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C57BL/10J小鼠内耳形态学观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨不同月龄C57BL/10J小鼠内耳形态学变化。方法 取C57BL/10J小鼠2月龄3只(6耳)、8月龄3只(6耳)、12月龄2只(4耳)、27月龄2只(4耳),采用耳蜗铺片和耳蜗图技术,观察耳蜗和前庭毛细胞的变化。结果 2月龄鼠在耳蜗底回和顶回可见有少量的外毛细胞缺失,内毛细胞正常。8月龄鼠外毛细胞缺失主要由耳蜗底回向顶回发展,少量内毛细胞缺失主要在耳蜗底回,对应于20kHz的基底膜区域显示外毛细胞缺失在20%左右。12月龄鼠外毛细胞缺失明显加重,耳蜗底回部分几乎完全缺失,外毛细胞损失区域发展到基底膜中部,并且蜗尖区域外毛细胞缺失达到40%,耳蜗底回内毛细胞缺失达到60%~80%,蜗尖部分内毛细胞基本正常,对应于20kHz的基底膜区域显示外毛细胞缺失近80%,内毛细胞缺失近30%。27月龄鼠耳蜗外毛细胞从基底膜中部至底回完全缺失,顶回缺失60%~80%,内毛细胞缺失逐渐向蜗尖扩展,对应于20kHz的基底膜区域显示外毛细胞完全缺失,内毛细胞缺失超过50%。前庭选取球囊斑,椭圆囊斑和壶腹嵴三个部位进行观察,不同月龄的C57BL/10J鼠前庭毛细胞均正常。结论 本研究首次对C57BL/10J小鼠的内耳形态学进行观察,发现该鼠同C57BL/6J小鼠比较在外毛细胞缺失规律和时间上有明显的差别,明确了内耳毛细胞的变化规律;同时首次观察了前庭毛细胞,为C57BL/10J小鼠作为遗传性和老年性聋研究的动物模型提供了形态学理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 测量常用实验动物内耳前庭感觉区的实际面积和量化分析前庭各个感觉区的毛细胞总数或密度。方法 ①制作CBA/CaJ小鼠、裸鼠、SD大鼠、豚鼠、南美栗鼠、新西兰白兔和非洲黑长尾猴的球囊斑铺片和椭圆囊斑铺片及壶腹嵴铺片,所有铺片样品来自每种受试动物的6个颞骨,在放大100倍的光学显微镜下拍摄2个囊斑铺片的整体照片;②应用Image J软件的图像测量程序,测量了上述7种常用实验动物球囊斑和椭圆囊斑的实际面积;③用网格将球囊斑铺片和椭圆囊斑铺片照片上的前庭感觉区划分为一个个方块区域。在放大400倍的光学显微镜下准确计数每个方格内的毛细胞数量,然后将每个方格的毛细胞计数结果相加以获得每种受试动物球囊斑和椭圆囊斑上的毛细胞总数;④应用前庭小视野定量观察技术计算出前庭各个感觉区小视野范围内的毛细胞密度。结果 ①从小鼠、裸鼠、大鼠、豚鼠、南美栗鼠、白兔到猴的球囊斑面积依次为(0.193±0.009)、(0.216±0.008)、(0.323±0.010)、(0.528±0.035)、(0.687±0.065)、(1.237±0.075)、(1.371±0.032)mm2;椭圆囊斑的面积依次为(0.193±0.020)、(0.208±0.013)、(0.321±0.011)、(0.526±0.034)、(0.795±0.017)、(1.224±0.082)、(1.388±0.048)mm2;②从小鼠、裸鼠、大鼠、豚鼠、南美栗鼠、白兔到猴的球囊斑毛细胞的总数依次为(2476.3±64.4)、(2389.8±47.8)、(3135.3±191.6)、(4882.2±208.7)、(6128.5±242.9)、(10572.2±464.4)、(10992.7±397.4)个;椭圆囊斑毛细胞的总数依次为(2491.4±54.8)、(2368.0±46.1)、(3218.8±82.9)、(4925.3±271.1)、(7794.0±386.1)、(11347.4±435.7)、(11114.5±410.6)个;③从小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠、南美栗鼠、白兔和猴的球囊斑微纹区和周边区的毛细胞密度(毛细胞数量/0.007mm2)依次为101.0±5.79(微纹区)/120.8±4.15(周边区),95.5±3.91(微纹区)/109.2±5.26(周边区),78.4±6.54(微纹区)/94.8±4.38(周边区),60.0±4.74(微纹区)/84.6±2.61(周边区),57.2±3.83(微纹区)/80.0±3.54(周边区),53.8±4.21(微纹区)/68.0±4.18(周边区)。从小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠、南美栗鼠、白兔和猴的椭圆囊斑微纹区和周边区的毛细胞密度(毛细胞数量/0.007mm2)依次为103.8±5.02(微纹区)/119.2±3.70(周边区),91.2±2.49(微纹区)/106.4±4.16(周边区),74.1±3.54(微纹区)/90.8±3.56(周边区),60.4±4.98(微纹区)/81.6±2.07(周边区),57.8±1.92(微纹区)/77.8±3.70(周边区),54.0±2.74(微纹区)/66.4±2.51(周边区)。从小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠、南美栗鼠、白兔和猴的壶腹嵴毛细胞密度(毛细胞数量/0.007mm2)依次为112.4±6.38,105.5±3.51,95.2±3.42,84.0±7.16,78.2±2.86,70.8±2.39。可见由于体型较小动物毛细胞的细胞体比体型较大动物毛细胞的细胞体小,因而体型较小动物的前庭毛细胞密度高于体型较大动物的前庭毛细胞密度。另外,每种实验动物球囊斑和椭圆囊斑微纹区的毛细胞密度相似,周边区的毛细胞密度也大致相同,但是同种实验动物囊斑微纹区的毛细胞密度却低于周边区的毛细胞密度。此外,壶腹嵴毛细胞的密度与球囊斑和椭圆囊斑周边区的毛细胞密度几乎相同。鉴于某些损害因素往往具有选择性破坏囊斑微纹区毛细胞的表现,因此囊斑微纹区的毛细胞密度应该与囊斑周边区的毛细胞密度区分开来进行统计,必要时甚至需要把Ⅰ型毛细胞和Ⅱ型毛细胞也区分开来分别予以病理学改变的定量评估。结论 本研究采用的前庭测量方法和获得的前庭各个感觉区的测量数据和毛细胞总数及毛细胞密度,为前庭病理学研究的定量分析提供了有益的参考经验和必要的参考数据。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年性耳蜗毛细胞损害与中药复方健耳剂两种喂药方法干预的作用。方法选择1月龄C57BL/6J小鼠22只用于本实验,其中4只小鼠每日饮用自来水直到出生后3个月作为幼龄对照组;6只小鼠每日饮用自来水直到出生后7个月作为老年性聋对照组;6只小鼠每日自动饮用中药复方健耳剂直到出生后7个月;另6只小鼠每日自动饮用同样中药至4个月后改用每日人工灌服直到出生后7个月。各组动物实验到期终止后,取耳蜗进行全耳蜗基底膜铺片,将全耳蜗内、外毛细胞计数结果输入计算机并应用耳蜗图软件进行耳蜗毛细胞密度对比分析,其中选择基底膜上重要的病变区间的毛细胞密度进行统计学分析。结果 3月龄对照组小鼠耳蜗外、内毛细胞缺损仅仅出现在耳蜗底回钩端区域;7月龄对照组外、内毛细胞缺损从底回基底膜起始端扩展到距离耳蜗顶端约40%区域;7月龄中药灌服组和自动饮用组动物的内、外毛细胞缺损范围和程度相似,均显著比7月龄对照组为轻(P<0.001)。结论中药复方健耳剂能够有效延缓C57BL/6J小鼠老年性耳蜗毛细胞损害的发生和发展,两种喂药方式所起作用相同(P>0.05),其药理机制可能与其改善微循环,清除活性氧,保护线粒体等作用相关。  相似文献   

目的研究Smad4条件基因敲除小鼠前庭终器形忿改变,探讨Smad4基因对于前庭发育的作用。方法利用建立的Smad4条件基测敲除小鼠模型.通过光镜观察Smad4(+/+)、Smad4(+/-)与Smad4(-/-)三种基因型小鼠(0.5、1.5月龄)的球囊及囊斑、椭圆囊及囊斑、半规管及壶腹嵴、前庭神经节、内淋巴管与囊的形态结构、毛细胞的形态及排列缺失情况。通过扫描电镜观察球囊斑、椭圆囊斑和壶腹嵴的形态结构、毛细胞及纤毛的排列缺失情况。结果Smad4(-/-)小鼠个体及内耳明显小于Smad4(+/+)和Smad4(+/-),而后面二者区别不大。所有小鼠的球囊及囊斑、椭圆囊及囊斑、半规管、前庭神经节、内淋巴管与囊的大小和结构正常,淋巴囊腔饱满,囊斑处的感觉上皮、耳石、毛细胞及纤毛排列整齐,没有发现明显的病变.三个基因型间没有差异。Smad4(-/-)小鼠壶腹嵴囊性变多且严重、后半规管壶腹嵴出现明显的副嵴、偶尔可见壶腹嵴感觉上皮空泡样变。壶腹嵴的毛细胞和支持细胞排列整齐,形态无明显改变,未见缺失。扫描电镜示球囊斑、椭圆囊斑、后、外、上半规管壶腹嵴正常,三个基因型之间没有差异。结论Smad4(-/-)小鼠的前庭终器有轻微病理改变,Smad4(+/+)与Smad4(+/-)小鼠的前庭终器形态结构基本正常.表明Smad4对于前庭终器的发育影响可能不明显。  相似文献   

小鼠耳蜗毛细胞体外培养研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立耳蜗Corti器体外培养模型.方法取刚出生2~3天小鼠耳蜗,采用鼠尾胶表面平铺培养并结合荧光染色方法观察耳蜗毛细胞的生长情况.结果耳蜗基底膜经1~5天培养,内、外毛细胞和支持细胞生长良好,排列有序,无任何衰亡和缺损.结论耳蜗Corti器可以在体外培养环境存活一定时间并健康生长.  相似文献   

全耳蜗毛细胞定量分析系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 介绍一种计算机辅助下的全耳蜗毛细胞定量分析系统。方法 选取氨基糖甙类药物损伤、噪声性损伤以及老年性聋动物模型的耳蜗制备全耳蜗基底膜铺片,从蜗尖向蜗底逐个视野依次进行内外毛细胞计数,将采集的数据输入到计算机并用毛细胞定量分析系统制备成耳蜗图。结果 氨基糖甙类药物耳蜗损害模型的耳蜗图显示毛细胞缺损自底回向顶回发展,外毛细胞的损伤比内毛细胞严重;强噪声引起的毛细胞破坏局限在与刺激声频率相对应的基底膜区域;6月龄C57BL/6J小鼠的耳蜗图显示老年性聋的早期损害起始于耳蜗底回的起始端,其中外毛细胞的破坏比内毛细胞严重。结论 耳蜗毛细胞定量分析系统可清晰显示全耳蜗毛细胞在基底膜上不同部位的损失程度和破坏范围,并可对应到基底膜上各个频率敏感部位。将传统的耳蜗铺片与计算机技术相结合制备的耳蜗图,具有全面可靠、简便精确、规范等优点。  相似文献   

分布在内耳前庭各个终器的感觉毛细胞可分为两种类型,它们分别是I型毛细胞和II型毛细胞。这两种毛细胞无论是在静纤毛的长度,还是毛细胞细胞体的形状,或者神经末梢的连接方式以及与之相联系的前庭神经元都不一样。前庭毛细胞感受重力或体位改变刺激的机制是由于其插入到覆盖在其上方耳石膜或终帽内的纤毛随着这些辅助结构的惯性位移而发生弯曲,纤毛的弯曲引起毛细胞膜电位发生去极化或超极化改变,从而促使毛细胞的神经冲动信号发放增强或减弱。静纤毛朝着动纤毛的方向弯曲形成对毛细胞的兴奋性刺激,而静纤毛朝着背离动纤毛的方向弯曲则构成对毛细胞的抑制。球囊斑和椭圆囊斑都被从其中心穿越的一条狭窄的细胞带划分为两个区域,这条狭窄的细胞带被称之为微纹区,在椭圆囊斑微纹区两侧周边区毛细胞的动纤毛都排列在朝向微纹区的位置,而球囊斑微纹区两侧周边区毛细胞的动纤毛都排列在背离微纹区的位置,由此可见,每一个囊斑微纹区两侧毛细胞的极性正好完全相反。当机体沿着一个囊斑的平面从垂直于微纹区的方向产生一个加速运动时,该囊斑一侧周边区的毛细胞会因为静纤毛朝着动纤毛的方向弯曲使该侧毛细胞发生去极化而处于兴奋状态,而另一侧周边区的毛细胞却因静纤毛朝着离开动纤毛的方向弯曲使该侧毛细胞发生超极化而处于抑制状态。三个壶腹嵴上毛细胞的动纤毛都是朝着或背离椭圆囊的统一方向,其中外半规管壶腹嵴上每个毛细胞的动纤毛都是统一朝着椭圆囊,而上半规管和后半规管壶腹嵴上的每个毛细胞的动纤毛都是统一朝着半规管的方向。壶腹嵴是一个位于壶腹腔内的横位的马鞍形隆起,当其上方覆盖的胶状质终帽随着内淋巴液的流动发生相对位置移动时,壶腹嵴一侧的毛细胞纤毛必然会随着终帽顶部的偏移而发生方向一致的弯曲,从而使这半侧壶腹嵴毛细胞产生同步的去极化或超极化反应,然而壶腹嵴另外一侧毛细胞的纤毛却会因为内淋巴液在壶腹嵴上方推动终帽时在被壶腹嵴遮挡一侧的底部形成一个反方向的漩涡式回流使壶腹嵴另外一侧毛细胞的纤毛发生方向相反的弯曲,从而使壶腹嵴两侧毛细胞处于一侧兴奋而另一侧抑制的截然相反的不平衡状态。这意味着同样的加速运动方向对与之相对应的前庭终器两侧感觉上皮产生的是截然不同的刺激信号,从而造成该前庭终器两侧感觉上皮输入信号的不平衡。这种不平衡刺激模式经前庭周边神经元传入到前庭中枢神经系统,使整个从周边到中枢的前庭系统都是以这种不平衡刺激方式传递和感知机体的平衡状态。  相似文献   

目的观察重组腺病毒Ad-GFP转染新生小鼠离体耳蜗基底膜培养组织的情况。方法取新生1~5 d小鼠的耳蜗基底膜,离体培养1 d后,加入重组腺病毒Ad-GFP继续培养1 d,在荧光显微镜及Confocal显微镜下观察病毒对离体耳蜗基底膜的转染情况。结果耳蜗基底膜离体培养1 d后,在显微镜下观察,可见基底膜贴壁生长良好,外周有新生上皮细胞和成纤维细胞长出;高倍显微镜下可见耳蜗内外毛细胞和支持细胞等结构。离体耳蜗基底膜培养组织加入重组腺病毒Ad-GFP继续培养1 d后,可见重组腺病毒Ad-GFP能高效转染新生小鼠离体耳蜗基底膜及其外周长出的新生上皮细胞和成纤维细胞;在新生小鼠离体耳蜗基底膜上,不仅大上皮嵴细胞区域、小上皮嵴细胞区域的细胞能被高效转染,毛细胞也能被高效转染。结论重组腺病毒Ad-GFP能高效转染新生小鼠离体耳蜗基底膜培养组织。  相似文献   

目的 观察庆大霉素-德州红耦联物在体外培养小鼠耳蜗Corti器的分布情况,比较不同时间庆大霉素吸收的差异.方法 分离小鼠耳蜗Corti器,体外培养,培养液中加有庆大霉素-德州红耦联物,分别于培养后3 h、6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h、3 d.4 d和7 d收集标本,荧光染色后行激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察基底膜庆大霉素的分布情况.结果 小鼠耳蜗Corti器在培养3 h后即可见外毛细胞的纤毛和胞体两侧的胞膜有庆大霉素分布;随着培养时间的延长,庆大霉素在Corti器中的所有细胞均见分布,尤以外毛细胞明显,主要聚集在毛细胞顶端纤毛的下方;培养24 h后庆大霉素在外毛细胞的聚集达到最高峰,而在支持细胞未见明显的聚集;体外培养7 d后在毛细胞胞质中仍可见庆大霉素分布.结论 小鼠Corti器体外培养可用来动态检测庆大霉素在耳蜗细胞的吸收和聚集情况.  相似文献   

目的 为了观察CBA/J小鼠耳蜗毛细胞的自然退化现象,方法 本文采用了耳蜗铺片技术配合耳蜗毛细胞图直观方法对出生后不同月龄小鼠内外毛细胞作了形态学定量分析。结果 从出生6个月开始,随着月龄增加,CBA/J小鼠的内外毛细胞缺失从底回逐渐向顶回发展,以外毛细胞为最明显。结论 本实验证实了CBA/J小鼠耳蜗毛细胞存在自然退化现象,并有一定的规律。为临床研究耳蜗遗传性疾病提出 可靠的对照依据。  相似文献   

目的 展示自然衰老和耳聋相关基因遗传缺陷之间耳蜗毛细胞缺失的不同模式。方法 用不同龄的长尾猴、南美栗鼠、豚鼠、Sprague-Dawley 大鼠、CBA/CaJ 小鼠、C57BL/6J 小鼠、A/J小鼠、DBA/2J 小鼠和侏儒灰色突变纯合子 (dwg/dwg) 小鼠作为受试对象。所有测试动物的耳蜗基底膜都被制作成平坦的耳蜗基底膜铺片。沿着耳蜗基底膜的全长,基底膜上所有的内外毛细胞都被完整计数,毛细胞的计数结果被输入到耳蜗图软件并自动生成每组实验条件的平均耳蜗图。结果 在天然衰老的动物中,耳蜗毛细胞的缺失总是发生在老年阶段。与此不同的是,在耳聋相关基因缺陷的动物中,耳蜗毛细胞的缺失却是发生在青年阶段甚至幼年阶段。发生在天然老化动物的耳蜗毛细胞缺失总是呈均匀分布或从耳蜗的顶回向底回扩展。 但是,发生在具有耳聋相关基因遗传缺陷动物的耳蜗毛细胞缺失却通常表现为从耳蜗的底回向顶回扩展。结论 本实验观察结果表明,发生在天然衰老的不具备耳聋相关基因缺陷动物身上的年龄相关性耳蜗毛细胞缺失反映的是真正由衰老引起的耳蜗退化性病变,而发生在伴有耳聋相关基因遗传缺陷的年幼动物身上的年龄相关性耳蜗毛细胞缺失可能与耳聋相关基因的遗传缺陷有关。  相似文献   

Because homologies between mice and human genomes are well established and hereditary abnormalities are similar in both, mice present a valuable animal model to study hereditary hearing disorders in humans. One of the manifestations of hereditary hearing disorders might be in the structure of cochlear elements, such as the gross morphology of the cochlea. Cochlear dimensions, however, are one factor that determines inner ear mechanics and thus hearing function. Therefore, gross cochlear dimension might be important when different strains of mice are compared regarding their hearing. Although several studies have examined mouse inner ear structures on a sub-cellular level, only few have studied cochlear gross morphology. Moreover, the sparse data available were acquired from fixed and dehydrated tissue. Dehydration, however, produces severe distortion of gel-like cochlear structures such as the tectorial membrane and the basilar membrane hyaline matrix. In this study, the hemicochlea technique, which allows fresh mouse cochlear material to be viewed from a radial perspective, was used to provide an itemized study of the dimensions of gross cochlear structures in four mouse strains (CBA/CaJ, 129/SvEv, 129/CD1 and C57BL/6J). Except for the CBA/CaJ, these strains are known to possess genes for age-related hearing loss. The measurements showed no major differences among the four strains. However, when compared with previous data, the thickness measures of the basilar membrane were up to 10 times larger. Such differences are likely to result from the different techniques used to process the material. The hemicochlea technique eliminates much of the distortion caused by dehydration, which was present in previous experiments.  相似文献   

目的对完整与分段取材法解剖小鼠耳蜗基底膜进行比较。方法2019年2—3月,将6只10周龄C57BL/6小鼠以随机数字表法分成2组,分别应用完整取材法及分段取材法进行基底膜取材。应用异硫氰酸荧光素标记的鬼笔环肽荧光染色方法标记耳蜗毛细胞并进行计数,观察基底膜的完整性以及荧光染色效果。SPSS 19.0软件进行统计学分析。结果两种方法均能完整或分段将基底膜完全剥离,完整取材法耗时明显短于分段取材法,差异有统计学意义[(16.33±1.86)min比(23.66±3.88)min,t=-4.173,P=0.002]。鬼笔环肽荧光染色显示两组基底膜毛细胞均保存完整,完整取材法及分段取材法取得的基底膜全长比较差异无统计学意义[(5.92±0.22)mm比(5.72±0.16)mm,t=1.822,P=0.099]。结论应用两种取材方法均可较快分离基底膜并保持其结构的完整性。操作者可根据技术熟练程度及实验目的选择不同的方法。  相似文献   

Temporal bones were examined from a 14-year-old male who died of sequelae of congenital cytomegalic inclusion disease (CID). Cytomegalovirus (CMV) was not isolated from inner ear fluid or multiple systemic tissues at the time of death. Examination of temporal bones revealed chronic pathology of both cochlear and vestibular sensory and nonsensory tissues. Endolymphatic hydrops was observed in the basal turn of the cochlear duct, while Reissner's membrane was collapsed in the more apical turns. Strial atrophy and a loss of cochlear hair cells were observed along the entire length of the basilar membrane. Vestibular neuroepithelial regions were degenerated and fibrosis was seen within the vestibular perilymphatic tissue spaces, suggesting prior labyrinthitis within the perilymph compartment in addition to the more typical pattern of endolabyrinthitis associated with human CMV infection. Distention of the saccular membrane was evident. In both cochlear and vestibular tissues, there were isolated regions of calcifications that appeared characteristic to that reported in other organ systems of individuals with CID. Collectively, these chronic, pathological findings in this case of CID demonstrate more extensive injury than has been identified in the previously reported acute temporal bone pathology of CID.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the feline basilar membrane was performed in 13 cochleae with light microscopy and in six with electron microscopy. The distribution of the mesothelial cells and homogeneous ground substance with the filaments was recorded and plotted as a function of length along the cochlear duct. The width, thickness and number of filaments were also measured. In the lower basal turn the basilar membrane was narrowest and its entire thickness was occupied by filaments. In the apical region the width was maximal and the filaments were fewer. The density of the filaments counted in the bundles showed no significant difference along the cochlear duct or across the width of the basilar membrane, but the number of filaments decreased markedly (approximately a ten-fold difference) from base to apex. The number of mesothelial cells increased towards the apex. These morphological characteristics may be related to the different motion pattern of the basilar membrane along the length of the cochlear duct. A discontinuity of the basement membrane was noted in the apical region in all cochleae studied. These gaps seemed to provide structural evidence for the permeability of the basilar membrane in this area. The vas spiralis was present as a blood vessel in two specimens and only in the apical region. Thus, its function as the sole nutritional source for the organ of Corti is doubtful.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Outer hair cells (OHCs) are capable of altering their cell length in response to changes in membrane potential. Due to this electromotility, OHCs probably subject the basilar membrane to force, resulting in cochlear amplification. To understand the mechanism of such amplification, knowledge of the mechanical properties of OHCs is required since the force produced by OHC electromotility is thought to depend on such properties. Various studies have been conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of guinea pig OHCs. With regard to mice, however, although various kinds of transgenic and knockout mice possess great potential as research models, the mechanical properties of mouse OHCs have not as yet been reported since the cells and/or tissues in the mouse hearing organ are relatively small and vulnerable to external stimuli, rendering sample preparation difficult. In this study, therefore, to establish indicators of the mechanical properties of OHCs in mice, such properties were measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). METHODS: CBA/JNCrj strain male mice aged 10-12 weeks (25-30 g) were used. Cochleae were dissected out from the animal and both the basilar membrane and the organ of Corti were simultaneously unwrapped from the modiolus with forceps. Dissected coiled tissue was then incubated with an enzymatic digestion medium for 15 min. After digestion, OHCs were isolated by gently triturating the coiled tissue. Local mechanical properties of the OHCs were then measured by an indentation test using an AFM. RESULTS: Young's modulus and stiffness of the OHC in the apical turn of the mouse cochlea were 2.1+/-0.5 kPa and 4.4+/-1.2 mN/m, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Young's modulus of the OHC in the apical turn of the cochlea in mice was roughly the same as that in the apical turn of the cochlea in guinea pigs; however, the stiffness of the former was about two times greater than that of the latter because the cell length of the former was shorter than that of the latter.  相似文献   

目的研究抗分泌因子(antisecretory factor,AF)与水通道蛋白1、2(aquaporin-1,2,AQP1,2)在大鼠内耳中的表达及其相互作用。方法选取6只健康雄性SD大鼠,采用Envision二步法免疫组化技术,观察AF、AQP1和AQP2在大鼠内耳中的表达情况;选取20只健康雄性SD大鼠,分别取其前庭及耳蜗组织,运用免疫共沉淀结合蛋白质印记方法,用抗AQP1的单克隆抗体和抗AQP2多克隆抗体分别特异性地沉淀前庭和耳蜗组织中的蛋白抗原,用抗AF的特异性抗体检测沉淀物。结果AF在内耳分布广泛,耳蜗血管纹边缘细胞、螺旋韧带Ⅰ-Ⅴ型纤维细胞、前庭膜、基底膜、壶腹嵴等部位呈轻中度阳性反应,圆窗膜呈中强阳性反应,耳蜗螺旋神经节及前庭、耳蜗神经纤维均有阳性分布;AQP1主要分布于血管纹的中间细胞、螺旋韧带Ⅲ型纤维细胞、基底膜以及圆窗膜,染色强度为中重度;AQP2主要表达于螺旋韧带Ⅱ型、Ⅳ及Ⅴ型纤维细胞,呈中重度阳性染色反应,圆窗膜也有轻度表达。以AF特异性抗体分别检测AQP1及AQP2特异性抗体沉淀物中有清晰的阳性条带,相对分子质量约60000,与AF的相对分子质量吻合,而未加AQP1及AQP2特异性抗体的对照实验中无反应条带出现。结论AF、AQP1及AQP2在内耳组织中的分布有一定的规律,多位于与内淋巴关系密切的部位,提示三种蛋白可能参与内淋巴中水的调节。AF的分布区与AQP1及AQP2均有重叠,AQP1、AQP2与AF之间均存在相互结合作用。  相似文献   

The mouse has become an important animal model in understanding cochlear function. Structures, such as the tectorial membrane or hair cells, have been changed by gene manipulation, and the resulting effect on cochlear function has been studied. To contrast those findings, physical properties of the basilar membrane (BM) and tectorial membrane (TM) in mice without gene mutation are of great importance. Using the hemicochlea of CBA/CaJ mice, we have demonstrated that tectorial membrane (TM) and basilar membrane (BM) revealed a stiffness gradient along the cochlea. While a simple spring mass resonator predicts the change in the characteristic frequency of the BM, the spring mass model does not predict the frequency change along the TM. Plateau stiffness values of the TM were 0.6 ± 0.5, 0.2 ± 0.1, and 0.09 ± 0.09 N/m for the basal, middle, and upper turns, respectively. The BM plateau stiffness values were 3.7 ± 2.2, 1.2 ± 1.2, and 0.5 ± 0.5 N/m for the basal, middle, and upper turns, respectively. Estimations of the TM Young’s modulus (in kPa) revealed 24.3 ± 25.2 for the basal turns, 5.1 ± 4.5 for the middle turns, and 1.9 ± 1.6 for the apical turns. Young’s modulus determined at the BM pectinate zone was 76.8 ± 72, 23.9 ± 30.6, and 9.4 ± 6.2 kPa for the basal, middle, and apical turns, respectively. The reported stiffness values of the CBA/CaJ mouse TM and BM provide basic data for the physical properties of its organ of Corti.  相似文献   

目的 在培养基中加入顺铂,建立离体培养小鼠耳蜗毛细胞的顺铂损害模型,探讨蛋氨酸对毛细胞的保护作用.方法 32只出生后2 d昆明小鼠,取出耳蜗基底膜,分为4组,每组16个样本,分别用无血清培养液、含顺铂的无血清培养液、含顺铂+蛋氨酸的无血清培养液以及含蛋氨酸的无血清培养液进行离体培养.采用肌球蛋白Ⅵ(myosinⅥ)免疫荧光染色,通过激光共聚焦显微镜、光镜、毛细胞计数等方法,观察蛋氨酸对顺铂引起的耳蜗毛细胞损伤的保护作用.结果 对照组和蛋氨酸组基底膜内、外毛细胞未见损伤缺失;顺铂组耳蜗基底膜内、外毛细胞均有不同程度的损伤,与对照组和蛋氨酸组比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);顺铂+蛋氨酸组基底膜内、外毛细胞的损伤程度与顺铂组相比明显减轻,差异具有有统计学意义(t内毛细胞=3.929、t外毛细胞=8.582,P值均<0.05).结论 顺铂能损伤离体培养的小鼠耳蜗基底膜毛细胞,蛋氨酸可以在一定程度上拮抗顺铂对毛细胞的损伤.
Objective To establish an in vitro model of mouse cochlear basilar membrane impairment using cisplatin, and observe the protective effect of methionine on the hair cells. Methods The cochlear basilar membrane samples of thirty two Kunming mice were harvested on the 2nd day after birth and randomly divided into four groups. Each group had 16 samples. Overnight preincubation the cochlear organ followed by appropriate treatment respectively as follows: the serum-free culture medium, the serum-free culture medium with methionine and cisplatin, the cisplatinum-containing serum-free culture medium, and the methionine-containing serum-free culture medium. The protective effect of methionine for injury of cochlea hair cells induced by cisplatin was observed by myosin-Ⅵ immunofluorescence, lightmicroscop,laser confocal scanning microscope and hair cells counting. Results The outer hair cells(OHC) and inner hair cells(IHC) of control group and methionine group were not damaged. The outer and inner hair cells of cisplatin group were damaged in various degree, and had remarkable difference compared with control group and methionine group(P < 0. 05). The outer hair cells and inner hair cells of cisplatin + methionine group were damaged less than the cisplatin group with remarkable difference (tIHC = 3. 929, tOHC = 8. 582, P <0. 05). Conclusions Cisplatinum could damage the cochlear hair cells of the basal membrane in Kunming mice. Methionine might protect against cisplatin's damage on the cochlear hair cells.  相似文献   

Length of the basilar membrane, number and distribution of cochlear receptors, and the width of the triad of outer hair cells were analyzed in the course of the postnatal development and in adult individuals in wild and laboratory house mice and in hybrids of these species. While in newborn animals the triad of outer hair cells was wide at the base and narrow at the apex, the opposite was true for adult animals. The parameter decreased at the base and increased at the apex during postnatal development. The center of differentiation of (the reticular lamina of) the organ of Corti was localized at 40-50% of the basilar membrane length from the base and corresponded to the region with the maximum density of inner hair cells. The reticular lamina in the apical half of the cochlea matured earlier than in the basal half. Distribution of receptors did not change after birth. The shortest basilar membrane and the slowest rate of maturation were found in wild mice. Hybrids had the longest basilar membrane and the highest rate of maturation. These facts are considered an effect of heterosis.  相似文献   

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