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Localized morphoea is a disease characterized by localized sclerosis of the skin. The disease has been associated with several skin diseases. The case documented here is the first of its kind in which localized plaque type morphoea was seen in a patient with long standing oral submucous fibrosis.  相似文献   

The progression of submucous fibrosis to oral cancer is well established. This condition in an advanced stage causes progressive trismus. Oral cancers associated with severe submucous fibrosis (interincisor distance [IID] < or = 1.5 cm) require bilateral buccal mucosal reconstruction after tumor excision. After wide excision of the tumor, a regional flap is used to reconstruct the buccal mucosal loss on that side. The opposite buccal mucosa, afflicted by advanced submucous fibrosis, is released at the same time to open the mouth and is resurfaced by an ipsilateral, inferiorly based nasolabial flap. This helps to rehabilitate the oral cavity completely and to prevent the recurrence of trismus. In 18 months, 12 patients underwent total reconstruction of intraoral tumors associated with submucous fibrosis. The average preoperative IID was 0.875 cm. All patients had inferiorly based, two-stage nasolabial flaps for submucous fibrosis reconstruction. The average pain-free postoperative IID was 3.13 cm.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: For effective management of oral neoplasia, autofluorescence spectroscopy was conducted on patients with different characteristics of oral lesions in vivo. This study tested the possibility of using a multivariate statistical algorithm to differentiate human oral premalignant and malignant lesions from benign lesions or normal oral mucosa. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: A fiber optics-based fluorospectrometer was used to measure the autofluorescence spectra from healthy volunteers (NOM) and patients with oral lesions of submucous fibrosis (OSF), epithelial hyperkeratosis (EH), epithelial dysplasia (ED), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). A partial least-squares and artificial neural network (PLS-ANN) classification algorithm was used to characterize these oral lesions to discriminate premalignant (ED) and malignant (SCC) tissues from "benign" (NOM, OSF, and EH) tissues. RESULTS: The normalized and centerized spectra of the different kinds of samples showed similar but divergent patterns. Our PLS-ANN classification algorithm could differentiate "premalignant and malignant" tissues from "benign" tissues with a sensitivity of 81%, a specificity of 96%, and a positive predictive value of 88%. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the PLS-ANN classification algorithm based on autofluorescence spectroscopy at 330-nm excitation is useful for in vivo diagnosis of OSF as well as oral premalignant and malignant lesions.  相似文献   

Eipe N 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2005,100(4):1210-1213
Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a premalignant lesion of the buccal mucosa caused by chewing betel quid. It results in progressive inability to open the mouth. OSMF causes difficulty in laryngoscopy and intubation of the trachea. Patients with OSMF require anesthesia for trismus correction, resection, and reconstructive (oncoplastic) surgery for coexisting oral malignancies or other unrelated surgeries. Our review of the anesthetics of 44 patients with oral malignancies suggested that 8 had OSMF. The preoperative airway assessment, including the Mallampati score and the clinical Tumor Node Metastasis stage, were useful in predicting the need for fiberoptic intubation. Patients with oral malignancies and OSMF had increased requirement for fiberoptic endotracheal intubations (62.5%) compared with those without OSMF (44.4%). Three different techniques of airway management (tracheal intubation after direct laryngoscopy, fiberoptic tracheal intubation, and tracheostomy) in four patients with OSMF are described. OSMF contributes to the development of the malignancy, delays the diagnoses, and complicates the anesthetic management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is defined as a precancerous condition, and it is also commonly seen in clinical practice, coexisting with oral cancer. The aim of this study was to identify the effects of areca quid, cigarette, and alcohol on the coexistence of oral cancer and OSF. STUDY DESIGN: This is a case-control study. One hundred four histologically confirmed male OSF subjects were included, which consisted of 65 OSF subjects without oral cancer (control group) and 39 OSF subjects with oral cancer (case group). RESULTS: The cigarette consumption in the case group was significantly higher than the control group. In drinking habits, the mean consumption of alcohol in the case group was significantly higher than the control group. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify these risk factors. Age and alcohol consumption showed a significant effect, and the odds ratios were 1.07 in age and 1.5 in alcohol consumption. CONCLUSION: Alcohol drinking could be a risk factor associated with an increased risk of malignant transformation and coexistence with oral cancer in OSF patients, but cigarette and areca quid were not risk factors in our study. For oral cancer prevention from OSF, more attention should be paid to the importance of public health strategies targeted toward preventing and reducing alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Betel-nut chewing and submucous fibrosis in Durban   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A stratified random sample among South African Indians living in Durban revealed the occurrence of betel-nut chewing and the resultant submucous fibrosis (SF) to be relatively high. Women chewers predominated in a ratio of 13:1. The habit increased with age and 30.6% of women over 65 years practised the custom. Thirty-eight per cent of chewers revealed signs of impending and established SF; women predominated 70:1, and the majority of sufferers in this instance belonged to the age group 45-54 years (12.9%). Forty-six per cent of those with signs associated with SF had fibrous bands in the mouth and were regarded as having established SF. It was calculated that 5% of the total Indian population in South Africa could be chewers and that 2.3% may develop SF.  相似文献   

Surgery for severe trismus in submucous fibrosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bilateral full thickness naso-labial flaps have been used successfully in three patients to give long-term relief of the severe trismus caused by oral submucous fibrosis. The flaps are set into defects created by incision of the oral mucosa. The postoperative rehabilitation compared favourably with other methods and we now advocate the technique for all cases of submucous fibrosis requiring correction of severe trismus.  相似文献   

Long standing oral submucous fibrosis is associated with involvement of the oral submucosa and the muscles of mastication leading to difficulty in mouth opening. Various surgical modalities are mentioned for release but each has its own limitations. This article introduces a new technique of release of submucous fibrosis and reconstruction using superficial temporal fascia flap and split skin graft. The surgical technique involves a pre-auricular incision extending into the temporal region with dissection carried out in the sub follicular plane to develop the superficial temporal fascia flap to its maximum extent. The masseter muscle origin is released from the zygomatic arch and the temporalis muscle insertion is released from the coronoid process through an external approach. The entire fibrosed mucosa is released intraorally to create a mucomuscular defect thus achieving full mouth opening. The superficial temporal fascia flap is then brought in and sutured to the intraoral defect, which is then covered with a split thickness skin graft. This procedure is performed bilaterally. A total of five patients were treated with this new technique and all of them showed good mouth opening in long term follow up. There was no donor site morbidity. The incision line is well hidden in the hair bearing area. A well vascularised superficial temporal fascia flap brings in good blood supply to the area of affected muscle and mucosa to improve its function.  相似文献   

The betel-nut chewing habit and the intake of chillies in the diet were analysed in 178 chewers identified during a stratified random survey and in 124 hospital patients suffering from submucous fibrosis (SF). There were no signs or symptoms of SF in 115 chewers from the survey; the remaining 63 exhibited features of impending and established SF. Of the 124 hospital patients, 10 also had oral cancer. Subjects suffering from SF had practised the habit in whatever form for a significantly shorter period than chewers without SF and belonged to a significantly younger age group. A significantly larger proportion of this group preferred the boiled nut by itself and not as part of the betel package (paan or pan). No relationship could be established between SF and the use of tobacco, lime or chillies. There was no difference in frequency of the habit between chewers without SF and chewers with SF. The 10 oral cancer patients all had moderately to well-differentiated squamous carcinomas arising in the buccal sulci (8), the soft palate (1) and upper oesophagus (1). Eight had cancer on presentation and 2 developed the tumour while under observation. Nine chewed the nut only and only 1 preferred paan which included tobacco, lime and catechu, which is contrary to the proposal that tobacco or lime are the carcinogens. It is concluded that a relationship between betel-nut chewing and SF exists but the mechanism by which the disease develops is still obscure. A genetic predisposition may be important.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To test whether autofluorescence spectroscopy can be used for the diagnosis of oral neoplasia in a high-risk population, we characterized the in vivo autofluorescence spectra from oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) lesions and oral premalignant and malignant lesions in both OSF and non-OSF patients. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Autofluorescence emission spectra were measured under the excitation wavelength of 330 nm, using a Xenon lamp-based fluorospectrometer coupled to a handheld optical fiber probe. Autofluorescence spectroscopies were analyzed among patients with OSF lesions, and oral lesions of epithelial hyperkeratosis (EH), epithelial dysplasia (ED), and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and normal oral mucosa (NOM) of healthy volunteers. RESULTS: We found that the most intensely autofluorescence emission peaks occurred at 380 nm and 460 nm. For comparing the spectral patterns among different groups of oral lesions and NOM, ratios of the area under the spectrum of 460+/-10 nm to that under the spectrum of 380+/-10 nm (denoted as A(460+/-10nm)/A(380+/-10nm)) were calculated. The mean ratio values increased gradually from OSF to NOM, to EH and ED, and to SCC. The ANOVA test showed significant differences in the ratio value among all categories of samples (P<0.01). On the other hand, we found that EH, ED, and SCC lesions on OSF patients had distorted autofluorescence intensity. The mean ratio values of EH, ED, and SCC between non-OSF and OSF patients show significant differences. Furthermore, an ANOVA test showed NOM is not distinguishable from EH and ED lesions on oral fibrotic mucosa (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Autofluorescence spectroscopy can be used to diagnose EH, ED, and SCC lesions in non-OSF patients but not in OSF patients.  相似文献   

目的探讨基于计划行为理论的教育方案对口腔黏膜纤维性变患者戒槟榔的态度和行为意愿的影响。方法从湖南省3所三甲医院的口腔门诊招募有嚼槟榔习惯的口腔黏膜纤维性变患者,随机分配到观察组(n=76)和对照组(n=76)。对照组接受常规治疗,发放宣传册;观察组在此基础上实施基于计划行为理论的戒槟榔教育方案。干预前及干预后1个月评价两组戒槟榔行为评分及每日嚼槟榔数量。结果干预后观察组嚼槟榔行为态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制、行为意向、实际行为显著优于对照组,每日嚼槟榔量显著低于对照组(P0.05,P0.01)。结论基于计划行为理论的戒槟榔干预有助于口腔黏膜纤维性变患者态度和行为意向的改善,从而防控口腔癌。  相似文献   

Although no special recommendations exist, clearly patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) can benefit from immunisation. We reviewed the literature regarding vaccination in CF and other chronic diseases. CF subjects should follow national immunisation programmes without delay to obtain optimal vaccination coverage. Indeed they may escape normal programmes due to frequent hospital admissions and school absenteeism and may be more at risk to get "vaccine-controlled" diseases at any age. There is no uniform European immunisation schedule for basic infant and childhood vaccines or for vaccines against hepatitis A (HAV) and B (HBV), varicella (VZ) and booster vaccinations. HAV and HBV vaccination is appropriate in CF as recommended in general for patients with chronic liver disease (CLD). Varicella (VZ) vaccination is not recommended in all European countries. There are no recent data about possible worsening of pulmonary status following VZ in CF, but it is known to cause pulmonary damage in non-CF adults and to be potentially fatal post transplantation and during steroid treatment. Therefore it is recommended at least for seronegative adolescents and transplant candidates. Influenza vaccine is recommended annually for CF patients aged > or =6 months. Pneumococcal vaccine is generally indicated for CF patients. RSV infection might play a role in the initial Pseudomonas colonization and the decline in pulmonary function. However no RSV vaccine is available at present. There are no recommendations for palivizumab in CF as an alternative but expensive prophylaxis. Anti-bacterial vaccinations protecting directly against Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonisation are promising for the future, potential candidates are currently being assessed in phase III clinical trials. More studies are needed to complete recommendations especially for CF adults and transplant candidates.  相似文献   

D J Seddon  M E Hodson 《Thorax》1988,43(9):739-740
Twenty seven adults with cystic fibrosis who had had either a surgical pleurodesis or pleurectomy for the management of pneumothorax were studied. There were no significant differences in postoperative respiratory function, incidence of recurrent pneumothorax, or incidence of major postoperative complications between the two groups.  相似文献   

Exhaled nitric oxide has previously been found to be low in cystic fibrosis. The aim of this study was to determine whether exhaled nitric oxide levels would increase in response to oral L-arginine supplementation administered daily for 4 weeks. Exhaled and nasal nitric oxide was measured weekly. Plasma L-arginine levels increased in response to supplementation but this was not reflected in an increase in eNO levels.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of low-level lasers for the prevention and treatment of radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis in oral cancer patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-four hospitalized patients with oral cancer, scheduled to undergo radiotherapy at KMC, Manipal, were enrolled in the present study and assigned to laser (Group I)/control group (Group II). They were treated using He-Ne laser (lambda = 632.8nm, output = 10 mW and energy density = 1.8 J/cm(2)). Patients were subjected to treatment using laser scanner for 8 days and subsequently were treated using laser probe at 6 anatomic sites in the oral cavity for 5 minutes each. The patients were evaluated on each day of treatment for pain severity (NRS), functional impairment (FIS), and oral mucositis (RTOG) and were followed until the end of cancer treatment. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 10. RESULTS: Laser therapy applied prophylactically during radiotherapy can reduce the severity of oral mucositis, severity of pain, and functional impairment.  相似文献   

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