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Soons  H; Janssen-Claessen  T; Hemker  HC; Tans  G 《Blood》1986,68(1):140-148
We report here the effect of activated human platelets on the activation of human factor IX by human factor XIa. Factor IXa formed during activation was determined via its ability to activate bovine factor X. To increase sensitivity, phospholipids and bovine factor VIIIa were present in the assay. The kinetic parameters of the factor IX activation were determined in the presence of 10 mmol/L CaCl2. The Km for factor IX was 0.30 mumol/L and kcat was 2.4 s-1. Activated human platelets inhibited factor IX activation by factor XIa in a dose- dependent manner, whereas unstimulated platelets had no effect. Factor IX activation was inhibited for more than 90% at a platelet concentration of 4 X 10(8)/mL, whereas concentrations of less than 10(6)/mL had no influence. The inhibitory effect could be induced by thrombin, collagen, calcium ionophore A 23187, and adrenalin. The appearance of inhibitory activity could be blocked by the addition of the prostacyclin analogue ZK 36374 at any time during platelet activation. Stirring during platelet activation was not necessary. These results suggest that the inhibition is caused by a release reaction. This was confirmed by centrifugation experiments that showed that the inhibitory activity could be recovered from the supernatant of the activated platelets. The inhibitory activity was destroyed upon boiling and was susceptible to trypsin digestion. Passage of platelet supernatant over ACA 22 showed that the inhibitory activity eluted with an apparent molecular weight of less than 1,200,000 but greater than 669,000. The inhibition of factor XIa was reversible. These data suggest that platelets release an antiprotease of factor XIa that reversibly inhibits factor XIa. Lineweaver-Burk analysis showed that the inhibitor caused both an increase in Km for factor IX and a decrease in kcat of factor IXa formation by factor XIa.  相似文献   

M S Hertzberg  S L Facey  P J Hogg 《Blood》1999,94(1):156-163
Factor IXR94S is a naturally occurring hemophilia B defect, which results from an Arg 94 to Ser mutation in the second epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like module of factor IX. Recombinant factor IXR94S was activated by factor XIa/calcium with an approximately 50-fold reduced rate and by factor VIIa/tissue factor/phospholipid/calcium with an approximately 20-fold reduced rate compared with wild-type factor IX. The apparent molecular mass of the light chain of factor IXaR94S was approximately 6 kD higher than that of plasma or wild-type factor IX, which was not corrected by N-glycosidase F digestion. This result indicated the presence of additional O-linked carbohydrate in the mutant light chain, probably at new Ser 94. The initial rate of activation of factor X by factor IXaR94S in the presence of polylysine was 7% +/- 1% of the initial rate of activation of factor X by plasma factor IXa, and the kc/Km for activation of factor X by factor IXaR94S/factor VIIIa/phospholipid/calcium was 4% +/- 1% of the kc/Km for activation of factor X by plasma factor IXa/factor VIIIa/phospholipid/calcium. The reduced efficiency of activation of factor X by factor IXaR94S in the tenase enzyme complex was due to a 58-fold +/- 12-fold decrease in kcat with little effect on Km. In conclusion, the R94S mutation had introduced an O-linked carbohydrate, which markedly impaired both activation by factor XIa and turnover of factor X in the tenase enzyme complex.  相似文献   

The disulfide bonding pattern of the fourth and fifth epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains within the smallest active fragment of thrombomodulin have been determined. In previous work, this fragment was expressed and purified to homogeneity, and its cofactor activity, as measured by Kcat for thrombin activation of protein C, was the same as that for full-length thrombomodulin. CNBr cleavage at the single methionine in the connecting region between the domains and subsequent deglycosylation yielded the individual EGF-like domains. The disulfide bonds were mapped by partial reduction with tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine according to the method of Gray [Gray, W. R. (1993) Protein Sci. 2, 1732-1748], which provides unambiguous results. The disulfide bonding pattern of the fourth EGF-like domain was (1-3, 2-4, 5-6), which is the same as that found previously in EGF and in a synthetic version of the fourth EGF-like domain. Surprisingly, the disulfide bonding pattern of the fifth domain was (1-2, 3-4, 5-6), which is unlike that found in EGF or in any other EGF-like domain analyzed so far. This result is in line with an earlier observation that the (1-2, 3-4, 5-6) isomer bound to thrombin more tightly than the EGF-like (1-3, 2-4, 5-6) isomer. The observation that not all EGF-like domains have an EGF-like disulfide bonding pattern reveals an additional element of diversity in the structure of EGF-like domains.  相似文献   

Gailani D  Ho D  Sun MF  Cheng Q  Walsh PN 《Blood》2001,97(10):3117-3122
Human coagulation factor XI (FXI) is a plasma serine protease composed of 2 identical 80-kd polypeptides connected by a disulfide bond. This dimeric structure is unique among blood coagulation enzymes. The hypothesis was tested that dimeric conformation is required for normal FXI function by generating a monomeric version of FXI (FXI/PKA4) and comparing it to wild-type FXI in assays requiring factor IX activation by activated FXI (FXIa). FXI/PKA4 was made by replacing the FXI A4 domain with the A4 domain from prekallikrein (PK). A dimeric version of FXI/PKA4 (FXI/PKA4-Gly326) was prepared as a control. Activated FXI/PKA4 and FXI/PKA4-Gly326 activate factor IX with kinetic parameters similar to those of FXIa. In kaolin-triggered plasma clotting assays containing purified phospholipid, FXI/PKA4 and FXI/PKA4-Gly326 have coagulant activity similar to FXI. The surface of activated platelets is likely to be a physiologic site for reactions involving FXI/FXIa. In competition binding assays FXI/PKA4, FXI/PKA4-Gly326, and FXI have similar affinities for activated platelets (K(i) = 12-16 nM). In clotting assays in which phospholipid is replaced by activated platelets, the dimeric proteins FXI and FXI/PKA4-Gly326 promote coagulation similarly; however, monomeric FXI/PKA4 has greatly reduced activity. Western immunoblot analysis confirmed that activated monomeric FXI/PKA4 activates factor IX poorly in the presence of activated platelets. These findings demonstrate the importance of the dimeric state to FXI activity and suggest a novel model for factor IX activation in which FXIa binds to activated platelets by one chain of the dimer, while binding to factor IX through the other.  相似文献   

Factor VIIa (EC is a trypsin-like serine protease that plays a key role in the blood coagulation cascade. On injury, factor VIIa forms a complex with its allosteric regulator, tissue factor, and initiates blood clotting. Although the structure of the binary complex has already been determined [Banner, D. W., D'Arcy, A., Chène, C., Winkler, F. K., Guha, A., Konigsberg, W. H., Nemerson, Y. & Kirchhofer, D. (1996) Nature (London) 380, 41-46], the conformational effects of cofactor binding to factor VIIa are not known in detail because of a lack of structural information on free factor VIIa. Here we report the structure of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-domainless human coagulation factor VIIa at a resolution of 2.8 A. The molecule adopts an extended conformation within the crystal similar to that previously observed for the full-length protein in complex with tissue factor. Detailed comparison of free and tissue factor-bound factor VIIa reveals several structural differences. The binding mode of the active-site inhibitor D-Phe-Phe-Arg methyl ketone differs in the two structures, suggesting a role for the cofactor in substrate recognition. More importantly, a surface-exposed alpha-helix in the protease domain (residues 307-312), which is located at the cofactor recognition site, is distorted in the free form of factor VIIa. This subtle structural difference sheds light on the mechanism of the dramatic tissue factor-induced enhancement of factor VIIa activity.  相似文献   

Thrombin treatment of the coagulation factor VIII results in a rapid activation of procoagulant activity with a subsequent first order decay. The structural requirements for thrombin-activated factor VIII were characterized using recombinant-derived human factor VIII and site-directed DNA-mediated mutagenesis. Thrombin-activated human recombinant-derived factor VIII was isolated in an active form by passage over Mono-S fast protein liquid chromatography. The peak fractions had a specific activity of 60,000 U/mg. The subunit composition in the peak fraction contained the 50-Kd A1 domain from the heavy chain, the 73-Kd light chain fragment, and trace amounts of the 43-Kd A2 domain. The requirement of domain A2 for functional activity was shown in several ways. First, the addition of an inhibitory monoclonal antibody that recognizes domain A2 destroyed factor VIIIa activity. Second, addition of a Mono-S FPLC fraction that contained the A2 domain polypeptide back to the peak activity fraction increased activity of the factor VIIIa by 22-fold. The maximum specific activity achieved was 180,000 U/mg. Finally, expression of an A2 domain deletion mutant did not yield procoagulant activity, although the mutant was effectively secreted from the cell, exhibited appropriate heavy and light chain association, and was susceptible to thrombin cleavage. Cotransfection of this A2 domain deletion mutant with an A2 domain expression vector yielded a secreted complex and restored procoagulant activity in the conditioned medium. This result shows that the A2 domain can fold and assemble with A2-deleted factor VIII to yield a functional molecule. We conclude that the A2 domain is required for functional factor VIIIa activity and loss of activity in activated factor VIII may result from dissociation of A2 from the thrombin-activated heterotrimer.  相似文献   

We have independently isolated and characterized cDNA and genomic clones for the human coagulation factor IX. Sequence analysis in both cases indicates that threonine is encoded by the triplet ACT as the third residue of the activation peptide. This is in agreement with some earlier reports but in disagreement with others that show the alanine triplet GCT at this position. The discrepancy can thus be accounted for by natural variation of a single nucleotide in the normal population. Amino acid sequence analyses of activated factor IX from plasma samples of four individuals yielded two cases of alanine and two cases of threonine at the third position of the activation peptide. In factor IX from pooled plasma and in factor IX from a heterozygous individual, however, both alanine and threonine were found. Taken together, the findings show that a prevalent nondeleterious dimorphism exists in the activation peptide of human coagulation factor IX.  相似文献   

Embryonic expression of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor as well as embryonic and steroid-dependent uterine secretion of its ligand, heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF), are temporally associated with the period of blastocyst implantation. We examined the temporal cell type-specific expression of HB-EGF in human endometrium during the menstrual cycle by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Early first trimester implantation sites were also examined to determine HB-EGF protein levels in decidual and fetal tissues. In the endometrial stroma, HB-EGF protein expression increased markedly during the late proliferative phase and then decreased in the early secretory phase. By contrast, luminal and glandular epithelial cells as well as blood vessel endothelium accumulated the protein between midcycle and cycle day 20, with peak expression observed during the period of uterine receptivity for implantation. HB-EGF expression decreased dramatically at the end of the cycle, before menses. Spatiotemporal expression of HB-EGF messenger ribonucleic acid demonstrated a similar pattern. During early pregnancy, HB-EGF immunostaining was noted in the decidua and in both villous and extravillous trophoblast populations. These findings suggest that HB-EGF promotes implantation and trophoblast invasion through paracrine and autocrine signaling as cells penetrate the stroma and displace the arteriole endothelium.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on mechanisms, independent of activated Factor XI, capable of activating Factor IX. The reaction product of tissue factor and Factor VII functioned as a potent Factor IX activator in the assay system used. Activated Factor IX itself activated Factor X; thrombin failed to activate Factor IX. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed that the reaction product of tissue factor and Factor VII activated Factor IX, with replacement of the band corresponding to native factor IX [molecular weight (Mr) 55,000] by bands corresponding to the heavy chain (Mr 27,000) and light chain (Mr 17,000) of activated Factor IX. When either Factor VII or calcium ions were left out of incubation mixtures, the band of native Factor IX persisted unchanged. Contact of blood with tissue factor represents a second mechanism, bypassing activated Factor XI, for the activation of Factor IX during hemostasis. It may help to explain the discrepancy between the mild bleeding of hereditary Factor XI deficiency and the severe bleeding of hereditary Factor IX deficiency.  相似文献   

IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) is involved in numerous biological functions via its major downstream signaling molecules, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase/Akt. The IGF-I-induced activation of ERK, but not that of Akt, is reportedly mediated by the transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase (TK). The mechanism for the EGFR-TK-dependent activation, however, still remains largely unknown. We found that an oral carcinoma cell line overexpressing EGFR, Ca9-22, exhibited IGF-I-induced activation of both Akt and ERK, but that only the latter was significantly decreased by a specific inhibitor of EGFR-TK, tyrphostin AG1478. In this report we provide evidence for the existence in this cell line of a novel mechanism by which IGF-I induces ERK activation in a manner that is dependent on the basal level of EGFR-TK activity, but is independent of receptor transactivation. In addition, we show that c-Raf kinase is likely to be a key regulator of this mechanism. The elucidation of such a unique mechanism involving cross-talk between EGFR and heterologous receptors may shed additional light on the clinical use of EGFR-TK inhibitors in antitumor therapies.  相似文献   

The body growth of animals is regulated by growth hormone and IGF-I. The classical theory of this regulation is that most IGF-I in the blood originates in the liver and that body growth is controlled by the concentration of IGF-I in the blood. We have abolished IGF-I production in the livers of mice by using the Cre/loxP recombination system. These mice demonstrated complete inactivation of the IGF-I gene in the hepatocytes. Although the liver accounts for less than 5% of body mass, the concentration of IGF-I in the serum was reduced by 75%. This finding confirms that the liver is the principal source of IGF-I in the blood. However, the reduction in serum IGF-I concentration had no discernible effect on postnatal body growth. We conclude that postnatal body growth is preserved despite complete absence of IGF-I production by the hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Eosinophils are thought to play a major role in the immunobiology of schistosomiasis. To investigate the immunologic basis of the eosinophil response and directly assess the function of eosinophils in egg-induced pathology, mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni were injected with a monoclonal antibody produced against interleukin 5 (IL-5), a cytokine previously shown to stimulate eosinophil differentiation in vitro. This treatment suppressed the generation of eosinophil myelocyte precursors in the bone marrow and reduced to background levels the numbers of mature eosinophils in the marrow, in circulation, and within acute schistosome egg granulomas. Nevertheless, granulomas in the anti-IL-5-treated/eosinophil-depleted mice at 8 weeks of infection were only marginally smaller than those in animals injected with control monoclonal antibody, and hepatic fibrosis was comparable in the two groups. Additional parameters such as worm burden, egg output, and serum IgE levels were unaltered by the anti-IL-5 treatment. In contrast, infected animals injected with monoclonal antibody against gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) displayed circulating eosinophil levels that were elevated with respect to control mice, possibly because of an enhanced release of mature eosinophils from the marrow, and developed egg granulomas that were indistinguishable in size and cellular composition from those in control animals. Immunologic assays revealed that lymphocytes from acutely infected mice produce large quantities of IL-5 but minimal IFN-gamma when stimulated with either egg antigen or mitogen. Taken together, these results indicate that neither IL-5 nor eosinophils are essential for egg-induced pathology but suggest that lymphocytes that belong to the IL-5-producing TH2 subset predominate during acute infection and may induce granuloma formation by the production of other cytokines.  相似文献   

Peptide growth factors have been proposed as mediators of smooth muscle-epithelial cell interactions in the human prostate; however, the identity of these molecules has not been established. In this study, we compared expression levels of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) encoding the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor-related receptor tyrosine kinases (ErbB1 through 4), the six EGF receptor ligands, EGF, transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha, amphiregulin (ARG), HB-EGF, betacellulin, and epiregulin, and the related molecule heregulin-alpha, in a series of 10 prostate tissue specimens. Only EGF showed a disease-specific association, with increased mRNA levels in four of five PCa specimens in comparison to matched normal tissue from the same subject. In contrast, ARG and HB-EGF mRNAs showed a coordinate pattern of expression in 7/10 specimens that was distinct from all other growth factor or receptor genes examined and from mRNAs for prostate specific antigen, the androgen receptor and GAPDH, a house-keeping enzyme. Analysis of an additional series of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer specimens from 60 individuals confirmed that ARG and HB-EGF mRNA levels varied in a highly coordinate manner (r = 0.93; P < 0.0001) but showed no association with disease. ARG was immunolocalized largely to interstitial smooth muscle cells (SMC), previously identified as the site of synthesis of HB-EGF in the prostate, while the cognate ARG and HB-EGF receptor, ErbB1, was localized exclusively to ductal epithelial cells and carcinoma cells. Although ARG was a relatively poor mitogen for Balb/c3T3 cells in comparison to HB-EGF, it was similar in potency to HB-EGF in stimulating human prostate epithelial cell growth, suggesting that prostate epithelia may be a physiologic target for ARG in vivo. Expression of both ARG and HB-EGF mRNAs was induced in cultured prostate SMC by fibroblast growth factor-2, a human prostate SMC mitogen linked to prostate disease. These findings indicate that ARG and HB-EGF are likely to be key mediators of directional signaling between SMC and epithelial cells in the human prostate and appear to be coordinately regulated.  相似文献   

Gramzinski  RA; Broze  GJ Jr; Carson  SD 《Blood》1989,73(4):983-989
Studies of proteins that inhibit tissue factor activity have generally been conducted using either an extracted tissue homogenate ("thromboplastin") or tissue factor protein reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles rather than with tissue factor expressed in cell membranes (its physiological environment). In the present study, a human fibroblast cell strain was used to evaluate the effects of lipoprotein associated coagulation inhibitor (LACI), placental anticoagulant protein (PAP), and apolipoprotein A-II (apo A-II) on human tissue factor in cell membranes. LACI was tested from 7.8 to 500 pmol/L on fibroblasts cultured at cell densities ranging from 3,500 to 9,925 cells/well, and caused a progressive inhibition of tissue factor activity. PAP was tested from 3.9 nmol/L to 1 mumol/L at cell densities ranging from 4,500 to 15,400 cells/well and caused up to 83% inhibition of tissue factor activity. Inhibition by these proteins appeared to be influenced by cell density as well as whether the cells were intact or disrupted. Apo A-II, up to 1 mumol/L, did not inhibit the tissue factor activity of intact or disrupted fibroblasts at any cell density examined even though it did inhibit the activity of tissue factor in phospholipid vesicles. Of these inhibitors of tissue factor-dependent activation of factor X, LACI was the most effective in suppressing the generation of factor Xa activity. The effects obtained with apo A-II are clearly dependent on the nature of the tissue factor preparation with which it is tested. The disparity between the inhibitory effect of apo A-II on the activity of tissue factor reconstituted into lipid vesicles and the absence of effect on the activity of tissue factor remaining in cell membranes serves to reemphasize the necessity of reexamining results obtained with model systems using as nearly physiological reagents as possible.  相似文献   

Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is a recently identified member of the EGF family of growth factors and a potent mitogen for smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells genetically engineered to express the human EGF receptor bind with high affinity both EGF and HB-EGF. CHO mutant cells lacking heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) bind EGF equally well to wild-type cells and EGF binding is not affected by exogenous heparin. However, HSPG-deficient EGF receptor-expressing cells do not bind significant levels of HB-EGF unless heparin is present in the binding medium. Moreover, binding of radiolabeled EGF to HSPG-deficient EGF receptor-expressing cells is efficiently displaced by nonlabeled HB-EGF only in the presence of heparin. Signal transduction by the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase as evidenced by receptor autophosphorylation is induced by HB-EGF only in the presence of heparin, in contrast to EGF-induced receptor autophosphorylation, which is independent of heparin. These results directly demonstrate that HB-EGF but not EGF requires heparin or cell surface HSPG for binding and activation of the EGF receptor and that HB-EGF receptor interactions can be tightly regulated by the available local concentration of heparin-like molecules.  相似文献   

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