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OBJECTIVE: This article examines the status of the literature on night-eating syndrome (NES) according to five criteria that have been proposed by Blashfield, Sprock, and Fuller(1) (Compr Psychiatry 1990; 31:15-19) to determine whether NES warrants inclusion in the psychiatric nosology as a distinct eating disorder. METHOD: Relevant research papers were identified in Medline and PsychInfo using the search term "night-eating syndrome." RESULTS: None of the five criteria was met. Specifically, at the time of review, there were not yet 25 empirical papers on NES; no commonly accepted definition of or assessment approach to NES has been adopted; the utility and validity of NES need to be established, and NES needs to be differentiated more clearly from other eating disorder syndromes. CONCLUSION: This review suggests that the most pressing step toward clarifying the status of NES is to develop a uniform definition of NES. Once accomplished, research can progress to accumulating the necessary evidence to determine whether NES should be included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.  相似文献   

Commercial interventions seeking to promote fruit and vegetable consumption by encouraging preschool- and school-aged children to engage with foods with 'all their senses' are increasing in number. We review the efficacy of such sensory interaction programmes and consider the components of these that are likely to encourage food acceptance. Repeated exposure to a food's flavour has robust empirical support in terms of its potential to increase food intake. However, children are naturally reluctant to taste new or disliked foods, and parents often struggle to provide sufficient taste opportunities for these foods to be adopted into the child's diet. We therefore explore whether prior exposure to a new food's non-taste sensory properties, such as its smell, sound, appearance or texture, might facilitate the food's introduction into the child's diet, by providing the child with an opportunity to become partially familiar with the food without invoking the distress associated with tasting it. We review the literature pertaining to the benefits associated with exposure to foods through each of the five sensory modalities in turn. We conclude by calling for further research into the potential for familiarisation with the visual, olfactory, somaesthetic and auditory properties of foods to enhance children's willingness to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

The implementation of public health knowledge is a complex process; researchers focus on organizational barriers but generally give little attention to the format and validity of relevant information. Primary and secondary papers and practice guidelines should represent valid and relevant sources of knowledge for clinicians and others involved in public health. However, this information is usually targeted at researchers rather than practitioners; it is often not completely intelligible, does not explain what it really adds to existing knowledge or which clinical/organizational context to place it in, and often lacks 'appeal' for those who are less informed. Moreover, this information is sometimes founded on biased research, shaped by sponsors to give scientific plausibility to market-driven messages. A "social marketing" approach can help public health researchers make evidence-based information clear and appealing. The validity and relevance of this information can be explained to target readers in light of their own knowledge levels and in terms of how this information could help their practice. In this paper we analyse the barriers to knowledge transfer that are often inherent in the format of the information, and propose a more user-friendly, enriched and non-research-article format.  相似文献   

The goal was to have children and adolescents identify and rank the major perceived benefits of and barriers to healthful eating and physical activity and to suggest strategies for overcoming barriers. Semistructured, in-depth focus groups were undertaken using standardized questions and prompts. Students in grades 2 through 11(ages 7 through 17; N=213) from 34 randomly selected schools participated in 38 focus groups. Major benefits of healthful eating included improvements to cognitive and physical performance, fitness, endurance, psychological benefits, physical sensation (feeling good physically), and production of energy. Barriers included convenience, taste, and social factors. Benefits of physical activity included social benefits, enhancement of psychological status, physical sensation, and sports performance. Barriers included a preference for indoor activities, lack of energy and motivation, time constraints, and social factors. Suggested strategies for overcoming barriers included support from parents and school staff, better planning, time management, self-motivation, education, restructuring the physical environment, and greater variety of physical activities.  相似文献   

Strategies are needed for community-based treatment of disease-related malnutrition (DRM), which is a common debilitating condition that in the UK is estimated to cost > 7 pounds x 10(9) annually. Whilst dietary fortification and counselling are often used as a first-line treatment for malnutrition, the numbers of dietitians available to undertake and oversee such practices are currently insufficient to address the extent of DRM in primary care. Although dietary fortification and counselling can improve nutritional (primarily energy) intake, the evidence base for this practice is weak and it needs addressing with well-designed trials that assess clinically-relevant outcome measures and costs. Liquid oral nutritional supplements (ONS) are increasingly used in the community, often in combination with dietary counselling. The larger evidence base of trials that have assessed ONS suggests that nutritional intake and some functional outcomes can be improved in some patient groups in the community. Although meta-analysis indicates significant reductions in mortality (odds ratio 0.59 (95% CI 0.48, 0.72), n 3258) and complication rates (odds ratio 0.41 (95% CI 0.31, 0.53), n 1710) with ONS v. routine care, few of these studies are community based. Thus, the impact of ONS on clinical outcome, healthcare use and costs requires further assessment. Similarly, the clinical and cost efficacy of other strategies (e.g. sensory enhancement, music, behavioural therapy), alone or in combination with other treatments, requires greater investigation in order to meet the challenge of treating DRM more effectively and cheaply in the future.  相似文献   



Most evidence‐based body image programs for college students (e.g., the Body Project) are designed for female‐only audiences, although body dissatisfaction is not limited to female‐identified individuals. Furthermore, programs do not explicitly discuss diversity, although individuals with marginalized gender, racial, and sexual identities may be particularly vulnerable to body image disturbances. Making programs more inclusive may increase their disseminability.


This qualitative study examined the feasibility of adapting the Body Project for universal and inclusive use with college students. Participants (N = 36; M age = 21.66 years; 73% female‐identified; 20% sexual minority; 23% racial minority) attended one of five semi‐structured focus groups to explore the inclusivity of appearance‐based cultural norms using adapted Body Project activities and discuss the feasibility of universal and inclusive interventions. Inductive qualitative content analysis with three‐rater consensus identified focus group themes.


There was consensus that inclusive interventions could have a positive impact (broadening perspectives, normalizing body image concerns, increasing awareness) despite potential barriers (poor diversity representation, vulnerability). There was strong consensus regarding advice for facilitating inclusive interventions (e.g., skilled facilitation, education, increasing diversity).


Results suggest that inclusive body image programs are desirable and provide a framework for creating the EVERYbody Project, a program for more universal audiences.  相似文献   

Athletes expect improved high-intensity performance following warm-up, and postactivation potentiation (PAP) is assumed to contribute to this improvement. However, the scientific evidence supporting this assumption is incomplete. PAP is known to result from prior muscle activation, and should enhance maximal effort contractions of very short duration. However, PAP dissipates over 4-6 min after the PAP-inducing contraction, so PAP should not contribute to enhanced performance more than 5 min after the warm-up.  相似文献   

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