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In this paper, monotonic and cyclic loading/unloading tensile behavior of four different 3D needle-punched C/SiC composites are investigated. Under tensile loading, multiple micro parameters of tensile tangent modulus, tensile strength, and fracture strain are used to characterize tensile damage and fracture behavior. Under cyclic loading/unloading, multiple damage micro parameters of unloading residual strain, tensile peak strain, hysteresis loops width, hysteresis loops area, unloading and reloading inverse tangent modulus (ITM) are used to describe the tensile damage evolution. After tensile fracture, fracture surfaces were observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Damage of matrix cracking, interface debonding, fibers fracture and pullout in different plies is observed. Relationships between composite tensile mechanical behavior, damage parameters, and micro damage mechanisms are established. When the fiber volume fraction along the loading direction increases, the composite initial tangent modulus, tensile strength and fracture strain increase, and the unloading residual strain, peak strain, hysteresis width and hysteresis area decrease. For Types 1–4 3D needle-punched C/SiC composite, the fiber volume lies in the range of 25.6–32.8%, the composite initial tangent modulus was in the range of 161.4–220.4 GPa, the composite tensile strength was in the range of 64.4–112.3 MPa, and the composite fracture strain was in the range of 0.16–0.25%.  相似文献   

In this paper, the tensile damage and fracture behavior of carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide (C/SiC) minicomposites with single- and multiple-layer interphases are investigated. The effect of the interphase on the tensile damage and fracture behavior of C/SiC minicomposites is analyzed. The evolution of matrix cracking under the tensile load of the C/SiC minicomposite with a notch is observed using the digital image correlation (DIC) method. The damage evolution process of the C/SiC minicomposite can be divided into four main stages, namely, (1) an elastic response coupled with partial re-opening of thermal microcracking; (2) multiple matrix microcracking perpendicular to the applied loading; (3) crack opening and related fiber/matrix, bundle/matrix, and inter-bundle debonding; and (4) progressive transfer of the load to the fibers and gradual fiber failure until composite failure/fracture. On the fracture surface, a large number of fibers pulling out of the samples with both single-layer and multi-layer interphases can be clearly observed.  相似文献   

The implementation of SiC fiber reinforced SiC/SiC composites to aero-engine hot components has attracted wide attention, due to their many excellent properties. Along these lines, in order to predict the oxidation behavior of the material in extreme environments and to explore the effect of different preforms on the oxidative behavior of the composites, four SiC/SiC composites, with different preforms, were oxidized under environmental conditions of pressure of 12 kPa H2O:8 kPa O2:80 kPa Ar, at 1400 °C temperature. Moreover, the morphology and defect distribution of the samples were characterized by carrying out scanning electron microscopy, and micro-computed X-ray tomography measurements. Furthermore, the relation between the micro- and macro-scales was established, so as to be able to predict the oxidation behavior of the composites; not only the quantitative relationship between the mass change rate and the defect volume change rate, but also the combination of micro-computed X-ray images.  相似文献   

Longbiao Li 《Materials》2015,8(6):3316-3333
The tension-tension fatigue behavior of unidirectional C/SiC ceramic-matrix composite at room temperature and 800 °C under air has been investigated. The fatigue hysteresis modulus and fatigue hysteresis loss energy corresponding to different number of applied cycles have been analyzed. The fatigue hysteresis loops models for different interface slip cases have been derived based on the fatigue damage mechanism of fiber slipping relative to matrix in the interface debonded region upon unloading and subsequent reloading. The fiber/matrix interface shear stress has been estimated for different numbers of applied cycles. By combining the interface shear stress degradation model and fibers strength degradation model with fibers failure model, the tension-tension fatigue life S-N curves of unidirectional C/SiC composite at room temperature and 800 °C under air have been predicted.  相似文献   

Carbon/Phenolic (C/P), a typical anisotropic material, is an important component of aerospace and often used to protect the thermodynamic effects of strong X-ray radiation. In this paper, we establish the anisotropic elastic-plastic constitutive model, which is embedded in the in-house code “RAMA” to simulate a two-dimensional thermal shock wave induced by X-ray. Then, we compare the numerical simulation results with the thermal shock wave stress generated by the same strong current electron beam via experiment to verify the correctness of the numerical simulation. Subsequently, we discuss and analyze the rules of thermal shock wave propagation in C/P material by further numerical simulation. The results reveal that the thermal shock wave represents different shapes and mechanisms by the radiation of 1 keV and 3 keV X-rays. The vaporization recoil phenomenon appears as a compression wave under 1 keV X-ray irradiation, and X-ray penetration is caused by thermal deformation under 3 keV X-ray irradiation. The thermal shock wave propagation exhibits two-dimensional characteristics, the energy deposition of 1 keV and 3 keV both decays exponentially, the energy deposition of 1 keV-peak soft X-ray is high, and the deposition depth is shallow, while the energy deposition of 3 keV-peak hard X-ray is low, and the deposition depth is deep. RAMA can successfully realize two-dimensional orthotropic elastoplastic constitutive relation, the corresponding program was designed and checked, and the calculation results for inspection are consistent with the theory. This study has great significance in the evaluation of anisotropic material protection under the radiation of intense X-rays.  相似文献   

In this work, functionally graded lanthanum magnesium hexaluminate (LaMgAl11O19)/yttria-stabilised zirconia (YSZ) thermal barrier coating (FG-TBC), in as-sprayed and laser-glazed conditions, were investigated for their thermal shock resistance and thermal insulation properties. Results were compared with those of a dual-layered coating of LaMgAl11O19 and YSZ (DC-TBC). Thermal shock tests at 1100 °C revealed that the as-sprayed FG-TBC had improved thermal stability, i.e., higher cycle lifetime than the as-sprayed DC-TBC due to its gradient architecture, which minimised stress concentration across its thickness. In contrast, DC-TBC spalled at the interface due to the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the LaMgAl11O19 and YSZ layers. Laser glazing improved cycle lifetimes of both the types of coatings. Microstructural changes, mainly the formation of segmentation cracks in the laser-glazed surfaces, provided strain tolerance during thermal cycles. Infrared rapid heating of the coatings up to 1000 °C showed that the laser-glazed FG-TBC had better thermal insulation capability, as interlamellar pores entrapped gas and constrained heat transfer across its thickness. From the investigation, it is inferred that (i) FG-TBC has better thermal shock resistance and thermal insulation capability than DC-TBC and (ii) laser glazing can significantly enhance the overall thermal performance of the coatings. Laser-glazed FG-TBC provides the best heat management, and has good potential for applications that require effective heat management, such as in gas turbines.  相似文献   

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