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荧光定量PCR在筛查甲型流感病毒中的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨荧光定量PCR技术在筛查甲型流感病毒中的诊断价值。方法:用荧光定量RT-PCR方法检测150例疑似流感患者咽拭子中的甲型流感病毒RNA,用XT-1800全自动血液分析仪检测150例疑似流感患者EDTA抗凝全血中的白细胞计数,用胶体金法检测54例甲型流感病毒RNA阳性患者的甲型流感病毒核心蛋白。结果:在150例患者中,甲型流感病毒RNA检测阳性者有54例,阳性率为36%。54例甲型流感病毒RNA检测阳性者采用胶体金法检测甲型流感病毒核心蛋白,结果均为阴性。甲型流感病毒RNA检测阳性者白细胞计数为(6.81±2.12)×109/L,阴性者为(6.64±3.13)×109/L,白细胞计数在甲型流感患者和非甲型流感患者中无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论:荧光定量RT-PCR在检测甲型流感病毒RNA中有较好的阳性检出率,其敏感性和特异性明显优于胶体金方法和白细胞计数,能快速有效筛选出甲型流感患者,防止疫情爆发流行。  相似文献   

Fisher''s Malthusian parameter and reproductive value   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
An explanation is given of Fisher's ‘Malthusian parameter’m (= Lotka's ‘rate of increase’) and ‘reproductive value’v. It is pointed out that there is a flaw in fisher's mathemathics due to his neglect of changes in population charactersitcs under natural selection, with the result that m equals the logarithmic rate of change of the total reproductive value of a population. A modified definition is given that does have this property. however, for practical uses in population genetic it may be better to follow Fisher's original definition despite the flaw in them.  相似文献   

目的:探讨AgNOR图像定量分析对角结膜缘上皮良、恶性病变的鉴别诊断价值。方法:应用真彩色图像分析技术对角结膜缘上皮良、恶性病变(其中上皮增生19例,不典型增生6例,原位癌14例,鳞状细胞癌12例)细胞核内AgNOR进行了定量测定。结果:在不同的病变中,细胞核内AgNOR颗粒的分布形态、大小及所占平均面积均存在明显差异,且与病变的良、恶性及细胞的分化程度有密切关系。结论:提示AgNOR图像定量分析对角结膜缘上皮良、恶性病变的鉴别诊断、进一步了解不同病变组织细胞的增殖活性和分化程度提供了一种新的定量指标  相似文献   

Submental muscle activity and slow-wave activity in the EEG (mean power density in the 0.75-4.5-Hz band) were determined for consecutive 20-sec epochs in 34 all-night recordings of human sleep. Muscle activity was quantified by calculating the statistical variance of the digitized electromyogram (EMG). The tonic level of muscle activity was lower in REM sleep (REMS) than in nonREMS, and higher in the first nonREMS episode but an increasing trend within all subsequent nonREMS episodes. EEG slow-wave activity increased in the first part of all nonREMS episodes and decreased in the first part of all REMS episodes. The absolute or relative difference in muscle activity between two consecutive 20-sec intervals was used for defining EMG arousals. The density of arousals did not differ significantly among nonREMS episodes. Weak and moderate arousals showed an increasing density over consecutive REMS episodes. While arousals were uniformly distributed within REMS episodes, they were concentrated at the beginning and the end of nonREMS episodes.  相似文献   

Although pyelonephritis is a common disease, it escapes clinical detection in an undesirably high proportion of patients. The present unsatisfactory diagnostic position would be much improved by widespread screening of patients by simple yet reasonably accurate methods. Bacterial counts by the pour-plate technique and estimates of the white cell excretion per hour or day, while undoubtedly of diagnostic value, are probably unsuitable for use on a wide scale. In an attempt to find more convenient procedures a simplified stroke-plate method of bacterial counting and a simplified quantitative white cell count method were devised and applied to over 1,000 mid-stream urine samples from 398 patients. Good correlation was obtained between the simpler stroke-plate method of bacterial counting and the more time-consuming pour-plate method. The quantitative white cell procedure was a much more sensitive index of pyuria than wet-film microscopy, and comparison with the bacterial count results showed that it gave a useful indication of urinary infection. It is suggested that a quantitative bacterial count should replace non-quantitative culture methods when urinary infection is suspected and that the quantitative white cell count should be performed as a routine part of the initial clinical and laboratory assessment of all patients, followed by a bacterial count if pyuria is revealed. Experience has shown that routine urine microscopy by a precise method leads to the detection of many cases of occult urinary infection.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old boy, the only affected member of the family, noticed early onset contracture of the elbows, and developed slowly progressive humeroperoneal weakness and atrophy, and bilateral equinus. The severe restriction of the forward flexion of the neck and thoracolumbar spine, resembled a rigid spine syndrome. An electrocardiogram showed atrioventricular conduction abnormalities. Muscle biopsy was consistent with mild myopathy. The overall conventional findings of a detailed electromyographic study in the limbs and erector trunci muscles, as well as the results of conduction velocity, automatic analysis of the voluntary pattern and single fiber electromyography studies were consistent with myopathy, although some atypical findings were found. The controversy about neurogenic and myopathic features in Emery-Dreifuss disease is discussed. The unspecific value of the flexion limitation of the spine, and the uncertain nosological position of the rigid spine syndrome are also commented.  相似文献   

Virtual tracheo-bronchial endoscopy: educational and diagnostic value   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The use of Helical CT significantly improves image quality of examinations in a number of clinical settings. It is particularly suited to the study of the tracheo-bronchial tree as a result of new ways of image processing (developed by GEMS research) which can produce virtual endoscopic images without the use of an endoscope. We present our initial anatamo-radiological findings and their educational value as well as our thoughts on potential future clinical applications.
L'endoscopie trachéo-bronchique virtuelle : intérêt pédagogique et diagnostique
Résumé L'acquisition hélicoïdale en scanner apporte une amélioration significative de la qualité des examens dans de nombreuses indications. Elle est particulièrement adaptée, grâce à des modes nouveaux de traitement d'image (protocole de Recherche GEMS), à l'étude de l'arbre respiratoire, par l'obtention d'images endoscopiques virtuelles, ne nécessitant aucune sonde endoscopique. Nous en présentons les premières confrontations anatomo-radiologiques et leur intérêt pédagogique ainsi qu'une réflexion sur les éventuelles perspectives d'applications cliniques.

This paper describes a new computer program PHARM to estimate individual or population pharmacokinetic parameters in nonlinear models. PHARM is an interactive program which uses graphic facilities to display data and results. The structural model can be defined using differential or integrated equations. The user can also define an error model associated with experimental data. The nonlinear mixed effect model is used to estimate the mean population parameters and their interindividual variability. The maximum likelihood and Bayesian criteria are used to estimate simultaneously the error and structural model parameters.  相似文献   

The goal of this experiment was to investigate the relationship between individual fingertip forces and the surface EMG of multi-digit muscles. The surface EMG of the hand extrinsic flexors (flexor digitorum profundis and superficialis) was recorded in eight subjects during multi-digit force production tasks. In one session, subjects pressed with all four fingers (IMRL, I=index, M=middle, R=ring, and L=little finger) with the total force ranging from 10% and 90% of their maximum force (MVC). Results showed a close linear relationship between an integrated EMG index and force. In another session, subjects produced constant total force of either 10% or 30% of their IMRL MVC, with different finger combinations such that the degree of involvement of each finger was manipulated (15 finger combinations were tested). The EMG level of the flexors depended greatly on the finger combination (P<0.001). Multi-variable regression made it possible to describe the flexor EMG as a linear function of individual fingertip forces. These results suggest that: (1) hand extrinsic flexors muscles are arranged in functional compartments serving individual fingers, and (2) each compartment has a force/EMG relationship that is close to being linear. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare four different methods of normalising the amplitude of electromyograms (EMGs), from the biceps brachii. Five males performed isotonic contractions of the elbow flexors with an external force of 50 N, 100 N, 150 N and 200 N. These were followed by a single isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and ten isokinetic MVCs at 0.35 rad s(-1) intervals between 0.35 rad s(-1) and 3.50 rad s(-1). The processed EMGs recorded from the isotonic contractions were normalised by expressing them as a percentage of: (i) the mean (Dynamic Mean Method) and (ii) the peak EMG from the same contraction (Dynamic Peak Method), (iii) the EMG from the isometric MVC (Isometric MVC Method), and (iv) the EMG from an isokinetic MVC at the same elbow angle and angular velocity (Isokinetic MVC Method). The root mean square difference (RMSD) between the outputs of the Isokinetic MVC and Dynamic Mean methods was significantly greater (P<0.05) than between the Isokinetic MVC method and the Dynamic Peak and the Isometric MVC methods. The small (10%) difference between the Isokinetic MVC and the Isometric MVC Methods was a consequence, firstly, of the lack of difference in EMG recorded from the isometric and isokinetic MVCs and, secondly, the consistency in EMG over the range of motion and at different angular velocities of isokinetic MVC. We conclude that only the Isometric and Isokinetic MVC methods should be used to normalise the amplitude of EMGs from the biceps brachii.  相似文献   

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