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ESWL治疗泌尿系阴性结石233例报告   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
探讨X线定位系统碎石机治疗泌尿系阴性结石的定位方法,应用国产JT-ESWLⅡ型碎石机及HX902型碎石机治疗泌尿系阴性结石233例,首次碎石率为91%,疗效满意,并提出利用双束交叉X线定位碎石机,通过尿路造影协助,对阴性结石进行ESWL治疗时的几种定位方法,认为X线定位碎石机,只要在尿路造影协助下,治疗阴性结石可同样取得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的 观察重度烧伤患者中后期全身和创面局部肉芽组织中的微量元素Fe、Cu、Zn、Se、Mn的含量变化,探讨微量元素对创面愈合的影响.方法 收集38例重度烧伤患者伤后4~9周未愈创面肉芽组织及全血标本,利用等离子体发射法测定其Fe、Cu、Zn、Se、Mn的含量,并与正常人体皮肤和血标本进行对照.结果 伤后4~9周血液和创面肉芽组织中的Zn、Se、Mn含量均逐渐下降;Cu在血液中的含量接近正常,在肉芽组织中的含量逐渐上升,伤后8~9周时Cu含量为(1.31±0.21) μg/g湿重,高于人体正常皮肤中的含量,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).创面局部Zn和Se的含量变化与血液中的变化显著相关(rzn =0.747,P<0.05;rse=0.852,P<0.05).结论 微量元素Fe、Cu、Zn、Se、Mn在全身和创面局部肉芽组织中的变化不尽相同,局部Zn、Se含量的变化受全身含量的影响,不同微量元素的不同变化可能是导致创面愈合延迟的重要因素.  相似文献   

目的 探讨牛磺酸在体外细胞培养中对草酸和草酸钙晶体诱导的肾小管上皮细胞损伤的保护作用及机制.方法 将体外培养的人远端肾小管上皮细胞(HK-2)随机分为5组:第1组,单纯HK-2细胞;第2组,HK-2细胞中加入草酸和一水草酸钙(COM);第3组,HK-2细胞中加入草酸、COM和牛磺酸;第4组,HK-2细胞中加入草酸、COM和夹竹桃麻素;第5组,HK-2细胞中加入草酸、COM和过氧化氢酶.培养6h后收集各组细胞上清液检测乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、过氧化氢(H2O2)、8-异前列腺素(8-IP)含量及单核细胞趋化蛋白质-1(MCP-1)蛋白水平,RT-PCR法检测细胞内MCP-1 mRNA、P47 phox mRNA表达水平;MTT法测定培养24 h后的细胞存活率.结果 培养24 h后MTT法检测第1组细胞的吸光度A值为0.996±0.044,第2组为0.626±0.011,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).培养6h后第1组细胞上清液H2O2、8-IP、LDH含量分别为(18.68±0.70) mmol/L、(12.72±1.69) ng/ml、(194.05±7.91) U/L,第2组分别为(53.27±1.88) mmol/L、(57.53±3.11)ng/ml、(484.34±29.44) U/L,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).第1组MCP-1蛋白水平为(17.32±2.32) pg/ml,第2组为(69.21±3.39) pg/ml,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).第1组与第2组细胞的MCP-1 mRNA、P47phox mRNA表达水平倍增比值分别为1/3.51和1/1.38,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).MTT法检测第3、4、5组细胞的吸光度A值分别为0.748±0.033、0.825±0.078、0.815 ±0.037,与第2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).第3、4、5组细胞上清液H2O2、8-IP、LDH含量均明显少于第2组.第3、4、5组细胞上清液MCP-1蛋白水平分别为(60.13±1.83)、(28.53±1.41)、(56.44±1.13) pg/ml,与第2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).第3、4、5组细胞MCP-1 mRNA表达水平相对第1组的倍增比值分别为1/2.55、1/1.58、1/2.37,与第2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).第3、5组细胞P47phox mRNA表达水平相对第1组的倍增比值分别为1/1.25、1/1.35,与第2组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);第4组的倍增比值为1/0.61,与第2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 草酸、COM可诱导HK-2细胞氧化应激损伤,细胞的P47phox mRNA和MCP-1 mRNA表达增加.牛磺酸可以减轻细胞的损伤,但机制可能不是通过抑制P47 phox表达的途径进行.  相似文献   

Calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) stones are often resistant to breakage using shock wave (SW) lithotripsy. It would be useful to identify by computed tomography (CT) those COM stones that are susceptible to SW's. For this study, 47 COM stones (4-10 mm in diameter) were scanned with micro CT to verify composition and also for assessment of heterogeneity (presence of pronounced lobulation, voids, or apatite inclusions) by blinded observers. Stones were then placed in water and scanned using 64-channel helical CT. As with micro CT, heterogeneity was assessed by blinded observers, using high-bone viewing windows. Then stones were broken in a lithotripter (Dornier Doli-50) over 2 mm mesh, and SW's counted. Results showed that classification of stones using micro CT was highly repeatable among observers (kappa = 0.81), and also predictive of stone fragility. Stones graded as homogeneous required 1,874 +/- 821 SW/g for comminution, while stones with visible structure required half as many SW/g, 912 +/- 678. Similarly, when stones were graded by appearance on helical CT, classification was repeatable (kappa = 0.40), and homogeneous stones required more SW's for comminution than did heterogeneous stones (1,702 +/- 993 SW/g, compared to 907 +/- 773). Stone fragility normalized to stone size did not correlate with Hounsfield units (P = 0.85). In conclusion, COM stones of homogeneous structure require almost twice as many SW's to comminute than stones of similar mineral composition that exhibit internal structural features that are visible by CT. This suggests that stone fragility in patients could be predicted using pre-treatment CT imaging. The findings also show that Hounsfield unit values of COM stones did not correlate with stone fragility. Thus, it is stone morphology, rather than X-ray attenuation, which correlates with fragility to SW's in this common stone type.  相似文献   

The diurnal variations in the plasma oxalate concentration and oxalate clearance were examined at the state of oxalate restriction and loading on 6 normal subjects and 11 calcium oxalate stone formers. The oxalate-restricted diet contained 44.5 mg of total oxalate, 32.2 mg of soluble oxalate, and for oxalate loading, spinach (100 g: total oxalate 429 mg, soluble oxalate 156 mg) was added to the oxalate-restricted diet at breakfast. Normal subjects showed a diurnal variation in plasma oxalate at oxalate restriction and loading. The plasma oxalate concentration showed the highest level under the fasting condition, gradually dropped and was then fixed at the lower level during the day. The oxalate clearance during the day was significantly higher (p less than 0.05) than that during the night in normal subjects taking the oxalate restricted diet, and after they were oxalate loaded, it increased significantly (p less than 0.05) for 6 hours, but returned to the level at oxalate restriction during the night. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in oxalate clearance between day and night in calcium oxalate stone formers. As compared with the control group, there were no significant differences in the diurnal variation in the plasma oxalate concentration, oxalate clearance at oxalate restriction, or in the diurnal variation of the plasma oxalate concentration at oxalate loading. However, the oxalate clearance during the night after oxalate loading increased significantly (p less than 0.05) compared with the control group. Based on the pattern of urinary oxalate excretion during the night compared with the control group, the stone formers were divided into two groups. The first group showed significantly (p less than 0.01) higher oxalate clearance during the night both during oxalate restriction and loading. The oxalate clearance increased significantly up to 8 hours after oxalate loading (p less than 0.01) and during the night (p less than 0.05) compared with the level during oxalate restriction. The plasma oxalate concentration did not increase after loading. The second group showed a significantly (p less than 0.05) lower oxalate clearance during the day after oxalate loading. The oxalate clearance (p less than 0.05) was significantly increased for 4 hours after the loading compared to the during oxalate restriction. The plasma oxalate concentration increased at 6 hours after oxalate loading. There was no significant difference in oxalate clearance during the night. The diurnal variation in plasma oxalate level, a decrease during the day and an increase during the night, was shown in both normal subjects and stone formers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The participation of oxalate in nephrolithiasis was evaluated in 202 stone patients. The activity product and formation product ratios of calcium oxalate were substantially altered in the stone population. Treatment with thiazide derivatives and/or allopurinol was able to decrease urine oxalate and normalize the activity product and formation product ratios. Stone activity decreased in the stone population after treatment. Our data suggest that oxalate may have a critical role in nephrolithiasis activity.  相似文献   

目的观察联合运用诺仕帕片和舒泌通胶囊治疗输尿管上段结石体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)是否能够减少肾绞痛的发作,促进结石排出。方法将80例接受ESWL的输尿管上段结石患者分为两组,观察组与对照组,术后给观察组予诺仕帕片+舒泌通胶囊口服,对照组仅行体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)治疗,观察两组排石效果,肾绞痛发作频率。结果观察组结石清除率高于对照组(P0.05);肾绞痛发生以及止痛剂使用率均低于对照组(P0.05)。结论输尿管上段结石体ESWL后联合运用诺仕帕片和舒泌通胶囊治疗效果良好,减少了肾绞痛发作。  相似文献   

目的 观察不同浓度TH黏蛋白(THM)对体外成石系统内一水草酸钙(COM)的成核、生长和聚集的影响.方法 盐析法提取THM,利用原子分光光度计测定0、10、50、100 mg/LTHM人工尿体外成核和种籽晶溶液内Ca~(2+)变化,偏光显微镜计数COM数目.结果 THM为0、10、50、100mg/L时,Ca~(2+)减少量0.81、0.57、0.51、0.96mmol/L;成核数3.20×10~4、2.32×10~4、1.83 × 10~4、2.85×10~4;生长率53.9%、48.7%、34.6%、19.8%;聚集率33.2%、11.7%、9.4%、66.2%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 在生理浓度范围内,THM可以抑制尿结石的形成,且随浓度增加其抑制作用逐渐增强,但超过一定浓度时,其转为结石促进剂.  相似文献   

目的建立和应用个性化的列线图模型,探讨列线图预测尿路结石患者中草酸钙结石的准确性及可行性。方法回顾性分析2017年1月1日至2018年12月31日在中山大学附属第五医院接受手术治疗的298例泌尿系结石患者资料,以7∶3的比例随机分为建模组和验证组,基于建模组采用最小绝对值收敛和选择算子回归(Lasso)模型及多变量Logistic回归分析选择草酸钙结石的最佳预测特征,根据最佳预测特征以列线图的形式构建预测模型。通过C指数、校准曲线和决策曲线分别评估列线图的辨别力、校准和临床实用性,并基于验证组对外部验证进行评估。结果在LASSO模型中选择的最佳预测特征包括结石位置、甘油三酯(TG)和尿比重(SG)。将以上最佳预测特征和性别、年龄一起建立列线图模型后,建模组和验证组的C指数分别为0.706、 0.603,表明模型具有良好的辨别能力。校准曲线中标准曲线与预测校准曲线贴合良好,提示校正效果良好。决策曲线分析表明,在草酸钙结石可能性阈值为31%时使用该列线图可以在临床上获益。结论本研究建立的列线图预测模型可有效预测草酸钙结石,有助于筛选和早期识别草酸钙尿路结石的高危患者,对泌尿科医师进行临床治...  相似文献   

目的 探讨三叶因子1(TFF1)在大鼠草酸钙结石模型肾组织中的表达及其与肾脏草酸钙结石形成机制的关系.方法 分别以1%的乙二醇溶液自由饮用和2%的NH4Cl溶液2 mL/d灌胃2周和4周;用偏光显微镜观察结石结晶形成情况;采用免疫组织化学染色法分别检测成石2周(n=20)、成石4周(n=20)和正常组(n=20)大鼠肾组织TFF1蛋白的表达.结果 TFF1免疫反应阳性物质主要位于肾小球、肾小管,与正常组比较,成石2周肾组织TFF1平均灰度值略下降(P>0.05),成石4周平均灰度值明显降低(P<0.05).结论 乙二醇诱导的大鼠草酸钙结石模型肾组织中TFF1低表达,伴随结石结晶数量和密度的增加,TFF1表达降低.TFF1在肾组织中的表达与乙二醇和NH4Cl干预的时限呈负相关;TFF1可能在肾草酸钙结石的形成中起抑制作用.  相似文献   



To compare the binding to Madin‐Darby canine kidney (MDCK)‐II cells of: (i) inorganic calcium oxalate monohydrate (iCOM) crystals and COM crystals precipitated from urine containing different concentrations of protein; and (ii) urinary COM crystals containing intracrystalline and intracrystalline + surface‐bound protein.


Urinary COM crystals were generated in sieved (sCOM), centrifuged and filtered (cfCOM), and ultrafiltered (ufCOM) portions of a pooled human urine and their adhesion to MDCK‐II cells was compared using six different ultrafiltered urine samples as the binding medium. Crystal matrix extract (CME) was prepared by demineralizing calcium oxalate crystals precipitated from human urine and used to prepare COM crystals with intracrystalline, and intracrystalline + surface‐bound CME at protein concentrations of 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 5.0 mg/L. The amount of protein associated with the crystals was qualitatively assessed by sodium dodecyl sulphate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting, using prothrombin fragment 1 (PTF1) as a marker. Protein concentration was determined in sieved, centrifuged and filtered, and ultrafiltered fractions of 10 additional urine samples.


The median crystal attachment in the six urine types decreased in the order iCOM > ufCOM > cfCOM = sCOM, in inverse proportion to the concentration of protein in the solution or urine from which they were precipitated. sCOM and cfCOM crystals bound ≈ 23% less than iCOM crystals. The attachment of COM crystals generated in the presence of increasing concentrations of CME proteins was unaffected up to a concentration of 5 mg/L, but binding of crystals containing the same concentrations of intracrystalline + surface‐bound proteins decreased proportionally at protein concentrations from 0 to 5.0 mg/L.


Inorganic COM crystals bind significantly more strongly to MDCK‐II cells than urinary crystals precipitated from sieved, centrifuged and filtered, and ultrafiltered urine, and binding affinity is inversely related to the concentration of protein in the urine in which they are formed. While both intracrystalline and superficial CME proteins reduce the attachment of COM crystals to MDCK‐II cells, those located on the crystal surface have a greater influence than those incarcerated within the mineral bulk. Future cell–crystal interaction studies should use urinary crystals and be performed in human urine.  相似文献   

The effect of in vitro dilution of artificial urine or human urine on the crystallization of calcium oxalate was examined in a mixed suspension, mixed product removal crystallization system. Direct growth inhibition by components of artificial urine was not significant and supersaturation was the dominant factor in determining crystal nucleation and growth rates. Dilution of human urine caused a decrease in crystal growth rate that was independent of the input calcium and oxalate concentrations, suggesting that dilution of growth inhibitors could be physiologically more important than any reduction in supersaturation. This loss of growth inhibition was counteracted by a reduction in nucleation promotion, with the net effect that the mass of crystals declined. Correlation of crystallization measurements with urinary concentration (osmotic pressure) confirmed these observations, with a negative relationship for growth rate and a positive relationship for nucleation rate and suspension density. Increasing the concentration of urine shifts the crystallization balance from low nucleation/high growth to high nucleation/low growth. Calcium oxalate crystalluria in healthy urine is therefore less likely at early stages of urine development in the nephron and the likelihood can be further reduced by increased fluid output. Our results suggest that lowering the heterogeneous nucleation activity by dilution is more than sufficient to override the loss of growth inhibition. Received: 2 September 1998 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   

The part played by hyperoxaluria in the formation of calcium oxalate urinary calculi was studied in 153 patients who had each been diagnosed as having calcium oxalate urinary calculi on one or more occasions. Seventy-seven of the patients excreted normal amounts of calcium (less than 6.2 mmol/d), and 76 had hypercalciuria (excretion greater than or equal to 6.2 mmol/d); each group was divided into a further two groups depending on whether the oxalate concentration was above or below 0.16 mmol/l. Pure calcium oxalate stones were more common in patients whose calcium excretion was normal, and mixed calcium oxalate and phosphate stones were more common among hypercalciuric patients. Urinary concentrations/day of magnesium, citrate, and phosphorus were significantly lower in the two groups in which the oxalate concentrations were below 0.16 mmol/l than in a normal control group, and magnesium and phosphorus were significantly lower in the two groups in which oxalate concentrations were less than 0.16 mmol/l than in the two in which they were above that value. The concentration of citrate was also lower, but not significantly so. In addition, the pH of the urine in patients with mixed stones was significantly higher in all groups than when the stones were composed of pure calcium oxalate.  相似文献   

维生素C对大鼠肾结石模型体内活性氧及成石的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 观察不同剂量维生素C(VitC)对大鼠肾结石模型体内活性氧 (ROS)的影响及VitC、ROS与肾结石形成的关系。 方法 用乙二醇诱导Wistar大鼠产生肾草酸钙结石。 30只大鼠分为正常组 ,成石组 ,治疗组 (分三个不同剂量 ,VitC 2 5、10 0、4 0 0mg·kg-1·d-1) ,喂养 15d。测定血和右肾组织中丙二醛 (MDA)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH Px)含量 ;左肾冰冻切片 ,偏光显微镜观察结晶情况。 结果 成石组血和组织中的MDA分别为 (43.89± 5 .10 )nmol/ml和 (6 .2 0± 2 .0 0 )nmol/gpr,较正常组增高 ,差别有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1和P <0 .0 0 1) ,而抗氧化酶显著降低 (P <0 .0 1和P <0 .0 0 1)。VitC 4 0 0mg·kg-1·d-1治疗组血MDA(30 .80± 4 .6 9)nmol/ml,较成石组降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,与正常组比较差别无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,血SOD较成石组降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,血CAT、GSH Px较成石组升高 (P <0 .0 1) ;VitC 4 0 0mg·kg-1·d-1治疗组肾组织中MDA(11.96± 2 .4 4 )nmol/gpr ,较成石组升高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,SOD较成石组升高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,CAT、GSH Px较成石组有所降低。肾组织晶体形成与VitC剂量呈正相关 (r =0 .6 6 85 ,P <0 .0 1)。 结论 高草酸尿可使机体活性  相似文献   

The effects of magnesium (Mg) and citrate on the metastable limit of calcium oxalate (CaOx) solubility (synonym: tolerable oxalate TO) were examined in artificial urine and in postprandial urine of male patients with idiopathic calcium urolithiasis (ICU). In artificial urine increasing pH, Mg and citrate elevate TO, decrease CaOx supersaturation only marginally, but elevate considerably free citrate; the effect of Mg alone was small in comparison with citrate alone, and the effects of both substances appeared additive. In ICU patients, matched for sex, age and CaOx supersaturation to non-stone-forming controls, TO was decreased (mean values 0.33 vs. 0.52 mM/l in controls, P < 0.05). Additional significant (P < 0.05) differences were found between ICU and controls: the former exhibited increased CaOx crystal growth, decreased crystal agglomeration time, a more acidic urinary pH, increased concentrations of free calcium and free Mg, and decreased free oxalate and free citrate. After ingestion of a urine-acidifying test meal, or this meal supplemented with either neutral Mg citrate or Mg-alkali citrate, by three groups of male ICU patients, matched for age and CaOx supersaturation, only the last-named preparation evoked an increase in TO and a decrease in crystal diameter, while the normally occurring pH decline from fasting urine was virtually abolished, and the ratios urinary Mg/citrate and calcium/citrate tended towards low values. In contrast, Mg citrate increased crystal agglomeration time, while changes in the other parameters were only insignificant. The crystals formed in urine were CaOx di- and monohydrate (by electron microscopy), and energy dispersive X-ray analysis showed calcium peaks exclusively. However, chemical analysis of crystals verified the presence not only of oxalate and calcium, but also of Mg, phosphate, citrate, and urate; moreover, these crystal constituents seemed to be influenced by Mg citrate and Mg-alkali citrate in different ways. It was concluded that (1) Mg and citrate are effectors of TO in artificial and natural urine; (2) in ICU, low TO and other disturbed CaOx crystallization parameters appear related to the prevailing low urinary pH and low free citrate; (3) Mg-alkali citrate inhibits CaOx crystallization, probably via actions of the citrate, but not the Mg. Because of the eminent role of Mg in human health and ICU, further studies on crystallization after oral intake of Mg in the form of citrate are warranted. Received: 15 May 1998 / Accepted: 9 October 1998  相似文献   

Disturbances in calcium and phosphate metabolism have been linked to increased mortality in hemodialysis patients, but not in kidney transplant recipients (KTR). We enrolled 733 KTR from the Vienna General Hospital into this study. Detailed demographic, clinical, laboratory, and transplant-related information was collected at baseline. We used the Austrian Dialysis and Transplantation Registry for follow-up. Using multivariate proportional hazard regression, we examined the independent associations between serum calcium, serum phosphate, and calcium phosphate (CaPO(4)) product with the outcomes of death from any cause and kidney allograft loss. Over a median follow-up of >6 years, 154 patients died and 259 kidney allografts were lost. Associations with serum calcium, phosphate concentrations, and CaPO(4) product concentrations were found for allograft loss, but not for patient mortality. Patients in the highest quintile of phosphate concentration and CaPO(4) product had an increased risk for allograft loss compared with patients in the lowest quintile of these parameters (hazards ratio, HR = 2.15; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.36-3.40 and HR = 1.72; 95% CI: 1.10-2.71, respectively). High calcium levels were associated with a reduced risk for allograft loss. Results were even more pronounced for death-censored allograft loss. High concentrations of serum phosphate and CaPO(4) product were associated with an increased risk for allograft loss in these KTR, whereas high serum calcium concentrations seemed to lower the risk.  相似文献   

老年男性血清微量元素铜、锌、钙、镁、磷的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨老年男性血清微量元素的变化规律。方法 原子吸收分光光度法检测55岁以上各年龄段血清微量元素铜、锌、钙、镁、磷的含量,并与年轻对照组进行比较。结果(1)老年各组血清铜含量增高,锌降低,与年轻组有显著差别(P<0.05)。随增龄Zn/Cu比值显著降低。(2)老年各组血清磷含量增高,Ca/P比值显著降低(P<0.05)。80岁以上组血清钙显著降低。(3)Zn/Cu比值与年龄呈负相关(r=0.479,P<0.05),Ca/P比值与年龄也呈负相关(r=0.417,P<0.05)。结论 老年男性微量元素网络发生改变,Zn/Cu比值与Ca/P比值降低与衰老有关。  相似文献   

Interstitial fluid was sampled from rats by subcutaneously implanted diffusion chambers and analyzed for calcium, inorganic phosphate and protein. The ultrafiltrable fractions of calcium and inorganic phosphate in the interstitial fluid were estimated by a dialyzing chamber implanted in the same way. The concentration of total calcium in the interstitial fluid was found to be 8.80 mg/100 ml, or 12% lower than in serum from the same animals. The concentration of inorganic phosphate was found to be 16% lower than serum-P. The ultrafiltrable fractions of calcium and inorganic phosphate in the interstitial fluid were found to be 71% and 92% of total Ca and P respectively. The concentration of protein in the interstitial fluid was about 62% of the serum protein value, and thus considerably higher than the commonly accepted values. The disc electrophoretic pattern of the interstitial fluid protein showed only minor quantitative differences from that of serum.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Proben von interstitieller Flüssigkeit von Ratten mittels subcutan implantierten Diffusionskammern entnommen und auf Calcium, anorganisches Phosphat und Protein untersucht. Die ultrafiltriebaren Fraktionen von Calcium und anorganischem Phosphat in der interstitiellen Flüssigkeit wurden mittels einer Dialyse-Kammer bestimmt, welche auf gleiche Weise implantiert wurde. Die Konzentration des gesamten Calciums in der interstitiellen Flüssigkeit war 8,80 mg/100 ml, d.h. 12% niedriger als im Serum der gleichen Tiere. Die Konzentration von anorganischem Phosphat war 16% niedriger als Serum-P. Die ultrafiltrierbaren Fraktionen von Calcium und anorganischem Phosphat in der interstitiellen Flüssigkeit waren 71 bzw. 92% des gesamten Ca und P. Die Konzentration von Protein in der interstitiellen Flüssigkeit war etwa 62% des Serumproteinwertes, also beträchtlich höher als die allgemein angenommenen Werte. Das Disc-Elektrophoresemuster von Protein in der interstitiellen Flüssigkeit zeigte nur geringe quantitative Unterschiede zu demjenigen im Serum.

Résumé Du liquide interstitiel de rats, prélevé à l'aide de chambres de diffusions implantées dans la région sous-cutanée, est analysé en calcium, phosphate inorganique et protéine. Les fractions ultra-filtrables de calcium et de phosphate inorganique sont déterminées à l'aide de chambres de dialyse implantées de façon similaire. La concentration en calcium total du liquide interstitiel est de 8.80 mg/100 ml, soit 12% inférieure que celle du sérum des mêmes animaux. La concentration du phosphate inorganique est de 16% inférieure que le P sérique. Les fractions ultra-filtrables de calcium et de phosphate inorganique du liquide interstitiel est respectivement de 71% et 92% du calcium total et du P. La concentration en protéine du liquide interstitiel est environ 62% de la valeur en protéine sérique et, par suite, nettement plus élevée que les valeurs généralement acceptées. La distribution en protéine du liquide interstitiel, aprés électrophorèse sur disque, ne montre que de faibles différences avec celle du sérum.

Summary This paper describes a simple method to measure the capacity of undiluted urine and of other inhibitor containing solutions (PPi and EHDP) to protect a given mass of calcium oxalate crystals from growth. The method has also been used to determine relative urinary saturation with respect to calcium oxalate. It is based on titration with oxalate and measures the critical changes of concentration necessary to reach saturation or to induce crystal growth. From these changes inhibitory capacity as well as the level of urinary saturation can be calculated in terms of differences of concentration products. The use of the methods at present available to measure urinary oxalate are thereby avoided. In order to compare the results from different urines without the need for cumbersome calculations of activity products we have introduced a saturation-inhibition ratio.  相似文献   

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