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在我国艾滋病(acquired immunodificiency syndrome,AIDS)流行已进入流行期与发病期并存的阶段。临床护士在医院或社区较以往相比,有较多的机会接触和照顾艾滋病患者。护士在预防艾滋病病毒(human immunodificiency virus,HIV)的传播中也发挥重要的作用。但是这需要护士有正确的知识、良好的技能,对艾滋病患者有积极的态度。最近的调查显示,护士对艾滋病的专业认识仍存在误区,对艾滋病患者仍存在歧视的现象。[第一段]  相似文献   

参与式艾滋病知识培训在护理本科生中的应用   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
目的 确定参与式艾滋病知识培训对改变护理本科生知识、态度、护理意愿的效果。方法 采用随机对照实验设计。参与研究的68名护生被随机分成2组,每组34人。实验组接受参与式艾滋病知识培训,对照组只接受艾滋病知识讲座。在培训前后采用问卷调查法对两组护生进行测量。结果 实验组与对照组护生在培训后知识分数均显著提高。实验组培训后态度正分值有显著改善(t=2.9,P=.006),护理意愿也显著提高(t=3.7;P=.001),而对照组两者变化却不显著。培训后,除知识变量外,实验组的态度正分值明显高于对照组(t=2.2,P=.003),护理意愿也明显高于对照组(t=2.4,P=.02)。结论 参与式艾滋病培训效果明显优于传统的知识讲座,能改善护生对艾滋病病人的态度及护理意愿。  相似文献   

对国内外AIDS(艾滋病)专科护士认证、培训以及核心知识体系的知识点的具体内容进行综述。提出我国AIDS专科护士认证处于起步阶段,AIDS专科护士培训核心知识体系应根据国内艾滋病流行特点、临床护士实际情况、病人的实际需求构建。  相似文献   

对国内外AIDS(艾滋病)专科护士认证、培训以及核心知识体系的知识点的具体内容进行综述。提出我国AIDS专科护士认证处于起步阶段,AIDS专科护士培训核心知识体系应根据国内艾滋病流行特点、临床护士实际情况、病人的实际需求构建。  相似文献   

目的了解临床护士艾滋病职业防护知识掌握状况,探讨有效的干预措施。方法采用类实验性设计,对某三级综合性医院82名临床护士进行艾滋病防护知识掌握情况调查,并进行为期3个月的艾滋病职业防护干预,干预方式包括多媒体课件辅助教学培训、发放宣传资料等;通过干预前后的问卷调查评价干预效果。结果82名护士的艾滋病防护知识较干预前有明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);干预前后护士的态度总体得分及各维度得分差异均无统计学意义,但在艾滋病态度问卷的一些具体项目的比较中,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论干预措施提高了护士艾滋病防护知识水平,合适的干预措施以及持之以恒的干预有助于护士对艾滋病病人态度的转变,有助于提高护士的艾滋病职业防护意识和水平。  相似文献   

本文通过对护理人员艾滋病相关知识培训、护理意愿及其定性研究等方面的现状所做的简单综述,以期能对艾滋病防治及研究工作有所启示.  相似文献   

目的 改编反艾滋病歧视培训方案,对三级甲等医院的骨干护士进行培训,探讨此培训方案对三级甲等医院骨干护士艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为的改善效果。方法 成立反艾滋病歧视方案改编小组,制订改编方案。选择湖南省某三级甲等医院23个科室的62名骨干护士,对其进行反艾滋病歧视培训,分别于培训前、培训后1个月、3个月及6个月时采用护士艾滋病知信行量表对骨干护士进行测评。结果 与培训前相比,62名骨干护士培训后1个月、3个月及6个月时,艾滋病知识得分提高,歧视态度和工作逃避行为得分降低,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 反艾滋病歧视培训改编方案的实施可有效提高骨干护士艾滋病知识水平,改善其对艾滋病患者的歧视态度与行为。  相似文献   

[目的]了解传染病专科医院护士对艾滋病培训知识的需求情况,为艾滋病专科护士培训知识及培训方法提供参考。[方法]采用自行设计的问卷对217名传染病专科医院护士进行艾滋病培训知识调查研究。[结果]217名传染病专科医院护士对艾滋病培训知识点需求度均较高;不同城市、不同级别传染病专科医院,不同艾滋病护理年限的护士对艾滋病培训知识需求比较,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。[结论]不同传染病专科医院护理人员对艾滋病培训课程知识均有需求,但侧重点不同,应根据不同的培训目标选择不同的知识模块开展培训。  相似文献   

目的探讨适合我国艾滋病专科护士培训的核心知识体系。方法采用文献回顾、小组讨论方法拟定艾滋病专科护士培训核心知识体系内容,通过Delphi法对艾滋病临床医学、临床护理、护理管理、护理教育4个领域20名专家进行函询,确定体系结构内容及各指标权重。结果艾滋病专科护士培训核心知识体系包括艾滋病基本知识、艾滋病患者临床管理、艾滋病患者的症状管理、艾滋病合并其他疾病的护理、HIV感染的婴儿和儿童的临床管理/症状管理/心理护理、感染者/患者及照护者的心理社会支持、特殊人群的关注、艾滋病护理管理、附录9个一级指标,共92个二级指标。结论运用Delphi法确定的培训内容体系能为开展艾滋病专科护士培训提供科学依据。  相似文献   

护理人员艾滋病护理意愿及影响因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查护理人员对艾滋病护理意愿情况,并对影响因素进行分析.方法 采用便利抽样方法对240名各科临床护理人员发放艾滋病护理意愿调查问卷,并对结果进行分析.结果 调查显示仅有34.41%的护理人员愿意为HIV/AIDS患者做全部护理,护理意愿平均得分为(31.35+8.44)分,影响艾滋病护理意愿的主要因素有害怕被传染,逃避患者,护理艾滋病患者太脏、太麻烦.结论 需要通过多方面、多渠道对护理人员加强培训,减少对艾滋病的恐惧,提高对艾滋病患者提供护理的意愿.  相似文献   

German nursing students' knowledge of and attitudes to HIV and AIDS: two decades after the first AIDS case This study describes German nursing students' (n=180) knowledge and attitudes relating to HIV/AIDS, their homophobia level, willingness to care for people with AIDS, and their approach to possible sexual risk behaviours. A questionnaire was used to collect the data (response rate 97.8%). The results indicated that the nursing students had a rather high knowledge level concerning AIDS. However, there were gaps of knowledge, such as regarding AIDS immunopathology or the symptoms of the disease. Single nursing students and those having cared for a person with AIDS had a more thorough knowledge about the disease. In general, the attitudes towards AIDS and people with AIDS were tolerant and positive, and homophobia was only found with a small minority. Students having positive attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS had less homophobia compared to those having negative attitudes towards persons suffering from AIDS. Those with positive attitudes were more willing to care for patients with HIV/AIDS, while those with a high homophobia level were less willing to do so. In addition, students having a high AIDS knowledge level tended less towards negative attitudes and homophobia than those with a low level of knowledge. The implications of the research for nursing education will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study which examines the relationship between the use of an educational intervention with nurses from several Asian countries and changes in knowledge, attitudes and willingness to care for patients with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). A pre-test and post-test questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results indicate, that whilst there was an improvement in knowledge following the educational intervention, there is a need for further improvement in the knowledge levels of the nurses. The method of contracting the virus is less influential in shaping students' attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS. Fear of contagion is evident; this increases when more invasive clinical procedures are being carried out. What is also evident is that multiple levels of infection control protocols are used with patients. Fear of contagion is also apparent in the participants' willingness to work with colleagues and patients with HIV/AIDS. While the participants stated that they were more willing to work with colleagues and patients with HIV/AIDS following the educational intervention, they said that they would continue to take additional precautions for fear of contracting HIV in the workplace. The conclusion emphasizes that it is important for education about HIV/AIDS to be incorporated within current undergraduate and in-service programmes.  相似文献   

军队官兵艾滋病认知情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解军队官兵对艾滋病的认知水平和态度,为军队开展艾滋病健康教育提供依据。方法采用方便抽样的方法对1069名官兵进行问卷调查。结果①官兵对艾滋病一般知识、传播途径等回答正确率较高,军官高于士兵,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。②84.67%的军官、64.91%的士兵表示同情、关心艾滋病病人。③多数官兵对国家相关艾滋病的政策缺乏了解。结论军队官兵对艾滋病知识及国家相关政策了解不够,艾滋病健康教育工作应增加宣教的范围及深度,并强调针对性和实用性。  相似文献   

目的了解高年级大专护生对艾滋病知识掌握情况和态度,为医学院校开展艾滋病相关教育提供依据。方法采用自制问卷对青海省3所院校338名在校大专护生进行调查。结果护生对感染艾滋病病毒的危险行为掌握不全面;对艾滋病非传播途径存在误区;护生对艾滋病护理意愿不高;艾滋病职业防护知识缺乏;艾滋病学校教育所占比例不高。结论加强艾滋病相关知识及职业防护知识的专业教育,确立艾滋病学校教育的主导地位,消除护生对艾滋病的消极心理,为护生今后参与艾滋病预防和控制工作打下基础。  相似文献   

云南省艾滋病护理师资培训效果评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的 探讨艾滋病护理师资培训效果 方法 采用培训培训者模式和参与式教学方法对50名护理骨干进行艾滋病知识培训。采用问卷方法,对学员的艾滋病知识、态度、护理意愿、对教学的评价以及开展培训情况反馈进行资料收集 结果 培训后学员的艾滋病知识(t=5.70,P<0.001)和护理意愿(t=3.57,P<0.001),比培训前有显著的提高,但态度改善不明显。本次培训的教学方法深得学员的喜欢,学员收获较大。90.6%的学员在培训后回单位的6个月内开展了艾滋病护理培训工作,平均培训人员达133人。结论 艾滋病护理师资培训不仅提高学员对艾滋病认识和护理意愿,还使学员学会了开展艾滋病知识培训的方法,达到了培养师资的目的。  相似文献   

Effectiveness of an HIV/AIDS educational programme for Chinese nurses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: This paper reports a study examining the effect of a multifaceted HIV/AIDS educational intervention on the knowledge, attitudes and willingness of Chinese nurses in caring for patients with human immunodeficiency virus. BACKGROUND: The expanding HIV/AIDS epidemic challenges nurses to increase their knowledge about this devastating illness to provide effective HIV/AIDS prevention and care to their patients. HIV/AIDS educational interventions, which were developed for North American and European nurses, have not been studied among nurses in other societies. METHODS: The study employed a pretest, post-test experimental design with 208 nurses from seven Chinese provinces. The intervention consisted of a 5-day workshop comprising didactic lectures interspersed with activities designed to elicit discussion of participants' values and personal feelings about HIV/AIDS. Bloom's Taxonomy and principles of good HIV/AIDS educational practice guided the educational intervention. Outcome variables were HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude toward patients with HIV/AIDS (including empathy for and desire to avoid these patients) and willingness to provide nursing care to these patients. The data were collected in 2003. FINDINGS: At baseline, HIV/AIDS knowledge was not high and attitudes and willingness to care were neutral. Knowledge, attitudes toward patients with HIV/AIDS and willingness to provide nursing care to these patients were each improved at the conclusion of the workshop (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: As the HIV/AIDS epidemic expands, nurses will be called upon to deliver competent, compassionate and comprehensive care to patients and their significant others. Intensive, interactive HIV/AIDS professional workshops can contribute to the national effort by increasing knowledge and improving attitudes towards and willingness to provide nursing care for patients with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the increase in HIV infection among childbearing aged women in Hong Kong, health department policy-makers are considering the implementation of antenatal HIV screening to identify infected mothers. However, little is known about women's understanding of HIV/AIDS, and their attitudes towards HIV screening. AIM: The aim of this study was to explore pregnant women's knowledge about HIV/AIDS, their perceptions of risk, risk behaviour and management, and their attitudes towards HIV screening. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out, and all Chinese pregnant women who attended an antenatal clinic of a regional hospital in Hong Kong in the month of December 2000 were invited to complete a questionnaire. FINDINGS: Hong Kong pregnant women had fairly good general knowledge of HIV/AIDS (mean score = 4.8/6), but were less knowledgeable on specific mother-to-child HIV transmission (mean score = 3.6/6). There were statistically significant differences between those with different levels of education (chi2 = 19.81; P < 0.001) and between Hong Kong born residents and immigrants from the Chinese mainland (z = -4.03; P < 0.001). Over a third (36.7%) of all pregnant women perceived a risk of contracting HIV. If HIV infection were suspected, over 70% would have HIV screening together with their spouse. If HIV was confirmed, 24% would terminate the pregnancy. As many as 78.5% and 72.8% of women believed that HIV screening should be carried out before marriage and pregnancy respectively. Only 4.7% would choose universal opt-out antenatal HIV testing. RECOMMENDATIONS: Health educators should provide tailored-made education programmes for women at risk, particularly those at lower education levels and those who have come from the Chinese mainland, to enhance their knowledge about mother-to-child HIV transmission, and to promote awareness of safe sex. Health policy-makers should consider the possibility of providing pre-marriage and pre-pregnancy HIV screening for women.  相似文献   

Title. HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of rural nurses in South Africa. Aim. This paper is a report of a study exploring HIV/AIDS‐related knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of nurses in the largely black and rural Limpopo Province of South Africa. Background. Studies of HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and practices among healthcare workers in developing countries have shown gaps in knowledge and fear of contagion, coupled with ambivalent attitudes in caring for patients with HIV/AIDS and inconsistent universal precautions adherence. Method. A cross‐sectional study of a random sample of primary health care (PHC) (n = 71) and hospital nurses (n = 69) was carried out in 2005, using a questionnaire, focus groups and in‐depth interviews. Findings. Hospital nurses reported a higher frequency of care for patients with HIV/AIDS (P < 0·05), but less HIV/AIDS training when compared to PHC nurses (P < 0·001). HIV/AIDS knowledge was moderately adequate and associated with professional rank, frequency of care and training (P < 0·001). Attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS were mainly positive and were statistically significantly correlated with HIV/AIDS knowledge (P < 0·01) and training (P < 0·05). Three out of four nurses reported that they practised universal precautions (76·1%), but fear of occupational HIV transmission and lack of injection safety was found. Seven in 10 nurses reported previous needlestick injuries, but postexposure prophylaxis was not available in all healthcare facilities. Participants reported a higher workload because of HIV/AIDS, lack of training impacting negatively on their work, and stigma and shared confidentiality affecting them emotionally. Conclusion. There is a need for accelerated HIV/AIDS training of rural nurses and for wider implementation of universal precautions and postexposure prophylaxis availability in public health facilities in southern Africa.  相似文献   

Suominen T, Koponen N, Mockiene V, Raid U, Istomina N, Vänskä M‐L, Blek‐Vehkaluoto M, Välimäki M. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16 : 138–147
Nurses' knowledge and attitudes to HIV/AIDS—An international comparison between Finland, Estonia and Lithuania This paper presents baseline data on nurses' knowledge of and attitudes to HIV/AIDS in three countries: Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. The prevalence of HIV/AIDS is steadily increasing in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. At the same time, labour mobility and also nursing mobility between these countries increases. Previous international studies have shown that lack of knowledge and negative attitudes continue to exist. A total of 681 registered nurses from one Finnish (n = 322), one Estonian (n = 191) and one Lithuanian (n = 168) hospital were surveyed in spring 2006. The questionnaire was originally developed by Held in 1993 and modified for this study. The questionnaire has three scales: demographic and other background variable, nurses' knowledge related to HIV/AIDS, and nurses' attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS and towards the disease itself. Across the whole sample respondents showed average levels of HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS. Years of work experience correlated negatively with the knowledge and attitude levels. A significant correlation was found between the level of knowledge and attitudes. Significant differences were found between countries, Finnish nurses showing the highest knowledge levels and most positive attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS. Factors positively influencing levels of knowledge and attitudes were education, previous experience of providing care to HIV/AIDS patient or knowing someone with the infection, and willingness to provide care to HIV/AIDS patients. Supplementary education is needed to strengthen nurses' knowledge. It is important to recognize that there might be differences in knowledge and attitudes between neighbour countries. This needs to be taken into account when planning education for degrees and for further nursing education.  相似文献   

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