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张素珍  卢淑水 《护理研究》2004,18(5):913-913
鸡眼是常见病、多发病,也是临床上用药难以治愈的一种顽固性疾病,用激光、手术治疗也很难根治。笔者自1993年至今采用针灸治疗鸡眼289例,疗效显著,现总结如下:  相似文献   

几年来笔者自配“氢氧化钾鸡眼膏”治疗鸡眼患者100余例,均获得满意疗效。现介绍如下: 一、药物的组成和配制风化生石灰60克,食用碱粉30克,大米30克(研碎),猪胆粉15克(用鲜猪胆汁要加倍),蜈蚣粉3克,60%氢氧化钾溶液10毫升,蒸馏水适量。将上述药物混合后放入磁碗内摊平,先加入氢氧  相似文献   

一、水晶膏生糯米60~70粒,40~60%氢氧化钾5毫升。二者充分搅拌后,放在玻璃瓶内密封,静置24~36小时后,成粘稠透明胶质,即成“水晶膏”。用法:热水泡脚5分钟后,用刀片将鸡眼四周的角化硬皮削薄,鸡眼中心增生厚皮用刀削成凹状窝,以不出血为度。根据鸡眼大小将胶布中心剪一小孔,将胶布贴在鸡眼处,小孔对准鸡眼凹状窝,然后将适量水晶膏从小孔放入凹状窝内,稍干后,用一小块方形胶布贴盖小孔即可。每天换药1次,在每次换药前,须将坏死组织拭净。一般3~5次后痊愈。中国人民解放军81178部队医院  相似文献   

鸡眼是人类的常见病,好发于青年人,主要是由于局部长期受压与摩擦或不合适之鞋及偶有外伤所弓I起的。笔者使用针刺鸡眼尖端放血治疗鸡眼,收到很好效果。  相似文献   

我们用封闭太溪穴方法共治疗脚蹠部鸡眼12例,效果良好。其中1例已观察19年至今未复发。12例均单用此法治疗,每周封闭1次,8~10次痊愈。本法操作简便、容易掌握,便于基层推广应用。【封闭方法】先作普鲁卡因过敏试验,呈阴性后,在患侧脚太溪穴(位于内踝后侧的凹窝),先用碘酒消毒,再用酒精脱碘后,取0.5%~1%的普鲁卡因8~10毫升在太溪穴封闭,进针后针尖稍斜向外踝深约2~3厘米,将药液推入。  相似文献   

鸡眼为体表上皮组织长期受压和摩擦后引起的角质增生性损害,为嵌入皮内的圆锥形角质栓。多发于脚、手掌受摩擦部位,影响正常生活与工作,不易治愈,且治疗后易复发。近年我院用烟熏针刺治疗鸡眼21例,效果明显,全部治愈,无复发,取得很好的疗效,现报道如下:  相似文献   

长新鸡眼膏治疗鸡眼,效果好,深受患者欢迎。笔者在巡回医疗时,发现有的战士手足部患散在独立较大的寻常疣,寻常疣好发于暴露部位,以手足部为多见。手压、摩擦后,疣头部形成肉刺,碰撞易出血,经久不愈,影响美观。我  相似文献   

【配制方法】取生石灰粉100克、糯米适量、饱和硷溶液(碳酸氢钠)适量。先将生石灰粉放入容器内,然后撒上一层糯米,再将饱和的碳酸氢钠溶液倒入容器内,以淹没石灰粉和糯米为度,使药膨胀,  相似文献   

鸡眼是皮肤表皮角质层向深部过度增生所致,它的中心有圆锥形的核,象钉子一样地嵌入含有感觉神经末梢较多的真皮层,加上时常併发感染,所以会引起疼痛,影响行路和劳动。鸡眼的发病与长期摩擦、压迫和各种慢性刺激有关,常发生在负重较大、易受摩擦的足底和趾缘部,在脚部畸形、穿鞋过紧和姿势不均  相似文献   

我院一年来曾为35例患者采取三棱针针刺治疗鸡眼,经观察,34例治愈,1例无效。方法:局部常规消毒后,视鸡眼大小在其周围取2~4点,用无菌三棱针一根,以45°斜刺入鸡眼至基底部,见微出血即可。为减轻患者痛苦,可采用2%  相似文献   

Erythron membrane impairment was investigated using membrane -active drugs (obsidan, delagil, morphium, ethanol) to specify indications to acupuncture in bronchial asthma (BA). The patients were studied during the treatment and followed up for a year. It was found that both immediate and long-term results of acupuncture were related to patterns of the membrane impairment. BA patients with a sharp, greater than 1.5 fold diminution of microcyte count upon delagil test should be assigned to repeated courses of acupuncture during a year. To monitor the treatment effect, it is recommended to define osmotic resistance of the red blood cells in obsidan test in addition to clinicofunctional indices.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture in addition to routine care in patients with primary headache (> 12 months, two or more headaches/month) compared with treatment with routine care alone and whether the effects of acupuncture differ in randomized and non-randomized patients. In a randomized controlled trial plus non-randomized cohort, patients with headache were allocated to receive up to 15 acupuncture sessions over 3 months or to a control group receiving no acupuncture during the first 3 months. Patients who did not consent to randomization received acupuncture treatment immediately. All subjects were allowed usual medical care in addition to study treatment. Number of days with headache, intensity of pain and health-related quality of life (SF-36) were assessed at baseline, and after 3 and 6 months using standardized questionnaires. Of 15 056 headache patients (mean age 44.1 ± 12.8 years, 77% female), 1613 were randomized to acupuncture and 1569 to control, and 11 874 included in the non-randomized acupuncture group. At 3 months, the number of days with headache decreased from 8.4 ± 7.2 (estimated mean ± s.e. ) to 4.7 ± 5.6 in the acupuncture group and from 8.1 ± 6.8 to 7.5 ± 6.3 in the control group ( P  < 0.001). Similarly, intensity of pain and quality of life improvements were more pronounced in the acupuncture vs. control group ( P  < 0.001). Treatment success was maintained through 6 months. The outcome changes in non-randomized patients were similar to those in randomized patients. Acupuncture plus routine care in patients with headache was associated with marked clinical improvements compared with routine care alone.  相似文献   

目的:观察针刺反阿是穴治疗急性和亚急性运动损伤疼痛患者的疗效,并应用目测类比疼痛评分量表进行评估。方法:选择2005-03/2006-02在石家庄机械化步兵学院医院理疗室就诊的部队院校运动损伤疼痛(腰痛、肩痛、颈痛和腕、踝疼痛)患者110例,均为急性和亚急性损伤,以上患者均知情同意。取反阿是穴,局部消毒后用毫针直刺,得气后留针30min,个别加以反阿是穴推拿。其间行捻转提插补泻法3次,1次/d,10次为1个疗程。每次治疗前后患者均根据自己的疼痛情况填写疼痛评分量表(是一条直线,一般长10cm,取其两端代表疼痛知觉的极限,一端定为“不痛”,另一端定为“严重疼痛”),可以减少患者在描述中的主观因素和对正确诊断的干扰。治疗1个疗程后评估疗效:①有效:治疗后目测类比疼痛评分标示2cm以下,无功能障碍及自觉症状。②好转:治疗后目测类比疼痛评分标示在4cm以下或评分标示与治疗前相比<2cm者,即症状基本消失。③无效:与原疼痛量相比无变化,与治疗前对比无明显改善。总有效率=(有效+好转)/总人数&;#215;100%。 结果:纳入运动损伤疼痛患者110例,全部进入结果分析,无脱落。治疗1个疗程后不同疼痛部位运动损伤疼痛患者的总有效率为94%。 结论:针刺反阿是穴能有效改善运动损伤疼痛患者的疼痛症状。  相似文献   

目的:观察针刺反阿是穴治疗急性和亚急性运动损伤疼痛患者的疗效,并应用目测类比疼痛评分量表进行评估。方法:选择2005-03/2006-02在石家庄机械化步兵学院医院理疗室就诊的部队院校运动损伤疼痛(腰痛、肩痛、颈痛和腕、踝疼痛)患者110例,均为急性和亚急性损伤,以上患者均知情同意。取反阿是穴,局部消毒后用毫针直刺,得气后留针30min,个别加以反阿是穴推拿。其间行捻转提插补泻法3次,1次/d,10次为1个疗程。每次治疗前后患者均根据自己的疼痛情况填写疼痛评分量表(是一条直线,一般长10cm,取其两端代表疼痛知觉的极限,一端定为“不痛”,另一端定为“严重疼痛”),可以减少患者在描述中的主观因素和对正确诊断的干扰。治疗1个疗程后评估疗效:①有效:治疗后目测类比疼痛评分标示2cm以下,无功能障碍及自觉症状。②好转:治疗后目测类比疼痛评分标示在4cm以下或评分标示与治疗前相比<2cm者,即症状基本消失。③无效:与原疼痛量相比无变化,与治疗前对比无明显改善。总有效率=(有效 好转)/总人数×100%。结果:纳入运动损伤疼痛患者110例,全部进入结果分析,无脱落。治疗1个疗程后不同疼痛部位运动损伤疼痛患者的总有效率为94%。结论:针刺反阿是穴能有效改善运动损伤疼痛患者的疼痛症状。  相似文献   

Acupuncture is widely used by patients with neck pain, but there is a lack of information about its effectiveness in routine medical care. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture in addition to routine care in patients with chronic neck pain compared to treatment with routine care alone. We performed a randomized controlled multicentre trial plus non-randomized cohort in general practices in Germany. 14,161 patients with chronic neck pain (duration >6 months). Patients were randomly allocated to an acupuncture group or a control group receiving no acupuncture. Patients in the acupuncture group received up to 15 acupuncture sessions over three months. Patients who did not consent to randomization received acupuncture treatment. All subjects were allowed to receive usual medical care in addition to study treatment. Neck pain and disability (NPAD Scale by Wheeler) after three months. Of 14,161 patients (mean age 50.9+/-13.1 years, 68% female) 1880 were randomized to acupuncture and 1886 to control, and 10,395 included into the non-randomized acupuncture group. At three months, neck pain and disability improved by 16.2 (SE: 0.4) to 38.3 (SE: 0.4); and by 3.9 (SE: 0.4) to 50.5 (SE: 0.4), difference 12.3 (p<0.001) in the acupuncture and control group, respectively. Treatment success was essentially maintained through six months. Non-randomized patients had more severe symptoms at baseline and showed higher neck pain and disability improvement compared to randomized patients. Treatment with acupuncture added to routine care in patients with chronic neck pain was associated with improvements in neck pain and disability compared to treatment with routine care alone.  相似文献   

Acupuncture was used to treat a 60-year old woman with unexplained sweating associated with inoperable lung cancer that prevented her from sharing a bed with her husband. Other measures failed to improve her sweating, but she responded well to a course of acupuncture allowing her to continue sharing the marital bed.  相似文献   

Acupuncture treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of acupuncture treatment in patellofemoral pain syndrome. DESIGN: A controlled trial where patients were randomly assigned either to acupuncture treatment or no treatment. Evaluation of the result was blinded. SETTING: An acupuncture/physiotherapy treatment practice in Bergen, Norway. SUBJECTS: A total of 75 patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome were included, of whom 44 were female. INTERVENTION: Individualized acupuncture treatment twice weekly for 4 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Patients were followed for 1 year with the Cincinnati Knee Rating System (CKRS) scale as the main outcome measure. Other tests used were the Stairs-Hopple test, quadriceps atrophy, and evaluating level pain after activity by a visual analogue scale. RESULTS: At inclusion patients, aged 18-45 (mean 31.0) years, reported persistent pain on activity (mean 6.6 years) and at rest (mean 4.3 years). CRS scores at baseline were similar (acupuncture group 58.0 versus no treatment group 56.1). At 12 months there was a significant difference in the CRS score between the groups (acupuncture 75.2 versus no treatment 61.7, p = 0.005). When analyzing for worst case, the difference persisted (68.1 versus 54.4, p = 0.03). Results were then dichotomized as to whether the patient was cured or not at 12 months. A patient was defined as cured if he/she scored "slight" or "none" on the "pain" or "limitation to activity" subscales. The Number Necessary to Treat (NNT) to cure one patient was NNT = 3.0 for the CRS pain subscale and NNT = 3.7 for the CRS function subscale. CONCLUSION: We conclude that acupuncture may be an alternative treatment for patellofemoral pain syndrome.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of acupuncture on NSAID resistant dysmenorrhea related pain [measured according to Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)] in 15 consecutive patients. Pain was measured at baseline (T1), mid treatment (T2), end of treatment (T3) and 3 (T4) and 6 months (T5) after the end of treatment. Substantial reduction of pain and NSAID assumption was observed in 13 of 15 patients (87%). Pain intensity was significantly reduced with respect to baseline (average VAS=8.5), by 64, 72, 60 or 53% at T2, T3, T4 or T5. Greater reduction of pain was observed for primary as compared with secondary dysmenorrhea. Average pain duration at baseline (2.6 days) was significantly reduced by 62, 69, 54 or 54% at T2, T3, T4 or T5. Average NSAID use was significantly reduced by 63, 74, 58 or 58% at T2, T3, T4 or T5, respectively, and ceased totally in 7 patients, still asymptomatic 6 months after treatment. Our findings suggest that acupuncture may be indicated to treat dysmenorrhea related pain, in particular in those subjects in whom NSAID or oral contraceptives are contraindicated or refused.  相似文献   

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