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Available data demonstrate that the avian septal region shares a number of social behavior functions and neurochemical features in common with mammals. However, the structural and functional subdivisions of the avian septum remain largely unexplored. In order to delineate chemoarchitectural zones of the avian septum, we prepared a large dataset of double-, triple-, and quadruple-labeled material in a variety of songbird species (finches and waxbills of the family Estrildidae and a limited number of emberizid sparrows) using antibodies against 10 neuropeptides and enzymes. Ten septal zones were identified that were placed into lateral, medial, caudocentral, and septohippocampal divisions, with the lateral and medial divisions each containing multiple zones. The distributions of numerous immunoreactive substances in the lateral septum closely match those of mammals (i.e., distributions of met-enkephalin, vasotocin, galanin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, tyrosine hydroxylase, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P, corticotropin-releasing factor, and neuropeptide Y), enabling detailed comparisons with numerous chemoarchitectonic zones of the mammalian lateral septum. Our septohippocampal and caudocentral divisions are topographically comparable to the mammalian septohippocampal and septofimbrial nuclei, respectively, although additional data will be required to establish homology. The present data also demonstrate the presence of a medial septal nucleus that is histochemically comparable to the medial septum of mammals. The avian medial septum is clearly defined by peptidergic markers and choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity. These findings should provide a useful framework for functional and comparative studies, as they suggest that many features of the septum are highly conserved across vertebrate taxa.  相似文献   

The development of the septum was studied in human embryos and fetuses ranging from 8 to 24.5 weeks of menstrual age (22.2 to 216 mm crown-rump length). Neuroblasts migrating from the ventricular layer of the ventromedial hemispheric wall form a narrow intermediate layer that constitutes the primordial septum (8 weeks). Only a primordial nucleus of the diagonal band is identifiable within the gradually enlarging primordial septum at early stages. By 10 weeks the primordial septum is subdivided into medial and lateral zones. At 11.5 weeks well-defined medial nuclei and the nucleus of the diagonal band are evident within the medial zone. Differentiation within the lateral zone occurs by 12.5 weeks with the appearance of nucleus lateralis pars interna. Nucleus dorsalis is developing in the lateral zone by 14.5 weeks and, by 15.5 weeks, well-defined nuclei are present throughout the lateral zone. Further neuronal maturation and conforma-tional changes result in the nearly adult appearance of the septum in older fetuses. Although a definite mediolateral differentiation-gradient occurs, individual nuclei appear to differentiate along their own longitudinal gradient. Evidence presented suggests that the earliest fibers within the primordial septum are related to the tuberculum olfactorium and the medial forebrain bundle, that septohippocampal fibers appear at 10 weeks, hippocamposeptal fibers by 11.5 weeks, and that, later, stria terminalis fibers develop. The suggested developmental relationships of the septum with the hypothalamus (and brainstem), tuberculum, hippocampus, and amygdala emphasizes its role as an internode in the limbic system.  相似文献   

The present study focused on cholinergic neurons in the lateral septal region of the raccoon detected by choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunostaining. For comparison of the cholinergic neurons of the medial and lateral septal nuclei, soma sizes were measured, and several antibodies were applied that differentially characterize these cells in several species: low-affinity neurotrophin receptor p75 (p75(NTR)), calbindin-D(28k) (CALB), and constitutive nitric oxide synthase (cNOS). To compare the basic organization of the raccoon septum with that in other mammals, parvalbumin (PARV) immunocytochemistry and Wisteria floribunda-agglutinin (WFA) lectin histochemistry also were used in double-staining experiments. The ChAT-immunoreactive neurons of the rostral lateral septum are arranged in laminae. Accumulations of cholinergic varicosities, often clearly ensheathing noncholinergic neurons, occupy small territories of the rostral septum. Such regions become larger in the caudal septum. They are assumed to correspond to the septohippocampal and septofimbrial nuclei of the rat. In contrast to the large medial septal cholinergic neurons of the raccoon that contain p75(NTR), CALB, and cNOS, the cholinergic neurons of the lateral septum are smaller and do not express these markers. A further peculiarity is that the region of the lateral septum that contains cholinergic neurons corresponds to WFA-labelled extracellular matrix zones that contain chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. In addition to clustered thread- or ring-like accumulations of the WFA, sparsely labelled perineuronal nets surround the lateral septal cholinergic neurons. Similar to other species that have been investigated, perineuronal nets are completely absent around cholinergic cells of the medial septum. The PARV-containing neurons of this region, however, are enwrapped by perineuronal nets as they are in the rat. Within the medial septum, the PARV-containing neurons are restricted to ventral bilateral territories that are devoid of cholinergic cells. In this respect, they differ from the more vertically arranged PARV-containing medial septal cells in rodents and primates. Apart from striking differences in numbers and distribution patterns, the raccoon lateral septal cholinergic neurons resemble those detected by Kimura et al. (Brain Res [1990] 533:165-170) in the ventrolateral septal region of rat and monkey. Their participation in the functions of the lateral septum remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to map the hippocampal efferent projections to the septum and to determine the synaptic organization of the hippocampal-septal system in the cat. Single unit responses were recorded in the septum with tungsten microelectrodes following electrical stimulation of the dorsal or ventral hippocampus in the anesthetized cat. Dorsal hippocampal stimulation produced excitatory unit driving at short latencies in the medial septum while ventral hippocampal stimulation produced short latency excitation in the lateral septum. The excitatory phase was invariably followed by a period of inhibition. Inhibition without a prior excitatory phase was seen in widespread regions of the septum upon either dorsal or ventral hippocampal stimulation. It was concluded that efferents from the dorsal and ventral hippocampus terminate in a topographic manner in the medial and lateral septum, respectively, and have excitatory effects upon these neurons as well. An interneuronal inhibitory network capable of influencing large regions of the septum was suggested from the data.  相似文献   

The involvement of the septohippocampal system on the impaired sensorimotor gating induced by phencyclidine (PCP) or by an electrically induced hippocampal seizure was examined in behaving rats. An impaired sensorimotor gating, measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle response, was observed following a hippocampal afterdischarge (AD) or systemic injection of PCP and was accompanied with an increase in hippocampal gamma waves (30-70 Hz). The medial septum infusion with muscimol (0.25 microg), a GABA(A) receptor agonist, 15 min prior to PCP or a hippocampal AD, prevented the impairment of sensorimotor gating and the increase in gamma waves. By itself, muscimol (0.25 microg) injection into the medial septum did not affect PPI, although it significantly suppressed spontaneous gamma waves. In order to identify subpopulations of neurons mediating the sensorimotor gating deficit and the hippocampal gamma wave increase, 0.14-0.21 microg of p75 antibody conjugated to saporin (192 IgG-saporin) was injected into the medial septum to selectively lesion the septohippocampal cholinergic neurons. Neither the PPI deficit nor the gamma wave increase induced by PCP or a hippocampal AD was affected by 192 IgG-saporin lesion of the medial septum. It is concluded that increase in neural activity in the medial septum participates in the impairment of sensorimotor gating and the increase in hippocampal gamma waves induced by PCP or a hippocampal AD. It is suggested that the GABAergic but not the cholinergic septohippocampal neurons mediate the sensorimotor gating deficit.  相似文献   

It has been concluded previously that the septohippocampal fibers which project to the rat dentate gyrus extend or branch in the denervated area of the molecular layer following a complete ipsilateral entorhinal lesion. The septohippocampal fibers thus appear to replace some of the perforant fibers which degenerate as a result of the lesion. The reactive fibers eventually become localized to a much smaller and more superficial area after lesions of immature rats than after lesions made in adulthood. To determine whether this difference in the response results from a selective reaction to loss of the lateral perforant path in the immature rat, various portions of the entorhinal cortex were removed at the age of 11 days, and the cholinergic septohippocampal fibers were visualized by acetylcholinesterase histochemistry. An alternative possibility, that the difference between immature and adult rats is attributable to an interaction with other reactive afferents, was tested by removing other sources of input (the contralateral entorhinal cortex, contralateral hippocampal formation or both) along with the ipsilateral entorhinal cortex at the age of 11 days and then demonstrating the septohippocampal fibers histochemically. Lesions of the lateral part of the ipsilateral entorhinal cortex (source of the lateral perforant path) at 11 days of age evoked a septohippocampal reaction along the outer edge of the molecular layer, where the lateral perforant path fibers normally terminate. This result matched that produced by a complete entorhinal lesion. Lesions of the medial entorhinal cortex evoked no obvious reaction. In contrast, the septohippocampal fibers in adult rats proliferated in the denervated area of the molecular layer after lesions of either part of the entorhinal cortex. Combining lesions of other sources of innervation to the dentate gyrus with an ipsilateral entorhinal lesion at 11 days of age did not alter the response of septohippocampal fibers, as determined histochemically. Neither did the septohippocampal fibers react to removal of commissural afferents alone. The response at any age was unaffected by prior or subsequent removal of the contralateral entorhinal cortex. These results indicate that in immature rats the septohippocampal fibers respond only to loss of the lateral perforant path, but these same fibers can later react to loss of any part of the perforant path. They are regarded as support for the hypothesis that the reactive septohippocampal fibers preferentially interact with dendritic growth cones. Our results do not support explanations based on a hypothetical attraction between septohippocampal and crossed perforant path fibers (which react in the same area) or on competition with commissural fibers (which reinnervate an adjacent area). We suggest further that proximity to the degenerating elements does not in itself determine the pattern of reinnervation after lesions of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

We analyzed the development of the hippocamposeptal projection and the morphology of the neurons giving rise to this projection. The fluorescent tracer Dil was injected into the septal region or the hippocampus in fixed brains of embryonic and early postnatal rats. Anterogradely labeled hippocampal axons first reached the septal region at E16. They ran along the midline of the brain, thereby approaching the medial septum. Axons to the lateral septum were first observed around E18/19. The lateral septum is partly innervated by collaterals of axons that travel to the medial septum. The projection to the lateral septal nuclei becomes more massive during early postnatal stages, whereas that to the medial septum becomes smaller. Cells in the medial septum retrogradely labeled by injection into the hippocampus were first observed at E18. Thus, the hippocamposeptal projection is established earlier than the septohippocampal projection. The first hippocampal projection neurons are nonpyramidal neurons that appear to pioneer the pathway to the septum. Pyramidal cell axons follow this first cohort of axons into the medial septum. Pyramidal cells could be retrogadely labeled from the medial septum during the perinatal period but then diminished in number. At P10, only nonpyramidal cells were labeled by medial septal injections. This indicates that the pyramidal component of this projection is transient and is removed shortly after birth. However, as is known from ther studies, hippocampal pyramidal cells give rise to a powerful projection to the lateral septum in adult animals. Our results show that there is a considerable remodeling of the projection from the hippocampus to the septum during ontogenetic development. © 1995 Willy-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Muscimol injections in the medial septum impair spatial learning   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
These experiments examined the role of GABAergic systems in modulating septohippocampal cholinergic influences on learning. Microinjections of the GABA(A) agonist muscimol (0.5, 1.0 or 5.0 nmol) or physiological saline were administered (0.5 microliters) into the medial septum of rats via chronically implanted cannulae just prior to daily training in the Morris water maze spatial learning task. The animals received 3 training trials on each of 4 days. The escape latencies of rats trained with a submerged escape platform at a fixed location were significantly shorter than those trained with a randomly located platform. Rate of learning of the fixed location was significantly impaired in rats given pretraining muscimol injections in the medial septum at doses (1.0 and 5.0 nmol) that significantly reduced hippocampal high-affinity choline uptake (HACU). Analyses of responses on a probe trial with no pretraining injections and no platform revealed that, in comparison with controls, animals that had received muscimol prior to each training session were likely to swim in the region where the platform had been located. The finding that muscimol-injected rats were subsequently able to learn the task when trained without muscimol injections indicates that the acquisition impairment was not due to a lasting effect of the drug injections. Our results are consistent with the view that the septal GABAergic modulation of the septohippocampal cholinergic pathway is involved in regulating the acquisition of spatial information.  相似文献   

Intermittent footshock stress has been shown to reinstate extinguished drug-taking behaviour in rats, but the brain areas involved in this effect are to a large degree unknown. Here we studied the role of the septum in stress-induced reinstatement of heroin seeking. Rats were trained to self-administer heroin for 9-10 days (three 3-h sessions per day, 0.1 mg/kg per infusion). Following training, extinction sessions were given for 8-13 days by substituting saline for heroin, and then tests for reinstatement of heroin seeking were carried out. Reversible inactivation of the medial septum with tetrodotoxin (TTX; 1-5 ng, infused 25-40 min before the test sessions) reliably reinstated heroin seeking, mimicking the effect of 15 min of intermittent footshock. This effect of TTX was not observed after infusions made 1.5 mm dorsally into the lateral septum. In other experiments, it was found that infusions of a low, subthreshold dose of TTX (0.5 ng) into the medial septum, when combined with 2 min of footshock that in itself was ineffective, reinstated heroin seeking. Furthermore, electrical stimulation (400 microA pulses, 100 micros duration, 100 Hz frequency) of the medial septum during exposure to 10 min of intermittent footshock attenuated footshock-induced reinstatement of heroin seeking. These data suggest a role for the medial septum in stress-induced relapse to drug seeking. The septum is thought to be involved in neuronal processes underlying behavioural inhibition, thus we speculate that stressors provoke relapse by interfering with these processes.  相似文献   

On the basis of Nissl-stained sections, we subdivided the septum of the gray treefrog Hyla versicolor in the lateral, central, and medial septal complex. The afferent projections of the different septal nuclei were studied by combined retrograde and anterograde tracing with biotin ethylendiamine (Neurobiotin). The central and medial septal complex receives direct input from regions of the olfactory bulb and from all other limbic structures of the telencephalon (e.g., amygdalar regions, nucleus accumbens), whereas projections to the lateral septal complex are absent or less extensive. The medial pallium projects to all septal nuclei. In the diencephalon, the anterior thalamic nucleus provides the main ascending input to all subnuclei of the anuran septum, which can be interpreted as a limbic/associative pathway. The ventromedial thalamic nucleus projects to the medial and lateral septal complex and may thereby transmit multisensory information to the limbic system. Anterior preoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and hypothalamic nuclei innervate the central and lateral septal complex. Only the nuclei of the central septal complex receive input from the brainstem. Noteworthy is the relatively strong projection from the nucleus raphe to the central septal complex, but not to the other septal nuclei.  相似文献   

A cholinergically disrupted laboratory animal has been produced by administration of the cholinotoxin ethylcholine aziridinium mustard (AF64A), which produced a dysfunction in the cholinergic forebrain system. After AF64A treatment, a reduction of choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) activity was measured in the hippocampal regions. ChAT activity was preferentially reduced in tissue samples of the dorsal with respect to the ventral hippocampus, and concomitantly with this reduction, a compensatory increase in ChAT activity in the medial septum was found. Tissue gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) content in the hippocampal and septal brain areas was not affected by AF64A, indicating a specific effect on the cholinergic septohippocampal projection. The rate of GABA accumulation induced by aminooxyacetic acid administration was higher in the dorsal hippocampus and medial septum of AF64A‐treated animals, but not in their ventral hippocampus and lateral septum, where significant changes occurred in ChAT activity. Concomitantly with the changes in GABA metabolism, a significant Bmax increase and Kd reduction of 3H‐flunitrazepam binding in the hippocampus of AF64A‐treated animals were associated with changes in the ChAT activity. This finding suggests an increase of GABA input on the cholinergic somas of the medial septum and an uncompensated GABAergic interneuron activity in the hippocampus. In this study, we present an adaptive mechanism of homotypic compensatory metabolism by cholinergic somas, and a heterotypic response of the GABAergic septohippocampal projection system, which was elicited by AF64A administration. J. Neurosci. Res. 55:178–186, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural progenitors in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal formation form a continuously proliferating cell population, generating new granule neurons throughout adult life. Between 10 days and 1 month after their formation, many of the newly generated cells die. The present study investigated whether a partial lesion of one of the main nuclei projecting to the hippocampus, the medial septum (MS), affects survival and differentiation of cells during this critical period. Rats were injected with BrdU and 5 days later excitotoxic lesion of the MS was applied by infusion of either 30 or 60 nmol of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). One week after the lesion, quantification of immunopositive cells revealed that the number of GABAergic cells was significantly reduced in both lesioned groups, whereas a decline in cholinergic cell number was observed only after injection of 60 nmol of NMDA. The partial septohippocampal denervation significantly reduced hippocampal neurogenesis. Survival of newly generated neurons was decreased by approximately 40%. The MS lesion did not affect proliferation of hippocampal progenitors. The present study points out the importance of a functional septohippocampal pathway for the regulation of hippocampal neurogenesis and highlights the potential role of GABA as a mediator in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) has been shown to antagonize pentobarbital narcosis in a variety of mammalian phylogeny, and many lines of evidence indicate that TRH action in the septum to modulate the septohippocampal system may be the neuroanatomical substrate mediating this effect. To further examine this hypothesis, the analeptic response following injection of TRH into the lateral ventricles or ventromedial septum was measured after lesions of the septum, fimbria or hippocampus. Lesions were induced using either radiofrequency current, aspiration or microinjection of kainic acid. Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the fimbria were found to block the antagonism of pentobarbital narcosis by intraseptal injection of 500 ng TRH, indicating that intraseptal TRH is acting via the septohippocampal system. In contrast, complete aspiration of the dorsal hippocampi did not attenuate intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of TRH. However, large electrolytic septal lesions effectively blocked i.c.v. TRH. These findings indicate first that i.c.v. TRH can cause arousal from pentobarbital narcosis via interaction with alternative neuroanatomical substrates from the septohippocampal system, and secondly, that these alternative substrates have axons which either synapse in or pass through the septum. The fact that injection of kainic acid into the ventromedial septum did not antagonize i.c.v. TRH supports the likelihood that the effectiveness of electrolytic septal lesions results from disruption of fibers in passage and not destruction of neuron perikarya in the septum.  相似文献   

Previous reports have shown that the supramammillary nucleus projects to the medial septum and to the hippocampus, and specifically to the dentate gyrus and the CA2/CA3a region of the hippocampus. The aim of the present study was to examine collateral projections from the supramammillary nucleus to the septum and hippocampus. The fluorescent retrograde tracers, Fluororuby and Fluorogold, were injected into regions of the septum and hippocampus, respectively, and the supramammillary nucleus was examined for the presence of single- and double-labeled neurons. The main findings were: 1) pronounced numbers of single-labeled cells (about 40-60/section) were present in the supramammillary nucleus following retrograde tracer injections in either the septum or hippocampus; 2) single and double retrogradely labeled neurons were intermingled within the supramammillary nucleus and mainly localized to the lateral two-thirds of the supramammillary nucleus; 3) approximately 5-10% of supramammillary cells were double-labeled, ipsilaterally, and 2-4%, contralaterally, with injections in medial or lateral parts of the medial septum and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus; and 4) approximately 3-5% of supramammillary cells were double-labeled, ipsilaterally, and 1-2%, contralaterally, with injections in the medial septum and CA2/CA3a of the dorsal hippocampus. Cells of the supramammillary nucleus have been shown to fire rhythmically in bursts synchronous with the hippocampal theta rhythm and have been implicated in the generation of the theta rhythm. The supramammillary cells that we identified with collateral projections to the septum and hippocampus may be directly involved in generation of the theta rhythm.  相似文献   

Age-related memory impairments may be due to dysfunction of the septohippocampal system. The medial septal area (MSA) provides the major cholinergic projection to the hippocampus and is critical for memory. Knowledge of the neurobiological mechanisms by which the cholinergic system can attenuate age-related memory loss can facilitate the development of effective cognitive enhancers. At present, one of the best neurobiological models of memory formation is long-term potentiation/long-term depression (LTP/LTD). In previous studies, intraseptal infusion of the muscarinic agonist oxotremorine, which excites MSA neurons, improved memory in aged rats. The present study examined LTP and LTD in aged Fisher 344 rats following intraseptal infusion of oxotremorine. LTP and LTD were assessed using the slope of the EPSP recorded from the hilar region of the dentate gyrus. Induction of LTP was blocked in the lateral perforant path, but not in the medial perforant path, following intraseptal infusions of oxotremorine. The generation and amplitude of heterosynaptic LTD was enhanced in the medial perforant path, but not in the lateral perforant path. The results provide evidence that pharmacological activation of the MSA can modulate LTP and LTD in the hippocampus of aged rats. The implications of these results with respect to memory and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus are discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations using selective lesion techniques suggest that the septohippocampal cholinergic system may not be critical for spatial orientation. These studies employ spatial tasks that provide the animal with access to both environmental and self-movement cues; therefore, intact performance may reflect spared spatial orientation or compensatory mechanisms associated with one class of spatial cues. The present study investigated the contribution of the septohippocampal cholinergic system to spatial behavior by examining performance in foraging tasks in which cue availability was manipulated. Thirteen female Long-Evans rats received selective lesions of the medial septum/vertical band with 192 IgG saporin, and 11 received sham surgeries. Rats were trained to forage for hazelnuts in an environment with access to both environmental and self-movement cues (cued condition). Manipulations include altering availability of environmental cues associated with the refuge (uncued probe), removing all visual environmental cues (dark probe), and placing environmental and self-movement cues into conflict (reversal probe). Medial septum lesions disrupted homeward segment topography only under conditions in which self-movement cues were critical for organizing food hoarding behavior (dark and reversal). These results are consistent with medial septum lesions producing a selective impairment in self-movement cue processing and suggest that these rats were able to compensate for deficits in self-movement cue processing when provided access to environmental cues.  相似文献   

During normal development of the nervous system, the target fields influence the survival and differentiation of projection neurons, but the factors regulating this interaction remain obscure. In the present study, we have raised the question whether the target region is essential for the postnatal development and maintenance of two different types of central projection neurons, cholinergic and GABAergic septohippocampal cells. In early postnatal rats (P5, P10), the hippocampus was eliminated by unilateral intrahippocampal injections of the excitotoxin N-methyl-D-aspartate. After a long survival time (at P70), we have immunostained serial sections of the septal region with antibodies against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme, or the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PARV) which is known to be contained in GABAergic septohippocampal neurons. In the medial septum ipsilateral to the lesioned side, about 60% of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons and 62% of PARV-immunoreactive neurons were found in adulthood even after complete elimination of the hippocampus. Some immunoreactive cells appeared heavily shrunken, but electron microscopic analysis revealed ultrastructural characteristics typical for medial septal neurons obtained from controls. Our results indicate that target elimination during development affected both types of projection cells, although only the cholinergic cells are known to be responsive to target-derived factors. J. Comp. Neurol. 379:467–481, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

After unilateral lesion of the entorhinal cortex, cholinergic septohippocampal fibres are believed to sprout in the denervated outer molecular layer of the rat dentate gyrus. This cholinergic sprouting has been demonstrated by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry, a method said selectively to label cholinergic septohippocampal fibres in the hippocampus. However, a recent report has questioned this concept, suggesting that AChE may not be an adequate marker to monitor cholinergic sprouting and that other, non-cholinergic axons sprouting after entorhinal cortex lesion cause the dense AChE-positive band in the denervated outer molecular layer. In order to determine the contribution of cholinergic septohippocampal fibres to the dense AChE band appearing after entorhinal cortex lesion, the neurotoxin 192 IgG-saporin, known to destroy cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain selectively, was used. Rats received bilateral injections of 192 IgG-saporin into the lateral ventricles 3 weeks before entorhinal cortex lesion, simultaneously with entorhinal cortex lesion, or 8 weeks after entorhinal cortex lesion. lmmunocytochemistry for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and in situ hybridization for ChAT mRNA demonstrated the loss of cholinergic neurons in the medial septum and diagonal band after 192 IgG-saporin treatment. The cholinergic sprouting response in the molecular layer, as visualized with AChE histochemistry, was abolished in all animals treated with immunotoxin. These data indicate that the dense AChE band forming after entorhinal cortex lesion represents the sprouting of cholinergic septohippocampal fibres.  相似文献   

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