSc) and medical students (P < 0.001). The majority of students agreed that part of their profession's role was to counsel obese patients about the health risks associated with obesity. Dietetic students were more satisfied with the teaching they had received than each of the other student groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Future health care professionals recognize their responsibility to communicate health risk information to obese patients. Dietetic students have a sound knowledge base to support them in this. Educators of trainee nurses and doctors may like to respond to their students' lower levels of knowledge and desire for more training.  相似文献   

AIMS: This paper describes the context of interprofessional training on clinical education wards (CEWs) and reports students' perceptions of this type of interprofessional and professional training. CONTEXT: A 2-week interprofessional clinical course was designed for medical students in their surgical eighth term, and nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy students, all in their sixth term. Clinical tutors were responsible for the patients and also supervised the students. The goals for the students included: to provide the patients with good medical care, nursing and rehabilitation; to develop their own professional roles; to enhance their level of understanding of the other professions; to stress the importance of good communication for teamwork and for patient care; to enhance understanding of the role of the patient, and to become more aware of ethical aspects of health care. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire developed by teachers from the 4 educational departments was used. A total of 962 students responded (78%). RESULTS: The CEWs provided the students with good clinical practice in terms of training in their own professions as well in learning more about the other professions. The importance of good communication for teamwork and for patient care was recognised. The quality of supervision and students' perception of their own professional roles were important factors regarding satisfaction with the CEW course. CONCLUSIONS: The CEW course seemed to provide the students with an opportunity to develop their own professional roles and their functions as team members.  相似文献   

目的 评价四川大学《医学统计学》研究生课程教学情况及其教学效果,针对教学结果提出进一步教学改革的建议。方法 采用自行设计的问卷,以《医学统计学》研究生课程选课学生为研究对象,在学期末最后一次课结束发放问卷,调查教学情况。结果 收到来自6个不同学院有效问卷258份,以临床医学院和公共卫生学院学生为主。不同学院的学生各章节课前课后掌握不同,学习需求不同。89.53%的学生认为自己本科阶段的医学统计学基础差,96.51%的学生能意识到本课程重要,82.56%的学生具有较高的学习兴趣;学生对教学态度和教学水平较为认可,实践教学水平满意度(76.74%)低于理论课(91.09%)。91.86%的学生对教学总体满意,在课程内容设置的前沿性(62.40%)和应用性(68.60%)上的满意度,比课程系统性(80.23%)的满意度低。结论 学生对本课程教学总体满意度较高,学生收获较多,但是在教学模式和教学内容上还有待进一步改革。  相似文献   

The researchers examined the perceived leadership training of counselor education doctoral students (N = 228) regarding their leadership preparedness. The results indicated that the majority of the participants believed that they are receiving the training that will prepare them to be leaders in the domains of clinical counseling, research, teaching, clinical supervision, writing and publishing, professional advocacy, leading and managing people, and motivating others to accomplish a mission. Conversely, the findings suggest that the sample did not perceive that their training prepared them for leadership in the areas of managing an organization.  相似文献   

《The Clinical Supervisor》2013,32(1):217-231
This paper describes a group supervision of first-year graduate students in a practicum course in cognitive-behavior therapy in which social skills training was part of the curriculum. The experience is discussed in the terms of an integration of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral frameowork. Different phases of the supervision are described and the salient characteristics of the corresponding supervisory approaches are identified. Examples are provided of how the integration of the two theoretical frameworks was used in teaching principles and methods of social skills training, and in meeting supervisees' needs as they adapted to a new training process and to new professional roles. Implications of this ecperience in the training of clinicians are noted.  相似文献   

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