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User-fee programs have been introduced at health care facilities in many developing countries. Difficulties have been encountered, however, especially at public hospitals. This report describes the effects of user fees introduced in April 1997 at a public hospital, the National Maternal and Child Health Center (NMCHC) of Cambodia, on patient utilization, revenue and expenditure, quality of hospital services, provider attitudes, low-income patients, and the government, by reviewing hospital data, patient and provider surveys, and provider focus group discussions.Before the introduction of user fees, the revenue from patients was taken directly by individual staff as their private income to compensate their low income. After the introduction of user fees, however, revenue was retained by the hospital, and used to improve the quality of hospital services. Consequently, the patient satisfaction rate for the user-fee system showed 92.7%, and the number of outpatients doubled. The average monthly number of delivery of babies increased significantly from 319 before introduction of the system to 585 in the third year after the user-fee introduction, and the bed occupancy rate also increased from 50.6% to 69.7% during the same period. As patient utilization increased, hospital revenue increased. The generated revenue was used to accelerate quality improvement further, to provide staff with additional fee incentives that compensated their low government salaries, and to expand hospital services. Thus, the revenue obtained user fees created a benign cycle for sustainability at NMCHC.Through this process, the user-fee revenue offered payment exemption to low-income users, supported the government financially through user-fee contributions, and reduced financial support from donors.Although the staff satisfaction rate remained at 41.2% due to low salary compensation in the third year of user-fee implementation, staff's work attitude shifted from salary-oriented to patient-oriented-with more attention to low-income users.  相似文献   

Dao HT  Waters H  Le QV 《Public health》2008,122(10):1068-1078
OBJECTIVES: Vietnam started its health reform process two decades ago, initiated by economic reform in 1986. Economic reform has rapidly changed the socio-economic environment with the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented economy. Health reform in Vietnam has been associated with the introduction of user fees, the legalization of private medical practices, and the commercialization of the pharmaceutical industry. This paper presents the user fees and health service utilization in Vietnam during a critical period of economic transition in the 1990s. STUDY DESIGN: The study is based on two national household surveys: the Vietnam Living Standard Survey 1992-1993 and 1997-1998. METHODS: The concentration index and related concentration curve were used to measure differences in health service utilization as indicators of health outcomes of income quintiles, ranking from the poorest to the richest. RESULTS: User fees contribute to health resources and have helped to relieve the financial burden on the Government. However, comparisons of concentration indices for hospital stays and community health centre visits show that user fees can drive people deeper into poverty, widen the gap between the rich and the poor, and increase inequality in health outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: An effective social protection and targeting system is proposed to protect the poor from the impact of user fees, to increase equity and improve the quality of healthcare services. This cannot be done without taking measures to improve the quality of care and promote ethical standards in health care, including the elimination of unofficial payments.  相似文献   

Three broad strategies for health financing reform include: 1) cost recovery through user fees to expand access and improve quality of health services along with means testing to increase equity; 2) reallocation of existing resources to improve efficiency and access; and 3) assessment of the efficiency and quality of private health providers for making better use of the private sector in expanding access to quality health services. Research on the extent to which cost recovery reforms have improved access showed mixed results. A 1993 survey of more than 50 user fee experiences in Africa showed that in roughly half the cases, utilization either remained the same or decreased, whereas in the other cases, utilization increased after fees were introduced. Pilot tests of alternative cost recovery methods in 1993 and 1994 in rural Niger provided strong evidence that some form of social financing or risk-sharing mechanism may have advantages over pure fee-for-service methods in rural Africa. The main reason user fees are believed to be inequitable is that new or increased prices may provide a stronger disincentive to the poor than to the better-off. Informal means testing in Niger suggested that even moderately effective means testing can play a positive role for other incentives to utilization by the poor. A study identified specific measures of structure, process, and outcomes to assess quality improvement in 18 rural primary health care facilities involved in the Niger cost recovery pilot tests. Reallocation of existing resources to improve cost-effectiveness represents the second principle type of health financing reform. Private providers also play a role in promoting access in Sub-Saharan countries. Public and private sector efficiency in Senegal was also examined. Household spending to promote efficiency suggested that people could allocate money for health care more efficiently. Finally, some policy research needs were identified.  相似文献   

We present the findings of a United Nations Development Programme-World Health Organization study commissioned by China's Ministry of Health on use of public and private ambulatory care services in three Chinese provinces. We found much unmet medical need (16 percent), attributed mainly to the perceived high cost of care. Seventy-one percent had no health insurance (90 percent in rural and 51 percent in urban areas). For 33 percent, the last consultation was with a private practitioner. Widespread dissatisfaction with public providers (mainly high user fees and poor staff attitudes) is driving patients to seek cheaper but lower-quality care from poorly regulated private providers.  相似文献   

Most government health facilities in Cambodia perform poorly, due to lack of funds, inadequate management and inefficient use of resources, but mostly due to poor motivation of staff. This paper describes contracting as a possible tool for Ministries of Health to improve health service delivery more rapidly than the more traditional reform approaches. In Cambodia, the Ministry of Health started an experiment with contracting in eight districts, covering 1 million people. Health care management in five districts was sub-contracted to private sector operators, and their results were compared with three control districts. Both internal and external reviews showed that after 3 years of implementation, the utilization of health services in the contracted districts improved significantly, in comparison with the control districts. There was adequate competition in awarding the contracts. A Ministry of Health Project Co-ordinating Unit measured the performance of the contractors, and contributed pro-actively. There was no evidence of rent-seeking practices by either the contracting agency or the contractors. This paper describes in more detail the successes and failures in one of the contracted districts, where HealthNet International applied the contracting approach. Despite significantly increased official user fees, constituting 16% of recurrent costs, the utilization of services was equally increased. Patients thought the fees were reasonable because they were still lower than the fees demanded if government health workers charged informally. They also thought that the services were of better quality than in the unregulated private sector. Another important result was that combining strict monitoring with performance-based incentives demonstrates a decrease in total family health expenditure of some 40% from US dollars 18 to US dollars 11 per capita per year. Innovative and decisive management proved to be essential, which is more likely to be achieved by a contracted manager than by regular government managers with life-long employment. This paper discusses how the contractor addressed the deeply rooted problems of informal private activities of government health workers. The NGO district management experimented with two management systems: first by individual contracts with health workers, and secondly by sub-contracting directly with the health centre chiefs and hospital directors. A reason for concern is that poli-pharmacy and excessive use of injectables continued. Also, the participation of the central level of the Ministry of Health was positive in the contracting process, but the role and participation of the provincial level of the Ministry was more tentative.  相似文献   

Inadequate health financing is one of the major challenges health systems in low-income countries currently face. Health financing reforms are being implemented with an increasing interest in policies that abolish user fees. Data from three nationally representative surveys conducted in Uganda in 1999/2000, 2002/03 and 2005/06 were used to investigate the impact of user fee abolition on the attainment of universal coverage objectives. An increase in illness reporting was noted over the three surveys, especially among the poorer quintiles. An increase in utilization was registered in the period immediately following the abolition of user fees and was most pronounced in the poorest quintile. Overall, there was an increase in utilization in both public and private health care delivery sectors, but only at clinic and health centre level, not at hospitals. Our study shows important changes in health-care-seeking behaviour. In 2002/03, the poorest population quintile started using government health centres more often than private clinics whereas in 1999/2000 private clinics were the main source of health care. The richest quintile has increasingly used private clinics. Overall, it appears that the private sector remains a significant source of health care. Following abolition of user fees, we note an increase in the use of lower levels of care with subsequent reductions in use of hospitals. Total annual average expenditures on health per household remained fairly stable between the 1999/2000 and 2002/03 surveys. There was, however, an increase of US$21 in expenditure between the 2002/03 and 2005/06 surveys. Abolition of user fees improved access to health services and efficiency in utilization. On the negative side is the fact that financial protection is yet to be achieved. Out-of-pocket expenditure remains high and mainly affects the poorer population quintiles. A dual system seems to have emerged where wealthier population groups are switching to the private sector.  相似文献   

The transition from a centrally planned economy in the 1980s and the implementation of a series of neoliberal health policy reform measures in 1989 affected the delivery and financing of Vietnam's health care services. More specifically, legalization of private medical practice, liberalization of the pharmaceutical industry, and introduction of user charges at public health facilities have effectively transformed Vietnam's near universal, publicly funded and provided health services into a highly unregulated private-public mix system, with serious consequences for Vietnam's health system. Using Vietnam's most recent household survey data and published facility-based data, this article examines some of the problems faced by Vietnam's health sector, with particular reference to efficiency, access, and equity. The data reveal four important findings: self-treatment is the dominant mode of treatment for both the poor and nonpoor; there is little or no regulation to protect patients from financial abuse by private medical providers, pharmacies, and drug vendors; in the face of a dwindling share of the state health budget in public hospital revenues and low salaries, hospitals increasingly rely on user charges and insurance premiums to finance services, including generous staff bonuses; and health care costs, especially hospital costs, are substantial for many low- and middle-income households.  相似文献   

Many low- and middle-income countries continue to search for better ways of financing their health systems. Common to many of these systems are problems of inadequate resource mobilisation, as well as inefficient and inequitable use of existing resources. The poor and other vulnerable groups who need healthcare the most are also the most affected by these shortcomings. In particular, these groups have a high reliance on user fees and other out-of-pocket expenditures on health which are both impoverishing and provide a financial barrier to care. It is within this context, and in light of recent policy initiatives on user fee removal, that a debate on the role of user fees in health financing systems has recently returned. This paper provides some reflections on the recent user fees debate, drawing from the evidence presented and subsequent discussions at a recent UNICEF consultation on user fees in the health sector, and relates the debate to the wider issue of access to adequate healthcare. It is argued that, from the wealth of evidence on user fees and other health system reforms, a broad consensus is emerging. First, user fees are an important barrier to accessing health services, especially for poor people. They also negatively impact on adherence to long-term expensive treatments. However, this is offset to some extent by potentially positive impacts on quality. Secondly, user fees are not the only barrier that the poor face. As well as other cost barriers, a number of quality, information and cultural barriers must also be overcome before the poor can access adequate health services. Thirdly, initial evidence on fee abolition in Uganda suggests that this policy has improved access to outpatient services for the poor. For this to be sustainable and effective in reaching the poor, fee removal needs to be part of a broader package of reforms that includes increased budgets to offset lost fee revenue (as was the case in Uganda). Fourthly, implementation matters: if fees are to be abolished, this needs clear communication with a broad stakeholder buy-in, careful monitoring to ensure that official fees are not replaced by informal fees, and appropriate management of the alternative financing mechanisms that are replacing user fees. Fifthly, context is crucial. For instance, immediate fee removal in Cambodia would be inappropriate, given that fees replaced irregular and often high informal fees. In this context, equity funds and eventual expansion of health insurance are perhaps more viable policy options. Conversely, in countries where user fees have had significant adverse effects on access and generated only limited benefits, fee abolition is probably a more attractive policy option. Removing user fees has the potential to improve access to health services, especially for the poor, but it is not appropriate in all contexts. Analysis should move on from broad evaluations of user fees towards exploring how best to dismantle the multiple barriers to access in specific contexts.  相似文献   

Public providers have no financial incentive to respect their legal obligation to exempt the poor from user fees. Health Equity Funds (HEFs) aim to make exemptions effective by giving NGOs responsibility for assessing eligibility and compensating providers for lost revenue. We use the geographic spread of HEFs over time in Cambodia to identify their impact on out-of-pocket (OOP) payments. Among households with some OOP payment, HEFs reduce the amount paid by 35%, on average. The effect is larger for households that are poorer and mainly use public health care. Reimbursement of providers through a government operated scheme also reduces household OOP payments but the effect is not as well targeted on the poor. Both compensation models raise household non-medical consumption but have no impact on health-related debt. HEFs reduce the probability of primarily seeking care in the private sector.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a critical review of studies carried out in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) focusing on the economic consequences for households of illness and health care use. These include household level impacts of direct costs (medical treatment and related financial costs), indirect costs (productive time losses resulting from illness) and subsequent household responses. It highlights that health care financing strategies that place considerable emphasis on out-of-pocket payments can impoverish households. There is growing evidence of households being pushed into poverty or forced into deeper poverty when faced with substantial medical expenses, particularly when combined with a loss of household income due to ill-health. Health sector reforms in LMICs since the late 1980s have particularly focused on promoting user fees for public sector health services and increasing the role of the private for-profit sector in health care provision. This has increasingly placed the burden of paying for health care on individuals experiencing poor health. This trend seems to continue even though some countries and international organisations are considering a shift away from their previous pro-user fee agenda. Research into alternative health care financing strategies and related mechanisms for coping with the direct and indirect costs of illness is urgently required to inform the development of appropriate social policies to improve access to essential health services and break the vicious cycle between illness and poverty.  相似文献   

Research has shown that fax referral services play an important role in linking people who are ready to quit tobacco use with effective cessation support provided through telephone-based quitlines. While many states have implemented fax referral services to assist health care providers in connecting their patients to quitlines, few published studies delineate optimum ways to promote this service to providers, particularly the role of direct mail educational campaigns. This is one of the first studies to evaluate the effectiveness of a small-scale educational and promotional campaign designed to increase health care providers’ awareness and utilization of a state tobacco cessation quitline fax referral service. The campaign included a direct mailing to 6,197 health care providers in North Carolina. The mailing consisted of a large tube, in the shape of cigarette, with enclosed fax referral promotional materials. An 8-month follow-up survey was mailed to a 10% random sample of family physicians, pediatricians, dentists, and orthodontists who were sent the promotional tube mailing. Valid surveys were returned by 271 providers (response rate = 46%). Forty-four percent of respondents remembered receiving the tube mailing, and 40% reported familiarity with the fax referral service. While only 3.5% of respondents reported referring a patient to the quitline using the fax referral service in the previous 6 months, almost one-third reported an intention to use the fax referral service in the future. The pilot promotional campaign increased awareness of the fax referral service more than service utilization. While increased utilization of the service by health care providers appears promising, additional research is needed on how to maximize educational and promotional campaigns that influence clinician fax referral behaviors. The results of this study can help guide the development of future fax referral promotional campaigns to increase clinician access to and utilization of state quitlines.  相似文献   

Research has shown that fax referral services play an important role in linking people who are ready to quit tobacco use with effective cessation support provided through telephone-based quitlines. While many states have implemented fax referral services to assist health care providers in connecting their patients to quitlines, few published studies delineate optimum ways to promote this service to providers, particularly the role of direct mail educational campaigns. This is one of the first studies to evaluate the effectiveness of a small-scale educational and promotional campaign designed to increase health care providers' awareness and utilization of a state tobacco cessation quitline fax referral service. The campaign included a direct mailing to 6,197 health care providers in North Carolina. The mailing consisted of a large tube, in the shape of cigarette, with enclosed fax referral promotional materials. An 8-month follow-up survey was mailed to a 10% random sample of family physicians, pediatricians, dentists, and orthodontists who were sent the promotional tube mailing. Valid surveys were returned by 271 providers (response rate?=?46%). Forty-four percent of respondents remembered receiving the tube mailing, and 40% reported familiarity with the fax referral service. While only 3.5% of respondents reported referring a patient to the quitline using the fax referral service in the previous 6 months, almost one-third reported an intention to use the fax referral service in the future. The pilot promotional campaign increased awareness of the fax referral service more than service utilization. While increased utilization of the service by health care providers appears promising, additional research is needed on how to maximize educational and promotional campaigns that influence clinician fax referral behaviors. The results of this study can help guide the development of future fax referral promotional campaigns to increase clinician access to and utilization of state quitlines.  相似文献   

This article presents research findings into the effectiveness of an innovative equity fund approach to improving access to public sector health services for the poor in Kirivong Operational Health District in Cambodia. The operational health district is the lowest organizational level in the Cambodian health system, providing services through health centres and a single referral hospital. An equity fund involves a third party identifying the poor and paying user fees on their behalf by reimbursing the service provider, thus relieving health staff of such responsibility. We explore the appropriateness of utilizing community members to identify the poorest. The impact of newly introduced pagoda-managed equity funds on access to public health services for the poorest, and on their out-of-pocket expenditure during illness episodes, is then examined. We conclude with an evaluation of the contribution of the equity funds to community participation. The research indicates that identification by community members of those eligible for equity funds is feasible, accrues minimal direct costs, and is effective. Households identified as eligible for equity fund benefits were poorer than those identified as non-beneficiaries. Direct costs associated with seeking care were considerably lower for equity fund beneficiaries than for non-beneficiaries, and fewer beneficiaries than non-beneficiaries initially consulted the private sector, providing evidence of the equity fund's ability to attract the poorest to the public sector. The level and nature of community participation was enhanced considerably following the introduction of the pagoda-managed equity funds. In order to maximize and sustain the equity benefits of such funds, we recommend that external agencies (such as international non-governmental organizations) limit their role to the provision of technical support and advice, rather than taking the lead on implementation and administration. Facilitating the design, implementation, administration and management of equity funds by indigenous community-based organizations has the advantage of not only greatly reducing administrative costs, allowing a large proportion of the fund to be spent on services for the poor, but also of enhancing local ownership, thus increasing the likelihood of equity funds being sustained in the future.  相似文献   



It has been argued that quality improvements that result from user charges reduce their negative impact on utilization especially of the poor. In Uganda, because there was no concrete evidence for improvements in quality of care following the introduction of user charges, the government abolished user fees in all public health units on 1st March 2001. This gave us the opportunity to prospectively study how different aspects of quality of care change, as a country changes its health financing options from user charges to free services, in a developing country setting. The outcome of the study may then provide insights into policy actions to maintain quality of care following removal of user fees.


A population cohort and representative health facilities were studied longitudinally over 3 years after the abolition of user fees. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to obtain data. Parameters evaluated in relation to quality of care included availability of drugs and supplies and; health worker variables.


Different quality variables assessed showed that interventions that were put in place were able to maintain, or improve the technical quality of services. There were significant increases in utilization of services, average drug quantities and stock out days improved, and communities reported health workers to be hardworking, good and dedicated to their work to mention but a few. Communities were more appreciative of the services, though expectations were lower. However, health workers felt they were not adequately motivated given the increased workload.


The levels of technical quality of care attained in a system with user fees can be maintained, or even improved without the fees through adoption of basic, sustainable system modifications that are within the reach of developing countries. However, a trade-off between residual perceptions of reduced service quality, and the welfare gains from removal of user fees should guide such a policy change.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of quality improvements in conjunction with user fees on the utilization and equality of outpatient services at a range of public sector health facilities in India. Project impact on outpatient visits was estimated via the difference-in-difference method using pooled time series visit data from project and control facilities. The results indicate that the quality improvements significantly increased visits at all facility types. The project effect was largest at primary health center (PHC) and community health center (CHC), followed by district hospital (DH) and female district hospital (FDH). Pro-rich inequalities in outpatient visits increased at DHs and FDHs while at CHCs and PHCs the distribution remained equitable. This suggests that quality improvements at public sector health facilities can increase utilization of outpatient services in the presence of nominal user fees, but can also promote greater inequality favoring the better-off. At the referral hospital level, quality improvements should be made in conjuction with programs which encourage utilization by the poor. In contrast, the benefit of quality improvements at PHCs and CHCs is equitably distributed.  相似文献   

This paper exploits the geographic expansion of performance‐based financing (PBF) in Cambodia over a decade to estimate its effect on the utilization of maternal and child health services. PBF is estimated to raise the proportion of births occurring in incentivized public health facilities by 7.5 percentage points (25%). A substantial part of this effect arises from switching the location of institutional births from private to public facilities; there is no significant impact on deliveries supervised by a skilled birth attendant, nor is there any significant effect on neonatal mortality, antenatal care and vaccination rates. The impact on births in public facilities is much greater if PBF is accompanied by maternity vouchers that cover user fees, but there is no significant effect among the poorest women. Heterogeneous effects across schemes differing in design suggest that maintaining management authority within a health district while giving explicit service targets to facilities is more effective in raising utilization than contracting management to a non‐governmental organization while denying it full autonomy and leaving financial penalties vague. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Set within the context of recent literature on the private-public divide in the health sector of developing countries generally and Asia specifically, this study considers the major government and the major indigenous non-government clinics offering out-patient reproductive health services in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Reproductive health is of critical importance in Cambodia, which has one of the highest levels of unmet need for family planning in the developing world and suffers from what is arguably the most severe STD and HIV/AIDS problem in Asia. The study is unusual in that it examines and compares aspects of service delivery and pricing along with the socio-economic profile and health-seeking behaviour of clients self-selecting services in the two settings. The socio-economic status of clients was much higher than the norm in Cambodia but did not differ significantly between the two clinics. A few service indicators suggested that the quality of care was better in the NGO clinic. Underlying variables--such as the broader mandate of the public sector institution and the significant discrepancy between public and private sector salaries--offer an obvious explanation for these differences. The Ministry of Health in Cambodia has been developing policies related to the NGO sector, which has expanded rapidly in Cambodia during the 1990s, and it is struggling to increase staff remuneration within the public sector.  相似文献   



High out-of-pocket payments and user fees with unfunded exemptions limit access to health services for the poor. Health equity funds (HEF) emerged in Cambodia as a strategic purchasing mechanism used to fund exemptions and reduce the burden of health-care costs on people on very low incomes. Their impact on access to health services must be carefully examined.


Evidence from the field is examined to define barriers to access, analyse the role played by HEF and identify how HEF address these barriers.

Local setting

Two-thirds of total health expenditure consists of patients’ out-of-pocket spending at the time of care, mainly for self-medication and private services. While the private sector attracts most out-of-pocket spending, user fees remain a barrier to access to public services for people on very low incomes.

Relevant changes

HEF brought new patients to public facilities, satisfying some unmet health-care needs. There was no perceived stigma for HEF patients but many of them still had to borrow money to access health care.

Lessons learned

HEF are a purchasing mechanism in the Cambodian health-care system. They exercise four essential roles: financing, community support, quality assurance and policy dialogue. These roles respond to the main barriers to access to health services. The impact is greatest where a third-party arrangement is in place. A strong and supportive policy environment is needed for the HEF to exercise their active purchasing role fully.  相似文献   

In spite of all efforts to build national health services, health systems of many low-income countries are today highly pluralistic. Households use a vast range of public and private health care providers, many of whom are not controlled by national health authorities. Experts have called on Ministries of Health to re-establish themselves as stewards of the entire health system. Modern stewardship will require national and decentralized health authorities to have an overall view of their pluralistic health system, especially of the components outside the public sector. Little guidance has been provided so far on how to develop such a view. In this paper, we explore whether household surveys could be a source of information. The study builds on secondary data analysis of a household survey carried out in three health districts in rural Cambodia and of two national surveys. Cambodia is indeed an interesting case, as massive efforts by donors in favour of the public sector go hand in hand with a dominant role of the private sector in the provision of health care services. The study confirms that the health care sector in Cambodia is now highly pluralistic, and that the great majority of health seeking behaviour takes place outside the public health system. Our analysis of the survey also shows that the disaffection of the population with public health facilities varies across places, socio-economic groups and health problems. We illustrate how such knowledge could allow stewards to better identify challenges for existing or future health policies. We argue that a whole research programme on the composition of pluralistic health systems still needs to be developed. We identify some challenges and opportunities.  相似文献   

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