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谷雨节气一般在公历4月19日或20日。谷雨有“雨水生百谷”之意。《月令七十二候集解》关于谷雨说:三月中,自雨水后,土膏脉动,今又雨其谷于水也。古代将谷雨分为三候:一候萍始生;二候鸣鸠拂其羽;三候戴胜降于桑。浮萍开始生长;鸣鸠,斑鸠也。开始拂羽毛;桑树上见到戴胜鸟。  相似文献   

正我国是世界上最早养鸡的国家之一,也是最早发现鸡有多种药用价值的国家。在我国的传统文化中,鸡是一种身世不凡的灵禽,凤的形象就来源于鸡。在我国以鸡入肴的历史也很久远。文献记载,早在周代鸡已列为六畜之一。《淮南子·说山训》载有若齐王之食鸡,必食其蹠(音'直')数十而后足。北魏贾思勰《齐民要术》记有腊(音安)鸡,唐代有黄金鸡,宋代有蒸鸡,  相似文献   

香椿,是楝科落叶乔木香椿树枝头上生长的嫩芽,是人们喜食的一种营养丰富的蔬菜。据分析,每100g,香椿中含蛋白质9.8g,脂肪0.4g,糖7.2g,粗纤维2.5g,钙143mg,磷135mg,铁4.3mg,胡萝卜素1.36mg,维生素B10.21mg、维生素B20.13mg,维生素C56mg,不失为老幼皆宜的营养保健佳品。香椿入馔,吃法很多,最常见的有香椿炒鸡蛋、香椿炒肉丝、油炸香椿鱼、香椿拌豆腐、香椿泥等。还可以用香椿打卤、做汤、包馅。香椿吃起来爽口清香,而且四季都可以采摘,尤以“清明”前后采摘的头椿为上品,梗肥质…  相似文献   

人们常说的“香椿”,指的是香椿树绽出的幼芽和嫩叶。香椿树外皮细腻,肌理坚实,木色发赤,叶芽味香,原产我国,是一种古老的乔木。上古的典籍中就曾记载着它的大名,如《尚书·禹贡》文中就说,大禹将天下分为九州之后,荆州地方进贡的特产中就有“椿”。约在宋代时期,人们普遍开始采食香椿,宋代以后的《花木考》中说,人们采摘椿芽当作蔬菜食用,也有人用椿芽泡  相似文献   

古月 《药物与人》2010,(5):37-37
椿叶,又名香椿、椿尖叶,为楝科植物香椿的嫩叶,全国各地均有栽培,春季采收。其植物果实(香椿子)、树皮(椿白皮)、树尖(春尖油)亦供药用,但不能食用。《本草纲目》言"椿樗易长而多寿考,故有椿、栲之称"。"椿萱并茂、椿庭萱室"等,都是对父母的颂称。  相似文献   

<正>香椿又名红椿、山椿、虎目树等,为楝科落叶乔木。每年谷雨时节,泛青抽绿,那红如玛瑙、绿似翡翠的嫩芽,幽香四溢,鲜嫩清脆,这就是香椿头,可做成各种菜肴,食之香嫩可口、风味独特,被称为树上蔬菜。宋代苏颂的《图经本草》说:椿木实而叶香,可撷取;明朝《救荒本草》说:采嫩芽炸熟,水浸淘净,油盐调食;明代徐光启在《农政全书》亦记载:其叶自发芽及嫩时,皆香甜,生熟盐腌皆可茹。古人还用香椿芽制成调料  相似文献   

香椿,就是椿树,属于楝科落叶乔木。据说,汉代已有栽种,广植大江南北。早春,香椿树长出的嫩芽儿,可供食用,菜名香椿,又叫椿头。香椿鲜香味美,营养丰富,是价廉质优的春天大众蔬菜。中国是世界上惟一的用香椿作蔬菜用的国家。种植的品种有两个类型:一是紫香椿,幼芽儿绛红色,富光泽  相似文献   

四月,终于可以脱下厚重的外衣,换上轻便的春装了。此时,正好可以将家里的衣服和棉被清洗晾晒干净,然后把它们收纳起来,留待下个冬天再用。不过,厚重的棉被和羽绒服,总是会占据衣柜里很大的空间。针织衫、保暖裤、围巾、手套、鞋子等等,也会因为数量太多而不好整理。为此,我们为您寻觅了一些五花八门收纳用品,希望它们能够成为您收纳的小帮手,点亮您的家居生活。  相似文献   

正香椿美味有营养,但并不意味着可以毫无顾忌地吃。每人每天用量不要超过100克。这既是出于安全的考虑,更是满足食物多样、适量、平衡的需要。那么食用香椿时怎样保证安全呢?选购最好的香椿是头茬嫩芽。香椿发芽初期,硝酸盐含量较低。随着香椿芽不断生长,硝酸盐含量也逐  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗制度正在农村迅速普及,广大农民的医疗保障制度正在逐步完善,因病致贫的问题正在逐步缓解……  相似文献   

As a result of the demography of the country, geographic isolation and use of predominantly low-sulfur fuels, Australia does not have a high potential for acid deposition. Industrial emissions are small in scale compared with open sources, consequently the role of arid inland sources of ions in buffering anthrogenic sources of acidic ions is important at a regional scale. Industrial emissions have produced acid rain at some locations but studies suggest a local problem with few regional influences in Australia, and data show a higher average pH of rainfall than reported in North America and Europe. Emissions of NOx are largely urban, but SO2 emissions are associated with urban and industrial areas, most notably a relatively small number of very large metal smelting and power generation sites, often in remote arid areas with little rainfall.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results of the few scattered acid rain studies in Australia and New Zealand. Large scale spatial discussions are not possible, so discussion, focussing on wet deposition, is limited to rainwater acidity and chemistry on a regional and local basis. Rainwater samples were mainly collected on a daily or event basis, and some attempt was made to ensure contamination from dry fallout in all cases. Rainwater acidity can be divided into three regimes: non-tropical urban, non-tropical rural and tropical rural areas with the Tropic of Capricorn the dividing line between tropical and non-tropical. In Sydney, representative of non-tropical urban, local emissions of acid gases, particularly sulphate and nitrate, resulted in an average pH of 4.4. At several non-tropical rural locations, pHs average between 5.0 and 5.7, indicative of global background levels. Tropical rural pHs average about 4.5, due mainly to natural acidity caused by vegetation release of volatile organic acids. These values indicate that rainwater in this region contains from 2 to 12 times less acidity than in the northern hemisphere where acid rain is a problem. Rainwater chemistry is dominated by ocean influences along the coast and soil and vegetation influences inland. Elevated levels of sulphate and nitrate in rainfall of the Latrobe Valley and the Hunter Valley may be due to power station and industrial sources located there, but do not prove to be a problem.  相似文献   

A review is given of mycotoxins with a brief history of the role of these natural poisons in human pathology. Contributions of Croatian scientists to the field of research in mycotocixology are recorded. Opposite views and arguments are presented considering the technical possibilities and ethical responsibilities for abuse of mycotoxins as a war weapon especially with regard to their alleged use in the recent chemical warfare in the Middle and Far East. "Yellow Rain" is described as a natural phenomenon.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns and trends over time in the emissions of sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and ammonia are described. The relative importance of wet, dry and occult pathways to acid deposition is considered and measured and modelled spatial patterns of wet and dry deposition presented. The variation in wet deposition over a range of timescales and the relationship between emissions and deposition are examined.  相似文献   

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