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Proliferation of sorted human and rat beta cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aims/hypothesis The aim of the study was to determine whether purified beta cells can replicate in vitro and whether this is enhanced by extracellular matrix (ECM) and growth factors. Methods Human beta cells were purified by FACS by virtue of their high zinc content using Newport Green, and excluding ductal and dead cells. Rat beta cells were sorted by autofluorescence or using the same method developed for human cells. Cells were plated on poly-l-lysine or ECMs from rat or human bladder carcinoma cells or bovine corneal ECM and incubated in the presence of BrdU with or without growth factors. Results The newly developed method for sorting human beta cells yields a population containing 91.4 ± 2.8% insulin-positive cells with a low level of spontaneous apoptosis and a robust secretory response to glucose. Beta cells from 8-week-old rats proliferated in culture and this was increased by ECM. Among growth factors, only human growth hormone (hGH) and the glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue liraglutide enhanced proliferation of rat beta cells, with a significant increase on both poly-l-lysine and ECM. By contrast, sorted adult human beta cells from 16 donors aged 48.9 ± 14.3 years (range 16–64 years) failed to replicate demonstrably in vitro regardless of the substratum or growth factors used. Conclusions/interpretation These findings indicate that, in our conditions, the fully differentiated human adult insulin-producing beta cell was unable to proliferate in vitro. This has important implications for any attempt to expand cells from pancreases of donors of this age group. By contrast, the rat beta cells used here were able to divide in vitro, and this was enhanced by ECM, hGH and liraglutide. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis This study aimed to identify the expression of angiotensin II receptors in isolated human islets and beta cells and to examine the functional consequences of their activation. Materials and methods Single-cell RT-PCR was used to identify whether human islet cells express mRNA for type 1 angiotensin II receptors (AT1), and western blotting was used to determine AT1 protein expression by human islets and MIN6 beta cells. We measured changes in intracellular calcium by microfluorimetry using Fura 2-loaded MIN6 cells and human islet cells. Dynamic insulin secretory responses were determined by RIA following perifusion of human islets and MIN6 cells. Results Human islets expressed mRNAs for both the angiotensin precursor, angiotensinogen, and for angiotensin-converting enzyme. In addition, human and mouse beta cells expressed AT1. These were functionally coupled to increases in intracellular calcium, which occurred at least in part through phospholipase-C-sensitive mechanisms and calcium influx through voltage-operated calcium channels. Short-term exposure of human islets and MIN6 cells to angiotensin II caused a rapid, short-lived initiation of insulin secretion at 2 mmol/l glucose and potentiation of insulin secretion induced by glucose (at 8 and 16.7 mmol/l). Conclusions/interpretation These data demonstrate that the AT1 is expressed by beta cells and that angiotensin II effects a short-lived and direct stimulation of human and mouse beta cells to promote insulin secretion, most probably through elevations in intracellular calcium. Locally produced angiotensin II may be important in regulating a coordinated insulin secretory response from beta cells.  相似文献   

Summary Islets of Langerhans were isolated from four human kidney donors, aged 16 to 21 years, by the collagenase method described for isolation of rodent islets. So far the human islets have been kept in tissue culture, without attachment, in medium RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% calf serum for more than 9 months, with preservation of the ability to release insulin in response to glucose stimulation. Replacement of calf serum with serum from normal human subjects did not affect B-cell survival, but resulted in elevated insulin values partly due to lower insulin degrading activity. Thus the described technique presents a valuable tool for studying chronic effects of metabolites and hormones on islet function, as well as for islet storage prior to transplantation into humans.  相似文献   

Summary Islet amyloid polypeptide is a novel 37 amino-acid-residues polypeptide which has been isolated from amyloid deposits in an insulinoma, and in human and cat islets of Langerhans. The molecule has 46% homology with the calcitonin gene-related peptide. Light microscopy examination of the pancreas shows that islet amyloid polypeptide immunoreactivity is restricted to the islet B cells. The present study utilized a rabbit antiserum against a synthetic peptide corresponding to positions 20–29 of islet amyloid polypeptide, a sequence without any amino-acid identity with calcitonin gene-related peptide. By applying the immunogold technique at the ultrastructural level, it was shown that both insulin and islet amyloid polypeptide immunoreactivity occurs in the central granular core of the human B cell secretory granules, while the A cells remain unlabelled. The demonstration that islet amyloid polypeptide is a granular protein of the B cells may indicate that it is released together with insulin. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the functional role of islet amyloid polypeptide.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis G protein-coupled receptor 40 (GPR40) is abundantly expressed in pancreatic beta cells in rodents, where it facilitates glucose-induced insulin secretion in response to mid- to long-chain fatty acids in vitro. However, GPR40 gene expression in humans has not been fully investigated, and little is known about the physiological and pathophysiological roles of GPR40 in humans. The aim of this study, therefore, was to examine GPR40 expression and its clinical implications in humans.Methods: GPR40 mRNA expression in the human pancreas, pancreatic islets and islet cell tumours was analysed using TaqMan PCR.Results: GPR40 mRNA was detected in all human pancreases collected intraoperatively. It was enriched approximately 20-fold in isolated islets freshly prepared from the pancreases of the same individuals. The estimated mRNA copy number for the GPR40 gene in pancreatic islets was comparable to those for genes encoding sulfonylurea receptor 1, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor and somatostatin receptors, all of which are known to be expressed abundantly in the human pancreatic islet. A large amount of GPR40 mRNA was detected in insulinoma tissues, whereas mRNA expression was undetectable in glucagonoma or gastrinoma. The GPR40 mRNA level in the pancreas correlated with the insulinogenic index, which reflects beta cell function (r=0.82, p=0.044), but not with glucose levels during the OGTT, the insulin area under the OGTT curve or the index for the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR).Conclusions/interpretation The present study provides evidence for GPR40 gene expression in pancreatic beta cells and implicates GPR40 in insulin secretion in humans.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis Insulin secretion is a highly regulated mechanism involving a complex insulin-dependent network of communication between alpha, beta and delta cells. However, whereas the role of insulin in beta cells has been well documented, very little is known about its role in alpha and delta cells. Having recently demonstrated heterogeneity of insulin receptor (INSR) isoform expression in these three endocrine cell types, our current study aimed to characterise the expression pattern of the multiple isoforms involved in the insulin signal transduction cascade in human alpha, beta and delta cells in vitro. Materials and methods cDNA samples prepared from single human islet cells were subjected to nested PCRs. Results Of 706 cells analysed, 15% were alpha cells, 28% beta cells, 8% delta cells and 46% non-endocrine cells. Profiling of expression of the insulin signalling cascade elements showed a heterogeneity between islet cell types, although at least one member of each protein family was expressed in the three populations of endocrine cells. Thus, the mRNAs coding for INSR-B, phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 and the human homologue of v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homologue 1 (AKT1) could not be detected in alpha cells, but were expressed by beta and delta cells. In addition, while the insulin receptor substrates IRS1 and IRS2, phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, beta polypeptide (PIK3CB) and AKT2 were expressed with relatively low frequencies in alpha and delta cells (<17% for IRS1, IRS2, PIK3CB; <25% for AKT2), their frequencies of expression in beta cells were 50, 33, 33 and 100%, respectively. Conclusions/interpretation Our results suggest that insulin signalling cascade elements in human alpha, beta and delta cells have distinct expression patterns. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis Acute or chronic exposure of beta cells to glucose, palmitic acid or pro-inflammatory cytokines will result in increased production of the p47 phox component of the NADPH oxidase and subsequent production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Methods Rat pancreatic islets or clonal rat BRIN BD11 beta cells were incubated in the presence of glucose, palmitic acid or pro-inflammatory cytokines for periods between 1 and 24 h. p47 phox production was determined by western blotting. ROS production was determined by spectrophotometric nitroblue tetrazolium or fluorescence-based hydroethidine assays. Results Incubation for 24 h in 0.1 mmol/l palmitic acid or a pro-inflammatory cytokine cocktail increased p47 phox protein production by 1.5-fold or by 1.75-fold, respectively, in the BRIN BD11 beta cell line. In the presence of 16.7 mmol/l glucose protein production of p47 phox was increased by 1.7-fold in isolated rat islets after 1 h, while in the presence of 0.1 mmol/l palmitic acid or 5 ng/ml IL-1β it was increased by 1.4-fold or 1.8-fold, respectively. However, palmitic acid or IL-1β-dependent production was reduced after 24 h. Islet ROS production was significantly increased after incubation in elevated glucose for 1 h and was completely abolished by addition of diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase or by the oligonucleotide anti-p47 phox . Addition of 0.1 mmol/l palmitic acid or 5 ng/ml IL-1β plus 5.6 mmol/l glucose also resulted in a significant increase in islet ROS production after 1 h, which was partially attenuated by diphenylene iodonium or the protein kinase C inhibitor GF109203X. However, ROS production was reduced after 24 h incubation. Conclusions/interpretation NADPH oxidase may play a key role in normal beta cell physiology, but under specific conditions may also contribute to beta cell demise. D. Morgan and H. R. Oliveira-Emilio contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis Early-onset type 2 diabetes is associated with marked visceral obesity and extreme insulin resistance, but its pathogenesis and response to treatment are not completely understood. We studied physical fitness, whole-body and hepatic glucose turnover, and insulin secretion in young obese Irish subjects before and after 3 months of aerobic exercise training. We hypothesised that exercise alone, with stable diet, should improve insulin sensitivity. Materials and methods Anthropometric parameters and maximum volume of oxygen utilisation (VO2max) were measured in 13 subjects with type 2 diabetes and 18 non-diabetic control subjects, matched for age and BMI. Insulin sensitivity and hepatic glucose turnover were measured using the hyperinsulinaemic–euglycaemic clamp. Insulin secretion was assessed from an OGTT and a modified intravenous glucose tolerance test. Some subjects (seven type 2 diabetic, 14 non-diabetic control subjects) then completed a 12-week supervised aerobic exercise programme. All measurements were repeated on completion of the exercise programme. Results Type 2 diabetic subjects had higher WHR, systolic blood pressure and triacylglycerols than non-diabetic control subjects. They were significantly more insulin-resistant as measured both by the clamp and oral glucose insulin sensitivity. They also displayed marked defects in insulin secretion in response to oral and intravenous glucose challenges. Exercise intervention had no significant effect on whole-body or hepatic insulin sensitivity or insulin secretion. VO2max increased significantly in the non-diabetic control subjects, but not in the type 2 diabetic subjects after exercise training. Conclusions/interpretation Young obese subjects with type 2 diabetes are severely insulin-resistant with marked loss of beta cell function compared with control subjects matched for age and obesity. Neither group responded metabolically to aerobic exercise intervention. N. Burns and F. M. Finucane contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis The aim of this study was to examine whether the cytosolic NADPH/NADP+ ratio of beta cells serves as an amplifying signal in fuel-induced insulin secretion and whether such a function is mediated by cytosolic α-ketoglutarate. Methods Pancreatic islets and islet cells were isolated from albino mice by collagenase digestion. Insulin secretion of incubated or perifused islets was measured by ELISA. The NADPH and NADP+ content of incubated islets was determined by enzymatic cycling. The cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) in islets was measured by microfluorimetry and the activity of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in islet cells by patch-clamping. Results Both 30 mmol/l glucose and 10 mmol/l α-ketoisocaproate stimulated insulin secretion and elevated the NADPH/NADP+ ratio of islets preincubated in the absence of fuel. The increase in the NADPH/NADP+ ratio was abolished in the presence of 2.7 μmol/l glipizide (closing all ATP-sensitive K+ channels). However, α-ketoisocaproate, but not glucose, still stimulated insulin secretion. That glipizide did not inhibit α-ketoisocaproate-induced insulin secretion was not the result of elevated [Ca2+]c, as glucose caused a more marked [Ca2+]c increase. Insulin release triggered by glipizide alone was moderately amplified by dimethyl α-ketoglutarate (which is cleaved to produce cytosolic α-ketoglutarate), but there was no indication of a signal function of cytosolic α-ketoglutarate. Conclusions/interpretation The results strongly suggest that the NADPH/NADP+ ratio in the beta cell cytosol does not serve as an amplifying signal in fuel-induced insulin release. The study supports the view that amplification results from the intramitochondrial production of citrate by citrate synthase and from the associated export of citrate into the cytosol.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis We investigated, in three beta cell lines (INS-1E, RIN-5AH, betaTC3) and in human and rodent primary beta cells, the storage and release of chromogranin B, a secretory protein expressed in beta cells and postulated to play an autocrine role. We asked whether chromogranin B is stored together with and discharged in constant ratio to insulin upon various stimuli. Methods The intracellular distribution of insulin and chromogranin B was revealed by immunofluorescence followed by three-dimensional image reconstruction and by immunoelectron microscopy; their stimulated discharge was measured by ELISA and immunoblot analysis of homogenates and incubation media. Results Insulin and chromogranin B, co-localised in the Golgi complex/trans-Golgi network, appeared largely segregated from each other in the secretory granule compartment. In INS-1E cells, the percentage of granules positive only for insulin or chromogranin B and of those positive for both was 66, 7 and 27%, respectively. In resting cells, both insulin and chromogranin B were concentrated in the granule cores; upon stimulation, chromogranin B (but not insulin) was largely redistributed to the core periphery and the surrounding halo. Strong stimulation with a secretagogue mixture induced parallel release of insulin and chromogranin B, whereas with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxantine and forskolin ± high glucose release of chromogranin B predominated. Weak, Ca2+-dependent stimulation with ionomycin or carbachol induced exclusive release of chromogranin B, suggesting a higher Ca2+ sensitivity of the specific granules. Conclusions/interpretation The unexpected complexity of the beta cell granule population in terms of heterogeneity, molecular plasticity and the differential discharge, could play an important role in physiological control of insulin release and possibly also in beta cell pathology. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users. T. Giordano and C. Brigatti contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis Increased glucagon secretion predicts deterioration of glucose tolerance, and high glucagon levels contribute to hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes. Inhibition of glucagon action may therefore be a potential novel target to reduce hyperglycaemia. Here, we investigated whether chronic treatment with a glucagon receptor antagonist (GRA) improves islet dysfunction in female mice on a high-fat diet (HFD). Materials and methods After 8 weeks of HFD, mice were treated with a small molecule GRA (300 mg/kg, gavage once daily) for up to 30 days. Insulin secretion was studied after oral and intravenous administration of glucose and glucagon secretion after intravenous arginine. Islet morphology was examined and insulin secretion and glucose oxidation were measured in isolated islets. Results Fasting plasma glucose levels were reduced by GRA (6.0 ± 0.2 vs 7.4 ± 0.5 mmol/l; p = 0.017). The acute insulin response to intravenous glucose was augmented (1,300 ± 110 vs 790 ± 64 pmol/l; p < 0.001). The early insulin response to oral glucose was reduced in mice on HFD + GRA (1,890 ± 160 vs 3,040 ± 420 pmol/l; p = 0.012), but glucose excursions were improved. Intravenous arginine significantly increased the acute glucagon response (129 ± 12 vs 36 ± 6 ng/l in controls; p < 0.01), notably without affecting plasma glucose. GRA caused a modest increase in alpha cell mass, while beta cell mass was similar to that in mice on HFD + vehicle. Isolated islets displayed improved glucose-stimulated insulin secretion after GRA treatment (0.061 ± 0.007 vs 0.030 ± 0.004 pmol islet−1 h−1 at 16.7 mmol/l glucose; p < 0.001), without affecting islet glucose oxidation. Conclusions/interpretation Chronic glucagon receptor antagonism in HFD-fed mice improves islet sensitivity to glucose and increases insulin secretion, suggesting improvement of key defects underlying impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between insulin sensitivity, beta cell function and glucose tolerance, and its dependence on variants in the newly identified Type 2 diabetes susceptibility gene, calpain-10 (CAPN10).Methods We studied 203 men of the same age but with varying degrees of glucose tolerance. These men participated in (i) an oral glucose tolerance test, (ii) a euglycaemic clamp combined with indirect calorimetry and infusion of [3-3H]-glucose and (iii) a stepwise assessment of acute insulin response to arginine (AIR) at three different glucose concentrations (fasting, 14 and 28 mmol/l).Results There was a linear increase in NEFA levels (p<0.0005) and WHR (p<0.0005) and decrease in glucose uptake due to a reduction in glucose storage over the entire range of glucose tolerance (r=–0.404; p<0.005). No increase in endogenous glucose production (EGP) was seen until patients had manifest diabetes. However, when EGP was expressed relative to fasting insulin concentrations, there was a linear deterioration of basal hepatic insulin sensitivity (r=–0.514; p<0.005). The AIR followed a bell-shaped curve with an initial rise and subsequent decrease. However, AIR adjusted for insulin sensitivity (disposition index) showed a linear decrease with increasing glucose concentrations (r=–0.563; p<0.001) starting already in subjects with normal glucose tolerance. There was an inverse correlation between increase in WHR and NEFA and peripheral as well as hepatic insulin sensitivity. Subjects with the genotype combination of CAPN10 consisting of SNP44 TT and SNP43 GG genotypes had significantly lower insulin-stimulated glucose uptake than carriers of the other genotype combinations (5.3±0.4 vs 7.2±0.4 mg·ffm kg–1·min–1·mU·l–1; p<0.005).Conclusions/interpretation We conclude that the pre-diabetic state is characterised by a similar linear deterioration of peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity as beta cell function and that variants in the CAPN10 gene modify this relationship. These findings are compatible with a common defect in muscle, liver and beta cells in the pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes.Abbreviations AIR acute insulin responses to arginine - DI disposition index - EGP endogenous glucose production - ffm fat free mass - VO2max maximal aerobic capacity  相似文献   

目的 :研究人类小肠上皮细胞 (Intestine40 7cell lines)膜上钙激活性钾通道的分子生物学特征及其电生理学特性。方法 :用 RT- PCR方法检测培养的人类小肠上皮细胞膜上钙激活性钾通道的表达形式 ,用膜片钳的全细胞记录及单通道记录法探讨了该通道的电生理学特点。结果 :RT- PCR证实该细胞系有 interm ediate- conductance(IK)钙激活性钾通道表达 ,而没有 large- conductance(BK)和 small- conductance(SK)钙激活性钾通道的表达。电生理学研究表明 ,Ionom ycin引导的全细胞电流显示该钙激活性钾电流具有内向整流性并可被特异度 IK钙激活性钾通道阻断剂 clotrimazole所抑制 ,但特异度 SK钙激活性钾通道阻断剂 apam in对该电流无明显抑制作用。单通道记录法证实该通道的电导为 30± 2 p S,通道活性对细胞内 Ca2 +浓度有明显依赖性。结论 :分子生物学和电生理研究证实了人类小肠上皮细胞膜上有 IK钙激活性钾通道 ,其生理学意义有待进一步研究  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) is crucial for beta cell development. A mutation in the gene encoding for Cdk4, Cdk4R24C, causes this kinase to be insensitive to INK4 cell cycle inhibitors and induces beta cell hyperplasia in Cdk4R24C knockin mice. We aimed to determine whether this Cdk4R24C mutation also affects proper islet function, and whether it promotes proliferation in human islets lentivirally transduced with Cdk4R24C cDNA.Methods Our study was conducted on wild-type and Cdk4R24C knockin mice. Pancreases were morphometrically analysed. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests and intravenous insulin tolerance tests were performed on wild-type and Cdk4R24C mice. We also did in vitro islet perifusion studies and islet metabolic labelling analysis. Human islets were transduced with Cdk4R24C cDNA.Results Pancreatic islets from Cdk4R24C knockin mice exhibit a larger insulin-producing beta cell area and a higher insulin content than islets from wild-type littermates. Insulin secretion in response to glucose is faster and reaches a higher peak in Cdk4R24C mice without leading to hypoglycaemia. Conversion of proinsulin into insulin and its intermediates is similar in Cdk4R24C and wild-type mice. Glucose utilisation and oxidation measured per islet were similar in both experimental groups. Insulin secretion was faster and enhanced in Cdk4R24C islets perifused with 16.7 mmol/l glucose, with slower decay kinetics when glucose returned to 2.8 mmol/l. Moreover, human islets expressing Cdk4R24C cDNA exhibited higher beta cell proliferation.Conclusions/interpretation Despite their hyperplastic growth, Cdk4R24C insulin-producing islet cells behave like differentiated beta cells with regard to insulin production, insulin secretion in response to glucose, and islet glucose metabolism. Therefore Cdk4 could possibly be used to engineer a source of beta cell mass for islet transplantation.Abbreviations Cdk4 cyclin-dependent kinase 4 - CMV cytomegalovirus - GFP green fluorescence protein - IGTT intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test - IITT intravenous insulin tolerance test - LacZ -galactosidaseN. Marzo, C. Mora and M. E. Fabregat contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated protein (total protein) synthesis and production of such as α-fetoprotein (AFP) and albumin (ALB) in the media for cultured human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Consequently, it was found that total protein (TP) in the medium was consumed rapidly in the first day, thereafter TP consumption was not quantitatively significant. Since this cell line was also found to produce transferrin (TF) and fibronectin (FN), we investigated the AFP, ALB and TF production of this cell line by adding dexamethasone, a glucocorticoid involved in protein metabolism. As a result of adding dexamethasone, it was found that AFP and ALB (or TF) production increased simultaneously.  相似文献   

An in vitro angiogenesis system was designed for screening angiogenic agonists and antagonists. In order to obtain large quantities of cells and reproducibility, human endothelial cells with extended life spans were developed by retroviral transfection. The resulting cells grown in a serum-free medium containing endothelial cell growth supplement (ECGS) have a telomerase activity, extended life spans of at least 21 passages, and an endothelial cell phenotype (diI-acetylated-LDL upake, factor VIII-related antigen, VEGFR-1 and R-2, and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)) that resembled that of unaltered primary endothelial cells. Exceptions were (i) a higher expression of tPA, and (ii) a non-significant growth response to FGF-2 or VEGF stimulation. Within three-dimensional fibrin gels, specific cell clones rapidly formed tubular structures in a more reproducible manner than those observed with low-passage primary cells. Tube formation by primary endothelial cells and those with extended life spans was dependent upon FGF-2 and ECGS, respectively. Both cell types produced FGF-2 and VEGF cytokines. Increasing doses of suramin significantly decreased the size of microvessels formed by both cell lines. These functional results indicate that a vascular matrix system containing human cells with extended life spans can be successfully utilized as an in vitro assay for antiangiogenic compounds.  相似文献   

Aims To assess the effect of liraglutide, a once‐daily human glucagon‐like peptide‐1 analogue on pancreatic B‐cell function. Methods Patients with Type 2 diabetes (n = 39) were randomized to treatment with 0.65, 1.25 or 1.9 mg/day liraglutide or placebo for 14 weeks. First‐ and second‐phase insulin release were measured by means of the insulin‐modified frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test. Arginine‐stimulated insulin secretion was measured during a hyperglycaemic clamp (20 mmol/l). Glucose effectiveness and insulin sensitivity were estimated by means of the insulin‐modified frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test. Results The two highest doses of liraglutide (1.25 and 1.9 mg/day) significantly increased first‐phase insulin secretion by 118 and 103%, respectively (P < 0.05). Second‐phase insulin secretion was significantly increased only in the 1.25 mg/day group vs. placebo. Arginine‐stimulated insulin secretion increased significantly at the two highest dose levels vs. placebo by 114 and 94%, respectively (P < 0.05). There was no significant treatment effect on glucose effectiveness or insulin sensitivity. Conclusions Fourteen weeks of treatment with liraglutide showed improvements in first‐ and second‐phase insulin secretion, together with improvements in arginine‐stimulated insulin secretion during hyperglycaemia.  相似文献   

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