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To quantify three-dimensional (3D) movement of the prostate gland with the patient in the supine and prone positions and to analyze the movement frequency for each treatment position.
The real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy (RTRT) system was developed to identify the 3D position of a 2-mm gold marker implanted in the prostate 30 times/s using two sets of fluoroscopic images. The linear accelerator was triggered to irradiate the tumor only when the gold marker was located within the region of the planned coordinates relative to the isocenter. Ten patients with prostate cancer treated with RTRT were the subjects of this study. The coordinates of the gold marker were recorded every 0.033 s during RTRT in the supine treatment position for 2 min. The patient was then moved to the prone position, and the marker was tracked for 2 min to acquire data regarding movement in this position. Measurements were taken 5 times for each patient (once a week); a total of 50 sets for the 10 patients was analyzed. The raw data from the RTRT system were filtered to reduce system noise, and the amplitude of movement was then calculated. The discrete Fourier transform of the unfiltered data was performed for the frequency analysis of prostate movement.
No apparent difference in movement was found among individuals. The amplitude of 3D movement was 0.1–2.7 mm in the supine and 0.4–24 mm in the prone positions. The amplitude in the supine position was statistically smaller in all directions than that in the prone position (p < 0.0001). The amplitude in the craniocaudal and AP directions was larger than in the left-right direction in the prone position (p < 0.0001). No characteristic movement frequency was detected in the supine position. The respiratory frequency was detected for all patients regarding movement in the craniocaudal and AP directions in the prone position. The results of the frequency analysis suggest that prostate movement is affected by the respiratory cycle and is influenced by bowel movement in the prone position.
The results of this study have confirmed that internal organ motion is less frequent in the supine position than in the prone position in the treatment of prostate cancer. RTRT would be useful in reducing uncertainty due to the effects of the respiratory cycle, especially in the prone position. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To determine the variability of patient positioning during three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) for prostate cancer treated with no immobilization or one of four immunobilization devices, and to determine the effects of patient body habitus and pelvic circumference on patient movement with each individual inmobilization technique. METHODS AND MATERIALS: To see whether our immobilization techniques have improved day-to-day patient movement, a retrospective analysis was carried out. A total of 62 patients treated at one facility on a single machine with 3D-CRT via a four-field box technique (anterior-posterior and opposed laterals) in the supine position with either no immobilization or one of four immobilization devices. Five groups of patients were compared: (a) group 1-no immobilization; (b) group 2-alpha cradle from the waist to upper thigh; (c) group 3-alpha cradle from waist to below the knees; (d) group 4-styrofoam leg immobilizer (below knees); and (e) group 5-aquaplast cast encompassing the entire abdomen and pelvis to midthigh with alpha cradle immobilization to their lower legs and feet. Prior to starting radiotherapy, portal films of all four treatment fields were obtained 1 day before treatment. Subsequently, portal films were then obtained at least once a week. Portal films were compared with the simulation films and appropriate changes were made and verified on the next day prior to treatment. A deviation of greater than 0.5 cm or greater was considered to be clincally significant in our analysis. We studied the difference among the types of immobilization and no immobilization by looking at the frequency of movements (overall, and on each of the three axes) that a patient had during the course of his treatment. Using a logistic regression model, the probability of overall and individual directional movement for each group was obtained. In addition, the effects of patient body habitus and pelvic circumference on movement were analyzed. RESULTS: The maximum deviation was 2 cm and the median deviation was 1.2 cm. For each patient, the probability of movement ranged from 0 to 76%, with a mean of 39%. There was no significant difference seen in overall movement with any of the immobilzation devices compared to no immobilization, but there was less vertical (9 vs. 18%; p = 0.03) and AP (6 vs. 15%; p = 0.14) movement with the aquaplast than any other group. However, when examining the lateral direction, the aquaplast had significantly more movement (32 vs. 9%; p < 0.001). When accounting for body habitus and pelvic circumference, no immobilization device was effective in reducing movement in obese patients or in patients with pelvic circumference greater than 105 cm. The aquaplast group had a significantly increased amount of lateral movement with obesity (42 vs. 23%; p < 0.05), and with pelvic circumference >105 cm (33 vs. 29%; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant reduction in overall patient movement noted with any of the immobilization devices compared to no immobilization. The aquaplast group had reduced vertical and AP movement of greater than 0.5 cm. There was significantly more lateral movement with aquaplast appreciated in obese patients or patients with pelvic circumferences greater than 105 cm. The aquaplast immobilization appears to be useful in reducing movement in two very clinicaly important dimensions (AP and vertical). Despite our findings, other immobilization may still be useful especially in the treatment of nonobese patients. It is clear that the optimal immobilization technique and patient positioning are yet to be determined. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of different dosage regimens in the management of onychomycosis with itraconazole and to determine the results of a further 1-week intermittent pulse treatment in non-cured patients. In this study, 153 patients were randomly allocated to four groups. Patients in group A were treated with daily doses of 100 mg for 3 months in the case of fingernail onychomycosis and for 4 months in the case of toenail onychomycosis. Patients in the other groups received a intermittent pulse therapy, in which the drug was taken for 1 week, then discontinued for 3 weeks, three cycles for fingernail and four cycles for toenail infection. The daily doses were 400 mg (group B), 300 mg (group C) and 200 mg (group D). After therapy, non-cured patients were treated further with one cycle in which the daily dose was 400 mg. Patients were subsequently observed for 9 months and efficacy was assessed by mycological examination and the growth of unaffected nails. At the end of the therapy, the cure rates in the four groups were 19.1% (A), 15.2% (B), 18.9% (C) and 17.9% (D), and no significant differences were found between each of B, C, D and A. At the end of the study, the cure rates were 76.2%, 91.3%, 78.4%, 28.6% respectively. The group that received further treatment had a cure rate of 55.6% at the end of the first month and of 83.3% in the second month. Drug tolerability was equally good in the four groups. Intermittent pulse therapy with a daily dose of 400 mg had the highest cure rate. Treatment of improved but non-cured patients with a dose of 400 mg intermittent pulse therapy markedly increased the cure rate. All treatment regimens were well tolerated. 相似文献
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare the dosimetric consequences of 4 treatment delivery techniques for prostate cancer patients treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). METHODS AND MATERIALS: During an 8-week course of radiotherapy, 10 patients underwent computed tomography (CT) scans 3 times per week (243 total) before daily treatment with a CT-linear accelerator. Treatment delivery was simulated by realigning a fixed-margin treatment plan on each CT scan and calculating doses. The alignment methods were those based on the following: skin marks, bony registration, ultrasonography (US), and in-room CT. For the last two methods, prostate was the alignment target. The dosimetric effects of these alignment methods on the prostate, seminal vesicles, rectum, and bladder were compared. The average daily minimum dose to 0.1 cm3 was used as the metric for target coverage. RESULTS: Skin and bone alignments provided acceptable prostate coverage for only 70% of patients, US alignment for 90%, and CT alignment for 100%. CT-based alignment of the prostate provided seminal vesicle (SV) coverage of > or = 69 Gy for all patients; US and bone alignments provided SV coverage of > or = 60 Gy. This SV coverage may be acceptable for early-stage cancer (equivalent SV dose = 55.8 Gy at 1.8 Gy per fraction), but unacceptable for late-stage cancer (SV dose = 75.6 Gy). At 75.6 Gy, the acceptable rate for SV coverage was 40% for skin and bone alignments, 70% for US, and 80% for CT. CONCLUSIONS: Direct target alignment methods (US and CT) provided better target coverage. CT-guided alignment provided the best and most consistent dosimetric coverage. A larger planning target volume margin is needed for SV coverage when the alignment target is the prostate. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The goals of the current study were to compare four treatment approaches in the management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), to determine the conditions where mastectomy may be preferred to breast-conserving therapy (BCT), and to determine conditions where the addition of tamoxifen produces better results than BCT alone. METHODS: A decision analysis model was used to compare four treatment approaches after local excision for DCIS: mastectomy, irradiation, irradiation plus adjuvant tamoxifen, or observation. The model weighed the potential benefits of each treatment approach (reduction of ipsilateral and/or contralateral breast carcinoma) against the potential risks of treatment-related toxicities. In addition, the model adjusted for the potential detrimental impact of local recurrence or treatment-related toxicity on health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Base-case estimates were obtained from published randomized trial data. One-way and two-way sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS: According to the model, the optimal treatment for DCIS was strongly dependent on the individual's risk of local recurrence and the patient's attitudes toward mastectomy. Mastectomy was preferred in patients whose estimated 10-year risk of local recurrence was > 15%, provided that mastectomy resulted in a very low reduction in quality of life (i.e., utility estimate > 0.97). Conditions where the addition of tamoxifen was preferred to breast-conserving therapy alone included the following: estimated 10-year risk of local recurrence > 38%, estimated 10-year risk of developing a contralateral breast carcinoma > 6%, or a significant decrement in HRQOL associated with the development of an invasive local recurrence or salvage mastectomy (utility estimates < 0.85). CONCLUSION: Based on this quality-adjusted model, BCT appeared to be the preferred treatment for DCIS. The most important determinants of optimal management for DCIS included the risk of local recurrence and the utility of mastectomy. Formal evaluation of utilities in the context of DCIS and more accurate determination of the risk of recurrence are required. 相似文献
The relative costs have been determined for treating prostate cancer by radical prostatectomy, lymph node dissection with I125 implant, and external beam radiation in a large community practice. About 15% of patients were treated with the options involving surgery. The median cost of radical prostatectomy was $14,400, lymph dose dissection and I125 implant $12,000, and external beam radiation $6750 prior to October 1984 and $5600 after October 1984. None of the data indicate superior outcome by any one of these methods for Stage A or B prostate cancer. Therefore, the surgical approaches are usually not recommended except for the patient highly motivated to maintain potency who may select the I125 implant. In an era of diminishing funds for health care, the federal government, industry, and perceptive HMO's may elect to pay only for the less expensive method. 相似文献
PURPOSE: Prostate brachytherapy has reemerged during the 1990s as a treatment for clinically localized prostate cancer. The renewed popularity of prostate brachytherapy is largely due to the use of transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, which allows for more accurate isotope placement within the prostate when compared to the open approach. The present study investigates whether this improved cancer control is at the expense of increased morbidity by comparing the morbidity after transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate brachytherapy to the morbidity after prostate brachytherapy performed via an open approach. METHODS AND MATERIALS: All men in the Medicare population who underwent prostate brachytherapy in the year 1991 were identified. These men were further stratified into those men who underwent prostate brachytherapy via an open approach and the men who underwent prostate brachytherapy with ultrasound guidance. All subsequent inpatient, outpatient, and physician (Part B) Medicare claims for these men from the years 1991-1993 were then analyzed to determine outcomes. RESULTS: In the year 1991, 2124 men in the Medicare population underwent prostate brachytherapy. An open approach was used in 715 men (33.7%), and ultrasound guidance was used in 1409 men (66.3%). Mean age for both cohorts was 73.7 years with a range of 50.7-92.8 years for the ultrasound group and 60.6-92. 1 years for the open group. A surgical procedure for the relief of bladder outlet obstruction was performed in 122 men (8.6%) in the ultrasound group and in 54 men (7.6%) in the open group. An artificial urinary sphincter was placed in 2 men (0.14%) in the ultrasound group and in 2 men (0.28%) in the open group. A penile prosthesis was implanted in 10 men (0.71%) in the ultrasound group and in 4 men (0.56%) in the open group. A diagnosis code for urinary incontinence was carried by 95 men (6.7%) in the ultrasound group and by 45 men (6.3%) in the open group. A diagnosis code for erectile dysfunction was carried by 90 men (6.3%) in the ultrasound group and by 64 men (9.0%) in the open group. CONCLUSION: Prostate brachytherapy performed with ultrasound guidance does not appear to increase significantly complications resulting from the procedure. Both techniques appear to offer similar rates of procedures performed to correct urinary incontinence, bladder outlet obstruction and erectile dysfunction. The limitations of claim information in determining patient outcomes, however, must be considered when evaluating this data. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of estimation of liver movement inferred by observing diaphragm excursion on radiographic images. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Eight patients with focal liver cancer had platinum embolization microcoils implanted in their livers during catheterization of the hepatic artery for delivery of regional chemotherapy. These patients underwent fluoroscopy, during which normal breathing movement was recorded on videotape. Movies of breathing movement were digitized, and the relative projected positions of the diaphragm and coils were recorded. For 6 patients, daily radiographs were also acquired during treatment. Retrospective measurements of coil position were taken after the diaphragm was aligned with the superior portion of the liver on digitally reconstructed radiographs. RESULTS: Coil movement of 4.9 to 30.4 mm was observed during normal breathing. Diaphragm position tracked inferior-superior coil displacement accurately (population sigma 1.04 mm) throughout the breathing cycle. The range of coil movement was predicted by the range of diaphragm movement with an accuracy of 2.09 mm (sigma). The maximum error observed measuring coil movement using diaphragm position was 3.8 mm for a coil 9.8 cm inferior to the diaphragm. However, the distance of the coil from the top of the diaphragm did not correlate significantly with the error in predicting liver excursion. Analysis of daily radiographs showed that the error in predicting coil position using the diaphragm as an alignment landmark was 1.8 mm (sigma) in the inferior-superior direction and 2.2 mm in the left-right direction, similar in magnitude to the inherent uncertainty in alignment. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that the range of ventilatory movement of different locations within the liver is predicted by diaphragm position to an accuracy that matches or exceeds existing systems for ventilatory tracking. This suggests that the diaphragm is an acceptable anatomic landmark for radiographic estimation of liver movement in anterior-posterior projections for most patients. 相似文献
PURPOSE: To compare CT and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-measured prostate volumes in patients with untreated prostate cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between 1995 and 1999, 48 consecutive patients at the Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center were treated with external beam radiotherapy. In 36 of these patients, TRUS and CT measurements of the prostate volume were obtained before treatment and <6 months apart. The TRUS volume was calculated using the prolate ellipsoid formula. The CT volume was calculated from the contours of the prostate drawn by one physician, who was unaware of the TRUS volume calculation, on axial CT images. RESULTS: The TRUS and CT prostate volume measurements correlated strongly (Pearson's correlation coefficient = 0.925, 95% confidence interval 0.856-0.961, p < 0.0001). The CT volume was consistently larger than the TRUS volume by a factor of approximately 1.5. In men with a TRUS prostate volume less than the median (<28 cm(3)), the CT/TRUS volume ratio was 1.7, and it was 1.4 for men whose volume was greater than the median. The CT volumes were correlated similarly with the TRUS volumes regardless of the CT slice interval. CONCLUSION: A strong correlation was found between CT scan and TRUS measurement of the prostate volume; however, CT consistently overestimated the prostate volume by approximately 50% compared with TRUS. 相似文献
PurposeTo compare helical tomotherapy (HT) and intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) on early stage prostate cancer treatments delivered with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) in moderate hypofractionation. Material/methodsEight patients treated with HT were replanned with two-field IMPT (2fIMPT) and five-field IMPT (5fIMPT), using a small pencil beam size (3 mm sigma). The prescribed dose was 74.3 Gy in 28 fractions on PTV1 (prostate) and PTV2 (proximal seminal vesicles), 65.5 Gy on PTV3 (distal seminal vesicles) and on the overlap between rectum and PTVs. ResultsIMPT and HT achieved similar target coverage and dose homogeneity, with 5fIMPT providing the best results. The conformity indexes of IMPT were significantly lower for PTV1+2 and PTV3. Above 65 Gy, HT and IMPT were equivalent in the rectum, while IMPT spared the bladder and the penile bulb from 0 to 70 Gy. From 0 up to 60 Gy, IMPT dosimetric values were (much) lower for all OARs except the femur heads, where HT was better than 2fIMPT in the 25-35 Gy dose range. OARs mean doses were typically reduced by 30-50% by IMPT. NTCPs for the rectum were within 1% between the two techniques, except when the endpoint was stool frequency, where IMPT showed a small (though statistically significant) benefit. ConclusionsHT and IMPT produce similar dose distributions in the target volume. The current knowledge on dose-effect relations does not allow to quantify the clinical impact of the large sparing of IMPT at medium-to-low doses. 相似文献
The increased incidence of prostate cancer has led to remarkable changes in diagnosis and treatment over the past century. What were the first ways in which prostate cancer was treated, and how did these evolve into the variety of therapeutic strategies from which patients have to choose today? 相似文献
Background and purposeFractionated high dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer relies on reproducible catheter positions for each fraction to ensure adequate tumour coverage while minimising dose to normal tissues. Peri-prostatic oedema may cause caudal displacement of the catheters relative to the prostate gland between fractions. This can be corrected for by changing source dwell positions or by physical re-advancement of catheters before treatment. Materials and methodsData for 20 consecutive monotherapy patients receiving three HDR fractions of 10.5 Gy per fraction over 2 days were analysed retrospectively. Pre-treatment CT scans were used to assess the effect of catheter movement between fractions on implant quality, with and without movement correction. Implant quality was evaluated using dosimetric parameters. ResultsCompared to the first fraction (f1) the mean inter-fraction caudal movement relative to the prostate base was 7.9 mm (f2) (range 0-21 mm) and 3.9 mm (f3) (range 0-25.5 mm). PTV D90% was reduced without movement correction by a mean of 27.8% (f2) and 32.3% (f3), compared with 5.3% and 5.1%, respectively, with catheter movement correction. Dose to 2 cc of the rectum increased by a mean of 0.69 (f2) and 0.76 Gy (f3) compared with an increase of 0.03 and 0.04 Gy, respectively, with correction. The urethra V12 also increased by a mean of 0.36 (f2) and 0.39 Gy (f3) compared with 0.06 and 0.16 Gy, respectively, with correction. ConclusionsInter-fraction correction for catheter movement using pre-treatment imaging is critical to maintain the quality of an implant. Without movement correction there is significant risk of tumour under-dosage and normal tissue over-dosage. The findings of this study justify additional imaging between fractions in order to carry out correction. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to assess a variety of potential IMRT class solutions as compared to a helical tomotherapy (HT) class solution for localized prostate cancer. Target and critical structures were contoured on 10 prostate cancer patient CT datasets. HT treatment plans were compared to four different IMRT approaches by paired t-tests. HT prostate planning generally provided treatment plans with excellent target homogeneity and favorable critical structure sparing when compared to conventional IMRT. 相似文献