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The Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) is a powerful tool for analyzing enrollees' access to medical care (Adler, 1994). Based on a stratified random sample, we can derive information about the health care use, expenditure, and financing of Medicare's 36 million enrollees. We can also learn about those enrollees' health status, living arrangements, and access to and satisfaction with care. In the charts that follow, we have presented some findings on enrollee information needs in 1994, number of beneficiaries with information needs met, and sources of information used by beneficiaries. These charts attempt to answer the following questions: What types of needs do our beneficiaries have? How well do our beneficiaries understand Medicare?  相似文献   

Reliable measures of Medicare beneficiaries' program knowledge are necessary for credible program monitoring, evaluation, and public accountability. This study developed and evaluated the psychometric properties of two possible measures of beneficiary knowledge. One measure was based on self-reported knowledge, the other was a true/false quiz which requires beneficiaries to demonstrate their knowledge. We used data from the 1998 and 1999 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) to evaluate the reliability and construct validity of the indices. Overall, based on both content considerations and the psychometric analyses, the true/false quiz proved to be the more accurate and useful measure of beneficiaries' knowledge.  相似文献   

As preferred provider organizations (PPOs) become the dominant model of managed health care in the private sector, policymakers have increasingly viewed PPOs as an attractive option for Medicare. In part to understand how PPOs might operate under the Medicare Program, CMS launched the Medicare PPO demonstration in January 2003. In this article, we examine how PPOs have operated so far under the demonstration, including PPO availability and market entry; premiums, benefits, and beneficiary cost sharing; and enrollment, market share, enrollee characteristics, and disenrollment to date.  相似文献   

Under Medicare's Part B program, the physician decides whether to accept assignment of claims. When assignment is accepted, the physician agrees to accept as full payment Medicare's allowed charge. Physicians' acceptance of assignment is of considerable importance in relieving the beneficiaries of the burden of the costs of medical care services. This factor and the beneficiaries' liabilities for premiums, the annual deductible, and coinsurance are analyzed in considerable detail in this report. Data from physicians' claims for services in 1975 show that 45.8 percent of the services and 47.2 percent of the charges were assigned for the aged. There were wide variations in the rate of acceptance of assignment by physician specialty, and by age, race, and residence of beneficiaries. Total beneficiary liability from the deductible, coinsurance, and from unassigned claims amounted to 37.7 percent of total physicians' charges due. When the premium which the beneficiary pays for Part B is included, beneficiary liability rises to 69.2 percent of total physicians' charges due.  相似文献   

Research Objectives: To develop population-based estimates of estrogen replacement therapy use rates in 1995 among women over age 65 living in the community; to estimate the impact of socioeconomic and health characteristics on estrogen use. Method: Estimates are based on a large, nationally representative sample of Medicare beneficiaries; detailed self-report data were merged with Medicare claims. Results: Overall, 13.1% of women reported use of estrogen replacement therapy in 1995. Estrogen users were more likely to be white, age 65–74, with private insurance, high income, history of osteoporosis and heart problems, no history of breast cancer, and a patient of gynecologists. Conclusions: Estrogen use was substantially lower among the socioeconomically disadvantaged, controlling for medical history variables, suggesting considerable inequity in access to estrogen replacement therapy treatment.  相似文献   

Can Medicare beneficiaries make rational and informed decisions about their coverage under the Medicare program? Recent policy developments in the Medicare program have been based on the theory of competition in medical care. One of the key assumptions of the competitive model is the free flow of adequate information, enabling the consumer to make an informed choice from among the various sellers of a particular product. Options for Medicare beneficiaries in supplementing their basic Medicare coverage include the purchase of private supplementary insurance policies or enrollment in a Medicare HMO. These consumers, in a complex health insurance market, have only limited information available to them because many health plans do not make adequate comparable product information available. Moreover, since the introduction of the Medicare HMO option, the long-range plan for management of the Medicare budget has become based on the large-scale voluntary enrollment of beneficiaries into capitated health plans. The policy instrument that has been used to improve beneficiary decisions on how to supplement Medicare coverage is the informational or educational program. This synthesis presents findings regarding the relative effectiveness of different types of health insurance information programs for the Medicare beneficiary in an effort to promote practical use of the most effective types of information.  相似文献   

Medicare health maintenance organization (HMO) enrollees use more preventive care services than their fee-for-service (FFS) counterparts. This may be because those who enroll in HMOs have characteristics that make them more disposed to use preventive care. To investigate this possibility, we examined the use of four preventive care services by respondents to the 1996 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS). Unadjusted preventive care use rates for HMO enrollees were slightly higher than rates for non-HMO enrollees with private supplemental insurance. However, after adjusting for enrollee characteristics (sociodemographics, health behaviors, health status, and functioning) we found that preventive care use rates for HMO enrollees were substantially higher--consistent with HMO enrollees being less disposed to use preventive care. In comparing preventive care service rates across groups, managers and policymakers may want to consider taking into account beneficiary characteristics that are correlated with the disposition to use preventive care.  相似文献   

Medicare aimed, above all, to improve access to health care services for the most disadvantaged elderly by removing distributional, attitudinal, and financial barriers. Legislative intent was based on sketchy statistical evidence of need and enriched by extensive testimony of hardship. By more precise measurements, the mature Medicare program is shown to have been largely successful. Yet, some problems of access remain, and some costly side effects are identified.  相似文献   

The Medicare Part D benefit expands the universe of cancer drugs and biologics that Medicare may cover. Individual Part D plans have discretion to determine their formularies and cost sharing for drugs within federal guidelines. This paper analyzes differences in coverage and cost sharing for cancer drugs among these plans. We find that many cancer drugs, including brand-name products, are covered by almost all plans, although prior authorization might limit access to some. In addition, many plans charge a relatively low copayment for most cancer drugs. These findings suggest that Part D could greatly expand beneficiaries' access to cancer treatments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. For Mexican Americans, acculturation is a multidimensional process of adopting attitudes, values, and behavior from the non-Hispanic White culture. This study examines the effects of different dimensions of acculturation on the cancer screening behavior of Mexican-American women. METHODS. Subjects were 450 randomly selected Mexican-American women age 40 years and older living in El Paso, Texas. Personal interviews solicited information on age, income, education, health insurance, Pap smear and mammogram use, and acculturation. Acculturation was measured with five scales that assessed English proficiency, English use, value placed on culture, traditional family attitudes, and social interaction. RESULTS. The 2-year prevalence of Pap smear and mammogram screening increased with each gain in acculturation on English proficiency and use. These associations disappeared when adjusted for age, income, insurance, and education. After adjusting for sociodemographic factors and other acculturation dimensions, a strong traditional Mexican attitude toward family was positively related to mammography use. CONCLUSIONS. Taking advantage of the positive influence of Hispanic familism on cancer screening behavior may increase the effectiveness of cancer control interventions in Mexican Americans.  相似文献   

Screening procedures and recommendations for early detection of cervical and breast cancer are reviewed with special reference to suggested guidelines for screening among the elderly. Data on preventive practices related to cancer detection were obtained from 675 women in Maryland by telephone interviews. The elderly (65 years of age and older) reported fewer detection tests of any type; specifically, 23% report never having had a Pap test and an additional 28% have not had one within 5 years, compared with women under the age of 65, where 98% report having had a Pap test and 79% have had one within the past two years. Elderly women were also less likely than younger women to report receiving routine breast examinations by their physicians, to perform BSE, or to have been taught BSE by a health professional. Type of provider utilized, having a personal physician, and going to a gynecologist account for a significant proportion of the variance in screening practices.  相似文献   

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